コード例 #1
        public void OnGet(string input)  
				  StateList = new List<Models.StateCensus>();
          populationDataset = new List<int>();
          yearDataset = new List<int>();
					// make input available to web page:
					Input = input;
					// clear exception:
					EX = null;
						// Do we have an input argument?  If not, there's nothing to do:
						if (input == null)
							// there's no page argument, perhaps user surfed to the page directly?  
							// In this case, nothing to do.
							// Lookup movie(s) based on input, which could be id or a partial name:
							string sql;

						  // lookup station(s) by partial name match:
							input = input.Replace("'", "''");

							sql = string.Format(@"
  SELECT year, population
  FROM census
  WHERE state LIKE '{0}'
  ORDER BY Year;
	", input);
              Console.WriteLine("Input: " + input);
              Console.WriteLine("Query: " + sql);
							DataSet ds = DataAccessTier.DB.ExecuteNonScalarQuery(sql);

							foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
								Models.StateCensus s = new Models.StateCensus();
                s.StateName = input;
								s.Year = Convert.ToInt32(row["year"]);
								s.Population = Convert.ToInt32(row["population"]);

                stateName = input;
                Console.WriteLine(input + " " + s.Population +  " " + s.Year);
					catch(Exception ex)
					  EX = ex;
					  // nothing at the moment
コード例 #2
        public void OnGet(string input)  
          hospitalizationDataset = new List<int>();
          deathsDataset = new List<int>();
          datesDataset = new List<string>();
          StateList = new List<Models.StateCensus>();
					Count = 0;
					// make input available to web page:
					Input = input;
					// clear exception:
					EX = null;
						// Do we have an input argument?  If not, there's nothing to do:
						if (input == null)
							// there's no page argument, perhaps user surfed to the page directly?  
							// In this case, nothing to do.
							// Lookup movie(s) based on input, which could be id or a partial name:
							string sql;

						  // lookup station(s) by partial name match:
							input = input.Replace("'", "''");

							sql = string.Format(@"
SELECT date AS DATE, hospitalized AS HOSPITALIZED, state as STATE, death as deaths
FROM us_states_covid19_daily
WHERE state LIKE '{0}'
ORDER BY date;
", input);
              Console.WriteLine("Input: " + input);
              Console.WriteLine("Query: " + sql);
							DataSet ds = DataAccessTier.DB.ExecuteNonScalarQuery(sql);
							foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                //Console.WriteLine("row: " + row["DATE"] + ". " + row["state"] + ". " + row["HOSPITALIZED"] + ". " + row["deaths"] + "."); 
                if(Convert.ToString(row["HOSPITALIZED"]).Equals("")) {
                  Console.WriteLine("is null");
                int hospitalized, deaths;
                if(Convert.ToString(row["HOSPITALIZED"]).Equals("")) {
                  Console.WriteLine("is null");
                  hospitalized = 0;
                else {
                  hospitalized = Convert.ToInt32(row["hospitalized"]);
                if(Convert.ToString(row["deaths"]).Equals("")) {
                  Console.WriteLine("deaths is null");
                  deaths = 0;
                else {
                  deaths = Convert.ToInt32(row["deaths"]);
                string dates = Convert.ToString(row["DATE"]);
                Models.StateCensus s = new Models.StateCensus();
                s.StateName = input;
								s.Year = hospitalized;
								s.Population = deaths;
                //print to console
                Console.WriteLine(dates + " " + hospitalized + " " + deaths);                              
                stateName = input;
					catch(Exception ex)
					  EX = ex;
					  // nothing at the moment