コード例 #1
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: Itequia/ImproVision
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetUploadedFiles()
            var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files;
            MicrosoftVisionAPIResult result = new MicrosoftVisionAPIResult();

            foreach (var formFile in files)
                if (formFile.Length > 0)
                    var fileName = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(formFile.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"');
                    using (var reader = formFile.OpenReadStream())
                        byte[] bytes = GetImageAsByteArray(reader);

                        MicrosoftApiService microsoftApiService = new MicrosoftApiService();
                        result = await microsoftApiService.GetImageJsonAsync(bytes);
            return(PartialView("Blackboard", result.recognitionResult.lines.SelectMany(l => l.words)));
コード例 #2
        public async Task <MicrosoftVisionAPIResult> GetImageJsonAsync(byte[] byteData)
            //HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

            //// Request headers.
            //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", subscriptionKey);

            //// Request parameters.
            //string requestParameters = "language=unk&detectOrientation=true&handwriting=true";

            //// Assemble the URI for the REST API Call.
            //string uri = uriBase + "?" + requestParameters;

            //// Request body. Posts a locally stored JPEG image.

            //using (ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))
            //    content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
            //    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);
            //    string contentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            //    MicrosoftVisionAPIResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MicrosoftVisionAPIResult>(contentString);
            //    return result;

            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

            // Request headers.
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", subscriptionKey);

            // Request parameter. Set "handwriting" to false for printed text.
            string requestParameters = "handwriting=true";

            // Assemble the URI for the REST API Call.
            string uri = uriBase + "?" + requestParameters;

            HttpResponseMessage response = null;

            // This operation requrires two REST API calls. One to submit the image for processing,
            // the other to retrieve the text found in the image. This value stores the REST API
            // location to call to retrieve the text.
            string operationLocation = null;

            // Request body. Posts a locally stored JPEG image.
            //byte[] byteData = GetImageAsByteArray(imageFilePath);
            ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData);

            // This example uses content type "application/octet-stream".
            // You can also use "application/json" and specify an image URL.
            content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");

            // The first REST call starts the async process to analyze the written text in the image.
            response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);

            // The response contains the URI to retrieve the result of the process.
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                operationLocation = response.Headers.GetValues("Operation-Location").FirstOrDefault();
                // Display the JSON error data.
                //Console.WriteLine(JsonPrettyPrint(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()));

            // The second REST call retrieves the text written in the image.
            // Note: The response may not be immediately available. Handwriting recognition is an
            // async operation that can take a variable amount of time depending on the length
            // of the handwritten text. You may need to wait or retry this operation.
            // This example checks once per second for ten seconds.
            string contentString;
            int    i = 0;

                response = await client.GetAsync(operationLocation);

                contentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            }while (i < 10 && contentString.IndexOf("\"status\":\"Succeeded\"") == -1);

            if (i == 10 && contentString.IndexOf("\"status\":\"Succeeded\"") == -1)
                //Console.WriteLine("\nTimeout error.\n");
            MicrosoftVisionAPIResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MicrosoftVisionAPIResult>(contentString);
