コード例 #1
 public void OnSetupLoaded(Mike1DData mike1DData)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #2
 public void OnSetupLoaded(Mike1DData mike1DData)
コード例 #3
        public void SetHDParameter(Mike1DData mike1DData)
            // A subsete of the HD parameters are listed here as examples of what can be set
            // in the MIKE 1D engine. For a complete list, consult the MIKE 1D API documentation.
            // The MIKE 1D API documentation also contains more detailed documentation for
            // some of the parameters.

            // The velocity distribution coefficient used in the convective acceleration
            // term of the momentum equation.
            // Default: 1
            // M11 default = 1, MU default = 1.1
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.Alpha = 1.1;

            // Sink momentum correction term. When set to 1, a sink will also
            // remove a similar amount of momentum, and hence remove strange
            // artifacts around sink locations. Use 0 to disable the term.
            // Default: 1
            // Value must be between zero and one.
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.SinkMomentumCorrection = 0;

            // The network engine iterates on each time step to solve the equation system with coefficients
            // dependent on qauntities evaluated betweeen time step n and time step n+1.
            // NumberOfTimeStepIterations limits the number of iterations that may be performed.
            // A value of zero means that no iteration takes place, first values at time n+1 is used.
            // Default: 1
            // M11 default 1, MU default 0 (no iteration)
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.NumberOfTimeStepIterations = 1;

            // Flag specifying whether the QZero method is activated.
            // The QZeroMethod makes sure that the flow goes towards zero
            // when the river/link is drying out.
            // Default: true.
            // M11 default true, MU default false
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.UseQZeroMethod = true;

            // The Delh factor controls several things:
            // - The height of the artificial bottom 'slot', introduced to a
            //   cross section to handling 'drying out' of the section.
            // - The start depth of the zero flow method.
            // Default: 0.1
            // Unit: [m]
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.Delh = 0.02;

            // Relative version of Delh. For closed cross section
            // the value of delh is the smallest of Delh and
            // DelhRelative * cross section height.
            // Default value: 0.01
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.DelhRelative = 0.02;

            // Minimum water depth in a node/gridpoint. After every timestep
            // the water level is corrected to be at least the minimum water depth.
            // For closed cross sections (circular, egg-shaped and o-shaped (MU circular types), rectangular etc.)
            // the minimum water depth is the smallest of this value and
            // MinWaterDepthRelative x cross section height (diameter).
            // This must be less than Delh.
            // In M11 type setups this is set negative -1, effectively disabling this parameter
            // and letting the slot functionality fully control the minimum water depth, and
            // allowing water levels in the slot area.
            // M11 default: -1, MU default: 0.005
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.MinWaterDepth = 0.002;

            // Relative version of MinWaterDepth, in case of closed cross sections
            // the actual minimum water depth is the smallest of the MinWaterDepth and
            // MinWaterDepthRelative * cross section height
            // This must be less than DelhRelative.
            // Default value: 0.005
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.MinWaterDepthRelative = 0.002;

            // Time in seconds for non-return valves to fully open after having closed.
            // Default value: 60
            mike1DData.HDParameters.SolverSettings.NonReturnValveReopenTimeInSeconds = 10;
コード例 #4
 public void Initialize(IList <Mike1DPluginArgument> arguments, Mike1DData mike1DData)
     mike1DData.ResultSpecifications.RemoveAll(rs => rs.ID == "AdditionalNAMRRResults");