private static void TestQuickInfo(MockVs vs, string code, int start, int end, params string[] expected) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, vs: vs)) { var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { var analysis = snapshot.AnalyzeExpression( vs.ServiceProvider, snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(i, i == snapshot.Length ? 0 : 1, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive), false ); List <object> quickInfo = new List <object>(); ITrackingSpan span; QuickInfoSource.AugmentQuickInfoWorker( analysis, quickInfo, out span ); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, quickInfo.Count); for (int j = 0; j < expected.Length; j++) { Assert.AreEqual(expected[j], quickInfo[j]); } } } }
public void DisableAutoCompletions() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var options = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; var oldALM = options.AutoListMembers; var oldALI = options.AutoListIdentifiers; options.AutoListMembers = false; options.AutoListIdentifiers = false; vs.OnDispose(() => { options.AutoListMembers = oldALM; options.AutoListIdentifiers = oldALI; }); var view = CreateViewAndAnalyze(vs); foreach (var t in new[] { "a", "a.", "import " }) { Console.WriteLine("Typed " + t); view.Type(t); view.AssertNoIntellisenseSession(); view.Clear(); } } }
public void FromOSPathImportCompletions3x() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var factory = vs.Invoke(() => vs.GetPyService().InterpreterRegistryService.Interpreters.LastOrDefault(p => p.Configuration.Version.Major == 3)); OSPathImportTest(vs, factory); } }
public static PythonToolsService GetPyService(this MockVs session) { var service = session.ServiceProvider.GetPythonToolsService(); Assert.IsNotNull(service, "PythonToolsService is unavailable"); return(service); }
private static void OSPathImportTest(MockVs vs, MockCompletionDB db) { var code = "from "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "os", "sys"); code = "from o"; var completions = GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "os"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "sys"); code = "from os "; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "import"); code = "from os import"; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "import"); code = "from os import "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "path"); code = "from os."; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "path"); code = "from os.path import "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "abspath", "relpath"); var allNames = new HashSet <string>(); allNames.UnionWith(GetCompletions(vs, -1, "from ntpath import ", db.Factory)); allNames.UnionWith(GetCompletions(vs, -1, "from posixpath import ", db.Factory)); code = "from os.path import "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), allNames); }
public void FromOSPathImportCompletions3x() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) using (var db = MockCompletionDB.Create(PythonLanguageVersion.V33, "os", "ntpath", "posixpath", "os2emxpath")) { OSPathImportTest(vs, db); } }
public void GotoDefinition() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { string code = @" class C: def fff(self): pass C().fff"; //var emptyAnalysis = AnalyzeExpression(0, code); //AreEqual(emptyAnalysis.Expression, ""); for (int i = -1; i >= -3; i--) { var analysis = AnalyzeExpression(vs, i, code); Assert.AreEqual("C().fff", analysis.Expression); } var classAnalysis = AnalyzeExpression(vs, -6, code); Assert.AreEqual("C()", classAnalysis.Expression); var defAnalysis = AnalyzeExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("def fff") + 4, code); Assert.AreEqual("fff", defAnalysis.Expression); } }
public void OverridesWithMismatchedAnalysis() { // Here we create a buffer and analyze. We then add some newlines // and a def, expecting completions from A (int). Because the def // has moved down into class B, GetCompletions() rolls it back // to find out where in the analysis to look - without this, we // would get completions for dict rather than int. var code = @" class A(int): pass class B(dict): pass "; using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var editText = "\r\n\r\n\r\n def "; var editInsert = code.IndexOf("pass") + 4; var completions = EditAndGetCompletions(vs, code, editText, editInsert, "def "); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "bit_length", "conjugate"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "keys"); editText = "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n def "; editInsert = code.IndexOf("pass", editInsert) + 4; completions = EditAndGetCompletions(vs, code, editText, editInsert, "def "); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "keys", "__contains__"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "bit_length"); } }
