public string Group_Edit(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser user = ((Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]); //string allstr = context.Request.Params["allstr"].Trim(); string addstr = context.Request.Params["addstr"].Trim(); string updatestr = context.Request.Params["updatestr"].Trim(); string delstr = context.Request.Params["delstr"].Trim(); List <Model.ProductColor> insert = new List <Model.ProductColor>(); insert = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.ProductColor>(addstr); List <Model.ProductColor> update = new List <Model.ProductColor>(); update = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.ProductColor>(updatestr); List <Model.ProductColor> del = new List <Model.ProductColor>(); del = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.ProductColor>(delstr); //List<Model.ProductColor> sequence = new List<Model.ProductColor>(); //sequence = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList<Model.ProductColor>(allstr); string result = new BLL.ProductColor().EditColor(insert, update, del, Convert.ToInt32(((Model.BaseUser)(context.Session["login"])).UserID.ToString())); if (result == "success") { } return(result); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string action = context.Request["action"].ToString(); string msg = string.Empty; switch (action) { case "list": msg = GetList(context); break; case "group_edit": msg = Group_Edit(context); break; case "upload": Upload(context); break; case "GetColor": msg = GetColor(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(msg); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string type = context.Request["action"]; string reValue = ""; switch (type) { case "AllTemplateType": reValue = AllTemplateType(context); break; case "TemplateEdit": reValue = TemplateEdit(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(reValue); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null && context.Request["action"] != "list") { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string reValue = string.Empty; switch (context.Request["action"]) { case "list": reValue = QueryList(context); break; case "add": reValue = Add(context); break; case "edit": reValue = Update(context); break; case "dels": reValue = Dels(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(reValue); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string reValue = string.Empty; string type = context.Request["action"]; switch (type) { case "list": reValue = QueryList(context); break; case "stagelist": reValue = QueryStageList(context); break; case "stage_list": reValue = QueryStage_List(context); break; case "stage_edit": reValue = Stage_Edit(context); break; case "delete": reValue = Stage_Delete(context); break; case "delete1": reValue = Stage_Delete1(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(reValue); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string type = context.Request["action"]; string reValue = ""; switch (type) { case "view_user_project": reValue = ViewUserProject(context); break; case "getProject": reValue = GetProject(context); break; case "projectStat": reValue = ProjectStat(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(reValue); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Model.BaseUser bu = Session["login"] as Model.BaseUser; string table = " project a " + " join project_stage b on a.sid=b.p_sid " + " join project_group c on b.sid=c.ps_sid " + " join project_specific_item d on c.sid=d.group_sid and d.parent_sid=0 " + " join project_specific_item e on d.sid=e.parent_sid and e.sid=" + Request.QueryString["si_sid"] + " " + " join project_work_implement g on e.sid=g.psi_sid and ','+g.implementer_sid+',' like '%," + bu.UserName + ",%' "; string show = " a.sid project_id, project_name, project_code, " + " b.sid stage_id, stage_name, " + " c.sid group_id, group_name, " + " d.sid jobduties_id, jobduties_name, " + " e.sid detail_id, detail_name, convert(nvarchar,e.begin_date,120)begin_date, convert(nvarchar,e.end_date,120)end_date, " + " dbo.getImplementer_name(e.sid)names, dbo.getImplement(e.sid)implement_name "; string where = " 1=1 "; int total = 0; dt = DbHelperSQL.GetList_ProcPage(table, "project_code", show, 1, 1, out total, "asc", where).Tables[0]; dt.Rows.Add(dt.NewRow()); } }
