コード例 #1
        public CropRequirementRemoval GetCropRequirementRemoval()
            decimal n_removal = 0;

            ConversionFactor _cf = _sd.GetConversionFactor();

            CropRequirementRemoval crr = new CropRequirementRemoval();
            Crop crop = _sd.GetCrop(cropid);

            //      For testing we're using Soil Test Kelowna of 65ppm, should actually by 100+ (say 101)
            //      Nutrient removal
            //          P2O5 = crop.cropremovalfactor_P2O5 * yield
            //          K2O = crop.cropremovalfactor_K2O * yield
            //          N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield
            //          if crude_protien exists and is not default
            //                  crop.cropremovalfactor_N = (crude protien / (0.625 * 0.5))
            //                  N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield
            //           else
            //                  N = crop.cropremovalfactor_N * yield
            //      Note for Cover crops (only)
            //          if Cover Crop harvested
            //              don't change numbers
            //          if Cover crop not harvested
            //              set all removal amts to zero

            if (!crudeProtien.HasValue || (crudeProtien.HasValue && crudeProtien.Value == 0))
                decimal tmpDec;
                if (decimal.TryParse(crop.cropremovalfactor_N.ToString(), out tmpDec))
                    n_removal = tmpDec * yield;
                    n_removal = 0;
                n_removal = decimal.Divide(Convert.ToDecimal(crudeProtien), (_cf.n_protein_conversion * _cf.unit_conversion)) * yield;

            crr.P2O5_Removal = Convert.ToInt32(crop.cropremovalfactor_P2O5 * yield);
            crr.K2O_Removal  = Convert.ToInt32(crop.cropremovalfactor_K2O * yield);
            crr.N_Removal    = Convert.ToInt32(n_removal);

            if (coverCropHarvested.HasValue && coverCropHarvested.Value == false)
                crr.P2O5_Removal = 0;
                crr.K2O_Removal  = 0;
                crr.N_Removal    = 0;

            //      Crop Requirement
            //          P205
            //              get region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd
            //              get phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd  = crop_stp_regioncd(cropid, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd)
            //              get stp_kelowna_range.id usign default ST Kelowna (65) between range_low and range_high
            //              get P2O5 recommedation  = stp_recommend(stp_kelowna_range.id, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd, phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd)
            //          same as above for K2O
            //          For N
            //          Look up crop.n_recommcd
            //          if 0 or 1
            //              N = crop.n_recomm_lbperac
            //          if 2
            //              same as N removal
            //          if 3
            //              get default yield = cropyield(cropid, locationid)
            //              N = (yield / default yield) * crop.n_recomm_lbperac

            int    regionid = _ud.FarmDetails().farmRegion.Value;
            Region region   = _sd.GetRegion(regionid);

            Field fld = _ud.GetFieldDetails(fieldName);

            if (fld.soilTest == null)
                fld.soilTest = new SoilTest();
                DefaultSoilTest dt = _sd.GetDefaultSoilTest();
                fld.soilTest.valNO3H           = dt.nitrogen;
                fld.soilTest.ValP              = dt.phosphorous;
                fld.soilTest.valK              = dt.potassium;
                fld.soilTest.valPH             = dt.pH;
                fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaK = dt.convertedKelownaK;
                fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaP = dt.convertedKelownaP;

            int _STP = fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaP;

            if (_STP == 0)
                _STP = _cf.defaultSoilTestKelownaP;

            int _STK = fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaK;

            if (fld.soilTest.ConvertedKelownaK == 0)
                _STK = _cf.defaultSoilTestKelownaK;

            // p2o5 recommend calculations
            CropSTPRegionCd cropSTPRegionCd = _sd.GetCropSTPRegionCd(cropid, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd);
            int?            phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd = cropSTPRegionCd.phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd;
            STPKelownaRange sTPKelownaRange      = _sd.GetSTPKelownaRangeByPpm(_STP);
            int             stp_kelowna_range_id = sTPKelownaRange.id;

            if (phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd == null)
                crr.P2O5_Requirement = 0;
                STPRecommend sTPRecommend = _sd.GetSTPRecommend(stp_kelowna_range_id, region.soil_test_phospherous_region_cd, Convert.ToInt16(phosphorous_crop_group_region_cd));
                crr.P2O5_Requirement = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(sTPRecommend.p2o5_recommend_kgperha) * _cf.kgperha_lbperac_conversion);

            // k2o recommend calculations
            CropSTKRegionCd cropSTKRegionCd = _sd.GetCropSTKRegionCd(cropid, region.soil_test_potassium_region_cd);
            int?            potassium_crop_group_region_cd = cropSTKRegionCd.potassium_crop_group_region_cd;
            STKKelownaRange sTKKelownaRange      = _sd.GetSTKKelownaRangeByPpm(_STK);
            int             stk_kelowna_range_id = sTKKelownaRange.id;

            if (potassium_crop_group_region_cd == null)
                crr.K2O_Requirement = 0;
                STKRecommend sTKRecommend = _sd.GetSTKRecommend(stk_kelowna_range_id, region.soil_test_potassium_region_cd, Convert.ToInt16(potassium_crop_group_region_cd));
                crr.K2O_Requirement = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDecimal(sTKRecommend.k2o_recommend_kgperha) * _cf.kgperha_lbperac_conversion);

            // n recommend calculations -note the excel n_recommd are zero based, the static data is 1 based
            switch (crop.n_recommcd)
            case 1:
                crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(crop.n_recomm_lbperac);

            case 2:
                crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(crop.n_recomm_lbperac);

            case 3:
                crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Removal;

            case 4:
                CropYield cropYield = _sd.GetCropYield(cropid, region.locationid);
                if (cropYield.amt != null)
                    crr.N_Requirement = Convert.ToInt16(decimal.Divide(yield, Convert.ToDecimal(cropYield.amt)) * crop.n_recomm_lbperac);
                    crr.N_Requirement = 0;

            // if a previous crop has been ploughed dowm account for the N in the field (passed in as a credit)
            crr.N_Requirement = crr.N_Requirement - nCredit;

            // only reduce to 0
            crr.N_Requirement = (crr.N_Requirement < 0) ? 0 : crr.N_Requirement;
