public ImapSinglePartBodyStructure(string section, MimeType mediaType, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, string id, string description, string encoding, long size, long lineCount) { if (section == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("section"); if (mediaType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaType"); if (size < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size", size, "must be zero or positive number"); if (lineCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lineCount", lineCount, "must be zero or positive number"); this.Section = section; this.MediaType = mediaType; this.Parameters = (parameters ?? new Dictionary<string, string>()).AsReadOnly(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); this.Id = id; this.Description = description; this.Encoding = encoding; this.Size = size; this.LineCount = lineCount; }
// Browsers will ask for "text/html" and we will give it to them // by loading the contents of the URI in our Html property public override string AsMimeType(MimeType type) { if (type == MimeType.Text_Html) { return X.GET<string>(Html); } return base.AsMimeType(type); }
public void TestConstructor() { var mime = new MimeType("text", "plain"); Assert.AreEqual("text", mime.Type); Assert.AreEqual("plain", mime.SubType); }
public Request() { this.contentLength = 0; this.contentType = MimeType.Default; this.cookies = new CookieCollection(); this.hasEntityBody = false; this.headers = new HeaderCollection(); this.isAuthenticated = false; this.isLocal = false; this.isSecureConnection = false; this.keepAlive = false; this.localEndPoint = null; this.method = RequestMethod.Unknown; this.protocolType = null; this.protocolVersion = null; this.rawMethod = null; this.rawRequest = null; this.rawUrl = null; this.referrer = null; this.remoteEndPoint = null; this.requestData = new RequestDataCollection(); this.url = null; this.userAgent = null; this.userHostName = null; }
protected override void BuildResponseFile(string filepath, MimeType mime) { if (filepath.Contains(imgPrefix)) { string[] rules = filepath.Split(new string[] { img_value_delimeter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int zoomX = int.Parse(rules[1]); int zoomY = int.Parse(rules[2]); Bitmap printscreen = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / zoomX, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / zoomY); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(printscreen as Image); graphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, printscreen.Size); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); printscreen.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] frame = ms.ToArray(); ms.Close(); BuildResponse(frame, mime, false); } else { base.BuildResponseFile(filepath, mime); } }
public override byte[] AsMimeType(MimeType mimeType, out MimeType resultingMimeType, Request request = null) { resultingMimeType = mimeType; if (mimeType == MimeType.Text_Html) { Byte[] byteRepres = Self.GET<Byte[]>(Html); // Checking if file not found. if (null == byteRepres) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Can not find file in Page->Html property: \"" + Html + "\""); } if (IsFullPageHtml(byteRepres)) { return byteRepres; } else { if (ImplicitStandalonePageBytes == null) { string html = String.Format(ImplicitStandaloneTemplate, ImplicitStandaloneTitle); ImplicitStandalonePageBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(html); } return ImplicitStandalonePageBytes; } } return base.AsMimeType(mimeType, out resultingMimeType, request); }
/// <summary> /// Build a response /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="mime"></param> /// <param name="dropConn"></param> protected virtual void BuildResponse(byte[] data, MimeType mime, bool dropConn = true) { bool gzip = Request.isGZIPSupported(); data = gzip ? HttpHelper.CompressGZIP(data) : data; byte[] header = HttpHelper.GetHeader(data.Length, mime, dropConn, gzip); byte[] complete = header.Concat(data); this.response = new HttpResponse(complete, Request); }
/// <summary>Assigns all needed attributes to the tag</summary> /// <returns>This instance downcasted to base class</returns> public virtual IndexedTag attr( string action = null, Method? method = null, MimeType enctype = null, Target target = null, string onsubmit = null, string onreset = null, MimeType[] accept = null, Charset[] acceptcharset = null, string id = null, string name = null, string @class = null, string style = null, string title = null, LangCode lang = null, string xmllang = null, Dir? dir = null, string onclick = null, string ondblclick = null, string onmousedown = null, string onmouseup = null, string onmouseover = null, string onmousemove = null, string onmouseout = null, string onkeypress = null, string onkeydown = null, string onkeyup = null ) { Action = action; Method = method; EncType = enctype; Target = target; OnSubmit = onsubmit; OnReset = onreset; Accept = accept; AcceptCharset = acceptcharset; Id = id; Name = name; Class = @class; Style = style; Title = title; Lang = lang; XmlLang = xmllang; Dir = dir; OnClick = onclick; OnDblClick = ondblclick; OnMouseDown = onmousedown; OnMouseUp = onmouseup; OnMouseOver = onmouseover; OnMouseMove = onmousemove; OnMouseOut = onmouseout; OnKeyPress = onkeypress; OnKeyDown = onkeydown; OnKeyUp = onkeyup; return this; }
