private void PushAndroid(string PackageName, string AppSecret, string ClientID, string Title, string Description, string Payload, long TimeToLive, string NotifyId) { try { MgoogpsWebClient mgoo = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mgoo.RequestUrl = HOST; mgoo.RequestMethodType = "POST"; mgoo.RequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); headers.Add("Authorization", "key=" + AppSecret); // LrXeTJHe6tWQ0rOo2pcqbQ== StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("payload=" + Payload + "&"); // 消息的内容。 sb.Append("restricted_package_name=" + PackageName + "&"); //App的包名。 sb.Append("pass_through=0&"); //0 表示通知栏消息 1 表示透传消息 sb.Append("title=" + Title + "&"); //通知栏展示的通知的标题。 sb.Append("description='" + Description + "'&"); // 通知栏展示的通知的描述。 sb.Append("notify_type=" + this.DefaulSound + "&"); //DEFAULT_ALL = -1; DEFAULT_SOUND = 1; // 使用默认提示音提示;DEFAULT_VIBRATE = 2; // 使用默认震动提示;DEFAULT_LIGHTS = 4; // 使用默认led灯光提示; sb.Append("time_to_live=" + TimeToLive + "&"); //1天 可选项。如果用户离线,设置消息在服务器保存的时间,单位:ms。服务器默认最长保留两周。 sb.Append("notify_id=" + NotifyId + "&"); // sb.Append("extra.notify_effect=3&");// 可选项 “3″:通知栏点击后打开网页(开发者还需要传入extra.web_uri)。 //sb.Append("extra.web_uri=");// 可选项,打开某一个网页。参考2.2.3.3 // sb.Append("extra.sound_uri=android.resource://com.mgoogps.oubaoyun/tuisong&"); sb.Append("registration_id=" + ClientID + ""); //0czrCPue2ny19RfpAYNU44/n4niilHAHn48lNLWQTE0= //AcHKMOVNigJtkRluQU3FAyWnCbdsvoBYKGPdV1gLHJA=, rStPppMYedb5FCdnM/QPSWf0n+C61RhycDMz5JrFJBY=,SZzVN/bbQz0IhRSQ37M8EnvYPxYdaPOMj9F4M0QeivQ=,Sw/1lgU8KyA5zYiA3OrFT6cHoA5e7rpEuy5SAKdnn0g=,VOtpeNF2jSciN5cmDJFyVhkNCEvgMIr+weCzZPH7u94= mgoo.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()); string reulst = mgoo.RequestSend(headers); Utils.log("Android---" + Title + ":" + reulst, "MiPush" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") + "-" + DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek + ".log"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("PushAndroid Error:" + ex.Message + ",Source:" + ex.Source + ",StackTrace:" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private static void SMSSend() { string phone = "18507480591"; var password = GetMD5("mgdz" + GetMD5("hI6eI2cN")); string content = string.Format("【美谷科技】您的设备{0},在{1}触发了{2},请留意。", "测试", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "震动报警"); string[] parsList = new string[4]; parsList[0] = "username=mgdz"; parsList[1] = "password="******"mobile=" + phone; parsList[3] = "content=" + content;// + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content ,Encoding.UTF8) ; var postData = string.Join("&", parsList); Console.WriteLine(postData); MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestMethodType = "POST"; webClient.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); webClient.RequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; webClient.RequestUrl = server_host;// +"?"+postData; string res = webClient.RequestSend(); // MG_BLL.Pay.WeixinPay.lib.HttpService.Post(); Console.WriteLine(res); Console.Read(); }
private void PushIOS(string AppSecret, string ClientID, string Title, string Body, long TimeToLive, string exceptionid) { try { MgoogpsWebClient mgoo = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mgoo.RequestUrl = HOST; mgoo.RequestMethodType = "POST"; mgoo.RequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); headers.Add("Authorization", "key=" + AppSecret); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.Append("description=" + "测试推送" + "&"); sb.Append("aps_proper_fields.title=" + Title + "&"); //sb.Append("payload=" + payload + "&"); // 消息的内容。 // sb.Append("aps_proper_fields.subtitle=" + "测试subtitle" + "&"); sb.Append("aps_proper_fields.body=" + Body + "&"); sb.Append("time_to_live=" + TimeToLive + "&"); //sb.Append("extra.badge=1&"); //可选项。通知角标。 sb.Append("aps_proper_fields.mutable-content=" + exceptionid + "&"); sb.Append("extra.sound_url=default&"); //可选项,自定义消息铃声。当值为空时为无声,default为系统默认声音。 sb.Append("registration_id=" + ClientID + ""); mgoo.