public static void Prefix(ModsScreen __instance) { if (_prefab == null) { return; } _modsScreen = __instance; var local = Util.KInstantiateUI(_prefab); var panel = __instance.transform.Find("Panel"); if (panel != null) { var trans = local.transform; trans.SetParent(panel, false); trans.SetSiblingIndex(1); local.SetActive(true); _filterManager = new FilterManager( trans.Find("LocTextInputField").GetComponent <TMP_InputField>(), trans.Find("ClearButton").GetComponent <KButton>() ); _filterManager.ConfigureButtons(_modsScreen); } else { Debug.Log("[ModFilter] Error adding search bar to mods screen!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds buttons to a mod entry to move the mod around. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayedMod">The mod entry to modify.</param> /// <param name="instance">The Mods screen that is the parent of these entries.</param> internal static void ConfigureRowInstance(object displayedMod, ModsScreen instance) { if (displayedMod == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(displayedMod)); } var type = displayedMod.GetType(); if (!PPatchTools.TryGetFieldValue(displayedMod, "mod_index", out int index)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to get mod index"); } if (!PPatchTools.TryGetFieldValue(displayedMod, "rect_transform", out Transform transform)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to get rect transform"); } var refs = transform.gameObject.GetComponentSafe <HierarchyReferences>(); KButton button; // "More mod actions" if (refs != null && (button = refs.GetReference <KButton>(REF_MORE)) != null) { var onAction = new ModActionDelegates(button, index, instance.gameObject); button.onClick += onAction.TogglePopup; button.gameObject.AddOrGet <ToolTip>().OnToolTip = onAction.GetDescription; } }
/// <summary> /// Applied to ModsScreen to add our buttons and otherwise tweak the dialog. /// </summary> private static void BuildDisplay(ModsScreen __instance, object ___displayedMods) { // Must cast the type because ModsScreen.DisplayedMod is private foreach (var displayedMod in (System.Collections.IEnumerable)___displayedMods) { ModDialogs.ConfigureRowInstance(Traverse.Create(displayedMod)); } __instance.GetComponent <AllModsHandler>()?.UpdateCheckedState(); }
/// <summary> /// Applied after OnActivate runs. /// </summary> internal static void Postfix(ModsScreen __instance) { var entryList = __instance.entryParent; GameObject go; if (entryList != null && (go = entryList.gameObject) != null) { var vs = go.AddOrGet <VirtualScroll>(); vs.freezeLayout = true; vs.Initialize(); } }
/// <summary> /// Applied after OnActivate runs. /// </summary> internal static void Postfix(KButton ___workshopButton, ModsScreen __instance) { if (___workshopButton != null) { // Hide the "STEAM WORKSHOP" button var obj = ___workshopButton.gameObject; obj.SetActive(false); var parent = obj.GetParent(); if (parent != null) { ModDialogs.AddExtraButtons(__instance.gameObject, parent); } } }
internal static void Prefix(ModsScreen __instance, ref VirtualScroll __state) { var entryList = __instance.entryParent; if (entryList != null && entryList.TryGetComponent(out VirtualScroll vs)) { vs.OnBuild(); __state = vs; } else { __state = null; } }
public static void ToggleAllMods(ModsScreen modsScreen, bool enable) { var modManager = Global.Instance.modManager; foreach (var mod in modManager.mods) { modManager.EnableMod(mod.label, enable, modsScreen); var toggles = modsScreen.GetComponentsInChildren <MultiToggle>(); foreach (var toggle in toggles) { toggle.ChangeState(enable ? 1 : 0); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds buttons to a mod entry to move the mod around. /// </summary> /// <param name="modEntry">The mod entry to modify.</param> /// <param name="instance">The Mods screen that is the parent of these entries.</param> internal static void ConfigureRowInstance(Traverse modEntry, ModsScreen instance) { int index = modEntry.GetField <int>("mod_index"); var refs = modEntry.GetField <RectTransform>("rect_transform")?.gameObject. GetComponentSafe <HierarchyReferences>(); KButton button; // "More mod actions" if (refs != null && (button = refs.GetReference <KButton>(REF_MORE)) != null) { var onAction = new ModActionDelegates(button, index, instance.gameObject); button.onClick += onAction.TogglePopup; button.gameObject.AddOrGet <ToolTip>().OnToolTip = onAction.GetDescription; } }