public static IEnumerable<IImapBodyStructure> FindAll(this IImapBodyStructure bodyStructure, MimeType mediaType) { if (mediaType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mediaType"); return FindAll(bodyStructure, delegate(IImapBodyStructure s) { return s.MediaType.EqualsIgnoreCase(mediaType); }); }
/// <summary>Assigns all needed attributes to the tag</summary> /// <returns>This instance downcasted to base class</returns> public virtual IndexedTag attr( Charset charset = null, string href = null, LangCode hreflang = null, Target target = null, MimeType type = null, LinkType? rel = null, LinkType? rev = null, Media? media = null, string id = null, string @class = null, string style = null, string title = null, LangCode lang = null, string xmllang = null, Dir? dir = null, string onclick = null, string ondblclick = null, string onmousedown = null, string onmouseup = null, string onmouseover = null, string onmousemove = null, string onmouseout = null, string onkeypress = null, string onkeydown = null, string onkeyup = null ) { Charset = charset; Href = href; HrefLang = hreflang; Target = target; Type = type; Rel = rel; Rev = rev; Media = media; Id = id; Class = @class; Style = style; Title = title; Lang = lang; XmlLang = xmllang; Dir = dir; OnClick = onclick; OnDblClick = ondblclick; OnMouseDown = onmousedown; OnMouseUp = onmouseup; OnMouseOver = onmouseover; OnMouseMove = onmousemove; OnMouseOut = onmouseout; OnKeyPress = onkeypress; OnKeyDown = onkeydown; OnKeyUp = onkeyup; return this; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Response"/> class. /// </summary> public Response() { this.cookies = new CookieCollection(); this.headers = new HeaderCollection(); this.headersSent = false; this.contentType = MimeType.Default; this.outputBuffer = new List<byte>(); this.sent = 0; this.status = StatusCode.Http500InternalServerError; this.useChunkedTransferEncoding = false; this.useCompression = false; }
/// <summary>Assigns all needed attributes to the tag</summary> /// <returns>This instance downcasted to base class</returns> public virtual IndexedTag attr( Charset charset = null, MimeType type = null, string src = null, Defer? defer = null, string xmlspace = null ) { Charset = charset; Type = type; Src = src; Defer = defer; XmlSpace = xmlspace; return this; }
/// <summary>Assigns all needed attributes to the tag</summary> /// <returns>This instance downcasted to base class</returns> public virtual IndexedTag attr( string id = null, string name = null, string value = null, ValueType? valuetype = null, MimeType type = null ) { Id = id; Name = name; Value = value; ValueType = valuetype; Type = type; return this; }
/// <summary>Assigns all needed attributes to the tag</summary> /// <returns>This instance downcasted to base class</returns> public virtual IndexedTag attr( MimeType type = null, Media? media = null, string title = null, string xmlspace = null, LangCode lang = null, string xmllang = null, Dir? dir = null ) { Type = type; Media = media; Title = title; XmlSpace = xmlspace; Lang = lang; XmlLang = xmllang; Dir = dir; return this; }
public ImapMessageRfc822BodyStructure(string section, MimeType mediaType, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, string id, string description, string encoding, long size, ImapEnvelope envelope, IImapBodyStructure bodyStructure, long lineCount) : base(section, mediaType, parameters, id, description, encoding, size, lineCount) { if (envelope == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("envelope"); if (bodyStructure == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bodyStructure"); this.Envelope = envelope; this.BodyStructure = bodyStructure; ImapBodyStructureUtils.SetParentStructure(this); }
public static void SaveBitmap(MimeType mineType, BitmapSource source, string savePath) { SaveBitmap(mineType, BitmapFrame.Create(source), savePath); }
public StaticContentResult(byte[] uncompressedContent, string fileName) { this.FileName = fileName; this.ContentType = MimeType.FromFileName(fileName); this.Uncompressed = uncompressedContent; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //string file = args[0]; string file = @"C:\Users\MIRVIN\Desktop\Training Wheels\SampleAttachment\bin\Debug\testfile.rtf"; if (File.Exists(file)) { Console.WriteLine("Uploading {0}", file); string mimeType = MimeType.Resolve(file); IMetaModel metaModel = new MetaModel(new V1APIConnector(ApplicationURL + "meta.v1/")); IServices services = new Services(metaModel, new V1APIConnector(ApplicationURL + "rest-1.v1/", _username, _password, _integrated)); IAttachments attachments = new Attachments(new V1APIConnector(ApplicationURL + "attachment.img/", _username, _password, _integrated)); //cleanjeans scope Oid attachmentContext = Oid.FromToken("Scope:5067", metaModel); IAssetType attachmentType = metaModel.GetAssetType("Attachment"); IAttributeDefinition attachmentNameDef = attachmentType.GetAttributeDefinition("Name"); IAttributeDefinition attachmentContentDef = attachmentType.GetAttributeDefinition("Content"); IAttributeDefinition attachmentContentTypeDef = attachmentType.GetAttributeDefinition("ContentType"); IAttributeDefinition attachmentFileNameDef = attachmentType.GetAttributeDefinition("Filename"); Asset newAttachment = services.New(attachmentType, attachmentContext); newAttachment.SetAttributeValue(attachmentNameDef, "New Attachment"); newAttachment.SetAttributeValue(attachmentContentDef, string.Empty); newAttachment.SetAttributeValue(attachmentContentTypeDef, mimeType); newAttachment.SetAttributeValue(attachmentFileNameDef, file); services.Save(newAttachment); //Setup and attach the payload string attachmentKey = newAttachment.Oid.Key.ToString(); int buffersize = 4096; using (FileStream input = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (Stream output = attachments.GetWriteStream(attachmentKey)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize]; for (; ;) { int read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffersize); if (read == 0) { break; } output.Write(buffer, 0, read); } } } attachments.SetWriteStream(attachmentKey, mimeType); Console.WriteLine("{0} uploaded", file); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} does not exist", file); } }
public void Unsupported_charset_defaults_to_utf8_encoding() { var mimeType = new MimeType("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; charset=binary"); Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8, mimeType.CharSet); }
public static bool Writes(this IMediaWriter media, MimeType mimeType) { return(media.Mimetypes.Contains(mimeType.Value)); }
public IFormatter FormatterFor(MimeType mimeType) { return(FormatterFor(mimeType.Value)); }
public static ImmutableList <MediaTrack> FromSdp(SessionDescription sdp, Uri baseUri, MimeType filter = null) { var builder = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder <MediaTrack>(); string sdpConnectionAddr = baseUri.Host; if (sdp.Connection != null && IsAddressSet(sdp.Connection.Address)) { sdpConnectionAddr = sdp.Connection.Address; } sdp.MediaDescriptions.ForEach(md => { Uri controlUri = baseUri; string type = md.Media.ToString().ToLower(); string subType = "unknown"; // Prefer the media description's connection address over the sdp connection address. var connectionAddr = md.Connection != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(md.Connection.Address) ? md.Connection.Address : sdpConnectionAddr; var rtmpmaps = md.GetRtpMaps(); // Via spec there can be multiple types and rtpmaps, but // we will assume a single one since all cameras/encoders // appear to only provide one per Media Description. var rtpmap = rtmpmaps.IsEmpty ? FromPayloadType(md.MediaFormats[0]) : rtmpmaps.First(); subType = rtpmap.EncodingName; var control = md.Attributes.Where(a => "control" == a.Name).DefaultIfEmpty(null).First(); if (control != null) { controlUri = ResolveUri(baseUri, new Uri(control.Value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); } var mimeType = MimeType.Create(type, rtpmap.EncodingName); if (mimeType.Is(APPLICATION_SPOOFED)) { // The MediaGateway and Vxpro us spoofing to determine the client's intentions of // either playing live or recorded data. Because of the current design they do not // have a way to know the client's intentions until a play call is issued that contains // and RTSP Range header with an absolute start-time. // // To handle metadata, in a pretty hacky way, a new media description is added to the SDP // of type application/vnd.pelco.spoofed to indicate to a client that the data is bogus // The client should continue processing up until the play call is made. At this point the // MediaGateway or VxPro will issues a redirect to the actual source. // // We will make a bogus metadata track to allow the client to continue processing. builder.Add(MediaTrack.CreateBuilder() .Address(Dns.GetHostAddresses(baseUri.Host)[0]) .Port(md.Port) .Type(mimeType) .Uri(controlUri) .Build()); } else if ((filter != null && mimeType.Is(filter)) || (filter == null)) { // If a filter is defined only return tracks that match the // defined filter type; otherwise, return all tracks. if (IsAddressSet(connectionAddr)) { // If defined as or ::0 then replace with the SDP connection address. connectionAddr = sdpConnectionAddr; } var addrs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(connectionAddr); builder.Add(MediaTrack.CreateBuilder() .Address(Dns.GetHostAddresses(connectionAddr)[0]) .Port(md.Port) .RtpMap(rtpmap) .Type(mimeType) .Uri(controlUri) .Build()); } }); return(builder.ToImmutable()); }
public override IMessage DoPreSend(IMessage message, IMessageChannel channel) { // If handler is a function, FunctionInvoker will already perform message // conversion. // In fact in the future we should consider propagating knowledge of the // default content type // to MessageConverters instead of interceptors if (message.Payload is byte[] && message.Headers.ContainsKey(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE)) { return(message); } // ===== 1.3 backward compatibility code part-1 === string oct = null; if (message.Headers.ContainsKey(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE)) { oct = message.Headers.Get <MimeType>(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE).ToString(); } var ct = oct; if (message.Payload is string) { if (MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE.Equals(oct)) { ct = MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE; } else { ct = MimeTypeUtils.