internal void MinerGPUSerializeToJSON(string _testdatainput) { var hrpc = new ConcurrentObservableDictionary <Coin, HashRate>() { { Coin.ETH, new HashRate(20.0, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)) } }; VideoCardSignil vcdc = VideoCardsKnown.TuningParameters.Keys.Where(x => (x.VideoCardMaker == VideoCardMaker.ASUS && x.GPUMaker == GPUMaker.NVIDEA)) .Single(); MinerGPU minerGPU = new MinerGPU(vcdc, "10DE 17C8 - 3842", "100.00001.02320.00", false, 1140, 1753, 11.13, 0.8, hrpc); var str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(minerGPU); str.Should() .NotBeNull(); str.Should() .Be(_testdatainput); }
internal void MinerGPUDeSerializeFromJSON(string _testdatainput) { MinerGPU vc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MinerGPU>(_testdatainput); vc.Should() .NotBeNull(); vc.DeviceID.Should() .Be("10DE 17C8 - 3842"); vc.BIOSVersion.Should() .Be("100.00001.02320.00"); vc.HashRatePerCoin.Keys.Contains(Coin.ETH) .Should() .Be(true); vc.HashRatePerCoin[Coin.ETH].HashRatePerTimeSpan.Should() .Be(20.0); }
public void AAtest() { bool fine = false; string processName = "EthDcrMiner64"; string configFilePath = @"C:\ProgramData\CryptoCurrency\Ethereum\Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v10.2\config.txt"; bool hasAPI = true; bool hasConfigurationSettings = true;; bool hasERROut = true; bool hasLogFiles = true; bool hasSTDOut = true; string logFileFnPattern = "\\d{10}_log.txt"; string logFileFolder = @"C:\ProgramData\CryptoCurrency\Ethereum\Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v10.2";; string processPath = @"C:\ProgramData\CryptoCurrency\Ethereum\Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v10.2\EthDcrMiner64.exe"; string processStartPath = @"C:\ProgramData\CryptoCurrency\Ethereum\Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v10.2"; string version = "10.2"; Coin[] coinsMined = new Coin[2] { Coin.ETH, Coin.ZEC }; ConcurrentObservableDictionary <string, string> configurationSettings = new ConcurrentObservableDictionary <string, string>() { { "mport", "21200" }, { "epool", "" }, { "epsw", "x" }, { "ewal", "0xcdac8dea6d3ced686bacc9622fb7f92d29ed8874.ncat-m01/[email protected]" }, { "esm", "STRATUMTYPE" }, { "mode", "0" }, { "dcoin", "sc" }, { "dpool", "stratum+tcp://" }, { "dwal", "72cb72ceb7b2b6b7a06c3393bdbd2311e180bb14cd629960d5a017d2dc816043be77abf79efe.ncat-m01/[email protected]" }, { "dpsw", "x" }, { "dcri", "4" }, { "allpools", "0" }, { "ftime", "0" }, { "tt", "85" }, { "tstop", "90" }, //{"di","0" }, { "asm", "1" }, { "gser", "2" }, { "fanmin", "50" }, { "fanmax", "100" }, //{"benchmark", "170" }, { "cclock", "0" }, { "mclock", "0" }, }; VideoCardSignil localcardvcdc = VideoCardsKnown.TuningParameters.Keys.Where(x => (x.VideoCardMaker == VideoCardMaker.ASUS && x.GPUMaker == GPUMaker.NVIDEA)) .Single(); ConcurrentObservableDictionary <Coin, HashRate> hashRatePerCoin = new ConcurrentObservableDictionary <Coin, HashRate>(); MinerGPU minerGPU = new MinerGPU(localcardvcdc, "10DE 17C8 - 3842", "100.00001.02320.00", false, 1140, 1753, 11.13, 0.8, hashRatePerCoin); List <TuneMinerGPUsResult> tuneMinerGPUsResultList = new List <TuneMinerGPUsResult>(); MinerGPU[] minerGPUsToTune = new MinerGPU[1] { minerGPU }; // create the collection of MinerSWs to tune MinerSW[] minerSWsToTune = new MinerSW[1]; ClaymoreETHDualMinerSW claymoreETHDualMinerSW = new ClaymoreETHDualMinerSW(processName, processPath, processStartPath, version, hasConfigurationSettings, configurationSettings, configFilePath, hasLogFiles, logFileFolder, logFileFnPattern, hasAPI, hasSTDOut, hasERROut, coinsMined); minerSWsToTune[0] = claymoreETHDualMinerSW; foreach (var msw in minerSWsToTune) { // Move to the directory where this software expects to start Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(msw.ProcessStartPath); foreach (var mg in minerGPUsToTune) { // stop any running instances of this SW Process.GetProcessesByName(msw.ProcessName).