private static int OnParse(GlobalOptions globals, DicomDirectoryProcessorCliOptions parsedOptions) { var bootstrapper = new MicroserviceHostBootstrapper(() => new DicomDirectoryProcessorHost(globals, parsedOptions)); int ret = bootstrapper.Main(); return(ret); }
private static int OnParse(GlobalOptions globals, CohortPackagerCliOptions opts) { if (opts.ExtractionId != default) { return(RecreateReport(globals, opts)); } var bootstrapper = new MicroserviceHostBootstrapper(() => new CohortPackagerHost(globals)); int ret = bootstrapper.Main(); return(ret); }
private static int OnParse(GlobalOptions globals, CliOptions opts) { //Use the auditor and request fullfilers specified in the yaml var bootstrapper = new MicroserviceHostBootstrapper( () => new CohortExtractorHost( globals, auditor: null, fulfiller: null ) ); int ret = bootstrapper.Main(); return(ret); }
private static int OnParse(GlobalOptions globals, object opts) { var parsedOptions = SmiCliInit.Verify <TriggerUpdatesCliOptions>(opts); ITriggerUpdatesSource source = parsedOptions switch { TriggerUpdatesFromMapperOptions o => new MapperSource(globals, o), TriggerUpdatesFromMongoOptions o => new MongoSource(globals, o), _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"No case for '{parsedOptions.GetType()}'") }; var bootstrapper = new MicroserviceHostBootstrapper(() => new TriggerUpdatesHost(globals, source)); int ret = bootstrapper.Main(); return(ret); } }
private static int OnParse(GlobalOptions globals, DicomTagReaderCliOptions opts) { if (opts.File != null) { try { var host = new DicomTagReaderHost(globals); host.AccessionDirectoryMessageConsumer.RunSingleFile(opts.File); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Error(ex); return(1); } } var bootstrapper = new MicroserviceHostBootstrapper(() => new DicomTagReaderHost(globals)); int ret = bootstrapper.Main(); return(ret); }