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE; } } // ===== END 1.3 backward compatibility code part-1 === if (!message.Headers.ContainsKey(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE)) { var messageHeaders = message.Headers as MessageHeaders; messageHeaders.RawHeaders[MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = _mimeType; } IMessage result; if (message.Payload is byte[]) { result = message; } else { result = _messageConverter.ToMessage(message.Payload, message.Headers); } if (result == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to convert message: '" + message + "' to outbound message."); } // ===== 1.3 backward compatibility code part-2 === if (ct != null && !ct.Equals(oct) && oct != null) { var messageHeaders = result.Headers as MessageHeaders; messageHeaders.RawHeaders[MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = MimeType.ToMimeType(ct); messageHeaders.RawHeaders[BinderHeaders.BINDER_ORIGINAL_CONTENT_TYPE] = MimeType.ToMimeType(oct); } // ===== END 1.3 backward compatibility code part-2 === return(result); }
protected AbstractContentTypeInterceptor(string contentType) { _mimeType = MimeTypeUtils.ParseMimeType(contentType); }
public static MimeMessage CreateAttachment(Stream contentStream, MimeType mimeType, string filename, bool inline) { return CreateAttachment(contentStream, mimeType, filename, null, inline); }
public static void Write(this IOutputWriter writer, MimeType mimeType, string contents) { writer.Write(mimeType.Value, contents); }
public void SetContentStreamTest( string canonical_name, string localPath, string remoteFolderPath, string url, string user, string password, string repositoryId, string binding) { ISession session = DotCMISSessionTests.CreateSession(user, password, url, repositoryId, binding); IFolder folder = (IFolder)session.GetObjectByPath(remoteFolderPath); string filename = "testfile.txt"; Dictionary <string, object> properties = new Dictionary <string, object>(); properties.Add(PropertyIds.Name, filename); properties.Add(PropertyIds.ObjectTypeId, BaseTypeId.CmisDocument.GetCmisValue()); try { IDocument doc = session.GetObjectByPath(remoteFolderPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + filename) as IDocument; if (doc != null) { doc.Delete(true); } } catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException) { } IDocument emptyDoc = folder.CreateDocument(properties, null, null); Assert.That(emptyDoc.ContentStreamLength == null || emptyDoc.ContentStreamLength == 0, "returned document shouldn't got any content"); string content = string.Empty; content += "Test "; ContentStream contentStream = new ContentStream(); contentStream.FileName = filename; contentStream.MimeType = MimeType.GetMIMEType(filename); contentStream.Length = content.Length; using (var memstream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content))) { contentStream.Stream = memstream; emptyDoc.SetContentStream(contentStream, true, true); } Assert.AreEqual(content.Length, emptyDoc.ContentStreamLength); emptyDoc.DeleteContentStream(true); content += "Test "; contentStream = new ContentStream(); contentStream.FileName = filename; contentStream.MimeType = MimeType.GetMIMEType(filename); contentStream.Length = content.Length; using (var memstream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content))) { contentStream.Stream = memstream; emptyDoc.SetContentStream(contentStream, true, true); } Assert.AreEqual(content.Length, emptyDoc.ContentStreamLength); emptyDoc.DeleteContentStream(true); content += "Test "; contentStream = new ContentStream(); contentStream.FileName = filename; contentStream.MimeType = MimeType.GetMIMEType(filename); contentStream.Length = content.Length; using (var memstream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content))) { contentStream.Stream = memstream; emptyDoc.SetContentStream(contentStream, true, true); } Assert.AreEqual(content.Length, emptyDoc.ContentStreamLength); emptyDoc.DeleteAllVersions(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a document from a stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Document stream.</param> /// <param name="mime">Document mime-type.</param> /// <returns>New document instance.</returns> public static XDoc From(Stream stream, MimeType mime) { return(From(stream, mime, false)); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the document in the provided context from the given response. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The browsing context.</param> /// <param name="response">The response to consider.</param> /// <param name="contentType">The content type of the response.</param> /// <param name="source">The source to use.</param> /// <param name="cancelToken">Token for cancellation.</param> /// <returns>The task that builds the document.</returns> internal async static Task <SvgDocument> LoadAsync(IBrowsingContext context, IResponse response, MimeType contentType, TextSource source, CancellationToken cancelToken) { var document = new SvgDocument(context, source); var evt = new HtmlParseStartEvent(document); var events = context.Configuration.Events; var parser = new XmlDomBuilder(document); document.ContentType = contentType.Content; document.Referrer = response.Headers.GetOrDefault(HeaderNames.Referer, String.Empty); document.DocumentUri = response.Address.Href; document.Cookie = response.Headers.GetOrDefault(HeaderNames.SetCookie, String.Empty); document.ReadyState = DocumentReadyState.Loading; context.NavigateTo(document); if (events != null) { events.Publish(evt); } await parser.ParseAsync(default(XmlParserOptions), cancelToken).ConfigureAwait(false); evt.FireEnd(); return(document); }