public void TabCommits() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var opts = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; bool oldECI = opts.EnterCommitsIntellisense; bool oldALM = opts.AutoListMembers; bool oldALI = opts.AutoListIdentifiers; bool oldHAM = opts.HideAdvancedMembers; opts.EnterCommitsIntellisense = false; opts.AutoListMembers = true; opts.AutoListIdentifiers = false; opts.HideAdvancedMembers = false; vs.OnDispose(() => { opts.EnterCommitsIntellisense = oldECI; opts.AutoListMembers = oldALM; opts.AutoListIdentifiers = oldALI; opts.HideAdvancedMembers = oldHAM; }); var view = CreateViewAndAnalyze(vs); view.Type("min."); var session = view.TopSession as ICompletionSession; Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", session.Completions())); view.Type("class\t"); Assert.AreEqual("min.__class__", view.Text); } }
private static IEnumerable <string> EditAndGetCompletions( MockVs vs, string code, string editText, int editInsert, string completeAfter, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27 ) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { view.AdvancedOptions.HideAdvancedMembers = false; var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; using (var evt = view.AnalysisCompleteEvent) { view.View.MoveCaret(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, editInsert)); view.Type(editText); if (!evt.WaitOne(10000)) { Assert.Fail("Failed to wait for new analysis"); } } var newSnapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; Assert.AreNotSame(snapshot, newSnapshot); return(view.GetCompletionsAfter(completeAfter)); } }
public void EnterCommitsCompleteNoNewLine() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var opts = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; bool oldANL = opts.AddNewLineAtEndOfFullyTypedWord; bool oldALM = opts.AutoListMembers; bool oldALI = opts.AutoListIdentifiers; bool oldHAM = opts.HideAdvancedMembers; opts.AddNewLineAtEndOfFullyTypedWord = true; opts.AutoListMembers = true; opts.AutoListIdentifiers = false; opts.HideAdvancedMembers = false; vs.OnDispose(() => { opts.AddNewLineAtEndOfFullyTypedWord = oldANL; opts.AutoListMembers = oldALM; opts.AutoListIdentifiers = oldALI; opts.HideAdvancedMembers = oldHAM; }); var view = CreateViewAndAnalyze(vs); view.Type("min."); var session = view.TopSession as ICompletionSession; view.Type("__class__\r"); Assert.AreEqual("min.__class__\r\n", view.Text); } }
private void AutoListTest(string code, PythonLanguageVersion version, params int[] triggerAtIndex) { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var interpreterService = vs.GetPyService()._interpreterOptionsService; var oldDefault = interpreterService.DefaultInterpreter; interpreterService.DefaultInterpreter = interpreterService.Interpreters .First(i => i.Configuration.Version == version.ToVersion()); vs.OnDispose(() => interpreterService.DefaultInterpreter = oldDefault); var options = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; var oldALI = options.AutoListIdentifiers; var oldALM = options.AutoListMembers; options.AutoListIdentifiers = true; options.AutoListMembers = true; vs.OnDispose(() => { options.AutoListIdentifiers = oldALI; options.AutoListMembers = oldALM; }); var view = CreateViewAndAnalyze(vs); int lastStart = 0; string text; foreach (var _i in triggerAtIndex) { bool expectCompletions = _i >= 0; int expected = _i > 0 ? _i : -_i; text = code.Substring(lastStart, expected - lastStart); Console.WriteLine("Typing '{0}' [{1}, {2})", text, lastStart, expected); view.Type(text); view.AssertNoIntellisenseSession(); lastStart = expected; if (expectCompletions) { text = code.Substring(expected, 1); Console.WriteLine("Typing '{0}' [{1}, {2}) and expect completions", text, expected, expected + 1); view.Type(text); using (var sh = view.WaitForSession <ICompletionSession>()) { sh.Session.Dismiss(); } lastStart = expected + 1; } } text = code.Substring(lastStart); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { Console.WriteLine("Typing '{0}' [{1}, {2})", text, lastStart, code.Length); view.Type(text); view.AssertNoIntellisenseSession(); } } }
