public void SetMinion(MinionTemplate temp) { template = temp; icon.sprite = template.icon; highlight.enabled = false; }
public void SetMinion(MinionTemplate template, MinionSlot setSlot = MinionSlot.NUM_MINION_SLOTS) { slot = setSlot; if (template == null) { background.sprite = emptyBackground; title.text = ""; desc.text = ""; health.text = ""; } else { background.sprite = elementalBackgrounds [(int)template.element]; title.text = LocalizationManager.GetLoc(template.unlocName); desc.text = LocalizationManager.GetLoc(template.unlocDesc); if (template.GetSlotType() == MinionSlotType.SUPPORT) { health.text = "-"; } else { string hpString = LocalizationManager.GetLoc("HP"); health.text = string.Format(hpString, Mathf.FloorToInt(template.fMaxHealth)); } } }
public Minion CreateMinion(MinionTemplate template) { Minion newMinion = Instantiate <Minion>(minionPrefab); newMinion.InitFromTemplate(template); return(newMinion); }
public void ReadFrom(SerializationInfo data, string prefix) { unlocks.Clear(); MinionTemplateManager mtm = Core.GetMinionTemplateManager(); int count = data.GetInt32(prefix + "NumMinions"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int minionHash = data.GetInt32(prefix + "Minion" + i + ".Hash"); MinionTemplate template = mtm.GetTemplate(minionHash); if (template != null) { if (!unlocks.Contains(template)) { unlocks.Add(template); } } } count = data.GetInt32(prefix + "NumNew"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int minionHash = data.GetInt32(prefix + "New" + i + ".Hash"); MinionTemplate template = mtm.GetTemplate(minionHash); if (template != null) { if (!newList.Contains(template)) { newList.Add(template); } } } }
private void SpawnRandomGroup() { if (pendingSpawns.Count == 0) { Debug.Assert(false, "Ran out of spawns"); return; } int iPick = Random.Range(0, pendingSpawns.Count); MinionTemplate template = pendingSpawns [iPick]; pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(iPick); Vector3 spawnPos = GetBestSpawnPoint(); { // Create new game object GameObject go = new GameObject("EnemyMinion_" +; // Create a minion and attach it to the actor's game object. Enemy minions are less permanent data structures than player ones, so they can just be chucked into the battlefield MinionTemplateManager mtm = Core.GetMinionTemplateManager(); Minion minion = mtm.CreateMinion(template); minion.transform.SetParent(go.transform); minion.transform.localPosition =; // Fill it with actor components Actor_Enemy actor = go.AddComponent <Actor_Enemy>(); actor.InitFromMinion(minion); actor.iWave = iCurrentWave; aiNumSpawnedPerWave [iCurrentWave]++; Vector2 randomOffset = Random.insideUnitCircle * Random.Range(0.0f, 0.5f); actor.transform.position = spawnPos + new Vector3(randomOffset.x, 0.0f, randomOffset.y); // Push the next member of the group back a bit spawnPos = new Vector3(spawnPos.x + 1.0f, spawnPos.y, spawnPos.z); // Add renderer to actor RenderActor render = Instantiate <RenderActor>(template.render); render.transform.SetParent(actor.transform); render.transform.localPosition =; render.Init(actor); actor.render = render; // Add audio sources actor.soundEffect = go.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); actor.soundEffect.clip = minion.template.soundEffect; actor.soundEffect.playOnAwake = false; actor.soundEffect.outputAudioMixerGroup = Core.GetAudioManager().soundEffectGroup; // Add healthbar Healthbar healthbar = Instantiate <Healthbar>(mtm.healthbarPrefab); healthbar.transform.SetParent(actor.transform); healthbar.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, template.fHeight - 1.0f, 0.0f); actor.healthbar = healthbar; actor.CalculateMyAggregateBuffs(); // Store a reference for later enemyActors.Add(actor); } }
public void ApplyFilters(Filters filters) { bool bElementalFilterActive = filters.IsAnyElementalFilterActive(); bool bSlotTypeFilterActive = filters.IsAnySlotTypeFilterActive(); int index = 0; foreach (MinionPoolGUIEntry entry in allEntries) { MinionTemplate template = entry.template; bool bAllowed = (!bElementalFilterActive || filters.abElementalFilters [(int)template.element]) && (!bSlotTypeFilterActive || filters.abSlotTypeFilters [(int)template.GetSlotType()]) && (entry.bAvailable || filters.bShowLocked) && (!filters.bShowNewOnly || entry.bNew); if (bAllowed) { entry.SetIndex(index); index++; } else { entry.SetIndex(-1); } } int numRows = (index + 5) / 6; contentBox.sizeDelta = new Vector2(contentBox.sizeDelta.x, 128.0f * numRows + 16.0f); ScrollbarValueChanged(); }
void Start() { LevelController level = Core.GetLevel(); if (level == null) { Debug.Assert(false, "Level is null"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { MinionTemplate unlock = level.location.unlocks [i]; if (unlock == null) { unlockIcons [i].enabled = false; unlockHighlights [i].enabled = false; } else { unlockIcons [i].sprite = unlock.icon; // Check for already unlocked if (Core.GetPlayerProfile().pool.unlocks.Contains(unlock)) { unlockHighlights [i].sprite = unlockedSprite; } } } }