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()); string reulst = mgoo.RequestSend(headers); Utils.log("IOS---" + reulst, "MiPush" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") + "-" + DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek + ".log"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("PushIOS Error:" + ex.Message + ",Source:" + ex.Source + ",StackTrace:" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void PaySuccessPush(string OpenID, string DeviceName, string Fee, string PayDate, string Bank, string OrderNo) { string rulst = ""; try { WeixinOper wo = new WeixinOper(); string access_token = wo.AccessToken(); MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestUrl = "" + access_token; SQLServerOperating s = new SQLServerOperating(); Dictionary <string, string> dic = s.Selects("select ProductBody,tp.RenewalDate from Orders o inner join TariffPackages tp on where OrderNo = @OrderNo", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("OrderNo", OrderNo) }).toDictionary(); string pushContent = wo.GetPaySuccessText(OpenID, DeviceName, Fee, PayDate, OrderNo, Bank, dic["ProductBody"], dic["RenewalDate"]); mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pushContent); rulst = mwc.RequestSend(); Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(rulst); if (res["errcode"].Equals("0") && res["errmsg"].Equals("ok")) { Utils.log("充值成功提醒推送成功:" + DeviceName); } else { Utils.log("充值成功微信推送失败" + rulst, "WeChatExpirePush.log"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("PaySuccessPush Error:" + ex.Message + ",StackTrace:" + ex.StackTrace + ",Source:" + ex.Source + ",rulst:" + rulst); } }
private static void Send(string phone) { string server_host_test = ""; string server_host = ""; string username = "******"; MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(""); var md5Byte = MD5.Create("mgdz" + "hI6eI2cN").ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("")); string password = System.BitConverter.ToString(md5Byte).Replace("-", "").ToUpper(); string mobile = "18507480591"; string content = string.Format("【美谷科技】您的设备{0},在{1}触发了{2},请留意。", "测试", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "震动报警"); string[] parsList = new string[4]; parsList[0] = "username=mgdz"; parsList[1] = "password="******"mobile=" + phone; parsList[3] = "content=" + content; MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestMethodType = "POST"; webClient.RequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; webClient.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("&", parsList)); webClient.RequestUrl = server_host; string res = webClient.RequestSend(); }
public string GetDeviceList(string user, string devicename) { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getdevices/?user=" + user; string json = mwc.RequestSend(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); js.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; List <DeviceInfo> dList = js.Deserialize <List <DeviceInfo> >(json); List <DeviceInfo> resultList; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devicename)) { resultList = new List <DeviceInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < dList.Count; i++) { if (dList[i].Name.IndexOf(devicename) >= 0 || dList[i].Id.IndexOf(devicename) >= 0) { resultList.Add(dList[i]); } } if (resultList != null) { return(Utils.ToJson(resultList)); } } return(Utils.ToJson(dList)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据IMEI获取历史数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <param name="StartTime"></param> /// <param name="EndTime"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <History> GetHistory(string ID, string StartTime, string EndTime) { try { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/gethistory/?param=id," + ID + "&starttime," + Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).Ticks + "&endtime," + Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).Ticks; mwc.RequestPostData = new byte[0]; mwc.RequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; string data = mwc.RequestSend(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); js.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; List <History> his = js.Deserialize <List <History> >(data); List <History> retData = new List <History>(); double lat = 0, lng = 0; foreach (History item in his) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Lat) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Lon)) { Gps g = EvilTransform.PositionUtil.gcj02_To_Bd09(Convert.ToDouble(item.Lat), Convert.ToDouble(item.Lon)); lat = g.getWgLat(); lng = g.getWgLon(); item.Lat = lat.ToString(); item.Lon = lng.ToString(); retData.Add(item); } } return(retData); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string GetAlarmByDeviceID(string DeviceID, string StartTime, string EndTime) { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getalarmhistorybydevice/?param=id," + DeviceID + "&starttime," + Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).Ticks + "&endtime," + Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).Ticks + ""; return(mwc.RequestSend()); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetUserInfo() { MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestMethodType = "GET"; webClient.RequestMethodName = "/service/getuserinfo/?user=" + Utils.GetSessionUserID(); return(webClient.RequestSend()); }