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Kill()); // Select the tuning strategy for this MinerSW and this VideoCard var vcdc = mg.VideoCardSignil; var vctp = VideoCardsKnown.TuningParameters[vcdc]; // Calculate the step for each parameter int memoryClockStep = (vctp.MemoryClockMax - vctp.MemoryClockMin) / (fine ? 1 : 5); int coreClockStep = (vctp.CoreClockMax - vctp.CoreClockMin) / (fine ? 1 : 5); //double voltageStep = (vctp.VoltageMax - vctp.VoltageMin) / (fine ? 0.01 : 0.05); // memoryClock Min, max, step // CoreClock Min, max, step // memoryVoltage min, max, step int memoryClockTune; int coreClockTune; //double voltageTune = vctp.VoltageMin; ConcurrentObservableDictionary <Coin, HashRate> hashRatePerCoinTune; Power powerConsumptionTune; // ToDo: initialize the structures that monitor for miner SW stopping, or Rig rebooting //while (voltageTune <= vctp.VoltageMax) //{ coreClockTune = vctp.CoreClockMin; while (coreClockTune <= vctp.CoreClockMax) { msw.ConfigurationSettings["-cclock"] = coreClockTune.ToString(); memoryClockTune = vctp.MemoryClockMin; while (memoryClockTune <= vctp.MemoryClockMax) { msw.ConfigurationSettings["-mclock"] = memoryClockTune.ToString(); // Stop the miner software Process.GetProcessesByName(msw.ProcessName).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Kill()); // write the MinerSW Configuration to the miner's configuration file //Func<KeyValuePair, string> cfgpair = (x) => $"-{x.Key} {x.Value}"; string s = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, msw.ConfigurationSettings.Select(x => $"-{x.Key} {x.Value}")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(msw.ConfigFilePath, s); // update the structures that monitor for miner SW stopping, or Rig rebooting // Start the miner process var cmd = Command.Run(processPath, new[] { "" }, options: o => o.DisposeOnExit(false)); //var outputLines = cmd.StandardOutput.GetLines().ToList(); //var errorText = cmd.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); // Wait a Delay for the card to settle Task.Delay(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)); // Get the current HashRate and power consumption //var minerStatus = await StatusFetchAsync(); // Dictionary<Coin, HashRate> hashRatesTune = new Dictionary<Coin, HashRate> { { Coin.ETH, new HashRate(1000.0, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)) } }; //PowerConsumption powerConsumptionTune = new PowerConsumption(); // Or Detect a minerSW stoppage or detect a rig reboot // Stop the miner process //cmd.Process.Close(); //todo: figure out DisposeOnExit(false) Process.GetProcessesByName(msw.ProcessName).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Kill()); powerConsumptionTune = new Power(1, UnitsNet.Units.PowerUnit.Watt); hashRatePerCoinTune = new ConcurrentObservableDictionary <Coin, HashRate>(); foreach (var k in msw.CoinsMined) { hashRatePerCoinTune[k] = new HashRate(1, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)); } // Record the results for this combination of msw,mvc,mClock,cClock,and mVoltage tuneMinerGPUsResultList.Add(new TuneMinerGPUsResult(coreClockTune, memoryClockTune, vctp.VoltageDefault, hashRatePerCoinTune, powerConsumptionTune)); if (memoryClockTune != vctp.MemoryClockMax) { memoryClockTune += memoryClockStep; memoryClockTune = memoryClockTune > vctp.MemoryClockMax ? vctp.MemoryClockMax : memoryClockTune; } else { memoryClockTune += 1; } } if (coreClockTune != vctp.CoreClockMax) { coreClockTune += coreClockStep; coreClockTune = coreClockTune > vctp.CoreClockMax ? vctp.CoreClockMax : coreClockTune; } else { coreClockTune += 1; } } //voltageTune += voltageStep; //voltageTune = voltageTune > vctp.VoltageMax ? vctp.VoltageMax : voltageTune; //} } // Best hashrate for this MinerSW, by order of coins mined //ConcurrentObservableDictionary<Coin, HashRate> bestHashRates //var bestMinerGPUResult = tuneMinerGPUsResultList.Max(x => x.HashRates[msw.CoinsMined[0]]); } //return tuneMinerGPUsResultList; Assert.Equal(1, 1); }