public void GetTypeByNameTest() { var actual = MockKernel.Get <DataService>().GetTypeByName("Book"); var expected = typeof(Book); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void GetListOfTypesTest() { var actual = MockKernel.Get <DataService>().GetListOfTypes(); var expected = new List <string> { "User", "Book" }; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public frmImportUtility() { // initialize Viewmodel viewModel = MockKernel.Get().GetImportViewModel() as ImportViewModel; InitializeComponent(); ApplyCustomTheme(); viewModel.PropertyChanged += ViewModel_PropertyChanged; this.objectListView.SetObjects(viewModel.Importableobjects); }
public void GetByIdAndTypeTest() { var expected = new User { Id = 123, Login = "******" }; MockKernel.GetMock <IRepository <User> >().Setup(ur => ur.GetById(5)).Returns(expected); var actual = MockKernel.Get <DataService>().GetByIdAndType(5, "User"); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public frmImportUtility() { // initialize Viewmodel viewModel = MockKernel.Get().GetImportViewModel(); InitializeComponent(); ApplyCustomTheme(); viewModel.PropertyChanged += ViewModel_PropertyChanged; this.objectListView.SetObjects(viewModel.Importableobjects); this.toolStripComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public void ShowStringsGUIModal() { var StringsGui = MockKernel.Get().StringsGui; if (StringsGui == null) { StringsGui = new frmStringsGui(); StringsGui.ShowDialog(); } else { StringsGui.ShowDialog(); } }
public frmWcc() { viewModel = MockKernel.Get().GetModkitViewModel(); viewModel.PropertyChanged += ViewModel_PropertyChanged; InitializeComponent(); ApplyCustomTheme(); objectListView.SetObjects(viewModel.Commands); propertyGrid.SelectedObject = viewModel.SelectedObject; this.Icon = new Icon(UIController.GetIconByKey(EAppIcons.Wcc), new Size(16, 16)); }
public void GetDataByTypeTest() { var testBooks = new List <Book> { new Book { Id = 123, Description = "Desr" } }; MockKernel.GetMock <IRepository <Book> >().Setup(br => br.GetAll()).Returns(testBooks); var actual = MockKernel.Get <DataService>().GetDataByType("Book"); Assert.AreEqual(testBooks, actual); }
async Task CreatePackage(string outpath) { if (MainController.Get().ActiveMod == null) { MessageBox.Show("No project loaded!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Busy; var packeddir = Path.Combine(MainController.Get().ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, @"packed\"); var contentdir = Path.Combine(MainController.Get().ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, @"packed\content\"); if (!Directory.Exists(contentdir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(contentdir); } else { var di = new DirectoryInfo(contentdir); foreach (var file in di.GetFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (var dir in di.GetDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } } var packtask = MockKernel.Get().GetMainViewModel().PackAndInstallMod(); await packtask; var installdir = Path.Combine(MainController.Get().ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, @"Installer/"); if (!Directory.Exists(installdir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(installdir); } var asm = WKPackage.CreateModAssembly(modversionTB.Text, modnameTB.Text, new Tuple <string, string, string, string, string, string>(authorTB.Text, donateTF.Text, webTF.Text, facebookTF.Text, twitterTF.Text, youtubeTF.Text), descriptionRTB.Text, largedescRTB.Text, licenseTB.Text, new Tuple <Color, bool, Color>(headercolor, useblackCB.Checked, iconbg), new List <XElement>()); var pkg = new WKPackage(asm, iconpathTB.Text, Path.Combine(MainController.Get().ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, @"packed")); pkg.Save(outpath); MainController.LogString("Installer created: " + outpath + "\n", Logtype.Success); if (!File.Exists(outpath)) { MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Errored; MainController.LogString("Couldn't create installer. Something went wrong.", Logtype.Error); return; } MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Ready; Commonfunctions.ShowFileInExplorer(outpath); }
public frmBulkEditor() { InitializeComponent(); // initialize Viewmodel viewModel = MockKernel.Get().GetBulkEditorViewModel(); ApplyCustomTheme(); propertyGrid.SelectedObject = viewModel.Options; viewModel.PerformStep += (sender, e) => this.PerformStep(); viewModel.PropertyChanged += ViewModel_PropertyChanged; }
public frmRadish() { // initialize Viewmodel viewModel = MockKernel.Get().GetRadishVM() as RadishViewModel; if (viewModel.IsCorrupt) { this.Close(); } InitializeComponent(); ApplyCustomTheme(); // Set control objects WorkflowobjectListView.SetObjects(RadishController.Get().Configuration.Workflows); PropertyGrid.SelectedObject = viewModel.CurrentWorkflow; PropertyGridSettings.SelectedObject = RadishController.GetConfig(); }
public void RequestStringsGUI() { var StringsGui = MockKernel.Get().StringsGui; if (StringsGui == null) { StringsGui = new frmStringsGui(); } if (StringsGui.AreHashesDifferent()) { var result = MessageBox.Show( "There are no encoded CSV files in your mod, do you want to open Strings Encoder GUI?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { StringsGui.ShowDialog(); } } }