public static TagLink type(this TagLink tag, MimeType value) { tag.Type = value; return(tag); }
public static TagObject codetype(this TagObject tag, MimeType value) { tag.CodeType = value; return tag; }
public static MimeMessage CreateAttachment(Stream contentStream, MimeType mimeType) { return CreateAttachment(contentStream, mimeType, null, null, false); }
private long message_serial_number = 0; // unique increasing integer number (unique per each msg for one particular response) public void send_event(MimeType mime_type, string body_key, string body_json) { string mime_type_str = "response/" + mime_type.ToString("f"); string rabbit_routingKey = "responses." + response_guid + ".events." + mime_type_str; mongodb_channel.BasicPublish(exchange_name, rabbit_routingKey, mongodb_msg_props, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{" + "\"mime_type\": \"" + mime_type_str + "\", " + "\"response_guid\": \"" + response_guid + "\", " + "\"sn\": " + (message_serial_number++) + ", " + "\"time_epoch_s\": " + ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now).ToString() + ", " + "\"" + body_key + "\": " + body_json + "}")); // Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{ \"message\": \"" + i + ") hi from c# " + rabbit_message + "\", \"i_squared\": " + (i * i) + "}")); // or Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(); - we convert message into a byte array }
private void PostRequestedStaticFileToClient() { string requestFilePath = string.Concat( Configurations.Xeora.Application.Main.PhysicalRoot, this.Context.Request.Header.URL.RelativePath ); requestFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(requestFilePath); if (!File.Exists(requestFilePath) || (File.Exists(requestFilePath) && this.IsRequestedStaticFileBanned(requestFilePath))) { this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Code = 404; this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Message = "Not Found"; this.Context.AddOrUpdate("RedirectLocation", null); return; } string contentType = MimeType.GetMime(Path.GetExtension(requestFilePath)); string range = this.Context.Request.Header["Range"]; bool isPartialRequest = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(range); Stream requestFileStream = null; if (!isPartialRequest) { this.Context.Response.Header.AddOrUpdate("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); try { requestFileStream = new FileStream(requestFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); this.Context.Response.Header.AddOrUpdate("Content-Length", requestFileStream.Length.ToString()); this.WriteOutput(contentType, ref requestFileStream, false); } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } finally { if (requestFileStream != null) { requestFileStream.Close(); GC.SuppressFinalize(requestFileStream); } } this.Context.AddOrUpdate("RedirectLocation", null); return; } long beginRange = 0, endRange = -1; if (range.IndexOf("bytes=") == 0) { range = range.Remove(0, "bytes=".Length); try { if (!long.TryParse(range.Split('-')[0], out beginRange)) { beginRange = 0; } if (!long.TryParse(range.Split('-')[1], out endRange)) { endRange = -1; } } catch (System.Exception) { this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Code = 416; this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Message = "Range Not Satisfiable"; this.Context.AddOrUpdate("RedirectLocation", null); return; } } try { requestFileStream = new FileStream(requestFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); if (endRange == -1) { endRange = requestFileStream.Length - 1; } long requestingLength = endRange - beginRange + 1; if (endRange > requestFileStream.Length - 1 || beginRange > endRange) { this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Code = 416; this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Message = "Range Not Satisfiable"; this.Context.AddOrUpdate("RedirectLocation", null); return; } this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Code = 206; this.Context.Response.Header.Status.Message = "Partial Content"; this.Context.Response.Header.AddOrUpdate("Content-Type", contentType); this.Context.Response.Header.AddOrUpdate("Content-Encoding", "identity"); this.Context.Response.Header.AddOrUpdate("Content-Range", string.Format("bytes {0}-{1}/{2}", beginRange, endRange, requestFileStream.Length)); this.Context.Response.Header.AddOrUpdate("Content-Length", requestingLength.ToString()); requestFileStream.Seek(beginRange, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] buffer = new byte[102400]; int bR = 0; do { bR = requestFileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (requestingLength < bR) { bR = (int)requestingLength; } this.Context.Response.Write(buffer, 0, bR); requestingLength -= bR; } while (requestingLength != 0 && bR != 0); } catch (System.Exception) { throw; } finally { if (requestFileStream != null) { requestFileStream.Close(); GC.SuppressFinalize(requestFileStream); } } this.Context.AddOrUpdate("RedirectLocation", null); }