private string Stage_Edit(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; WCDataProvider db = new WCDataProvider(); WCDataStoreProcedures dsp = new WCDataStoreProcedures("ProjectTemplateType", WCDataAction.Insert1); dsp.InputPars.Add("@Sql", " " + context.Request["SQLString"].Substring(0, context.Request["SQLString"].Length - 1)); dsp.InputPars.Add("@UserName", bu.UserName); dsp.InputPars.Add("@ptt_sid", context.Request["ptt_sid"]); dsp.InputPars.Add("@ptt_name", context.Request["ptt_name"]); dsp.InputPars.Add("@pptt_sid", context.Request["pptt_sid"]); if (db.Execute(dsp).ExecuteState) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dsp.OutputPars["@error"].ToString())) { return(dsp.OutputPars["@error"].ToString()); } else { return("success~" + dsp.OutputPars["@outputStr"].ToString()); } } else { return("保存失败。"); } }
/// <summary> /// 页面加载 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; WCDataProvider db = new WCDataProvider(); WCDataStoreProcedures dsp = new WCDataStoreProcedures("Sp_Disktop", WCDataAction.Query1); dsp.InputPars.Add("@end_date", DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); dsp.InputPars.Add("@begin_date", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); dsp.InputPars.Add("@username", bu.UserName); dsp.InputPars.Add("@ApprRole", bu.ApprRole); dsp.InputPars.Add("@DeptID", bu.DeptID); if (db.Execute(dsp).ExecuteState) { projectNotice = GetProjectNotice(dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[0]); projectNonticeCount = dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); myProjectPlane = GetMyProjectPlane(dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[1]); myProjectPlaneCount = dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[1].Rows.Count.ToString(); projectPlanAppr = GetProjectPlanAppr(dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[2]); projectPlanApprCount = dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[2].Rows.Count.ToString(); apprRequest = GetApprRequest(dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[3]); apprRequestCount = dsp.OutputDataSet.Tables[3].Rows.Count.ToString(); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string type = context.Request["type"]; string msg = string.Empty; switch (type) { case "GetList": msg = GetList(context); break; case "GetName": msg = GetName(context); break; case "saveRow": msg = SaveRow(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(msg); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string msg = ""; string type = context.Request["action"]; switch (type) { case "list": msg = List(context); break; case "Edit": msg = Edit(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(msg); }
public string Group_Edit(HttpContext context) { long id = Convert.ToInt64(context.Request["ParentID"].ToString()); Model.BaseUser user = ((Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]); string allstr = context.Request.Params["allstr"].Trim(); string addstr = context.Request.Params["addstr"].Trim(); string updatestr = context.Request.Params["updatestr"].Trim(); string delstr = context.Request.Params["delstr"].Trim(); Model.ProductPriceColorShip model = new Model.ProductPriceColorShip(); List <Model.ProductPriceColorShip> insert = new List <Model.ProductPriceColorShip>(); insert = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.ProductPriceColorShip>(addstr); List <Model.ProductPriceColorShip> update = new List <Model.ProductPriceColorShip>(); update = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.ProductPriceColorShip>(updatestr); List <Model.v_ProductColorShip> del = new List <Model.v_ProductColorShip>(); del = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.v_ProductColorShip>(delstr); List <Model.ProductPriceColorShip> sequence = new List <Model.ProductPriceColorShip>(); sequence = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.ProductPriceColorShip>(allstr); return(new BLL.ProductPriceColorShip().Edit(insert, update, del, sequence, Convert.ToInt32(((Model.BaseUser)(context.Session["login"])).UserID.ToString()), id)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { sid = Request.Params["sid"].Trim(); rfsid = Request.Params["rfsid"] == null ? "" : Request.Params["rfsid"].Trim(); action = Request.Params["action"] == null ? "" : Request.Params["action"].Trim(); currNode = Request.Params["currNode"] == null ? "" : Request.Params["currNode"].Trim(); type = Request.Params["type"] == null ? "" : Request.Params["type"].Trim(); afModel = new BLL.application_form().GetModel(int.Parse(sid)); this.Label1.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(afModel.af_content); //type1.Value = type; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; GetNode(sid); string ntsid = Request.Params["ntsid"] == null ? "" : Request.Params["ntsid"].Trim(); Model.node_type ntModel = new BLL.node_type().GetModel(int.Parse(ntsid)); nodeType = ntModel.node_type_name; arrStr = ntModel.value1.Split('|'); } } catch { } }