/// <summary> /// 标记已读消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="ObjectID">消息ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public string DeleteMsg(string ObjectID) { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/deletealarmone/?objectId=" + ObjectID; mwc.RequestMethodType = "DELETE"; mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("objectId=" + ObjectID); return(mwc.RequestSend()); }
/// <summary> /// 根据IMEI号获取设备信息(实时跟踪也用此方法) /// </summary> /// <param name="Imei"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetDeviceData(string Imei) { try { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getlocationbydevice/?id=" + Imei; mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; string jsonStr = mwc.RequestSend(); JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Entity.DeviceDetail device = jss.Deserialize <Entity.DeviceDetail>(jsonStr); DateTime connectTime = Convert.ToDateTime(device.ConnectTime); if (connectTime < Convert.ToDateTime("0010-01-01")) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.未激活 + "," + device.Speed; } else if ((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes > Utils.OffLineMinute) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.离线 + "," + Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(device.Speed) > 0) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.行驶 + ""; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(device.Speed) <= 0 && (DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes <= Utils.OffLineMinute) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.停止 + "," + (DateTime.Now - Convert.ToDateTime(connectTime)).TotalMinutes;; } double lat = 0, lng = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(device.Lbs.toStringEmpty())) { Dictionary <string, object> lbs = (Dictionary <string, object>)device.Lbs; if (lbs["time"].toStringEmpty().toDateTime() > device.ConnectTime.toDateTime()) { device.Lat = lbs["lat"].toStringEmpty(); device.Lon = lbs["lon"].toStringEmpty(); } else if (device.Lat.toDouble() == 0.00 || device.Lon.toDouble() == 0.00) { device.Lat = lbs["lat"].toStringEmpty(); device.Lon = lbs["lon"].toStringEmpty(); } device.DeviceTime = lbs["time"].toStringEmpty().toDateTime().AddHours(8).ToString(); } Gps gps = EvilTransform.PositionUtil.gcj02_To_Bd09(double.Parse(device.Lat), double.Parse(device.Lon)); lat = gps.getWgLat(); lng = gps.getWgLon(); device.Lat = lat + ""; device.Lon = lng + ""; device.Address = bllGetAddress(double.Parse(device.Lat), double.Parse(device.Lon)); return(jss.Serialize(device)); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("GetDeviceData方法出错:" + ex.Message + ", 堆栈信息:" + ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } }
public List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetUserZTree(String UserType = null) { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getusers/?user=" + SessionOper.GetSessionUserID(); String jsonStr = mwc.RequestSend(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > zTreeList = Utils.ToList(jsonStr); return(zTreeList); }
/// <summary> /// 根据IMEI号获取设备的信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="imei"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetDeviceInfo(string imei) { MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestMethodType = "GET"; webClient.RequestMethodName = "/service/getdevicebyid/?id=" + imei; string str = webClient.RequestSend(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); DeviceInfo info = js.Deserialize <DeviceInfo>(str); return(js.Serialize(info)); }
public string SetUserInfo(string user, string username, string email, string address) { MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestMethodName = "/service/modifyuser/?param=user," + user + "&username," + username + "&email," + email + "&address," + address; string str = webClient.RequestSend(); if (str == "1") { Utils.SetSessionUserName(username); } return(str); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有子用户的设备数量 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetALLUser(string user) { MgoogpsWebClient mvc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mvc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; mvc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getusers/?user="******"_id"]); allcount += Convert.ToInt32(total["count"]); allonLine += Convert.ToInt32(total["onLine"]); alloffLine += Convert.ToInt32(total["offLine"]); allday += Convert.ToInt32(total["days"]); allnotactive += Convert.ToInt32(total["overdue"]); allexpire += Convert.ToInt32(total["expire"]); } Dictionary <string, string> dicc = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicc["allcount"] = allcount + ""; dicc["allonLine"] = allonLine + ""; dicc["alloffLine"] = alloffLine + ""; dicc["alldays"] = allday + ""; dicc["allnotactive"] = allnotactive + ""; dicc["allexpire"] = allexpire + ""; Dictionary <string, string> DeivceCount = GetDeviceCount(user); dicc["count"] = DeivceCount["count"]; dicc["onLine"] = DeivceCount["onLine"]; dicc["offLine"] = DeivceCount["offLine"]; dicc["days"] = DeivceCount["days"]; dicc["overdue"] = DeivceCount["overdue"]; dicc["expire"] = DeivceCount["expire"]; return(Utils.ToJson(dicc)); //集合转JSon }
/// <summary> /// 修改指定设备的信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">IMEI</param> /// <param name="name">设备名称</param> /// <param name="carnumber">车牌号</param> /// <param name="contact">联系人</param> /// <param name="cellphone">联系号码</param> /// <param name="image">图像名称</param> /// <param name="islbs">是否启用lbs</param> /// <returns></returns> public string SetDeviceInfo(string id, string name, string carnumber, string contact, string cellphone, string image = null, string islbs = null) { MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestMethodType = "POST"; string par = "/service//modifydevice/?param=id," + id + "&name," + name + "&carnumber," + carnumber + "&contact," + contact + "&cellphone," + cellphone; if (image != null) { par += "&image," + image; } if (islbs != null) { par += "&islbs," + islbs; } webClient.RequestMethodName = par; return(webClient.RequestSend()); }
public bool WebSystemLogin_Bll(string loginName, string passWord, string loginType) { MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); try { webClient.RequestMethodName = "/account/login"; webClient.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("loginName=" + loginName + "&passWord="******"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; string data = webClient.RequestSend(); if (data.IndexOf("error") > 0) { return(false); } else { MG_DAL.LoginUserInfo _loginUserInfo = new MG_DAL.LoginUserInfo(); Dictionary <string, object> d = (Dictionary <string, object>)Utils.ToObject(data); Dictionary <string, object> loginUserDic = (Dictionary <string, object>)d["UserInfo"]; _loginUserInfo.ToKen = d["Token"].toStringEmpty(); MgoogpsWebClient.ToKen = d["Token"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.UserID = loginUserDic["_id"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.UserName = loginUserDic["username"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.Address = loginUserDic["address"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.EMail = loginUserDic["email"].toStringEmpty(); _loginUserInfo.LoginTime = DateTime.Now; _loginUserInfo.LoginType = LoginType.User; SessionOper.SetSession(_loginUserInfo, SessionOper.SessionName); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("登录出错:" + loginName + "," + passWord + " --异常信息:" + ex.Message + ",堆栈信息:" + ex.StackTrace); Utils.log(ex.Message + "-" + webClient.RequestUrl + "-" + webClient.RequestMethodName); // throw new Exception(ex.Message+"-"+webClient.RequestUrl+"-" + webClient.RequestMethodName); throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户下所有设备的报警信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="UserID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Alarms> GetAlarms(string UserID) { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getalarms/?user="******"GET"; string jsonStr = mwc.RequestSend(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); List <Alarms> list = js.Deserialize <List <Alarms> >(jsonStr); double lat = 0, lng = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Gps g = EvilTransform.PositionUtil.gcj02_To_Bd09(Convert.ToDouble(list[i].Lat), Convert.ToDouble(list[i].Lon)); lat = g.getWgLat(); lng = g.getWgLon(); list[i].Lat = lat.ToString(); list[i].Lon = lng.ToString(); } return(list); }
public string AddGroups(string id, string parent, string username, string password, string cellphone, string address, string path, string email, string weixin) { MgoogpsWebClient webClient = new MgoogpsWebClient(); webClient.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("_id={0}&parent={1}&username={2}&password={3}&cellphone={4}&address={5}&path={6}&email={6}&weixin={7}" , id, parent, username, "123456", "135445", "东莞", "path", "weixin")); // // webClient.RequestMethodName = "account/AddAccount/"; string str = webClient.RequestSend(); //public string _id { get; set; } //public string cellphone { get; set; } //public string username { get; set; } //public string password { get; set; } //public string address { get; set; } //public string parent { get; set; } //public string path { get; set; } //public string email { get; set; } //public string weixin { get; set; } return(str); }
