コード例 #1
        public static System.Web.IHtmlString RenderIncludes(RenderPosition?position = null, bool?showTrivial = null, bool?showTimeWithChildren = null, int?maxTracesToShow = null, bool xhtml = false, bool?showControls = null)
            var path = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~");

            return(MiniProfilerHandler.RenderIncludes(Profiler.Current, position, showTrivial, showTimeWithChildren, maxTracesToShow, xhtml, showControls, path)
コード例 #2
 private static int GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(MiniProfilerHandler handler, string resourceName)
     using (new HttpSimulator("/mini-profiler-resources/", @"c:\").SimulateRequest(new Uri("http://localhost/mini-profiler-resources"+resourceName)))
         return HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode;
コード例 #3
 private static int GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(MiniProfilerHandler handler, string resourceName)
     using (new HttpSimulator("/mini-profiler-resources/", @"c:\").SimulateRequest(new Uri("http://localhost/mini-profiler-resources" + resourceName)))
コード例 #4
        public void GivenContext_WhenAResourceIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(string resourceName, int expectedHttpStatus)
            // Arrange
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler();

            // Act
            var res = GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(sut, resourceName);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHttpStatus, res);
コード例 #5
        public void GivenContext_WhenAResourceIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(string resourceName, int expectedHttpStatus)
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler(new MiniProfilerOptions()
                ResultsListAuthorize = null

            var res = GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(sut, resourceName);

            Assert.Equal(expectedHttpStatus, res);
コード例 #6
        public void GivenContext_WhenIndexIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(bool isRequestAuthorized, int expectedHttpStatus)
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler(new MiniProfilerOptions()
                ResultsListAuthorize = _ => isRequestAuthorized

            var res = GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(sut, "/results-index");

            Assert.Equal(expectedHttpStatus, res);
コード例 #7
        public void GivenContext_WhenAResourceIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(string resourceName, int expectedHttpStatus)
            // Arrange
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler();

            // Act
            var res = GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(sut, resourceName);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedHttpStatus, res);
コード例 #8
        public void GivenContext_WhenIndexIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(bool isRequestAuthorized, int expectedHttpStatus)
            // Arrange
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler();
            MiniProfiler.Settings.Results_List_Authorize = request => isRequestAuthorized;

            // Act
            var res = GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(sut, "/results-index");
            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedHttpStatus, res);
コード例 #9
        public void GivenContext_WhenIndexIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(bool isRequestAuthorized, int expectedHttpStatus)
            // Arrange
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler();

            MiniProfilerWebSettings.ResultsListAuthorize = request => isRequestAuthorized;

            // Act
            var res = GetRequestResponseHttpStatus(sut, "/results-index");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedHttpStatus, res);
コード例 #10
        private static Type GetRequestResponseEncoding(MiniProfilerHandler handler, string resourceName, string encoding)
            var headers = new NameValueCollection();

            headers.Add("Accept-encoding", encoding);

            using (new HttpSimulator("/mini-profiler-resources/", @"c:\").SimulateRequest(new Uri("http://localhost/mini-profiler-resources" + resourceName), HttpVerb.GET, headers))

                ////return HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers["Content-encoding"];
コード例 #11
        public void GivenContext_WhenAResourceIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpCacheControlIsReturned(string resourceName, HttpCacheability expectedCacheability, int?expectedMaxAgeSeconds)
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler(new MiniProfilerOptions()
                ResultsListAuthorize = null

            var res = GetRequestResponseCacheControl(sut, resourceName);

            Assert.Equal(expectedCacheability, (HttpCacheability)_cacheability.GetValue(res));
            if (expectedMaxAgeSeconds.HasValue)
                Assert.Equal(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expectedMaxAgeSeconds.Value), (TimeSpan)_maxAge.GetValue(res));
コード例 #12
        void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)

            LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Info("Application started");

            // no wep api right now
            // GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register);
コード例 #13
		public void GivenContext_WhenIndexIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturned(string acceptEncoding, Type expectedEncodingFilterType)
			// Arrange
			var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler();

			// Act
			var res = GetRequestResponseEncoding(sut, "includes.js", acceptEncoding);

			// Assert
			// due the limitations of the HttpSimulator, we can't access the header values because it needs iis integrated pipeline mode.
			// instead we return the type of the response filter

			if (expectedEncodingFilterType == null)
				Assert.AreNotEqual(typeof(GZipStream), res);
				Assert.AreNotEqual(typeof(DeflateStream), res);
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedEncodingFilterType, res);
コード例 #14
        public void GivenContext_WhenIndexIsRequested_ThenTheCorrectHttpStatusCodeIsReturnedType(string acceptEncoding, Type expectedEncodingFilterType)
            // Arrange
            var sut = new MiniProfilerHandler(new MiniProfilerOptions());

            // Act
            var res = GetRequestResponseEncoding(sut, "includes.min.js", acceptEncoding);