private static void AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(MockVs vs, int start, int charCount, string code, string expectedExpr) { // We check charCount + 1 positions to ensure that go to definition // works when caret is on the left AND right of identifier (and in between) for (int i = 0; i <= charCount; i++) { var defAnalysis = AnalyzeExpression(vs, start + i, code); Assert.AreEqual(expectedExpr, defAnalysis?.Expression); } }
public void ExceptionCompletions() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { foreach (var ver in new[] { PythonLanguageVersion.V36, PythonLanguageVersion.V27 }) { foreach (string code in new[] { @"import sys raise |", @"import sys raise (|", @"import sys try: pass except |", @"import sys try: pass except (|", @"import sys try: pass except (ValueError, |" }) { Console.WriteLine($"{ver}:: {code}"); var completionList = GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOf("|"), code.Replace("|", ""), ver); AssertUtil.CheckCollection(completionList, new[] { "Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt", "GeneratorExit", "StopIteration", "SystemExit", "sys", "Warning" }, new[] { "str", "int" } ); } foreach (string code in new[] { @"import sys raise (sys.", @"import sys try: pass except (sys." }) { var completionList = GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("sys."), code, ver); AssertUtil.CheckCollection( completionList, new[] { "modules", "path", "version" }, new[] { "Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt", "GeneratorExit", "StopIteration", "SystemExit" } ); } } } }
private static void TestSignature(MockVs vs, int location, string sourceCode, string expectedExpression, int paramIndex, PythonLanguageVersion version, bool analyze, out SignatureAnalysis sigs) { if (location < 0) { location = sourceCode.Length + location; } sigs = GetSignatureAnalysis(vs, location, sourceCode, version); Assert.AreEqual(expectedExpression, sigs.Text, sourceCode); Assert.AreEqual(paramIndex, sigs.ParameterIndex, sourceCode); }
private static SignatureAnalysis GetSignatureAnalysis(MockVs vs, int index, string code, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; return(snapshot.GetSignatures( vs.ServiceProvider, snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(index, 1, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive) )); } }
public void SignatureHelpStarArgs() { SignatureAnalysis sigResult; using (var vs = new MockVs()) { TestSignature(vs, -1, @"def f(a, *b, c=None): pass f(1, 2, 3, 4,", "f", 4, PythonLanguageVersion.V27, true, out sigResult); Assert.IsTrue(sigResult.Signatures.Count >= 1, "No signature analysis results"); Assert.AreEqual("*b", sigResult.Signatures[0].CurrentParameter.Name); } }
public void QuickInfo() { string code = @" x = ""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ"" cls._parse_block(ast.expr) f(a, (b, c, d), e) def f(): """"""helpful information """""" while True: pass lambda larg1, larg2: None"; using (var vs = new MockVs()) { // we get the appropriate subexpression TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("cls."), code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4, "cls: <unknown type>"); TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11, "cls._parse_block: <unknown type>"); TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11 + 1, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 4, "ast: <unknown type>"); TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 4 + 1, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3, "ast.expr: <unknown type>"); TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 1, code.IndexOf("cls.") + 4 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1, "cls._parse_block(ast.expr): <unknown type>"); // the whole string shows up in quick info TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("x = ") + 4, code.IndexOf("x = ") + 4 + 28, "\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ\": str"); // trailing new lines don't show up in quick info TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("def f") + 4, code.IndexOf("def f") + 5, "f: def f()\r\nhelpful information"); // keywords don't show up in quick info TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("while True:"), code.IndexOf("while True:") + 5); // 'lambda' keyword doesn't show up in quick info TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("lambda"), code.IndexOf("lambda") + 6); // but its arguments do TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("larg1"), code.IndexOf("larg1") + 5, "larg1: <unknown type>"); TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("larg2"), code.IndexOf("larg2") + 5, "larg2: <unknown type>"); // multiline function, hover at the close paren TestQuickInfo(vs, code, code.IndexOf("e)") + 1, code.IndexOf("e)") + 2, @"f(a, (b, c, d), e): <unknown type>"); } }
