private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.AddExtension = true; openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; openFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; openFileDialog.DefaultExt = "ModelStencil"; openFileDialog.Filter = "ModelStencils|*.ModelStencil"; openFileDialog.Multiselect = false; openFileDialog.ShowHelp = false; openFileDialog.ShowReadOnly = false; openFileDialog.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = true; openFileDialog.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path); openFileDialog.Title = "Open ModelStencil"; openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(path); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { modelStencil = OpenModelStencil(openFileDialog.FileName); editPropertiesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; saveToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; ResetFlowChart(true); SetStencil(modelStencil); SetControls(modelStencil); } path = openFileDialog.FileName; }
static public ShapeTemplate GetShapeTemplate(ModelStencil stencil) { int i; if (stencil != null) { ElementTemplate[] elementTemplate = new ElementTemplate[stencil.Elements.Count]; i = 0; foreach (Element element in stencil.Elements) { elementTemplate[i] = Element(element); i++; } ElementTemplate[] decorationTemplate = new ElementTemplate[stencil.Decorations.Count]; i = 0; foreach (Element decoration in stencil.Decorations) { decorationTemplate[i] = Element(decoration); i++; } return(new ShapeTemplate(elementTemplate, decorationTemplate, null, stencil.FillMode, stencil.Tag)); } else { return(null); } }
private void SaveModelStencil(string fullpath, ModelStencil modelStencil) { SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fullpath); Stream stream = streamWriter.BaseStream; sf.Serialize(stream, modelStencil); stream.Close(); }
private ModelStencil OpenModelStencil(string fullpath) { SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); StreamReader streamRdr = new StreamReader(fullpath); Stream stream = streamRdr.BaseStream; ModelStencil modelStencil = (ModelStencil)sf.Deserialize(stream); modelStencil.Tag = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath); return(modelStencil); }
private void SetStencil(ModelStencil modelStencil) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; modelBox.Shape = GetShapeTemplate(modelStencil); modelBox.Visible = true; foreach (Preview preview in previews) { preview.SetStencil(GetShapeTemplate(modelStencil)); } flowChart1.Enabled = true; }
void TrimAnchorPoints(ModelStencil modelStencil) { ArrayList anchors = modelStencil.Anchors; ArrayList validAnchors = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Count; i++) { Anchor anchor = (Anchor)(anchors[i]); if (ValidAnchor(anchor)) { validAnchors.Add(anchor); } } modelStencil.Anchors = validAnchors; }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); FlowChart flowchart = new FlowChart(); Config config = new Config(); if (config.TestUrl(new System.Uri("ipc://SysCAD.Service/Global"))) { config.Syncxxx(); Dictionary <String, Bitmap> modelThumbnails = new Dictionary <String, Bitmap>(); Dictionary <String, Bitmap> graphicThumbnails = new Dictionary <String, Bitmap>(); foreach (String key in config.ModelStencils.Keys) { ModelStencil stencil = config.ModelStencils[key]; flowchart.DocExtents = flowchart.ClientToDoc(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 17)); flowchart.ShadowsStyle = ShadowsStyle.None; flowchart.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window; flowchart.AntiAlias = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; RectangleF boxRect = flowchart.ClientToDoc(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(1, 1, 13, 13)); Box box = flowchart.CreateBox(boxRect.X, boxRect.Y, boxRect.Width, boxRect.Height); box.Style = BoxStyle.Shape; box.Shape = GetShapeTemplate(stencil); box.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(150, System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood); box.FrameColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood); box.Locked = true; modelThumbnails.Add(key, flowchart.CreateImage()); flowchart.DeleteObject(box); } Application.Run(new TestAppForm(modelThumbnails, config.ModelStencils)); } }