            // Assert
            // due the limitations of the HttpSimulator, we can't access the header values because it needs iis integrated pipeline mode.
            // instead we return the type of the response filter

            if (expectedEncodingFilterType == null)
                Assert.NotEqual(typeof(GZipStream), res);
                Assert.NotEqual(typeof(DeflateStream), res);
                Assert.Equal(expectedEncodingFilterType, res);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Global.asax.cs プロジェクト: wangchengqun/dotnet
        /// <summary>
        /// Customize aspects of the MiniProfiler.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitProfilerSettings()
            // A powerful feature of the MiniProfiler is the ability to share links to results with other developers.
            // by default, however, long-term result caching is done in HttpRuntime.Cache, which is very volatile.
            // Let's rig up serialization of our profiler results to a database, so they survive app restarts.
            var options = ProfilerOptions = new MiniProfilerOptions
                // Sets up the WebRequestProfilerProvider with
                // ~/profiler as the route path to use (e.g. /profiler/mini-profiler-includes.js)
                RouteBasePath = "~/profiler",

                // Setting up a MultiStorage provider. This will store results in the MemoryCacheStorage (normally the default) and in SqlLite as well.
                Storage = new MultiStorageProvider(
                    new MemoryCacheStorage(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)),
                    // The RecreateDatabase call is only done for testing purposes, so we don't check in the db to source control.
                    new SqliteMiniProfilerStorage(ConnectionString).RecreateDatabase("create table RouteHits(RouteName,HitCount,unique(RouteName))")

                // Different RDBMS have different ways of declaring sql parameters - SQLite can understand inline sql parameters just fine.
                // By default, sql parameters will be displayed.
                //SqlFormatter = new StackExchange.Profiling.SqlFormatters.InlineFormatter(),

                // These settings are optional and all have defaults, any matching setting specified in .RenderIncludes() will
                // override the application-wide defaults specified here, for example if you had both:
                //    PopupRenderPosition = RenderPosition.Right;
                //    and in the page:
                //    @MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes(position: RenderPosition.Left)
                // ...then the position would be on the left that that page, and on the right (the app default) for anywhere that doesn't
                // specified position in the .RenderIncludes() call.
                PopupRenderPosition  = RenderPosition.Right, // defaults to left
                PopupMaxTracesToShow = 10,                   // defaults to 15

                // ResultsAuthorize (optional - open to all by default):
                // because profiler results can contain sensitive data (e.g. sql queries with parameter values displayed), we
                // can define a function that will authorize clients to see the json or full page results.
                // we use it on http://stackoverflow.com to check that the request cookies belong to a valid developer.
                ResultsAuthorize = request =>
                    // you may implement this if you need to restrict visibility of profiling on a per request basis

                    // for example, for this specific path, we'll only allow profiling if a query parameter is set
                    if ("/Home/ResultsAuthorization".Equals(request.Url.LocalPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    // all other paths can check our global switch

                // ResultsListAuthorize (optional - open to all by default)
                // the list of all sessions in the store is restricted by default, you must return true to allow it
                ResultsListAuthorize = request =>
                    // you may implement this if you need to restrict visibility of profiling lists on a per request basis
                    return(true); // all requests are legit in our happy world

                // Stack trace settings
                StackMaxLength = 256, // default is 120 characters
            // Optional settings to control the stack trace output in the details pane
            .ExcludeType("SessionFactory")  // Ignore any class with the name of SessionFactory)
            .ExcludeAssembly("NHibernate")  // Ignore any assembly named NHibernate
            .ExcludeMethod("Flush");        // Ignore any method with the name of Flush

コード例 #16
        private static Type GetRequestResponseEncoding(MiniProfilerHandler handler, string resourceName, string encoding)
	        var headers = new NameValueCollection();
	        headers.Add("Accept-encoding", encoding);

	        using (new HttpSimulator("/mini-profiler-resources/", @"c:\").SimulateRequest(new Uri("http://localhost/mini-profiler-resources"+resourceName), HttpVerb.GET, headers))

				////return HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers["Content-encoding"];
	            return HttpContext.Current.Response.Filter.GetType();
コード例 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the css and javascript includes needed to display the MiniProfiler results UI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">Which side of the page the profiler popup button should be displayed on (defaults to left)</param>
 /// <param name="showTrivial">Whether to show trivial timings by default (defaults to false)</param>
 /// <param name="showTimeWithChildren">Whether to show time the time with children column by default (defaults to false)</param>
 /// <param name="maxTracesToShow">The maximum number of trace popups to show before removing the oldest (defaults to 15)</param>
 /// <param name="xhtml">xhtml rendering mode, ensure script tag is closed ... etc</param>
 /// <param name="showControls">when true, shows buttons to minimize and clear MiniProfiler results</param>
 /// <returns>Script and link elements normally; an empty string when there is no active profiling session.</returns>
 public static IHtmlString RenderIncludes(RenderPosition?position = null, bool?showTrivial = null, bool?showTimeWithChildren = null, int?maxTracesToShow = null, bool xhtml = false, bool?showControls = null)
     return(MiniProfilerHandler.RenderIncludes(Current, position, showTrivial, showTimeWithChildren, maxTracesToShow, xhtml, showControls));
コード例 #18
 public MiniProfilerRouteHandler(MiniProfilerHandler miniProfilerHandler)
     MiniProfilerHandler = miniProfilerHandler;