public static TagForm accept(this TagForm tag, MimeType[] value) { tag.Accept = value; return tag; }
// Calls the Run method on the app object. internal int Run(InitData initData) { EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyRunStart); // Keep in mind that Run() is called once in the default AppDomain and then in the XBAP's domain. // We want initialization of statics to happen in both AppDomains. if (!AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsDefaultAppDomain()) { // Since IHostBrowser was marshaled from the default AppDomain as a managed interface, we get // a Remoting transparent proxy here. Any calls on the interface would have to first be marshaled // to the default AppDomain, where the CLR will realize it's actually a COM interface. This is // wasteful since the object lives in the browser process. So, to shake off the Remoting layer, // we round-trip the IHostBrowser reference through IUknown/IntPtr. IntPtr pObj = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(initData.HostBrowser); try { initData.HostBrowser = (IHostBrowser)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pObj); } finally { Marshal.Release(pObj); } } BrowserInteropHelper.HostBrowser = initData.HostBrowser; MimeType mimeType = initData.MimeType.Value; _mimeType.Value = mimeType; Uri = initData.ActivationUri.Value; WpfWebRequestHelper.DefaultUserAgent = initData.UserAgentString; BrowserInteropHelper.HostingFlags = initData.HostingFlags; // These methods are asynchronous. // If the RootBrowserWindow is not created yet, only the size for it will be stored. Move(initData.WindowRect); Show(initData.ShowWindow); switch (mimeType) { case MimeType.Markup: // Make a dummy application (in lieu of the one provided by the defunct XamlViewer.xbap). Invariant.Assert(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName == "XamlViewer"); Application app = new Application(); app.StartupUri = Uri; // Any URL #fragment is appended to StartupUri in _RunDelegate(). // For history navigation, ApplicationProxyInternal has already started navigation to the // last journal entry captured. (This journal entry may include a #fragment target and/or // a CustomContentState.) break; case MimeType.Application: //This is a browser app, the application object has already been created break; case MimeType.Document: throw new NotImplementedException(); // removed in v4 case MimeType.Unknown: default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // Set the Application.MimeType // Since loading containers causes the application to be constructed now, // the initial setting of the MimeType does not get passed to the application. Application.Current.MimeType = mimeType; ServiceProvider = initData.ServiceProvider; // also sets Application.ServiceProvider Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke( DispatcherPriority.Send, new DispatcherOperationCallback(_RunDelegate), initData); int exitCode = Application.Current.RunInternal(null); EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyRunEnd); return(exitCode); }
public void determine_mime_type_from_name_for_js() { MimeType.MimeTypeByFileName("") .ShouldEqual(MimeType.Javascript); }
public static HttpResponse ContentTypeShouldBe(this HttpResponse response, MimeType mimeType) { response.ContentType.ShouldEqual(mimeType.Value); return(response); }
public void determine_mime_type_from_name_for_css() { MimeType.MimeTypeByFileName("style.css") .ShouldEqual(MimeType.Css); }
// 패턴 체크 실행 bool checkUrlType(HostCheck patternCheck, Session oSession) { if (oSession.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT")) { oSession.hostname = patternCheck.afterHost(); } else { if (patternCheck.isStatus()) { int status = patternCheck.getStatusCode(); sendResponse(oSession, status, "text/html", new byte[0]); return(false); } if (patternCheck.isFolder() || patternCheck.isFile()) { string url = oSession.fullUrl; int idx = url.LastIndexOf(patternCheck.Before); FileInfo file; string target; if (patternCheck.isFolder()) { string first = url.Substring(0, idx); string second = patternCheck.Before; string last = url.Replace(first, "").Replace(second, ""); log(first + " : " + second + " : " + last); // 기본 디렉토리 지정 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(last) || last.Equals("/")) { last = "/index.html"; } if (last[0] != '/') { last = "/" + last; } target = patternCheck.After + last; } else { target = patternCheck.After; } file = new FileInfo(target); if (file.Exists) { string content_type = MimeType.Get(file.Extension); byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullName); sendResponse(oSession, 200, content_type, data); return(false); } } else { oSession.fullUrl = patternCheck.afterUrl(oSession.fullUrl); } } return(true); }
public void determine_mime_type_from_name_for_truetype_font() { MimeType.MimeTypeByFileName("somefont.ttf") .ShouldEqual(MimeType.TrueTypeFont); }
public static void SaveBitmap(MimeType mineType, Stream BitmapStream, string savePath) { SaveBitmap(mineType, BitmapFrame.Create(BitmapStream), savePath); }