public string AccessToken() { string result = ""; MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); try { //string token = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["token"].ToStringEmpty(); //if (!this.bool_token) //{ // return Utils.GetResult("token错误!", statusCode.Code.failure); //} string wx_access_token = Utils.GetCache <string>("access_token"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx_access_token)) { mwc.RequestUrl = "" + this.wx_appid + "&secret=" + this.wx_secret; mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; result = mwc.RequestSend(); // {"access_token":"dV2gTgBkohEiOm8rnC6eJ2YHFTNdBXe5vFizvwJShc2z0lLLuE9TvidwWFQNuezOJ3IGswlV5tPLAbASteP8myaahTbA7zLrnzeaF17KCgwVZX0SV1bbnNDLl31ULqb3JMKgCEAUXV","expires_in":7200} Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(result); wx_access_token = res["access_token"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx_access_token)) { Utils.SetCache("access_token", wx_access_token, Convert.ToDouble(res["expires_in"]) / 60); return(wx_access_token); } return(string.Empty); } return(wx_access_token); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("WeixinOper.AccessToken:" + ex.Message); return(string.Empty); } }
private string Getjsapi_ticket() { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); string wx_jsapi_ticket = Utils.GetCache <string>("jsapi_ticket"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx_jsapi_ticket)) { string wx_access_token = AccessToken(); mwc.RequestUrl = "" + wx_access_token + "&type=jsapi"; mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; string result = mwc.RequestSend(); //{"errcode":0,"errmsg":"ok","ticket":"bxLdikRXVbTPdHSM05e5u5sUoXNKd8-41ZO3MhKoyN5OfkWITDGgnr2fwJ0m9E8NYzWKVZvdVtaUgWvsdshFKA","expires_in":7200} Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(result); wx_jsapi_ticket = res["ticket"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx_jsapi_ticket)) { Utils.SetCache("jsapi_ticket", wx_jsapi_ticket, Convert.ToDouble(res["expires_in"]) / 60); return(wx_jsapi_ticket); } return(string.Empty); } return(wx_jsapi_ticket); }
public string AccessToken() { try { //string token = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["token"].ToStringEmpty(); //if (!this.bool_token) //{ // return Utils.GetResult("token错误!", statusCode.Code.failure); //} MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); string wx_access_token = (string)HttpRuntime.Cache.Get("access_token");// Utils.GetCache<string>("access_token"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx_access_token)) { mwc.RequestUrl = ""; mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; string result = mwc.RequestSend(); // {"access_token":"dV2gTgBkohEiOm8rnC6eJ2YHFTNdBXe5vFizvwJShc2z0lLLuE9TvidwWFQNuezOJ3IGswlV5tPLAbASteP8myaahTbA7zLrnzeaF17KCgwVZX0SV1bbnNDLl31ULqb3JMKgCEAUXV","expires_in":7200} Dictionary <string, string> res = MG_BLL.Utils.ToDictionary(result); wx_access_token = res["access_token"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wx_access_token)) { HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("access_token", wx_access_token, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(res["expires_in"]) / 60), TimeSpan.Zero); return(wx_access_token); } return(string.Empty); } return(wx_access_token); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("WeixinOper.AccessToken:" + ex.Message); return(string.Empty); } }
//获得当前登录用户的设备数量 public Dictionary <string, string> GetDeviceCount(string user) { try { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; // mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getlocations?user="******"locatlist"] as ArrayList; //获取过期设备 MgoogpsWebClient mvc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mvc.RequestMethodType = "GET"; mvc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getdevices?user="******"activetime"]); if ((DateTime.Now - d).TotalDays > 7 && d > DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(8)) { days++; } } int onLine = 0; int offLine = 0; int overdue = 0; int expire = 0; Dictionary <string, object> dic; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { dic = list[i] as Dictionary <string, object>; DateTime act = Convert.ToDateTime(totall[i]["activetime"]); DateTime connectTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dic["connecttime"]); DateTime endtime = Convert.ToDateTime(dic["endtime"]); //int days = Convert.ToInt32( activetime); //在线设备 if ((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes < Utils.OffLineMinute) { onLine++; } //离线设备 if ((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes > Utils.OffLineMinute && connectTime > DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(8)) { offLine++; } //未激活设备 //小于当前时间并且不等于0001-01-01 if (act <= DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(8)) { overdue++; } if (endtime < DateTime.Now && endtime > DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(8)) { expire++; } } Dictionary <string, string> dicTotal = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicTotal["count"] = list.Count + ""; dicTotal["onLine"] = onLine + ""; dicTotal["offLine"] = offLine + ""; dicTotal["days"] = days + ""; dicTotal["overdue"] = overdue + ""; dicTotal["expire"] = expire + ""; return(dicTotal); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 根据用户ID获取设备列表,包括该用户ID的报警消息条目 /// </summary> /// <param name="UserID"></param> /// <param name="msgCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Entity.Devices> GetDevicesByUserID_Bll(String UserID, ref string msgCount) { List <Entity.Devices> deviceList = new List <Entity.Devices>(); try { MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestMethodName = "/service/getlocations?user="******"GET"; String jsonStr = mwc.RequestSend(); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary <string, object> dic = js.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(jsonStr); if (dic.Count < 2) { throw new ArgumentNullException(dic["error"].ToString()); } msgCount = Convert.ToString(dic["alertcount"]); ArrayList list = dic["locatlist"] as ArrayList; DateTime connectTime; double lat, lng; Entity.Devices device; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { device = new Entity.Devices(); dic = list[i] as Dictionary <string, object>; lat = 0; lng = 0; connectTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dic["connecttime"]); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dic["lbs"].toStringEmpty())) { Dictionary <string, object> lbs = (Dictionary <string, object>)dic["lbs"]; if (lbs["time"].toStringEmpty().toDateTime() > connectTime) { dic["lat"] = lbs["lat"]; dic["lon"] = lbs["lon"]; } else if (Convert.ToDouble(dic["lat"]) == 0.00 || Convert.ToDouble(dic["lon"]) == 0.00) { dic["lat"] = lbs["lat"]; dic["lon"] = lbs["lon"]; } device.ConnectTime = lbs["time"].toStringEmpty().toDateTime().AddHours(8).ToString(); } Gps g = EvilTransform.PositionUtil.gcj02_To_Bd09(Convert.ToDouble(dic["lat"]), Convert.ToDouble(dic["lon"])); lat = g.getWgLat(); lng = g.getWgLon(); device.Lat = lat + ""; device.Lon = lng + ""; device.ConnectTime = connectTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); device.Id = Convert.ToString(dic["id"]); device.Name = Convert.ToString(dic["name"]); device.EndTime = Convert.ToString(dic["endtime"]); device.DeviceTime = Convert.ToString(dic["devicetime"]); device.Direction = Convert.ToString(dic["direction"]); device.Speed = Convert.ToString(dic["speed"]); device.Status = Convert.ToString(dic["status"]); device.OnLine = !((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes > Utils.OffLineMinute); if (connectTime < Convert.ToDateTime("0010-01-01")) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.未激活 + "," + device.Speed; } else if ((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes > Utils.OffLineMinute) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.离线 + "," + Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(device.Speed) > 0) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.行驶 + "," + Convert.ToDouble(device.Speed) + "km"; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(device.Speed) <= 0 && (DateTime.Now - connectTime).TotalMinutes <= Utils.OffLineMinute) { device.DeviceStatus = (int)DeviceStatus.停止 + "," + (DateTime.Now - Convert.ToDateTime(connectTime)).TotalMinutes; } deviceList.Add(device); } return(deviceList); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("GetDevicesByUserID_Bll方法出错:" + ex.Message + ", 堆栈信息:" + ex.StackTrace); return(deviceList); } }
