コード例 #1
        public ModelSpatialRotationsTestScene()
            var scene = new Scene();

            scene.Spatials.Add(modelSpatial = new ModelSpatial {
                Model = Game.ModelStore.Get("Resources/Models/building_dock.obj")
            var sceneViewerContainer = new Container {
                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding {
                    Top = 100
            var sceneViewer = new SceneViewer(scene)
                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both


            sceneViewer.Camera.LookingAt = Vector3.Zero;
            sceneViewer.Camera.Position  = new(0, 0.8f, -0.9f);

コード例 #2
        public WorldViewer3dTestScene()
            // by default, the camera should be at Z = -1,
            // so (0, 0, 1) rotated by y180
            targetYaw = yaw = 180;

            // look from a bit up
            targetPitch = pitch = 10;

            Padding = new Framework.Graphics2d.MarginPadding {
                Vertical = 50, Horizontal = 50
            AddChild(sceneViewer = new SceneViewer(scene = new Scene())
                RelativeSizeAxes = Framework.Graphics2d.Axes.Both

            var boxX  = Box.FromPositionAndSize(Vector3.UnitX * 3, Vector3.One, new(0.5f));
            var boxY  = Box.FromPositionAndSize(Vector3.UnitY * 3, Vector3.One, new(0.5f));
            var boxZ  = Box.FromPositionAndSize(Vector3.UnitZ * 3, Vector3.One, new(0.5f));
            var cubeX = new BoxSpatial {
                Box = boxX, Color = Raylib_cs.Color.RED
            var cubeY = new BoxSpatial {
                Box = boxY, Color = Raylib_cs.Color.GREEN
            var cubeZ = new BoxSpatial {
                Box = boxZ, Color = Raylib_cs.Color.BLUE

            var sword = new ModelSpatial
                Model = Game.ModelStore.Get("Resources/Models/building_dock.obj"),
                Scale = new Vector3(4)

            scene.Spatials.AddRange(new Spatial[] { cubeX, cubeY, cubeZ, sword });

            sceneViewer.Camera.LookingAt = Vector3.Zero;
            sceneViewer.Camera.Position  = new(0, 1, -5);