コード例 #1
        public MockServiceSideConnection RegisterSDKConnectionContext(MockServiceConnectionContext sdkSideConnCtx, HubServiceEndpoint endpoint, string target, IDuplexPipe pipe)
            lock (_addRemoveLock)
                // Loosely coupled and indirect way of instantiating SDK side ServiceConnection and ServiceConnectionContext objects created
                // a unique problem: MockServiceConnection has no way of knowing which instance of MockServiceConnectionContext it is using.
                // Being able to associate these two is useful in several ways:
                // - the mock service (and the tests) would be able to track both ServiceConnectionContext and ServiceConnection states
                // - allows integration tests framework to add additional invariant checks regarding the state of these 2 objects
                // - simplifies cleanup and memory leaks tracking
                // The closest thing these 2 share is connectionId.
                // However ServiceConnection does not expose it via IServiceConnection and therefore its not available to MockServiceConnection
                // Rather than modifying interfaces or resort to using async locals to flow the information
                // we piggy back on the only parameter that we can control
                // as it flows from MockServiceConnection instance to MockServiceConnectionContext
                // see MockServiceConnection.StartAsync
                string startTag = "svc_";
                Debug.Assert(target.IndexOf(startTag) == 0);

                int endTagIndex = target.IndexOf(value: "_", startIndex: startTag.Length);
                Debug.Assert(endTagIndex >= startTag.Length + 1);

                string id = target.Substring(startTag.Length, endTagIndex - startTag.Length);
                int.TryParse(id, out int serviceConnectionIndex);
                Debug.Assert(serviceConnectionIndex > 0);   // indexes start from 1

                var svcConnection = _sdkSideConnections.Where(c => c.ConnectionNumber == serviceConnectionIndex).FirstOrDefault();
                if (svcConnection == null)
                    svcConnection = _sdkSideConnections.Where(c => c.ConnectionNumber == serviceConnectionIndex).FirstOrDefault();

                Debug.Assert(svcConnection != default, $"Missing MockServiceConnection with id {id}");

                // Found it! MockServiceConnectionContext, please meet the MockServiceConnection instance
                // which wraps ServiceConnection that is going to use you to send and receive messages
                sdkSideConnCtx.MyMockServiceConnetion = svcConnection;
                svcConnection.MyConnectionContext     = sdkSideConnCtx;

                // now fix the target
                if (target.Length > endTagIndex + 1)
                    target = target.Substring(endTagIndex + 1);
                    target = null;

                var conn = new MockServiceSideConnection(this, sdkSideConnCtx, endpoint, target, pipe);

コード例 #2
        public void UnregisterMockServiceConnection(MockServiceConnectionContext conn)
            if (!RemoveUnregisteredConnections)

            lock (_addRemoveLock)
                var new_sdkSideConnections = new ConcurrentBag <MockServiceConnection>();
                while (_sdkSideConnections.TryTake(out var c))
                    if (c.MyConnectionContext != conn)
                        var svcSideConn = c.MyConnectionContext.MyServiceSideConnection;
                _sdkSideConnections = new_sdkSideConnections;
コード例 #3
 public MockServiceSideConnection(IMockService mocksvc, MockServiceConnectionContext sdkSideConnCtx, HubServiceEndpoint endpoint, string target, IDuplexPipe pipe)
     Index   = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_index);
     MockSvc = mocksvc;
     SDKSideServiceConnection = sdkSideConnCtx;
     Endpoint        = endpoint;
     Target          = target;
     MockServicePipe = pipe;