public void CompletionWithLongDocString() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var docString = GenerateText(100, 72, " ").ToArray(); string code = @" def func(a): '''" + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, docString) + @"''' pass "; // Because there is an extra line added for the Quick Info we only // want the first 29 lines of the docstring. For signature docs, // we'll cut to 15 lines. var expected1 = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, docString.Take(29)) + Environment.NewLine + "..."; var expected2 = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, docString.Take(15)).TrimStart() + Environment.NewLine + "..."; using (var view = new PythonEditor(code)) { TestQuickInfo(view, code.IndexOf("func"), code.IndexOf("func") + 4, "func: def func(a)\r\n" + expected1); SignatureAnalysis sigs; view.Text += "func("; TestSignature(view, -1, "func", 0, out sigs); Assert.AreEqual(1, sigs.Signatures.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, sigs.Signatures[0].Parameters.Count); Assert.AreEqual(expected2, sigs.Signatures[0].Documentation); } docString = GenerateText(100, 250, " ").ToArray(); code = @" def func(a): '''" + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, docString) + @"''' pass "; using (var view = new PythonEditor(code)) { // The long lines cause us to truncate sooner. expected1 = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, docString.Take(15)) + Environment.NewLine + "..."; expected2 = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, docString.Take(8)).TrimStart() + Environment.NewLine + "..."; TestQuickInfo(view, code.IndexOf("func"), code.IndexOf("func") + 4, "func: def func(a)\r\n" + expected1); SignatureAnalysis sigs; view.Text += "func("; TestSignature(view, -1, "func", 0, out sigs); Assert.AreEqual(1, sigs.Signatures.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, sigs.Signatures[0].Parameters.Count); Assert.AreEqual(expected2, sigs.Signatures[0].Documentation); } } }
public static IVisualStudioInstance ToMockVs(this SolutionFile self) { MockVs vs = new MockVs(); vs.Invoke(() => { // HACK: The default targets files require a function that we don't provide // The tests are mostly still broken, but they get further now. We should probably // move them into UI tests, as we can't emulate the MSBuild environment well enough // to open projects from here. Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection.SetGlobalProperty("NugetRestoreTargets", "false"); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(vs.Solution.OpenSolutionFile(0, self.Filename)); }); return(vs); }
private static ExpressionAnalysis AnalyzeExpression(MockVs vs, int location, string code, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27) { if (location < 0) { location += code.Length + 1; } using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; return(vs.InvokeTask(() => view.Analyzer.AnalyzeExpressionAsync( (AnalysisEntry)view.GetAnalysisEntry(), new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, location) ))); } }
public void EnterDismisses() { var vs = new MockVs(); vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions.EnterCommitsIntellisense = false; vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions.AutoListMembers = true; var view = CreateViewAndAnalyze(vs); view.Type("min."); var session = view.TopSession as ICompletionSession; view.Type("class\r"); Assert.AreEqual("min.class\r\n", view.Text); }
private static ExpressionAnalysis AnalyzeExpression(MockVs vs, int location, string code, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27) { if (location < 0) { location += code.Length + 1; } using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; return(snapshot.AnalyzeExpression( vs.ServiceProvider, snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(location, location < snapshot.Length ? 1 : 0, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive), false )); } }
public void CtrlSpaceAfterKeyword() { // string code = @" def h(): return print "; using (var vs = new MockVs()) { AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("return "), code), "any"); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("print "), code), "any"); } }