public static TagStyle type(this TagStyle tag, MimeType value) { tag.Type = value; return tag; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the edit model. /// </summary> public bool SaveAll(bool draft) { var context = HttpContext.Current; var hasfile = UploadedFile != null || ServerFile != null; byte[] data = null; WebClient web = new WebClient(); // Check if the original URL has been updated, and if so if (!Content.IsNew && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Content.OriginalUrl)) { var old = Content.GetSingle(Content.Id); if (old != null) { if (Content.OriginalUrl != old.OriginalUrl) { FileUrl = Content.OriginalUrl; } } } // Download file from web if (!hasfile && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUrl)) { data = web.DownloadData(FileUrl); Content.OriginalUrl = FileUrl; Content.LastSynced = Convert.ToDateTime(web.ResponseHeaders[HttpResponseHeader.LastModified]); } var media = new MediaFileContent(); if (hasfile) { if (UploadedFile != null) { media.Filename = UploadedFile.FileName; media.ContentType = UploadedFile.ContentType; using (var reader = new BinaryReader(UploadedFile.InputStream)) { media.Body = reader.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(UploadedFile.InputStream.Length)); } } else { media.Filename = ServerFile.Name; media.ContentType = MimeType.Get(ServerFile.Name); using (var stream = ServerFile.OpenRead()) { media.Body = new byte[ServerFile.Length]; stream.Read(media.Body, 0, media.Body.Length); } } } else if (data != null) { media.Filename = FileUrl.Substring(FileUrl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); media.ContentType = web.ResponseHeaders["Content-Type"]; media.Body = data; } else { media = null; } var saved = false; if (draft) { saved = Content.Save(media); } else { saved = Content.SaveAndPublish(media); } if (saved) { // Save related information Relation.DeleteByDataId(Content.Id); List <Relation> relations = new List <Relation>(); ContentCategories.ForEach(c => relations.Add(new Relation() { DataId = Content.Id, RelatedId = c, IsDraft = false, Type = Relation.RelationType.CONTENTCATEGORY }) ); relations.ForEach(r => r.Save()); // Save extensions foreach (var ext in Extensions) { ext.ParentId = Content.Id; ext.Save(); if (!draft) { if (Extension.GetScalar("SELECT COUNT(extension_id) FROM extension WHERE extension_id=@0 AND extension_draft=0", ext.Id) == 0) { ext.IsNew = true; } ext.IsDraft = false; ext.Save(); } } // Reset file url FileUrl = ""; return(true); } return(false); }
public void SaveAssetDataFromCSV(List<Asset> assets) { // Insert the available country list Dictionary<string, int> countryList = assets.GroupBy(x => x.Country.CountryName).Select(x => new { Key = x.Key.ToString() }).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => 0); List<string> countryListKeys = countryList.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var countryKey in countryListKeys) { Country country = _context.Countries.Where(x => x.CountryName == countryKey).FirstOrDefault(); if (country == null) { country = new Country { CountryName = countryKey }; _context.Countries.Add(country); } _context.SaveChanges(); countryList[countryKey] = country.CountryId; } // Insert the available mime-type list Dictionary<string, int> mimeTypeList = assets.GroupBy(x => x.MimeType.Type).Select(x => new { Key = x.Key.ToString() }).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => 0); List<string> mimeTypeListKeys = countryList.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var typeKey in mimeTypeListKeys) { MimeType type = _context.MimeTypes.Where(x => x.Type == typeKey).FirstOrDefault(); if (type == null) { type = new MimeType { Type = typeKey }; _context.MimeTypes.Add(type); } _context.SaveChanges(); countryList[typeKey] = type.MimeTypeId; } // Insert the Asset int count = 1; int commitCount = 500; foreach (Asset asset in assets) { if (!_context.Assets.Any(x => x.AssetId == asset.AssetId)) { asset.CountryId = countryList[asset.Country.CountryName]; asset.MimeTypeId = mimeTypeList[asset.MimeType.Type]; asset.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; _context.Assets.Add(asset); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Asset with ID:{asset.AssetId} already exists!"); } if (count % commitCount == 0) { _context.SaveChanges(); _context.Dispose(); _context = new DataContext(); _context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; Console.WriteLine($"Processing at Row# {count}"); } count++; } _context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"Total Records processed = {assets.Count()}"); }