public string Add(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; string fmsid = context.Request.Params["fmsid"].Trim(); string flow_name = context.Request.Params["flow_name"].Trim(); string rfsid = context.Request.Params["rfsid"].Trim(); string remark = context.Request.Params["remark"].Trim(); string isval = context.Request.Params["isval"].Trim(); string content = context.Server.HtmlEncode(context.Request.Params["content1"].Trim()); Model.application_form model = new Model.application_form(); model.fm_sid = fmsid; model.af_name = flow_name; model.rf_sid = int.Parse(rfsid); model.remark = remark; model.rfs_sid = int.Parse(isval); model.applicant = bu.UserName; model.af_content = content; return(new BLL.application_form().insert(model)); //Model.request_form model = new Model.request_form(); // model.form_name = formName; // model.rft_sid = int.Parse(formType); // model.rf_status = int.Parse(isVal); //model.remark = remark; //model.content_str = content; //return new BLL.request_form().Add(model); }
private string SMyCheck(HttpContext context) { string result = "{\"total\":0,\"rows\":[]}"; if (context.Session["login"] == null) { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<script>alert('登录信息安全时限过期,请重新登录!');top.location='../Login.aspx'</script>"); } else { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Model.BaseUser buModel = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; int total = 0; int page = context.Request.Form["page"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]) : 0; int rows = context.Request.Form["rows"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["rows"]) : 0; string key = context.Request.Form["key"] != null ? context.Request.Form["key"].Trim() : ""; string order = context.Request.Form["order"] != "" ? context.Request.Form["order"] : "asc"; string sort = context.Request.Form["sort"] != "" ? context.Request.Form["sort"] : "b.UserID"; string where = " 1=1 and a.UserID=" + buModel.UserID + " and KaoQinRiQi between '" + context.Request["startTime"].ToString().Trim() + " 00:00:00'" + " and '" + context.Request["endTime"].Trim() + " 23:59:59'";; string table = "ERPKaoQin as a inner join BaseUser as b on a.UserID=b.UserID"; string show = "convert(nvarchar(14),a.KaoQinRiQi,23) as T,(isnull((convert(nvarchar(40),DengJiTime1,20)),'')+case when GuiDingTime1<DengJiTime1 then ' (迟到)' when DengJiTime1 is NULL then '未登记' else ' (正常)' end) as DengJiTime1,(isnull((convert(nvarchar(40),DengJiTime2,20)),'')+case when GuiDingTime2>DengJiTime2 then ' (早退)' when DengJiTime2 is NULL then '未登记' else ' (正常)' end) as DengJiTime2,(isnull((convert(nvarchar(40),DengJiTime3,20)),'')+case when GuiDingTime3<DengJiTime3 then ' (迟到)' when DengJiTime3 is NULL then '未登记' else ' (正常)' end) as DengJiTime3,(isnull((convert(nvarchar(40),DengJiTime4,20)),'')+case when GuiDingTime4>DengJiTime4 then ' (早退)' when DengJiTime4 is NULL then '未登记' else ' (正常)' end) as DengJiTime4,b.* "; dt = new BLL.Common().GetList(table, sort, show, page, rows, out total, order, where).Tables[0]; result = DBUtility.JsonHelper.DataTable2Json_Datagrid(dt, total); } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { pdt = new BLL.request_form_type().GetList("status=1").Tables[0]; bu = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bu = Session["login"] as Model.BaseUser; if (!IsPostBack) { type = Request.Params["type"] == null ? "" : Request.Params["type"].Trim(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string rfsid = Request.Params["rfsid"].Trim(); type = Request.Params["action"].Trim(); hrfsid.Value = rfsid; haction.Value = type; //type1.Value = type; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; DataTable dt = new BLL.flow_master().GetList(" rf_sid=" + rfsid + " and dept_sid like '%," + bu.DeptID + ",%' and post_sid like '%," + bu.ApprRole + ",%'").Tables[0]; flow_ddl.DataSource = dt; flow_ddl.DataValueField = "sid"; flow_ddl.DataTextField = "flow_name"; flow_ddl.DataBind(); Model.request_form model = new BLL.request_form().GetModel(int.Parse(rfsid)); switch (type) { case "add": show.Visible = false; split.Visible = false; GetFormContent(model == null ? "" : model.content_str); flow_name.Text = DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("select dbo.getDeptName('" + bu.DeptID + "')").ToString().Trim() + " " + bu.Name.Trim() + "<" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ">" + model.form_name.Trim(); break; case "copy": show.Visible = false; split.Visible = false; SetValue(); flow_name.Text = DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.GetSingle("select dbo.getDeptName('" + bu.DeptID + "')").ToString().Trim() + " " + bu.Name.Trim() + "<" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ">" + model.form_name.Trim(); isVal.Checked = false; break; case "update": show.Visible = false; split.Visible = false; SetValue(); break; case "view": split.Visible = false; submit.Visible = false; SetValue(); break; default: break; } GetNode(); } } catch { } }
public string EditB(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; string updatestr = context.Request.Params["updatestr"].Trim(); List <Model.v_ProjectMaterialB> update = new List <Model.v_ProjectMaterialB>(); update = JsonSerializerHelper.JSONStringToList <Model.v_ProjectMaterialB>(updatestr); return(new DAL.Project_Product_Material_B().BUpdate(update, bu.UserID.ToString())); }
private string MaterialAAduitList(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; string projectID = context.Request.Params["projectID"] == null ? "" : context.Request.Params["projectID"].Trim(); string spaceID = context.Request.Params["spaceID"] == null ? "" : context.Request.Params["spaceID"].Trim(); string placeID = context.Request.Params["placeID"] == null ? "" : context.Request.Params["placeID"].Trim(); string wherestr = context.Request.Params["where"] == null ? "" : context.Request.Params["where"].Trim(); string me = context.Request.Params["me"] == null ? "" : context.Request.Params["me"].Trim(); int total = 0; string table = "v_ProjectMaterialA"; string show = "*"; int page = context.Request.Form["page"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]) : 0; int rows = context.Request.Form["rows"] != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["rows"]) : 0; string key = context.Request.Form["key"] != null ? context.Request.Form["key"].Trim() : ""; //string order = context.Request.Form["order"] != "" ? context.Request.Form["order"] : "desc"; //string sort = context.Request.Form["sort"] != "" ? context.Request.Form["sort"] : "sid"; string order = "projectName,[space],place,locationID"; string sort = ""; string where = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectID) && projectID != "0") { where += " and projectID='" + projectID + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spaceID) && spaceID != "0") { where += " and spaceID='" + spaceID + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(placeID) && placeID != "0") { where += " and placeID='" + placeID + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wherestr)) { where += " and " + wherestr + ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(me)) { if (me == "1") { where += " and (Auditor='" + bu.UserID + "' or checkPerson='" + bu.UserID + "')"; } } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //ds = new BLL.Common().GetList("select * from v_ProjectMaterialA " + where); ds = new BLL.Common().GetList(table, sort, show, page, rows, out total, order, where); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; } return(DBUtility.JsonHelper.DataTable2Json_Datagrid(dt, total)); //return DBUtility.JsonHelper.DataTable2Json_Datagrid(dt, dt.Rows.Count); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { buModel = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; //STime = Context.Request["STime"].ToString(); //ETime = Context.Request["ETime"].ToString(); LoadData(); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string save(HttpContext context) { string mainPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FolderPath"]; string folder_path; string t = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); Random rnd = new Random(); int i = rnd.Next(100, 999); string r = i.ToString(); DataTable dt = ParentPath(context.Request["level_ID"].ToString()); string