public void CtrlSpaceAfterNumber() { // string code = @" 2 2. 2.. 2.0. "; using (var vs = new MockVs()) { AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("2"), code)); AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("2."), code)); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("2.."), code), "real", "imag"); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("2.0."), code), "real", "imag"); } }
public void GotoDefinition() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { string code = @" class C: def fff(self): pass i=1+2 C().fff"; AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("fff("), 3, code, "fff"); AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("self)"), 4, code, "self"); AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("C:"), 1, code, "C"); AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("1"), 1, code, "1"); AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("2"), 1, code, "2"); AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf("C()."), 1, code, "C"); AnalyzeAndValidateExpression(vs, code.IndexOf(".fff") + 2, 2, code, "C().fff"); } }
public ClassifierHelper(string code, PythonLanguageVersion version) { _vs = new MockVs(); var reg = _vs.ContentTypeRegistry; var providers = _vs.ComponentModel.GetExtensions <IClassifierProvider>().ToArray(); _provider1 = providers.OfType <PythonClassifierProvider>().Single(); _provider2 = providers.OfType <PythonAnalysisClassifierProvider>().Single(); var factory = InterpreterFactoryCreator.CreateAnalysisInterpreterFactory(version.ToVersion()); _analyzer = new VsProjectAnalyzer(_vs.ServiceProvider, factory, new[] { factory }); _view = _vs.CreateTextView(PythonCoreConstants.ContentType, code, v => { v.TextView.TextBuffer.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(VsProjectAnalyzer), _analyzer); }); }
private static MockVsTextView CreateViewAndAnalyze(MockVs vs = null) { if (vs == null) { vs = new MockVs(); // Ensure these options are set correctly if we're creating the // instance. Otherwise, the caller is responsible. var opts = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; opts.AutoListMembers = true; opts.AutoListIdentifiers = false; } var view = vs.CreateTextView( PythonCoreConstants.ContentType, Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetRandomFileName(), "") ); view.View.GetAnalyzer(vs.ServiceProvider).WaitForCompleteAnalysis(x => true); return(view); }
public MockVsTextManager(MockVs vs) { _vs = vs; foreach (var langService in MockVs.CachedInfo.LangServicesByGuid) { var type = langService.Value.Attribute; _langPrefs[langService.Key] = new LANGPREFERENCES2() { guidLang = langService.Key, fDropdownBar = (uint)(type.ShowDropDownOptions ? 1 : 0), fInsertTabs = (uint)(type.DefaultToInsertSpaces ? 0 : 1), fShowCompletion = (uint)(type.ShowCompletion ? 1 : 0), fShowSmartIndent = (uint)(type.ShowSmartIndent ? 1 : 0), fHideAdvancedAutoListMembers = (uint)(type.HideAdvancedMembersByDefault ? 1 : 0), fAutoListMembers = 1, fAutoListParams = 1, IndentStyle = type.ShowSmartIndent ? vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleSmart : vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleDefault }; } }
public void AutoListIdentifierCompletions() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var options = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; var oldALI = options.AutoListIdentifiers; options.AutoListIdentifiers = true; vs.OnDispose(() => options.AutoListIdentifiers = oldALI); var view = CreateViewAndAnalyze(vs); view.Type("a = "); foreach (var c in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") { // x<space> should bring up a completion session Console.WriteLine("Typing {0}", c); view.Type(c.ToString()); using (var sh = view.WaitForSession <ICompletionSession>()) { sh.Session.Dismiss(); } view.Backspace(); } view.AssertNoIntellisenseSession(); // x<space> should not bring up a completion session // Don't check too many items, since asserting that no session // starts is slow. foreach (var c in "1234567890([{") { Console.WriteLine("Typing {0}", c); view.Type(c.ToString()); view.AssertNoIntellisenseSession(); view.Backspace(); } } }
private static ExpressionAnalysis AnalyzeExpression(MockVs vs, int location, string code, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27) { if (location < 0) { location += code.Length + 1; } using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; return snapshot.AnalyzeExpression( vs.ServiceProvider, snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(location, location < snapshot.Length ? 1 : 0, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive), false ); } }
