コード例 #1
        public AppsResult Compile(string code)
            var result = new AppsResult();

                Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxTree tree = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code);
                var diags = tree.GetDiagnostics().ToList();
                foreach (var diag in diags)
                    result.FailMessages.Add("(Start: " + diag.Location.SourceSpan.Start.ToString() + ", End: " + diag.Location.SourceSpan.End.ToString() + ") " + diag.Severity.ToString() + " " + diag.Descriptor.Id.ToString() + " " + diag.Descriptor.MessageFormat);;
                result.Success = true;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                new AppFlows.Publish.Compile.Exception(ex, ref result);

コード例 #2
        public AppsResult CreateAppSoftware(SoftwareTypes softwareType)
            var result = new AppsResult();

                //1. Create new app object
                //2. Create new software object
                //3. Create "Software" folder under appfolders/app
                //4. Create "ID" folder under "Software"
                //5. Run new command

                var newApp         = new App();
                var newSoftware    = new Software();
                var appsTable      = _db.GetCollection <App>("Apps");
                var softwaresTable = _db.GetCollection <Software>("Softwares");

                appsTable.Upsert(newApp); //Creates primary id

                string appFoldersFolder = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\AppFolders";

                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(appFoldersFolder))
                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(appFoldersFolder + "\\App" + newApp.AppID.ToString());
                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(appFoldersFolder + "\\App" + newApp.AppID.ToString() + "\\Software");
                    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(appFoldersFolder + "\\App" + newApp.AppID.ToString() + "\\Software\\Software" + newSoftware.SoftwareID.ToString());

                    new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Created all folders.");

                    if (softwareType == SoftwareTypes.CoreWebService)
                        newApp.AppName       = "CoreWebService" + newApp.AppID.ToString();
                        newApp.MachineName   = System.Environment.MachineName;
                        newApp.WorkingFolder = appFoldersFolder + "\\App" + newApp.AppID.ToString() + "\\Software\\Software" + newSoftware.SoftwareID.ToString();
                        newApp.SoftwareType  = SoftwareTypes.CoreWebService;

                        appsTable.Upsert(newApp); //Uniquely identifies in apps

                        new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Set app working folder.");

                        //Command.Exec("", "cd", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "", newApp.WorkingFolder } }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);
                        //Create solution
                        Command.Exec("dotnet", "new sln", new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "-o", newApp.WorkingFolder }
                        }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                        new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Created solution.");

                        //Create software
                        Command.Exec("dotnet", "new", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { "", "webapi" },
                            { "-o", "\"" + newApp.WorkingFolder + "\\" + newApp.AppName + "\"" },
                            { "-n", newApp.AppName }
                        }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                        new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Created app.");

                        //Add project to solution
                        Command.Exec("dotnet", "sln", new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "add", newApp.AppName + "\\" + newApp.AppName + ".csproj" }
                        }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                        new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Added project to solution.");

                        //Create test project
                        Command.Exec("dotnet", "new", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { "", "xunit" },
                            { "-o", "\"" + newApp.WorkingFolder + "\\" + newApp.AppName + ".Tests" + "\"" },
                            { "-n", newApp.AppName + ".Tests" }
                        }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                        new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Created test app.");

                        //Add test app to solution
                        Command.Exec("dotnet", "sln", new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "add", newApp.WorkingFolder + "\\" + newApp.AppName + ".Tests" + "\\" + newApp.AppName + ".Tests.csproj" }
                        }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                        new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Added test app to solution.");

                        //Add Brooksoft.Apps.Client nuget package
                        string projFileName = newApp.AppName + ".csproj";
                        string projFilePath = newApp.WorkingFolder + "\\" + newApp.AppName + "\\" + projFileName;

                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(projFilePath))
                            Command.Exec("dotnet", "add", new Dictionary <string, string>
                                { "", newApp.AppName + "\\" + projFileName },
                                { "package", "Brooksoft.Apps.Client" }
                            }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                            new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Added apps nuget package.");

                            newApp.ProjectFileFullName = projFilePath;
                            newApp.ProjectFileExists   = true;

                            //Add Load
                            string startupCSPath = newApp.WorkingFolder + "\\" + newApp.AppName + "\\Startup.cs";
                            string startupFile   = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(startupCSPath);
                            string start         = startupFile.Substring(0, startupFile.Length - 22);
                            string end           = startupFile.Substring(startupFile.Length - 20);
                            string inserted      = "var appsClient = new AppsClient.AppsClientConfig();appsClient.Load(\"Software14\", Environment.MachineName, Environment.CurrentDirectory, Environment.Version, new List<string>(), new List<AppsClient.AppsCustomConfigItem>(), true, true, new Flows.AppFlow());";
                            string changed       = start + inserted + end;

                            new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Added code to startup.");

                            Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxTree tree = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(changed);
                            var diags = tree.GetDiagnostics().ToList();
                            foreach (var diag in diags)
                                result.FailMessages.Add("(Start: " + diag.Location.SourceSpan.Start.ToString() + ", End: " + diag.Location.SourceSpan.End.ToString() + ") " + diag.Severity.ToString() + " " + diag.Descriptor.Id.ToString() + " " + diag.Descriptor.MessageFormat);;
                            if (result.FailMessages.Count == 0)
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(startupCSPath, changed);
                                result.SuccessMessages.Add("CS file updated.");

                                new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Written and parsed successfully!");
                                result.FailMessages.Add("CS file did not update.");

                            Command.Exec("dotnet", "run", new Dictionary <string, string>
                                { "", newApp.WorkingFolder + "\\" + newApp.AppName + "\\" + projFileName }
                            }, newApp.WorkingFolder, ref result);

                            new AppFlows.Create(newApp.AppID, "Started app.");

                            result.Success = true;
                            new AppFlows.Create.Fail("Project file not found for add package: " + projFilePath, ref result);
                        new AppFlows.Create.Fail("No software type found to create.", ref result);
                    new AppFlows.Create.Fail("Apps folders folder not found.", ref result);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                new AppFlows.Create.Exception(ex, ref result);
