/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void ApplyResetsIfAny() { ModelOptionsController.ApplyResetsIfAny(Today); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="inputDataModels"></param> public Simulation(Project Project, List <InputModel> inputDataModels, int startYear = 0, int endYear = 0) : this() { this.Project = Project; StartYear = startYear; EndYear = EndYear; ErrorList = new List <string>(); ZerosList = new List <string>(); CanLog = false; RunSilent = false; Force2011CurveNoFn = false; //Simulation has to have a Climate, Soil, Vegetion Controllers/Models ClimateController = new ClimateController(this, new List <InputModel>(inputDataModels.Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof(ClimateInputModel)))); VegetationController = new VegetationController(this, new List <InputModel>(inputDataModels.Where(x => x.GetType().BaseType == (typeof(VegInputModel))))); SoilController = new SoilController(this, new List <InputModel>(inputDataModels.Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof(SoilInputModel)))); //Optional Controllers/Models IrrigationController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(IrrigationInputModel)) == null ? null : new IrrigationController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(IrrigationInputModel))); TillageController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(TillageInputModel)) == null ? null : new TillageController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(TillageInputModel))); PesticideController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(PesticideInputModel)) == null ? null : new PesticideController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(PesticideInputModel))); PhosphorusController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(PhosphorusInputModel)) == null ? null : new PhosphorusController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(PhosphorusInputModel))); NitrateController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(NitrateInputModel)) == null ? null : new NitrateController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(NitrateInputModel))); SolutesController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(SolutesInputModel)) == null ? null : new SolutesController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(SolutesInputModel))); //ModelOptionsController = FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(ModelOptionsInputModel)) == null ? null : new ModelOptionsController(this, FindInputModels(inputDataModels, typeof(ModelOptionsInputModel))); //There is no XML definition found yet ModelOptionsController = new ModelOptionsController(this); //Add the non-null controllers to the activecontroller list List <PropertyInfo> controllers = new List <PropertyInfo>(this.GetType().GetProperties().Where( x => x.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(HLController) || x.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(HLObjectController))); ActiveControlllers = new List <HLController>(); ActiveControlllers.Add(this); foreach (PropertyInfo p in controllers) { if (p.GetValue(this) != null) { ActiveControlllers.Add((HLController)p.GetValue(this)); } } //Instantiate the output controller //This is now done in the Project as it has the relevant path and setup information OutputModelController = new OutputModelController(this); //Set the start date and end dates if (StartYear == 0) { StartDate = new DateTime(ClimateController.InputModel.StartDate.Value.Ticks); } else { StartDate = new DateTime(StartYear, 1, 1); } if (EndYear == 0) { EndDate = new DateTime(ClimateController.InputModel.EndDate.Value.Ticks); } else { EndDate = new DateTime(EndYear, 12, 31); } Today = StartDate; }