private static IEnumerable<string> GetCompletions(MockVs vs, int index, string code, IPythonInterpreterFactory factory) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, vs: vs, factory: factory)) { return view.GetCompletions(index); } }
private static IEnumerable<string> GetCompletions(MockVs vs, int index, string code, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { return view.GetCompletions(index); } }
public MockTreeNode(MockVs mockVs, HierarchyItem res) { _mockVs = mockVs; _item = res; }
public MockVsServiceProvider(MockVs mockVs) { _vs = mockVs; _servicesByType.Add(typeof(IOleServiceProvider), this); }
public MockVsServiceProvider(MockVs mockVs) { _vs = mockVs; _servicesByGuid.Add(typeof(IOleServiceProvider).GUID, this); }
public void ExceptionCompletions() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { foreach (string code in new[] { @"import sys raise |", @"import sys raise (|", @"import sys try: pass except |", @"import sys try: pass except (|", @"import sys try: pass except (ValueError, |"}) { var completionList = GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOf("|"), code.Replace("|", "")).ToArray(); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completionList, "Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt", "GeneratorExit", "StopIteration", "SystemExit", "sys" ); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "Warning"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "str"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "int"); } foreach (string code in new[] { @"import sys raise (sys.", @"import sys try: pass except (sys."}) { var completionList = GetCompletions(vs, code.IndexOfEnd("sys."), code).ToArray(); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "Exception"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "KeyboardInterrupt"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "GeneratorExit"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "StopIteration"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completionList, "SystemExit"); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completionList, "modules", "path", "version" ); } } }
private static void OSPathImportTest(MockVs vs, MockCompletionDB db) { var code = "from "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "os", "sys"); code = "from o"; var completions = GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "os"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "sys"); code = "from os "; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "import"); code = "from os import"; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "import"); code = "from os import "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "path"); code = "from os."; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "path"); code = "from os.path import "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), "abspath", "relpath"); var allNames = new HashSet<string>(); allNames.UnionWith(GetCompletions(vs, -1, "from ntpath import ", db.Factory)); allNames.UnionWith(GetCompletions(vs, -1, "from posixpath import ", db.Factory)); code = "from os.path import "; AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code, db.Factory), allNames); }
private static IEnumerable<string> EditAndGetCompletions( MockVs vs, string code, string editText, int editInsert, string completeAfter, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27 ) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { view.AdvancedOptions.HideAdvancedMembers = false; var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; view.View.MoveCaret(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, editInsert)); view.Type(editText); var newSnapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; Assert.AreNotSame(snapshot, newSnapshot); return view.GetCompletionsAfter(completeAfter); } }
private static ExpressionAnalysis AnalyzeExpression(MockVs vs, int location, string code, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27) { if (location < 0) { location += code.Length + 1; } using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; ExpressionAnalysis expr = null; vs.InvokeSync(() => { expr = vs.GetPyService().AnalyzeExpression( view.View.TextView, snapshot, snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(location, location < snapshot.Length ? 1 : 0, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive), false ); }); return expr; } }