public void LoadProject(ClientProtocol clientProtocol, Config config) { if (InvokeRequired) { BeginInvoke(new LoadProjectDelegate(LoadProject), new object[] { clientProtocol, config }); } else { // Close the one selected. if (frmFlowChart != null) { FileCloseProject(); } clientProtocol.Connect("SysCAD10\nConnection: Client"); config.Syncxxx(); Refresh(); frmFlowChart = new FrmFlowChart(this); SuspendLayout(); frmFlowChart.SuspendLayout(); frmFlowChart.FlowChart.SuspendLayout(); NavigationTreeView.SuspendLayout(); frmFlowChart.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized; frmFlowChart.MdiParent = this; frmFlowChart.Text = clientProtocol.Name; frmFlowChart.SetProject(clientProtocol, config, NavigationTreeView); ovOverview.Document = frmFlowChart.FlowChart; frmFlowChart.FlowChart.SelectionChanged += new SelectionEvent(this.frmFlowChart_fcFlowChart_SelectionChanged); graphicPropertyGrid.LinkChanged += frmFlowChart.PropertyGridLinkChanged; graphicPropertyGrid.NodeChanged += frmFlowChart.PropertyGridNodeChanged; { Dictionary <String, Bitmap> modelThumbnails = new Dictionary <String, Bitmap>(); //Dictionary<String, Bitmap> graphicThumbnails = new Dictionary<String, Bitmap>(); FlowChart thumbnailFlowchart = new FlowChart(); foreach (String key in frmFlowChart.State.Config.ModelStencils.Keys) { ModelStencil stencil = config.ModelStencils[key]; thumbnailFlowchart.DocExtents = frmFlowChart.FlowChart.ClientToDoc(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 17, 17)); thumbnailFlowchart.ShadowsStyle = ShadowsStyle.None; thumbnailFlowchart.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window; thumbnailFlowchart.AntiAlias = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; RectangleF boxRect = thumbnailFlowchart.ClientToDoc(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(1, 1, 13, 13)); Box box = thumbnailFlowchart.CreateBox(boxRect.X, boxRect.Y, boxRect.Width, boxRect.Height); box.Style = BoxStyle.Shape; box.Shape = State.GetShapeTemplate(stencil, false, false); box.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(220, 222, 184, 136); box.FrameColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 111, 92, 68); box.Locked = true; modelThumbnails.Add(key, thumbnailFlowchart.CreateImage()); thumbnailFlowchart.DeleteObject(box); } stencilChooser1.PopulateTree(modelThumbnails, config.ModelStencils); } frmFlowChart.State.ProjectAttached = true; SetButtonStates(); frmFlowChart.Show(); this.NavigationTreeView.NodeSelectionChange += new System.EventHandler(this.tvNavigation_NodeSelectionChange); this.NavigationTreeView.AfterNodePositionChange += new PureComponents.TreeView.TreeView.AfterNodePositionChangeEventHandler(this.tvNavigation_AfterNodePositionChange); this.NavigationTreeView.NodeMouseClick += new PureComponents.TreeView.TreeView.NodeMouseClickEventHandler(this.tvNavigation_NodeMouseClick); NavigationTreeView.ClearNodeSelection(); foreach (PureComponents.TreeView.Node node in NavigationTreeView.Nodes) { node.Select(); node.Expand(); SelectSubNodes(node); } NavigationTreeView.ResumeLayout(true); frmFlowChart.FlowChart.ResumeLayout(true); frmFlowChart.ResumeLayout(true); ResumeLayout(true); frmFlowChart.ZoomToVisible(); } }
void GetStencils() { { int iStencil = 0; LogNote("Srvr", 0, "ModelStencils:"); String[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(m_StencilPath, "*.modelstencil"); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.GetLength(0); i++) { String fullpath = dirs[i]; ////Create dummy ModelStencil for comparison... //{ // ModelStencil modelStencil = new ModelStencil(); // modelStencil.Tag = ""; // modelStencil.GroupName = "Control"; // ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); // SysCAD.Protocol.Arc arc = new SysCAD.Protocol.Arc(0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 360); // elements.Add(arc); // modelStencil.Elements = elements; // modelStencil.Decorations = new ArrayList(); // modelStencil.Anchors = new ArrayList(); // modelStencil.FillMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.FillMode.Alternate; // SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); // StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fullpath+".new"); // Stream stream = streamWriter.BaseStream; // sf.Serialize(stream, modelStencil); // stream.Close(); //} SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); StreamReader streamRdr = new StreamReader(fullpath); Stream stream = streamRdr.BaseStream; ModelStencil modelStencil = (ModelStencil)sf.Deserialize(stream); modelStencil.Tag = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath); if (ConfirmModelStencil(modelStencil)) { TrimAnchorPoints(modelStencil); m_Config.ModelStencils.