コード例 #1
 public void StartSetup()
     laserPulse.localPosition = new Vector3(6.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     missionTracker           = space.gameManager.missionTracker;
     prefabPools    = space.gameManager.prefabPools;
     transformSpace = space.transform;
コード例 #2
 public override void Activate()
     if (targetLevel.unlocked)
コード例 #3
 public void StartSetup()
     rewardTransform      = rewardImage.transform;
     missionTracker       = gameManager.missionTracker;
     particles.startSize  = particles.startSize * gameManager.scaleRatioX;
     particles.startSpeed = particles.startSpeed * gameManager.scaleRatioX;
コード例 #4
     * Initialize the MissionTracker with all missions.
    void Start()
        // set the singleton
        if (mSingleton)
            Debug.Log("Multiple MissionTrackers in scene - please limit to one.");
        mSingleton = this;

        // populate missions and set initial values
        mMissionLog            = new Dictionary <string, Mission>();
        mCompletedMissions     = 0;
        mGuardPoints           = 0;
        mGuardIncorrectGuesses = 0;

        /*mMissionLog["statue_swap"] = new Mission(
         *  "Replace the marked statue with a bugged replica.",
         *  "We're picking up some electromagnetic interference. " +
         *  "Enemy forces have planted listening devices somewhere on the premises!"
         * );*/

        mMissionLog["HideMessageInBookshelf"] = new Mission(
            "Plant critical intelligence in the designated book.",
            "One of the staff saw someone suspicious over by the bookcases. " +
            "The enemy moves among us."

        mMissionLog["BugBust"] = new Mission(
            "Plant a bug on the bust.",
            "One of the staff saw someone suspicious over by the bookcases. " +
            "The enemy moves among us."

        mMissionLog["CheckPlant"] = new Mission(
            "Check for secrets hidden in the plant.",
            "One of the staff saw someone suspicious over by the bookcases. " +
            "The enemy moves among us."

        /*mMissionLog["bathroom_kill"] = new Mission(
         *  "Assassinate Knight-Captain Brystol in the bathroom.",
         *  "Our men found Knight-Captain Brystol dead in the bathroom. " +
         *  "The enemy must be stopped!"
         * );*/

        /*mMissionLog["npc_dance"] = new Mission(
         *  "Dance with Duchess Castra to distract her momentarily.",
         *  "The peace talks progress poorly. Duchess Castra keeps getting distracted on the dance floor. " +
         *  "Could this be a strategy of our enemies?"
         * );*/

        mMissionLog["TellSecret"] = new Mission(
            "Trade intelligence with another spy at the party.",
            "One of our staff members spotted two individuals exchanging a secret. " +
            "Enemy infiltrators abound."

        /*mMissionLog["spike_punch"] = new Mission(
         *  "spike_punch",
         *  "Lower the inhibitions of those in attendance by spiking the punch.",
         *  "Several of our guests have become extremely intoxicated. Our catering staff insist " +
         *  "that the punch was non-alcoholic, so we have determined that this must be the plot of " +
         *  "enemy agents."
         * );*/