public void AddMinion(MinionTemplate template) { if (unlocks.Contains(template)) { return; } unlocks.Add(template); newList.Add(template); UpdateMinionAchievement(); }
public Minion SetMinion(MinionSlot slot, MinionTemplate template) { Minion minion = Core.GetMinionTemplateManager().CreateMinion(template); minion.transform.SetParent(transform); minion.transform.localPosition =; minion.slot = slot; minions [(int)slot] = minion; RecalculateHealths(); bDirty = true; return(minion); }
void Update() { MinionTemplateManager mtm = Core.GetMinionTemplateManager(); List <MinionTemplate> list = mtm.GetMinionList(slot.GetSlotType()); MinionTemplate dropdownSelection = mtm.GetMinionList(slot.GetSlotType()) [minionSelector.value]; Minion currentSelection = Core.GetPlayerProfile().rosters[0].minions [(int)slot]; if (currentSelection.template != dropdownSelection) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list [i] == currentSelection.template) { minionSelector.value = i; return; } } } }
public Minion(byte ownerIndex, MinionTemplate minionTemplate) : base(ownerIndex) { template = minionTemplate; Health = minionTemplate.MaxHealth; }
void OnGUI() { // Set up drag-drop cursor Vector3 v = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIPoint(Event.current.mousePosition); dragDrop.rectTransform.position = new Vector3(v.x, Screen.height - v.y, v.z); dragDrop.enabled = (dragDropSelection != null); if (dragDropSelection != null) { dragDrop.sprite = dragDropSelection.icon; } // Listen for events if (Event.current.isMouse) { switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: { Debug.Assert(dragDropSelection == null, "How can we be clicking when we already have a selection?"); if (hoveringOverPoolEntry != null && hoveringOverPoolEntry.bAvailable) { dragDropSelection = hoveringOverPoolEntry.template; foreach (MinionIcon icon in minionIcons) { icon.SetSlotDroppable(dragDropSelection.GetSlotType() == icon.index.GetSlotType()); } Core.GetAudioManager().PlayPickupMinion(); } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (dragDropSelection != null) { if (hoveringOverMinion == MinionSlot.NUM_MINION_SLOTS) { // Meh, do nothing. It returns to the pool automatically } else { if (hoveringOverMinion.GetSlotType() == dragDropSelection.GetSlotType()) { currentRoster.SetMinion(hoveringOverMinion, dragDropSelection); Core.GetAudioManager().PlayDropMinion(); UpdateMinionIcons(); SetComparisonType(currentlyComparing); } else { Core.GetAudioManager().PlayGUIReject(); } } //hoverBlock.SetMinion(null); dragDropSelection = null; foreach (MinionIcon icon in minionIcons) { icon.SetSlotDroppable(true); } } break; } } } }
public void InitFromTemplate(MinionTemplate newTemplate) { template = newTemplate; fCurrentHealth = fMaxHealthPreBuffs = fMaxHealthPostBuffs = template.fMaxHealth; isZombified = false; }
public void SetNotNew(MinionTemplate template) { newList.Remove(template); }
public bool IsNew(MinionTemplate template) { return(newList.Contains(template)); }
void Update() { LevelController level = Core.GetLevel(); if (level == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!wavesCompleted [i] && level.GetWaveCompletion(i) >= 1.0f) { wavesCompleted [i] = true; MinionTemplate unlock = level.location.unlocks [i]; if (unlock != null && unlockHighlights[i].sprite != unlockedSprite) { unlockHighlights [i].sprite = unlockedSprite; fUnlockBoxAppearTime = 0.0f; unlockBoxIcon.sprite = unlock.icon; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { unlockBoxName[j].text = LocalizationManager.GetLoc(unlock.unlocName); } } } } unlockBox.alpha = Mathf.Clamp(2 - fUnlockBoxAppearTime * 0.25f, 0.0f, 1.0f); fUnlockBoxAppearTime += Core.GetDeltaTime(); /* * float fProgress = level.GetParametricProgress(); * for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) * { * if (fProgress < i / 3.0f) * { * progressBar [i].fillAmount = 0.0f; * } * else if (fProgress > (i + 1) / 3.0f) * { * progressBar [i].fillAmount = 1.0f; * } * else * { * progressBar [i].fillAmount = fProgress * 3.0f - i; * } * } */ int iCurrentWave = level.iCurrentWave; if (level.fGracePeriodDuration < level.location.gracePeriodDuration && iCurrentWave < level.location.numWaves) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { timeToNextWave [i].text = string.Format(LocalizationManager.GetLoc("TIME_TO_NEXT_WAVE"), Mathf.CeilToInt(level.location.gracePeriodDuration - level.fGracePeriodDuration)); } startNextWaveButton.interactable = true; iCurrentWave--; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { timeToNextWave [i].text = ""; } startNextWaveButton.interactable = false; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (iCurrentWave >= i) { waveActiveImage [i].enabled = true; } progressBar [i].fillAmount = level.GetWaveCompletion(i); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { StartNextWave(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { FastForward(true); } else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { FastForward(false); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { AbortLevel(); } }