checkPathName = CheckPathName(context.Request["level_ID"].ToString(), "", context.Request["folder_name"].ToString()); if (checkPathName != "") { return(checkPathName); } else { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { folder_path = dt.Rows[0]["folder_path"].ToString() + "/" + context.Request["folder_name"].ToString(); } else { folder_path = "/" + context.Request["folder_name"].ToString(); } string data = ""; Model.BaseUser buModel = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; WCDataProvider db = new WCDataProvider(); WCDataStoreProcedures dsp = new WCDataStoreProcedures("pro_folder", WCDataAction.Insert1); dsp.InputPars.Add("@folder_name", context.Request["folder_name"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@folder_level", context.Request["level_ID"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@remark", context.Request["remark"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@up_permission", context.Request["up_user"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@dowm_permission", context.Request["dowm_user"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@folder_path", folder_path); dsp.InputPars.Add("@create_person", buModel.Name); if (db.Execute(dsp).ExecuteState) { data = "success," + dsp.OutputPars["@OutID"].ToString(); string createPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(mainPath + folder_path); if (!Directory.Exists(createPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(createPath); } } else { if (dsp.OutputPars["Error"].ToString() != "" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsp.OutputPars["Error"].ToString())) { data = dsp.OutputPars["Error"].ToString(); } } return(data); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; if (bu == null) { context.Response.Write("登录超时,请重新登录。"); return; } string type = context.Request["action"]; string reValue = ""; switch (type) { case "list": reValue = QueryList(context); break; case "add": reValue = Add(context); break; case "copy": reValue = Add(context); break; case "update": reValue = Update(context); break; case "del": reValue = Del(context); break; case "myApply": reValue = RequestFormList(context); break; case "waitMeAppr": reValue = WaitMeApprList(context); break; case "handle": reValue = Handle(context); break; case "myAppr": reValue = MyApprList(context); break; default: break; } context.Response.Write(reValue); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { rfsid = Request.QueryString["rfsid"].Trim(); url = Request.QueryString["url"].Trim(); Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; dt = new BLL.flow_master().GetList(" rf_sid=" + rfsid + " and dept_sid like '%," + bu.DeptID + ",%' and post_sid like '%," + bu.ApprRole + ",%'").Tables[0]; } }
/// <summary> /// 登陆角色信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetRoles(MasterPage page) { Model.BaseUser li = GetLoginInfo(page); if (li != null) { return(li.Roles); } else { return(""); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["login"] != null) { Model.BaseUser baseUser = (Model.BaseUser)Session["login"]; userName = baseUser.UserName; userID = baseUser.UserID.ToString(); } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<script>alert('登录信息安全时限过期,请重新登录!');top.location='../Login.aspx'</script>"); } }
private string Edit(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser buModel = new Model.BaseUser(); try { buModel.Permissions = int.Parse(context.Request.Form["cbPermissions"]); } catch { buModel.Permissions = 0; } buModel.UserID = long.Parse(context.Request.Form["hdUserID"]); buModel.UserName = context.Request.Form["txtUserName"].Replace("'", "''").Trim(); buModel.Pwd = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.Request.Form["hdPwd"]) ? DBUtility.WcSecurity.Des.Encrypt(buModel.UserName) : context.Request.Form["hdPwd"]; buModel.Roles = context.Request.Form["txtRoles"].Trim(); int flag = new BLL.BaseUser().Update(buModel); return(flag > 0 ? "ok" : flag == 0 ? "保存失败。" : "【登录账号】“" + buModel.UserName + "”已存在。"); }
