public void DisplayItemGridEffect(ulong id, int type = 0) { MirItemCell cell = GetCell(id); if (cell.Item == null) { return; } MirAnimatedControl animEffect = null; switch (type) { case 0: animEffect = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = true, AnimationCount = 9, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 410, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = cell.Location, Parent = this, Loop = false, NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Blending = true, BlendingRate = 1F }; animEffect.AfterAnimation += (o, e) => animEffect.Dispose(); SoundManager.PlaySound(20000 + (ushort)Spell.MagicShield * 10); break; } }
public void StartGame() { if (!Libraries.Loaded) { MirAnimatedControl loadProgress = new MirAnimatedControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse, Index = 940, Visible = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(470, 680), Animated = true, AnimationCount = 9, AnimationDelay = 100, Loop = true, }; loadProgress.AfterDraw += (o, e) => { if (!Libraries.Loaded) { return; } loadProgress.Dispose(); StartGame(); }; return; } StartGameButton.Enabled = false; Network.Enqueue(new C.StartGame { CharacterIndex = Characters[_selected].Index }); }
public void SetDelay() { if (Magic == null) { return; } int totalFrames = 34; long timeLeft = Magic.CastTime + Magic.Delay - CMain.Time; if (timeLeft < 100 || (CoolDown != null && CoolDown.Animated)) { return; } int delayPerFrame = (int)(Magic.Delay / totalFrames); int startFrame = totalFrames - (int)(timeLeft / delayPerFrame); if ((CMain.Time <= Magic.CastTime + Magic.Delay) && Magic.CastTime > 0) { CoolDown.Dispose(); CoolDown = new MirAnimatedControl { Index = 1290 + startFrame, AnimationCount = (totalFrames - startFrame), AnimationDelay = delayPerFrame, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(36, 0), NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Loop = false, Animated = true, Opacity = 0.6F }; } }
//public void StartGame() //{ // if (!Libraries.Loaded) // { // MirMessageBox message = new MirMessageBox(string.Format("Please wait, The game is still loading... {0:##0}%", Libraries.Progress / (double)Libraries.Count * 100), MirMessageBoxButtons.Cancel); // message.BeforeDraw += (o, e) => message.Label.Text = string.Format("Please wait, The game is still loading... {0:##0}%", Libraries.Progress / (double)Libraries.Count * 100); // message.AfterDraw += (o, e) => // { // if (!Libraries.Loaded) return; // message.Dispose(); // StartGame(); // }; // message.Show(); // return; // } // StartGameButton.Enabled = false; // Network.Enqueue(new C.StartGame // { // CharacterIndex = Characters[_selected].Index // }); //} public void StartGame() { if (StartGameButton.Enabled = true) { Random random = new Random(); MirImageControl loadingOverlay = new MirImageControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse, Index = 930 + random.Next(0, 10), Visible = true, Parent = this }; MirAnimatedControl loadProgress = new MirAnimatedControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse, Index = 940, Visible = true, Parent = loadingOverlay, Location = new Point(400, 300), Animated = true, AnimationCount = 9, AnimationDelay = 10000, Loop = true, }; } if (!Libraries.Loaded) { Random random = new Random(); MirImageControl loadingOverlay = new MirImageControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse, Index = 930 + random.Next(0, 10), Visible = true, Parent = this }; MirAnimatedControl loadProgress = new MirAnimatedControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse, Index = 940, Visible = true, Parent = loadingOverlay, Location = new Point(400, 300), Animated = true, AnimationCount = 9, AnimationDelay = 100, Loop = true, }; loadProgress.AfterDraw += (o, e) => { if (!Libraries.Loaded) { return; } loadProgress.Dispose(); StartGame(); }; return; } StartGameButton.Enabled = false; Network.Enqueue(new C.StartGame { CharacterIndex = Characters[_selected].Index }); }