public string GetMileage(string DeviceID, string StartTime, string EndTime) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DeviceID) || DeviceID == "null") { return(""); } long sticks = Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).Ticks; long eticks = Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).Ticks; BllMonitor bm = new BllMonitor(); try { List <History> his = bm.GetHistory(DeviceID, StartTime, EndTime); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("time"); dt.Columns.Add("lat"); dt.Columns.Add("lon"); int stopCount = 0; DateTime tempTime = default(DateTime); for (int i = 0; i < his.Count; i++) { History h = his[i]; if (h.Speed < Utils.SpeedFilter) { continue; } DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["time"] = h.DeviceTime; dr["lat"] = h.Lat; dr["lon"] = h.Lon; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } MgoogpsWebClient myWeb = new MgoogpsWebClient(); myWeb.RequestMethodName = "/service/getalarmhistorybydevice/?param=id," + DeviceID + "&starttime," + sticks + "&endtime," + eticks; string json = myWeb.RequestSend(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > alarmList = js.Deserialize <List <Dictionary <string, string> > >(json); Hashtable hb = new Hashtable(); Dictionary <string, string> retu = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string key = ""; for (int i = 0; i < alarmList.Count; i++) { Dictionary <string, string> dicAlarm = alarmList[i]; dicAlarm["alarmtime"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dicAlarm["alarmtime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); key = dicAlarm["alarmtime"];// + "," + dicAlarm["alarmtype"]; if (retu.ContainsKey(key)) { retu[key] = (Convert.ToInt32(retu[key]) + 1) + ""; } else { retu[key] = "1"; } } Dictionary <string, string> rJson = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in retu) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > points = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); Dictionary <string, string> alarmTypeCount = new Dictionary <string, string>(); key = item.Key.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DateTime t = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["time"]);//.ToString(); if (key == t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) { if (tempTime != default(DateTime)) { double stopTime = (Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["time"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(tempTime)).TotalSeconds; if (stopTime > Utils.StopSeconds) { stopCount++; tempTime = default(DateTime); } } tempTime = t; Dictionary <string, string> point = new Dictionary <string, string>(); point.Add("lat", dt.Rows[i]["lat"].ToString()); point.Add("lon", dt.Rows[i]["lon"].ToString()); points.Add(point); } } Dictionary <string, string> ss = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ss.Add("alarmcount", retu[key]); ss.Add("stopcount", stopCount + ""); ss.Add("points", Utils.ToJson(points)); rJson[key] = Utils.ToJson(ss); stopCount = 0; } return(Utils.ToJson(rJson)); } catch { return(""); } }
public string Pushed(string UserID, string DeviceName, string Message, string Date, string Lat, string Lng, string Remark, string exceptionid, string DeviceID) { try { int tryIndex = 0; SQLServerOperating s = GetSQLServerOperating(); string strSql = "select ID, UserID,LoginName, OpenID, CreateTime, UpdateTime from WechatUsers where UserID = @UserID and Deleted=0"; DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("UserID", UserID) }); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string _lat = Lat; string _lng = Lng; MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); string access_token = AccessToken(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(access_token)) { return("未获取到access_token."); } int count = 0; string rulst = ""; string key = Utils.GetAmapKey(); string logName = "PushedMessage" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") + ".log"; if (Lat.toDouble() == -1.0 && Lng.toDouble() == -1.0) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = s.Selects("select OLat,OLng from lklocation where deviceid=@DeviceID", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", DeviceID) }).toDictionary(); Lat = dic["OLat"]; Lng = dic["OLng"]; } Gps g = Utils.gps84_To_Gcj02(Lat, Lng, key); mwc.RequestUrl = "" + access_token; string time = Date.toDateTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); //List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>(); // TaskFactory taskFactory = new TaskFactory(); // List<string> openids = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { DataRow row = item; //Task task = taskFactory.StartNew(() => // { string openid = row["OpenID"].toStringEmpty(); string pushContent = GetAlarmPushText(openid, DeviceName, Message, time, g.Address, Remark, exceptionid); mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pushContent); rulst = mwc.RequestSend(); Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(rulst); Utils.log(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", UserID, row["LoginName"], DeviceName, openid, time, Message), logName); if (res["errcode"].Equals("0") && res["errmsg"].Equals("ok")) { count++; continue; //return Utils.GetResult("发送成功.", statusCode.Code.success); } else if (res["errcode"] == "40001") //获取access_token时AppSecret错误,或者access_token无效。