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath), modelStencil); } stream.Close(); //Console.WriteLine(" {0}] {1}", iStencil++, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath)); LogNote("Srvr", 0, " %i] %s", iStencil++, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath)); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); } { int iStencil = 0; LogNote("Srvr", 0, "GraphicStencils:"); String[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(m_StencilPath, "*.graphicstencil"); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.GetLength(0); i++) { String fullpath = dirs[i]; ////Create dummy GraphicStencil for comparison... //{ // GraphicStencil graphicStencil = new GraphicStencil(); // graphicStencil.Tag = ""; // ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); // SysCAD.Protocol.Arc arc = new SysCAD.Protocol.Arc(0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 360); // elements.Add(arc); // graphicStencil.Elements = elements; // graphicStencil.Decorations = new ArrayList(); // SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); // StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fullpath+".new"); // Stream stream = streamWriter.BaseStream; // sf.Serialize(stream, graphicStencil); // stream.Close(); //} SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); Stream stream = (new StreamReader(fullpath)).BaseStream; GraphicStencil graphicStencil = (GraphicStencil)sf.Deserialize(stream); stream.Close(); graphicStencil.Tag = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath); m_Config.GraphicStencils.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath), graphicStencil); //Console.WriteLine(" {0}] {1}", iStencil++, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath)); LogNote("Srvr", 0, " %i] %s", iStencil++, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath)); } } { int iStencil = 0; LogNote("Srvr", 0, "ThingStencils:"); String[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(m_StencilPath, "*.thingstencil"); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.GetLength(0); i++) { String fullpath = dirs[i]; ////Create dummy ThingStencil for comparison... //{ // ThingStencil thingStencil = new ThingStencil(); // thingStencil.Tag = "a tank annotation"; // thingStencil.Model = "Tank-1"; // thingStencil.defaultSize.Width = 20.0; // thingStencil.defaultSize.Height = 20.0; // thingStencil.Xaml = // " <!-- Saved from Aurora XAML Designer for WinFX - Mobiform Software Ltd. - Thursday, 4 January 2007 11:45:44 AM -." // "<Canvas xmlns=\"\" Name=\"Canvas1\" Width=\"132\" Height=\"141\" Background=\"{x:Static Brushes.Transparent}\" xmlns:x=\"\">" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"6\" Canvas.Top=\"105\" Width=\"120\" Height=\"30\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint=\"0,0\" EndPoint=\"0.03,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFECE9D8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Rectangle Canvas.Left=\"6\" Canvas.Top=\"21\" Width=\"120\" Height=\"100\" Stroke=\"Gray\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Rectangle.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint=\"0,1\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFECE9D8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Rectangle.Fill>" // " </Rectangle>" // " <Rectangle Canvas.Left=\"16\" Canvas.Bottom=\"21\" Width=\"100\" Height=\"100\" Fill=\"Blue\" Stroke=\"Black\">" // " </Rectangle>" // " <Rectangle Canvas.Left=\"16\" Canvas.Top=\"31\" Width=\"100\" Height=\"[[[[TAG]], 0, 3, 0, 85, Linear, Integer]]\" Stroke=\"Black\">" // " <Rectangle.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"0,1\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"Black\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"Black\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF444444\" Offset=\"0.821339950372208\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Rectangle.Fill>" // " </Rectangle>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"2\" Canvas.Top=\"34\" Width=\"10\" Height=\"20\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"1,0\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFD4D0C8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"White\" Offset=\"0.5\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"2\" Canvas.Top=\"63\" Width=\"10\" Height=\"20\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"1,0\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFD4D0C8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"White\" Offset=\"0.5\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"56\" Canvas.Top=\"129\" Width=\"20\" Height=\"10\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"0,1\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFD4D0C8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"White\" Offset=\"0.5\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"120.5\" Canvas.Top=\"63\" Width=\"10\" Height=\"20\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"1,0\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFD4D0C8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"White\" Offset=\"0.5\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"120.5\" Canvas.Top=\"34\" Width