void IWindowFactory.ShowOutput() => MockKernel.Get().ShowOutput();
void IWindowFactory.ShowConsole() => MockKernel.Get().ShowConsole();
public void DeleteDataByTypeAndId() { MockKernel.Get <DataService>().DeleteDataByTypeAndId("Book", 8); MockKernel.GetMock <IRepository <Book> >().Verify(br => br.Delete(8)); }
private void btSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!File.Exists(textBoxGame.Text)) { DialogResult = DialogResult.None; textBoxGame.Focus(); MessageBox.Show("Invalid witcher3.exe path", "failed to save."); return; } if (!File.Exists(textBoxWcc.Text)) { DialogResult = DialogResult.None; textBoxWcc.Focus(); MessageBox.Show("Invalid wcc_lite.exe path", "failed to save."); return; } MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Busy; MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 0; // get configs var config = MainController.Get().Configuration; var uiconfig = UIController.Get().Configuration; // Apply Theme bool applyTheme = uiconfig.ColorTheme != (EColorThemes)comboBoxTheme.SelectedItem; // save settings config.ExecutablePath = textBoxGame.Text; config.WccLite = textBoxWcc.Text; // double check that r4depot exists if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.DepotPath)) { DirectoryInfo wccDir = new FileInfo(textBoxWcc.Text).Directory.Parent.Parent; string wcc_r4data = Path.Combine(wccDir.FullName, "r4data"); if (Directory.Exists(wcc_r4data)) { config.DepotPath = wcc_r4data; } } config.DepotPath = textBoxDepot.Text; config.GameModDir = textBoxModDir.Text; config.GameDlcDir = textBoxDlcDir.Text; config.TextLanguage = txTextLanguage.Text; config.VoiceLanguage = txVoiceLanguage.Text; config.UncookExtension = (EUncookExtension)comboBoxExtension.SelectedItem; config.IsWelcomeFormDisabled = checkBoxDisableWelcomeForm.Checked; config.IsAutoInstallModsDisabled = !checkBoxAutoInstall.Checked; uiconfig.ColorTheme = (EColorThemes)comboBoxTheme.SelectedItem; config.UpdateChannel = (EUpdateChannel)comboBoxUpdateChannel.SelectedItem; // save configs config.Save(); uiconfig.Save(); MainController.Get().UpdateWccHelper(config.WccLite); if (applyTheme) { MockKernel.Get().Window.GlobalApplyTheme(); RequestApplyTheme?.Invoke(); } /// debug console enabling try { IniParser ip = new IniParser(Path.Combine(MainController.Get().Configuration.GameRootDir, "bin\\config\\base\\general.ini")); if (!ip.HasSection("General") || ip.GetSetting("General", "DBGConsoleOn", true) != "true") { if (MessageBox.Show( "WolvenKit has detected that your game has the debug console disabled. It is a useful tool when testing mods. Would you like it to be enabled?", "Debug console enabling", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { ip.AddSetting("General", "DBGConsoleOn", "true"); ip.Save(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString()); } // patch wcc_lite try { using (var fs = new FileStream(textBoxWcc.Text, FileMode.Open)) using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { var shawcc = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(fs).Aggregate("", (c, n) => c += n.ToString("x2")); switch (shawcc) { case wcc_sha256: { if (MessageBox.Show("wcc_lite is a great tool by CD Projekt red but" + "due to some internal problems they didn't really have time to properly develop it, and is very slow " + "because it is searching for a CD Projekt red mssql server.\n" + "WolvenKit can patch this with a method figured out by blobbins on the witcher 3 forums." + "Would you like to perform this patch?", "wcc_lite faster patch", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { //We perform the patch bw.BaseStream.Seek(0x00713CD0, SeekOrigin.Begin); bw.Write(new byte[0xDD].Select(x => x = 0x90).ToArray()); //Recompute hash fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); shawcc = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(fs).Aggregate("", (c, n) => c += n.ToString("x2")); if (shawcc == wcc_sha256_patched) { MessageBox.Show("Succesfully patched!", "Patch completed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to patch! Please reinstall wcc_lite and try again", "Patch completed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } break; } case wcc_sha256_patched2: case wcc_sha256_patched: { //Do nothing we are cool. break; } default: { DialogResult = DialogResult.None; textBoxGame.Focus(); MessageBox.Show("Invalid wcc_lite.exe path you seem to have on older version", "failed to save."); return; } } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { //wcc_lite is installed to C:\\Program files MessageBox.Show("Please restart WolvenKit as administrator. Couldn't access " + textBoxWcc.Text, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Exit with error code 0 so we don't raise a windows error and the user can restart it so we have access to the files. Environment.Exit(0); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString()); } MainController.Get().StatusProgress = 100; MainController.Get().ProjectStatus = EProjectStatus.Ready; }