コード例 #1
        void PopulateViewports(MgPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo viewportState)
            if (viewportState != null)
                Viewports = new GLCmdViewportParameter(0, viewportState.Viewports);
                Scissors  = new GLCmdScissorParameter(0, viewportState.Scissors);
                // Should be 0,0 (width, height)
                Viewports = new GLCmdViewportParameter(0,
                                                       new MgViewport [] {
                    //new MgViewport{ X = 0, Y = 0, Width = 0, Height = 0 }
                Scissors = new GLCmdScissorParameter(0,
                                                     new MgRect2D [] {
//						new MgRect2D
//						{
//							Offset = new MgOffset2D{ X = 0, Y = 0},
//							Extent = new MgExtent2D{Width = 0, Height = 0 },
//						}
コード例 #2
        void InitializeViewportAndScissor(MgPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo viewportState)
            // if dynamic state has not been supplied, then default viewport is mandatory

            bool isViewportUserSupplied = (DynamicStates & AmtGraphicsPipelineDynamicStateFlagBits.VIEWPORT)
                                          == AmtGraphicsPipelineDynamicStateFlagBits.VIEWPORT;

            if (viewportState == null || viewportState.Viewports == null)
                if (!isViewportUserSupplied)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(viewportState.Viewports) + " must be supplied.");
                var vp = viewportState.Viewports[0];

                Viewport = new MTLViewport
                    Height  = vp.Height,
                    Width   = vp.Width,
                    OriginX = vp.X,
                    OriginY = vp.Y,
                    // HOPE THIS IS RIGHT
                    ZNear = vp.MinDepth,
                    ZFar  = vp.MaxDepth,

            bool isScissorUserSupplied = (DynamicStates & AmtGraphicsPipelineDynamicStateFlagBits.SCISSOR)
                                         == AmtGraphicsPipelineDynamicStateFlagBits.SCISSOR;

            // if dynamic state has not been supplied, then default viewport is mandatory
            if (viewportState == null || viewportState.Scissors == null)
                if (!isScissorUserSupplied)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(viewportState.Scissors) + " must be supplied.");
                var scissor = viewportState.Scissors[0];

                ScissorRect = new MTLScissorRect
                    X      = (nuint)scissor.Offset.X,
                    Y      = (nuint)scissor.Offset.Y,
                    Width  = (nuint)scissor.Extent.Width,
                    Height = (nuint)scissor.Extent.Height