コード例 #1
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Write asynchronous data acknowledge
 private void OnSend(System.IAsyncResult result)
     if (result.IsCompleted == false)
         throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);
コード例 #2
        protected override byte[] CheckResponse(byte[] respRaw, int respRawLength)
            if (respRawLength < 13)
                throw new InvalidResponseTelegramException("Error: Invalid response telegram, did not receive minimal length of 13 bytes");

            if ((respRaw[0] != StartOfFrame) | (respRaw[respRawLength - 2] != EndOfFrame1) | (respRaw[respRawLength - 1] != EndOfFrame2))
                throw new InvalidResponseTelegramException("Error: Invalid response telegram. No Start of Frame or End of Frame.");

            // Convert ASCII telegram to binary
            byte[] buffer = new byte[(respRawLength - 3) / 2];
            byte   high, low, val;

            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                //Example : Char1 = 0x35 ('5') and Char2 = 0x42 ('B') compressed to Byte = 0x5B
                val       = respRaw[(2 * i) + 1];
                high      = (val <= 0x39) ? (byte)(val - 0x30) : (byte)(val - 0x37);
                val       = respRaw[(2 * i) + 2];
                low       = (val <= 0x39) ? (byte)(val - 0x30) : (byte)(val - 0x37);
                buffer[i] = (byte)((byte)(high << 4) | low);
            // Calculate LRC
            byte lrc = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length - 1; i++)
                lrc += buffer[i];

            lrc = (byte)(lrc * (-1));
            // Check LRC
            if (buffer[buffer.Length - 1] != lrc)
                throw new InvalidResponseTelegramException("Error: Invalid response telegram, LRC check failed");

            if (IsModbusException(buffer[1]))
                throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(buffer[2]);

            // Strip LRC and copy response PDU into output buffer
            byte[] responsePdu = new byte[buffer.Length - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < responsePdu.Length; i++)
                responsePdu[i] = buffer[i];

コード例 #3
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Write data and and wait for response
        private byte[] WriteSyncData(byte[] write_data, ushort id)
            if (tcpSynCl.Connected)
                    tcpSynCl.Send(write_data, 0, write_data.Length, SocketFlags.None);
                    int result = tcpSynCl.Receive(tcpSynClBuffer, 0, tcpSynClBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None);

                    byte   unit     = tcpSynClBuffer[6];
                    byte   function = tcpSynClBuffer[7];
                    byte[] data;

                    if (result == 0)
                        throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);

                    // ------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Response data is slave exception
                    if (function > 128)
                        throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xA1);
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Write response data
                    else if ((function >= (byte)EnumModbusFunctionCode.WriteSingleCoil) && (function != (byte)EnumModbusFunctionCode.ReadWriteMultipleRegisters))
                        data = new byte[2];
                        Array.Copy(tcpSynClBuffer, 10, data, 0, 2);
                    // ------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Read response data
                        data = new byte[tcpSynClBuffer[8]];
                        Array.Copy(tcpSynClBuffer, 9, data, 0, tcpSynClBuffer[8]);
                catch (SystemException)
                    throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);
                throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);
コード例 #4
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Write asynchronous data
 private void WriteAsyncData(byte[] write_data, ushort id)
     if ((tcpAsyCl != null) && (tcpAsyCl.Connected))
             tcpAsyCl.BeginSend(write_data, 0, write_data.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSend), null);
             tcpAsyCl.BeginReceive(tcpAsyClBuffer, 0, tcpAsyClBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnReceive), tcpAsyCl);
         catch (SystemException)
             throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);
         throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);
コード例 #5
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Write asynchronous data response
        private void OnReceive(System.IAsyncResult result)
            if (result.IsCompleted == false)
                throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xFD);

            ushort id       = SwapUInt16(BitConverter.ToUInt16(tcpAsyClBuffer, 0));
            byte   unit     = tcpAsyClBuffer[6];
            byte   function = tcpAsyClBuffer[7];

            byte[] data;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Write response data
            if ((function >= (byte)EnumModbusFunctionCode.WriteSingleCoil) && (function != (byte)EnumModbusFunctionCode.ReadWriteMultipleRegisters))
                data = new byte[2];
                Array.Copy(tcpAsyClBuffer, 10, data, 0, 2);
            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Read response data
                data = new byte[tcpAsyClBuffer[8]];
                Array.Copy(tcpAsyClBuffer, 9, data, 0, tcpAsyClBuffer[8]);
            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Response data is slave exception
            if (function > 128)
                throw ModbusException.GetModbusException(0xA1);
            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Response data is regular data
            else if (OnResponseData != null)
                OnResponseData(id, unit, function, data);