protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CST4900Panel.Visible = false; CST4905Panel.Visible = false; StudentTestPanel1.Visible = false; //graduation date CompValidatorGradDte2.ValueToCompare = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); //semester date // CompValidatorSemesterYear.ValueToCompare = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); /* ASP.NET CODE REQUIRED TO DETERMINE IF THIS IS FIRST TIME PAGE IS LOADED (FIRST TRIP POSTBACK = False) OR IS THIS SECOND TRIP AND * FORWARD (POSTBACK = True) or POSTBACK/REVISIT OF THE PAGE AFTER IT HAS TRAVELLED BACK FROM CLIENT BROWSER. */ if (!IsPostBack) { //One call to the database to load the moduels into the dropdown var modules = ModuleCollection.GetAll(); ddlModule1.DataSource = modules; ddlModule1.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlModule1.DataValueField = "ModuleId"; ddlModule1.DataBind(); ddlModule2.DataSource = modules; ddlModule2.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlModule2.DataValueField = "ModuleId"; ddlModule2.DataBind(); ddlModule3.DataSource = modules; ddlModule3.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlModule3.DataValueField = "ModuleId"; ddlModule3.DataBind(); // StudentCollection.Load(); // Session.Add("objStudentList", objStudentList); } else { // >= SECOND TRIPS (PostBack = True) // Get Pointer to Collection stored in Session Object for USE Trought //Session.Add("objStudentList", objStudentList); } }
public static string StudentInsert() { Console.WriteLine("Loading Modules from the Database"); ModuleCollection objModules = ModuleCollection.GetAll(); foreach (var m in objModules) { Console.WriteLine("ModuleId: {0} Description: {1}", m.ModuleId, m.Description); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Loading Preference from the Database"); PreferenceOptionCollection objPrefrences = PreferenceOptionCollection.GetAll(); foreach (var p in objPrefrences) { Console.WriteLine("PrefernceId: {0} Description: {1}", p.PreferenceId, p.Description); } Console.WriteLine(); PreferenceRankCollection objPrefernceRanks = new PreferenceRankCollection() { new PreferenceRank(objPrefrences[0], 1), new PreferenceRank(objPrefrences[1], 5), new PreferenceRank(objPrefrences[2], 3), new PreferenceRank(objPrefrences[3], 4), }; ModuleTakenCollection objModulesTaken = new ModuleTakenCollection { new ModuleTaken(objModules[0]), new ModuleTaken(objModules[1]), new ModuleTaken(objModules[2]), }; StudentContent objFileUpload = new StudentContent { Resume = @"\\somewhere\Resume", Transcript = @"\\somewhere\Transcript", }; InternshipRequirement objRequirement = new InternshipRequirement { DriverLicense = true, InternshipType = InternshipType.Project, Owncar = true, TravelNJ = true, TravelWestchester = true, ResidenceStatus = ResidenceStatus.PermanentResident, Limitation = true, LimitationExplanation = "Explanation goes here", Semester = "Fall 2013", PreferenceRanks = objPrefernceRanks, ModulesTaken = objModulesTaken, studentContent = objFileUpload }; Employer objEmployer = new Employer { Title = "Programmer", CompanyName = "Sunrise", Department = "IT", SupervisorName = "Roger Razim", Address = "76 Stone St", City = "New York", State = "NY", Zipcode = "11368", PhoneNumber = "917-487-5876", Duties = "Debuger" }; var objStudent = new Student { StudentID = "89498196", FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Smith", Last4SSN = "1234", Address = "333 Flatbush Avenue", City = "Brooklyn", State = "NY", Zipcode = "11201", PhoneDay = "7182605555", PhoneEvening = "7182605551", PhoneCell = "9172605552", Email = "*****@*****.**", GraduationDate = new DateTime(2012, 01, 01), GPA = 3.9m, InternshipRequirement = objRequirement, Employer = objEmployer }; objStudent.Insert(); return(objStudent.StudentID); }