=\"10\" Height=\"20\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"1,0\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFD4D0C8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"White\" Offset=\"0.5\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"56\" Canvas.Top=\"2\" Width=\"20\" Height=\"10\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <LinearGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" StartPoint=\"0,1\" EndPoint=\"1,1\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFD4D0C8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"White\" Offset=\"0.5\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </LinearGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // " <Ellipse Canvas.Left=\"6\" Canvas.Top=\"7\" Width=\"120\" Height=\"30\" Stroke=\"#FF716F64\" StrokeThickness=\"0.5\">" // " <Ellipse.Fill>" // " <RadialGradientBrush Opacity=\"1\" Center=\"0.490074441687345,0.5\" RadiusX=\"0.52\" RadiusY=\"0.599255583126551\" GradientOrigin=\"0.16,0.54\">" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FFECE9D8\" Offset=\"0\" />" // " <GradientStop Color=\"#FF716F64\" Offset=\"1\" />" // " </RadialGradientBrush>" // " </Ellipse.Fill>" // " </Ellipse>" // "</Canvas>"; // SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); // StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fullpath+".new"); // Stream stream = streamWriter.BaseStream; // sf.Serialize(stream, thingStencil); // stream.Close(); //} SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); StreamReader streamRdr = new StreamReader(fullpath); Stream stream = streamRdr.BaseStream; ThingStencil thingStencil = (ThingStencil)sf.Deserialize(stream); thingStencil.Tag = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath); m_Config.ThingStencils.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath), thingStencil); stream.Close(); //Console.WriteLine(" {0}] {1}", iStencil++, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath)); LogNote("Srvr", 0, " %i] %s", iStencil++, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullpath)); } } }
bool ConfirmModelStencil(ModelStencil modelstencil) { // TODO: check whether this stencil is to be included in the project. return(true); }
private void SetControls(ModelStencil modelStencil) { foreach (Element element in modelStencil.Decorations) { if (element is Line) { Line line = element as Line; Arrow arrow = flowChart1.CreateArrow(GridFix(line.pointF1), GridFix(line.pointF2)); arrow.FrameColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; arrow.ZTop(); arrow.Tag = line; } if (element is Bezier) { Bezier bezier = element as Bezier; Arrow arrow = flowChart1.CreateArrow(bezier.pointF1, bezier.pointF4); arrow.FrameColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; arrow.SegmentCount = 3; arrow.ControlPoints[0] = GridFix(bezier.pointF1); arrow.ControlPoints[1] = GridFix(bezier.pointF2); arrow.ControlPoints[2] = GridFix(bezier.pointF3); arrow.ControlPoints[3] = GridFix(bezier.pointF4); arrow.ZTop(); arrow.Tag = bezier; } if (element is Arc) { Arc arc = element as Arc; Box box = flowChart1.CreateBox(GridFix(arc.x), GridFix(arc.y), (float)arc.w, (float)arc.h); box.Style = BoxStyle.Ellipse; box.FillColor = Color.Transparent; box.FrameColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; box.ZBottom(); box.Tag = arc; } } foreach (Element element in modelStencil.Elements) { if (element is Line) { Line line = element as Line; Arrow arrow = flowChart1.CreateArrow(GridFix(line.pointF1), GridFix(line.pointF2)); arrow.FrameColor = Color.LightGreen; arrow.ZTop(); arrow.Tag = line; } if (element is Bezier) { Bezier bezier = element as Bezier; Arrow arrow = flowChart1.CreateArrow(bezier.pointF1, bezier.pointF4); arrow.FrameColor = Color.LightGreen; arrow.SegmentCount = 3; arrow.ControlPoints[0] = GridFix(bezier.pointF1); arrow.ControlPoints[1] = GridFix(bezier.pointF2); arrow.ControlPoints[2] = GridFix(bezier.pointF3); arrow.ControlPoints[3] = GridFix(bezier.pointF4); arrow.ZTop(); arrow.Tag = bezier; } if (element is Arc) { Arc arc = element as Arc; Box box = flowChart1.CreateBox(GridFix(arc.x), GridFix(arc.y), (float)arc.w, (float)arc.h); box.Style = BoxStyle.Ellipse; box.FillColor = Color.Transparent; box.FrameColor = Color.LightGreen; box.ZBottom(); box.Tag = arc; } } foreach (Anchor anchor in modelStencil.Anchors) { foreach (SysCAD.Protocol.Point point in anchor.Positions) { Box box = flowChart1.CreateBox( GridFix(point.X) - 1.0F, GridFix(point.Y) - 1.0F, 2.0F, 2.0F); box.Style = BoxStyle.Rhombus; box.FillColor = Color.LightSalmon; box.FrameColor = Color.Salmon; box.HandlesStyle = HandlesStyle.MoveOnly; box.ToolTip = anchor.Tag + " : " + anchor.Look; box.ZTop(); box.Tag = point; } } }