public ResourceBE AddAttachment(ResourceBE existingRevision, Stream filestream, long filesize, MimeType mimeType, PageBE targetPage, string userDescription, string fileName, bool isMsWebDav) { if (_dekiContext.Instance.MaxFileSize < filesize) { throw new AttachmentMaxFileSizeAllowedInvalidArgumentException(_dekiContext.Instance.MaxFileSize); } var saveFileName = ValidateFileName(fileName); if (existingRevision != null) { if (!saveFileName.EqualsInvariant(existingRevision.Name)) { // An existing file is getting renamed. Make sure no file exists with the new name var existingAttachment = GetPageAttachment(targetPage.ID, saveFileName); if (existingAttachment != null) { throw new AttachmentExistsOnPageConflictException(saveFileName, targetPage.Title.AsUserFriendlyName()); } } } // If file is found but has been deleted, create a new file. if (existingRevision != null && existingRevision.ResourceIsDeleted) { existingRevision = null; } if (isMsWebDav) { _log.DebugFormat("Upload client is MD WebDAV, provided mimetype is: {0}", mimeType); var extensionFileType = MimeType.FromFileExtension(Path.GetExtension(saveFileName)); if (!extensionFileType.Match(mimeType) || extensionFileType == MimeType.DefaultMimeType) { mimeType = existingRevision == null ? extensionFileType : existingRevision.MimeType; _log.DebugFormat("using mimetype '{0}' instead", mimeType); } } ResourceBE attachment; var resourceContents = new ResourceContentBE((uint)filesize, mimeType); var isUpdate = false; if (existingRevision == null) { attachment = _resourceBL.BuildRevForNewResource((uint)targetPage.ID, ResourceBE.ParentType.PAGE, saveFileName, mimeType, (uint)filesize, null, ResourceBE.Type.FILE, _dekiContext.User.ID, resourceContents); } else { isUpdate = true; attachment = BuildRevForContentUpdate(existingRevision, mimeType, (uint)filesize, null, saveFileName, resourceContents); } // rewrite mimetype to text/plain for certain extensions string extension = attachment.FilenameExtension; if (_dekiContext.Instance.FileExtensionForceAsTextList.Any(forcedExtensions => extension == forcedExtensions)) { attachment.MimeType = MimeType.TEXT; } // Insert the attachment into the DB attachment = SaveResource(attachment); try { // Save file to storage provider _dekiContext.Instance.Storage.PutFile(attachment, SizeType.ORIGINAL, new StreamInfo(filestream, filesize, mimeType)); } catch (Exception x) { _dekiContext.Instance.Log.WarnExceptionFormat(x, "Failed to save attachment to storage provider"); // Upon save failure, delete the record from the db. _session.Resources_DeleteRevision(attachment.ResourceId, attachment.Revision); throw; } // Set description property if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userDescription)) { attachment = SetDescription(attachment, userDescription); } // For images resolve width/height (if not in imagemagick's blacklist) attachment = IdentifyUnknownImage(attachment); // Pre render thumbnails of images AttachmentPreviewBL.PreSaveAllPreviews(attachment); PageBL.Touch(targetPage, DateTime.UtcNow); //TODO MaxM: Connect with transaction RecentChangeBL.AddFileRecentChange(targetPage.Touched, targetPage, _dekiContext.User, DekiResources.FILE_ADDED(attachment.Name), 0); if (isUpdate) { _dekiContext.Instance.EventSink.AttachmentUpdate(_dekiContext.Now, attachment, _dekiContext.User); } else { _dekiContext.Instance.EventSink.AttachmentCreate(_dekiContext.Now, attachment, _dekiContext.User); } return(attachment); }
public MediaSerializer(MimeType mimeType) : this(mimeType.GetName()) { }
public static TagScript type(this TagScript tag, MimeType value) { tag.Type = value; return(tag); }
public Builder Type(MimeType type) { _type = type; return(this); }
public static string GetStringMimeType(MimeType mime) { string strMime = ""; switch (mime) { case MimeType.text_html: strMime = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; break; case MimeType.text_javascript: strMime = "text/javascript"; break; case MimeType.multipart_xmixedreplace: strMime = "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=rnA00A"; break; case MimeType.application_xml_charsetutf8: strMime = "application/xml; charset=utf-8"; break; default: strMime = mime.ToString().Replace("_", "/"); break; } return strMime; }
public AssetPlanKey(MimeType mimeType, IEnumerable <string> names) { _mimeType = mimeType; _names = names; }
public void SetResponseType(MimeType mime) { _controller.Response.ContentType = mime.MimeString; }
public static AssetPlanKey For(MimeType mimeType, params string[] names) { return(new AssetPlanKey(mimeType, names)); }
public static TagInput accept(this TagInput tag, MimeType[] value) { tag.Accept = value; return tag; }
public static MimeType GetMimeType(this IWebElement element) { return(MimeType.MimeTypeByFileName(element.Href())); }
public static TagForm enctype(this TagForm tag, MimeType value) { tag.EncType = value; return tag; }
public static TagScript type(this TagScript tag, MimeType value) { tag.Type = value; return tag; }
public AcceptHeader(MimeType contentType) : base("Accept", contentType.ToString()) { }
public static MimeMessage CreateAttachment(Stream contentStream, MimeType mimeType, string filename, string description, bool inline) { if (contentStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("contentStream"); if (mimeType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mimeType"); var disposition = inline ? MimeMessageDisposition.Inline : MimeMessageDisposition.Attachment; // TODO: Content-Type + name parameter var message = new MimeMessage(new[] { MimeHeader.CreateContentType(mimeType, null, null, filename), MimeHeader.CreateContentTransferEncoding(ContentTransferEncodingMethod.Base64), MimeHeader.CreateContentDisposition(disposition, filename), new MimeHeader("Content-Description", description, MimeEncodingMethod.Base64, Charsets.UTF8), }); message.MimeType = mimeType; message.Disposition = disposition; message.WriteContent(ContentTransferEncodingMethod.Base64, delegate(BinaryWriter writer) { contentStream.CopyTo(writer); }); return message; }