public void TestInit() { MockPythonToolsPackage.SuppressTaskProvider = true; _vs = new MockVs(); }
public void TestInit() { _vs = new MockVs(); }
public void FromImportMultilineCompletions() { using (var vs = new MockVs()) { var code = "from sys import ("; var completions = GetCompletions(vs, -1, code); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "settrace", "api_version"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "*"); code = "from nt import (\r\n "; completions = GetCompletions(vs, -1, code); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "abort", "W_OK"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "*"); code = "from nt import (getfilesystemencoding,\r\n "; completions = GetCompletions(vs, -1, code); AssertUtil.ContainsAtLeast(completions, "abort", "W_OK"); AssertUtil.DoesntContain(completions, "*"); // Need a comma for more completions code = "from sys import (settrace\r\n "; AssertUtil.ContainsExactly(GetCompletions(vs, -1, code), "as"); } }
public PythonEditor( string content = null, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27, MockVs vs = null, IPythonInterpreterFactory factory = null, VsProjectAnalyzer analyzer = null, string filename = null ) { if (vs == null) { _disposeVS = true; vs = new MockVs(); } MockVsTextView view = null; try { AdvancedOptions = vs.GetPyService().AdvancedOptions; AdvancedOptions.AutoListMembers = true; AdvancedOptions.AutoListIdentifiers = false; if (factory == null) { _disposeFactory = true; factory = InterpreterFactoryCreator.CreateAnalysisInterpreterFactory(version.ToVersion()); } if (analyzer == null) { _disposeAnalyzer = true; analyzer = new VsProjectAnalyzer(vs.ServiceProvider, factory); var task = analyzer.ReloadTask; if (task != null) { task.WaitAndUnwrapExceptions(); } } var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); using (var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim()) { EventHandler evt = (s, e) => mre.Set(); analyzer.AnalysisStarted += evt; view = vs.CreateTextView(PythonCoreConstants.ContentType, content ?? "", v => { v.TextView.TextBuffer.Properties.AddProperty(typeof(VsProjectAnalyzer), analyzer); }, filename); try { mre.Wait(cts.Token); analyzer.WaitForCompleteAnalysis(x => !cts.IsCancellationRequested); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } finally { analyzer.AnalysisStarted -= evt; } if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) { Assert.Fail("Timed out waiting for code analysis"); } } View = view; view = null; Analyzer = analyzer; analyzer = null; Factory = factory; factory = null; VS = vs; vs = null; } finally { if (view != null) { view.Dispose(); } if (analyzer != null && _disposeAnalyzer) { analyzer.Dispose(); } if (factory != null && _disposeFactory) { var disp = factory as IDisposable; if (disp != null) { disp.Dispose(); } } if (vs != null && _disposeVS) { vs.Dispose(); } } }
public static IVisualStudioInstance ToMockVs(this SolutionFile self) { MockVs vs = new MockVs(); vs.Invoke(() => ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(vs.Solution.OpenSolutionFile(0, self.Filename))); return vs; }
private static IEnumerable<string> EditAndGetCompletions( MockVs vs, string code, string editText, int editInsert, string completeAfter, PythonLanguageVersion version = PythonLanguageVersion.V27 ) { using (var view = new PythonEditor(code, version, vs)) { view.AdvancedOptions.HideAdvancedMembers = false; var snapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; ITextVersion afterEditVersion = null; ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); view.View.TextView.TextBuffer.RegisterForNewAnalysis(entry => { if (afterEditVersion != null && entry.BufferParser.GetAnalysisVersion(snapshot.TextBuffer).VersionNumber >= afterEditVersion.VersionNumber) { mre.Set(); } }); view.View.MoveCaret(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, editInsert)); view.Type(editText); afterEditVersion = view.CurrentSnapshot.Version; if (!mre.WaitOne(10000)) { Assert.Fail("Failed to wait for new analysis"); } var newSnapshot = view.CurrentSnapshot; Assert.AreNotSame(snapshot, newSnapshot); return view.GetCompletionsAfter(completeAfter); } }
public MockDTE(MockVs vs) { _vs = vs; }
public MockVsUIHierarchyWindow(MockVs vs) { _mockVs = vs; }
public MockDialog(MockVs vs, string title) { Title = title; Vs = vs; }
public MockVsRunningDocumentTable(MockVs vs) { _vs = vs; }
public MockMessageBox(MockVs vs, string title, string text) : base(vs, title) { Text = text; }
public MockVsMonitorSelection(MockVs vs) { _vs = vs; _emptyCtx = new MockVsTrackSelectionEx(this); }