public static void Postfix(ModsScreen __instance, KButton ___workshopButton) { var buttons = ___workshopButton.transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren <KButton>(); var hasEnableAll = false; var hasDisableAll = false; foreach (var button in buttons) { if ( == EnableAllButtonName) { hasEnableAll = true; } if ( == DisableAllButtonName) { hasDisableAll = true; } } if (!hasDisableAll) { var disableAllButton = Util.KInstantiateUI <KButton>(___workshopButton.gameObject, ___workshopButton.transform.parent.gameObject); = DisableAllButtonName; disableAllButton.transform.GetComponentInChildren <LocText>().text = "DISABLE ALL"; disableAllButton.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); disableAllButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); disableAllButton.onClick += (() => ToggleAllMods(__instance, false)); } if (!hasEnableAll) { var enableAllButton = Util.KInstantiateUI <KButton>(___workshopButton.gameObject, ___workshopButton.transform.parent.gameObject); = EnableAllButtonName; enableAllButton.transform.GetComponentInChildren <LocText>().text = "ENABLE ALL"; enableAllButton.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); enableAllButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); enableAllButton.onClick += (() => ToggleAllMods(__instance, true)); } }
public void ConfigureButtons(ModsScreen modsScreen) { _search.text = ""; _search.onValueChanged.AddListener( _ => { // This shouldn't ever be null, but good idea to check if (modsScreen != null) { Traverse.Create(modsScreen).Method("RebuildDisplay", typeof(object)).GetValue(); } } ); _clearSearchButton.onClick += () => _search.text = ""; var tt = _clearSearchButton.GetComponent <ToolTip>(); if (tt != null) { tt.toolTip = "Clear Search"; } }
public static void Postfix(object ___displayedMods, ModsScreen __instance) { foreach (var modEntry in (IEnumerable)___displayedMods) { int index = Traverse.Create(modEntry).Field("mod_index").GetValue <int>(); KMod.Mod mod = Global.Instance.modManager.mods[index]; // checks if the current mod entry is this mod if (index >= 0 && mod.file_source.GetRoot() == Mod.ModPath) { Transform transform = Traverse.Create(modEntry).Field("rect_transform").GetValue <RectTransform>(); if (transform != null) { // find an existing subscription button to copy KButton subButton = null; foreach (Transform child in transform) { if ( == "ManageButton") { subButton = child.gameObject.GetComponent <KButton>(); } } // copy the subscription button KButton configButton = UIHelper.MakeKButton( info: new UIHelper.ButtonInfo( text: "Settings", action: new System.Action(OpenModSettingsScreen), font_size: 14), buttonPrefab: subButton.gameObject, parent: subButton.transform.parent.gameObject, index: subButton.transform.GetSiblingIndex() - 1); } } } }
private void Mods() { ModsScreen modsScreen = Util.KInstantiateUI <ModsScreen>(ScreenPrefabs.Instance.modsMenu.gameObject, base.transform.parent.gameObject, false); modsScreen.SetBackgroundActive(true); }
/// <summary> /// Applied after OnToggleClicked runs. /// </summary> internal static void Postfix(ModsScreen __instance) { __instance?.GetComponent <AllModsHandler>()?.UpdateCheckedState(); }
/// <summary> /// Applied to ModsScreen to hide any popups from this mod before the rows get /// destroyed. /// </summary> private static void HidePopups(ModsScreen __instance) { __instance.gameObject.AddOrGet <MoreModActions>().HidePopup(); }
public ModOrderingDragListener(ModsScreen screen, List <DisplayedMod> mods) { this.screen = screen; this.mods = mods; }