请开发者认真比对AppSecret的正确性,或查看是否正在为恰当的公众号调用接口 { if (tryIndex < 1) { Utils.SetCache("access_token", ""); AccessToken(); tryIndex++; return(Pushed(UserID, DeviceName, Message, time, _lat, _lng, Remark, exceptionid, DeviceID)); } } else if (res["errcode"] == "43004") //接收者没有关注公众号 { string sql = "delete from wechatusers where OpenID=@OpenID"; s.ExecuteSql(sql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("OpenID", openid) }); } Utils.log(string.Format("----发送失败 :{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", UserID, row["LoginName"], DeviceName, openid, time, Message), logName); Utils.log("----rulst :" + rulst, logName); // openids.Add(openid); // return Utils.GetResult("发送失败.", statusCode.Code.failure); // }); // taskList.Add(task); } //Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray()); if (count > 0) { return(Utils.GetResult("发送成功.", statusCode.Code.success)); } else { return(Utils.GetResult("发送失败.", statusCode.Code.failure, rulst)); } } return(Utils.GetResult("该用户未绑定微信.", statusCode.Code.failure)); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("Pushed ERROR:" + ex.Message + ",堆栈:" + ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } }
private static void WeChatExpirePush() { try { MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating s = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating(connectionString); string strSql = @"select chat.OpenID,chat.UserID,d.DeviceName,d.DeviceID,d.SerialNumber,d.HireExpireDate,epr.WeChatLastPushTime from WeChatUsers chat inner join Devices d on d.UserID=chat.UserID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ExpiredPushRecord AS epr ON epr.DeviceID = d.DeviceID where d.Deleted = 0 AND d.HireExpireDate > GETDATE() AND chat.UpdateTime>DATEADD(MM,-2,GETDATE()) ";/// AND d.UserID in (6,7) //一个月内过期的设备并且是7天内没有推送过期通知的设备 string monthWhere = " AND d.HireExpireDate < DATEADD(MM, 1, GETDATE()) AND(DATEDIFF(day, epr.WeChatLastPushTime, GETDATE()) >= 7 or epr.WeChatLastPushTime IS NULL) "; //7天内过期的设备,一天推送一次 string weekWhere = " AND d.HireExpireDate < DATEADD(DAY, 7, GETDATE()) AND(DATEDIFF(day, epr.WeChatLastPushTime, GETDATE()) >= 1 or epr.WeChatLastPushTime IS NULL) "; string logText = ""; DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql + weekWhere); logText = "7天内过期设备: " + dt.Rows.Count + " 台"; WeixinOper wo = new WeixinOper(); string access_token = wo.AccessToken(); MgoogpsWebClient mwc = new MgoogpsWebClient(); mwc.RequestUrl = "" + access_token; string rulst = ""; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string DeviceName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["DeviceName"].ToString()) ? row["SerialNumber"].ToString() : row["DeviceName"].ToString(); string pushContent = wo.GetExpiresPushText(row["OpenID"].ToString(), row["DeviceID"].ToString(), DeviceName, row["HireExpireDate"].ToString()); mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pushContent); rulst = mwc.RequestSend(); Console.WriteLine(rulst); Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(rulst); if (res["errcode"].Equals("0") && res["errmsg"].Equals("ok")) { ExpiredPushRecord(row["UserID"].ToString(), row["DeviceID"].ToString(), row["HireExpireDate"].ToString(), "wechat"); } else { Utils.log("7天内过期推送失败" + rulst, log_name); } } dt = s.Selects(strSql + monthWhere); logText += " 30天内过期设备: " + dt.Rows.Count + " 台"; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string DeviceName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["DeviceName"].ToString()) ? row["SerialNumber"].ToString() : row["DeviceName"].ToString(); string pushContent = wo.GetExpiresPushText(row["OpenID"].ToString(), row["DeviceID"].ToString(), DeviceName, row["HireExpireDate"].ToString()); mwc.RequestPostData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pushContent); rulst = mwc.RequestSend(); Dictionary <string, string> res = Utils.ToDictionary(rulst); if (res["errcode"].Equals("0") && res["errmsg"].Equals("ok")) { ExpiredPushRecord(row["UserID"].ToString(), row["DeviceID"].ToString(), row["HireExpireDate"].ToString(), "wechat"); } else { Utils.log("30天内过期推送失败" + rulst, log_name); } } Utils.log(logText, log_name); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.log("WeChatExpirePush Error:" + ex.Message, log_name); } }