コード例 #1
 public ActionResult MarsRoverImages(string dt)
     DateTime.TryParse(dt, out DateTime dtt);
     Models.Photos pDefault = new Models.Photos {
         photos = new List <Models.photos> {
             new Models.photos {
                 id = 1, img_src = ""
     if (dtt == System.DateTime.MinValue)
     using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient {
         BaseAddress = new Uri(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["API_BaseURL"])
         var dataPhotos = client.GetAsync($"Nasa/MarsPhotos/Date/{dtt.Year}-{dtt.Month}-{dtt.Day}").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
         var d          = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.Photos>(dataPhotos);
         //TempData["NewPhotos"] = d;
         //RedirectToAction("ShowUpdatedListBox", d);
         //return View(d);
         //return View(d);
         //return new JsonResult() { Data = d};
コード例 #2
 public ActionResult Index()
     Models.Photos pDefault = new Models.Photos {
         photos = new List <Models.photos> {
             new Models.photos {
                 id = 1, img_src = ""
     return(View("MarsRoverImages", pDefault));
     //return View();
コード例 #3
 public long?CreateItem(string PersonGuid, long DeviceId, Models.Photos item)
     if (PersonGuid != string.Empty && PersonGuid != null)
         return((long)db.CreatePersonPhoto(Guid.Parse(PersonGuid), item.Photo).FirstOrDefault());
     if (DeviceId > 0)
         return((long)db.CreateDevicePhoto(DeviceId, item.Photo).FirstOrDefault());
コード例 #4
 public ActionResult ShowUpdatedListBox()
     if (TempData["NewPhotos"] == null)
         Models.Photos pDefault = new Models.Photos {
             photos = new List <Models.photos> {
                 new Models.photos {
                     id = 1, img_src = ""
         return(View("MarsRoverImages", pDefault));
     return(View("MarsRoverImages", TempData["NewPhotos"]));
コード例 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddVenue(IList <IFormFile> files)
            Locations loc = new Locations();

            loc.city        = Request.Form["city"];
            loc.province    = Request.Form["province"];
            loc.country     = "Canada";
            loc.street      = Request.Form["street"];
            loc.postal_code = Request.Form["postal_code"];
            loc.latitude    = "45";
            loc.longitude   = "75";

            short locId = loc.id;

            Venues venue = new Venues();

            venue.name           = Request.Form["name"];
            venue.guest_capacity = Convert.ToInt16(Request.Form["guest_capacity"]);
            venue.venue_size_sqf = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["venue_size_sqf"]);
            venue.price_hourly   = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form["price_hourly"]);
            venue.price_daily    = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form["price_daily"]);
            venue.fk_location    = locId;
            venue.fk_Vendor      = (short)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("vendorId");

            short venueId = venue.id;

            /*Code for each of the filter types*/
            /*Venue Types*/
            IList <Venue_Types_Venues> newVenueTypes = new List <Venue_Types_Venues>();
            var venueTypesIds = Request.Form["venueTypes"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in venueTypesIds)
                newVenueTypes.Add(new Venue_Types_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_Venue_Type = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //do i need to save changes from here on out? since these don't rely on each other?
            //  _context.SaveChanges();

            /*Venue Rules*/
            IList <Venue_Rules_Venues> newVenueRules = new List <Venue_Rules_Venues>();
            var venueRulesIds = Request.Form["venueRules"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in venueRulesIds)
                newVenueRules.Add(new Venue_Rules_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_Venue_Rule = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //   _context.SaveChanges();

            IList <Amenities_Venues> newAmenities = new List <Amenities_Venues>();
            var amenitiesIds = Request.Form["amenities"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in amenitiesIds)
                newAmenities.Add(new Amenities_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_Amenity = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //   _context.SaveChanges();

            /*Event Types*/
            IList <Event_Types_Venues> newEventTypes = new List <Event_Types_Venues>();
            var eventTypesIds = Request.Form["eventTypes"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in eventTypesIds)
                newEventTypes.Add(new Event_Types_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_Event_Type = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //do i need to save changes from here on out? since these don't rely on each other?
            //   _context.SaveChanges();

            /*On Site Services*/
            IList <On_Site_Services_Venues> newOnSiteServicesTypes = new List <On_Site_Services_Venues>();
            var onSiteServicesTypesIds = Request.Form["onSiteServices"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in onSiteServicesTypesIds)
                newOnSiteServicesTypes.Add(new On_Site_Services_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_On_Site_Service = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //do i need to save changes from here on out? since these don't rely on each other?
            // _context.SaveChanges();

            /*Style Venues*/
            IList <Styles_Venues> newStylesTypes = new List <Styles_Venues>();
            var stylesTypes = Request.Form["venueStyles"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in stylesTypes)
                newStylesTypes.Add(new Styles_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_Style = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //do i need to save changes from here on out? since these don't rely on each other?
            //   _context.SaveChanges();

            /*Features Venues*/
            IList <Features_Venues> newFeatures = new List <Features_Venues>();
            var featuresTypes = Request.Form["features"].ToList();

            foreach (String item in featuresTypes)
                newFeatures.Add(new Features_Venues()
                    fk_Venue = venueId, fk_Feature = Convert.ToInt16(item)
            //do i need to save changes from here on out? since these don't rely on each other?

            //testing stuff
            var uploads = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Images");

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (file.Length > 0)
                    Photos photo = new Models.Photos();
                    photo.filename = file.FileName;
                    var filePath = Path.Combine(uploads, file.FileName);
                    /*This next line has to change when we decide how to store images in a filesystem*/
                    var dbFilePath = "~/Images/" + file.FileName;
                    photo.url      = dbFilePath;
                    photo.fk_Venue = venueId;
                    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
                        await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

コード例 #6
        public long DeleteItem(Models.Photos item)
            var result = db.DeletePhoto(item.ID);

コード例 #7
        public long UpdateItem(Models.Photos item)
            var result = db.UpdatePhoto(item.ID, item.Photo, item.IsActive);