public string updata(HttpContext context) { string mainPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FolderPath"]; string checkPathName = CheckPathName("", context.Request["level_ID"].ToString(), context.Request["folder_name"].ToString()); Model.BaseUser buModel = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; string data = ""; WCDataProvider db = new WCDataProvider(); WCDataStoreProcedures dsp = new WCDataStoreProcedures("pro_folder", WCDataAction.Update2); //data = CheckData(context.Request["level_ID"].ToString(), context.Request["up_user"].ToString(), context.Request["dowm_user"].ToString()); if (checkPathName != "") { return(checkPathName); } else { if (data == "" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { dsp.InputPars.Add("@folder_name", context.Request["folder_name"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@folder_id", context.Request["folder_id"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@folder_level", context.Request["level_ID"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@remark", context.Request["remark"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@up_permission", context.Request["up_user"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@dowm_permission", context.Request["dowm_user"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@update_person", buModel.Name); dsp.InputPars.Add("@ups_add", context.Request["ups_add"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@ups_del", context.Request["ups_del"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@downs_add", context.Request["downs_add"].ToString()); dsp.InputPars.Add("@downs_del", context.Request["downs_del"].ToString()); if (db.Execute(dsp).ExecuteState) { string oldPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(mainPath + dsp.OutputPars["@OutSql"].ToString()); string newPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(mainPath + dsp.OutputPars["@OutSql2"].ToString()); if (oldPath != newPath) { if (Directory.Exists(oldPath)) { Directory.Move(oldPath, newPath); } } data = "success"; } else { data = "修改失败!"; } } return(data); } }
public string Handle(HttpContext context) { Model.BaseUser bu = (Model.BaseUser)context.Session["login"]; string afsid = context.Request.Params["afsid"].Trim(); string node = context.Request.Params["node"].Trim(); string dept = bu.DeptID.ToString().Trim(); string role = bu.ApprRole.Trim(); string approver = bu.UserName.Trim(); string result = context.Request.Params["result"].Trim(); string resultStr = context.Request.Params["resultStr"].Trim(); string remark = context.Request.Params["remark"].Trim(); return(new BLL.application_form().handle(afsid, node, dept, role, approver, result, resultStr, remark)); }
private string QueryList(HttpContext context) { string type = context.Request.Params["type"] == null ? "" : context.Request.Params["type"].Trim(); Model.BaseUser bu = context.Session["login"] as Model.BaseUser; string table = " v_project_review "; string sort = context.Request.Form["sort"] != null ? context.Request.Form["sort"] : "project_code,project_name, orderby "; string show = " * "; int page = context.Request.Form["page"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["page"]) : 0; int rows = context.Request.Form["rows"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["rows"]) : 0; int total = 0; string order = context.Request.Form["order"] != null ? context.Request.Form["order"] : "asc"; string key = context.Request.Form["key"] != null ? context.Request.Form["key"].Trim() : ""; //string where = " ','+vname+',' like '%," + bu.UserName + ",%' "; string where = " (v1 ='" + bu.UserName + "' or v2 ='" + bu.UserName + "') "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { key = key.Replace("'", "''"); where += " and(project_code like '%" + key + "%' " + " or project_name like '%" + key + "%' " + " or stage_name like '%" + key + "%' " + " or group_name like '%" + key + "%' " + " or jobduties_name like '%" + key + "%' " + " or detail_name like '%" + key + "%' " + " or begin_date like '%" + key + "%' " + " or end_date like '%" + key + "%' " + " or names like '%" + key + "%' " + " or recently_approver like '%" + key + "%' " + " or recently_date like '%" + key + "%' " + " or sumbit_user like '%" + key + "%' " + " or sumbit_date like '%" + key + "%' " + " ) "; } switch (type) { case "0": where += " and ((review_results=-1 and review_status=0 and type='1' and v1='" + bu.UserName + "') or (review_results=1 and review_status=0 and v2='" + bu.UserName + "'))"; break; default: break; } DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.GetList_ProcPage(table, sort, show, page, rows, out total, order, where).Tables[0]; return(DBUtility.JsonHelper.DataTable2Json_Datagrid(dt, total)); }