コード例 #1
ファイル: RedlineManager.cs プロジェクト: achilex/MgDev
        private void AddRedlineLayerToMap(MgResourceIdentifier ldfId)
            MgLayerGroup group  = null;
            var          layers = _map.GetLayers();
            var          groups = _map.GetLayerGroups();

            if (groups.Contains(GROUP_NAME))
                group = groups.GetItem(GROUP_NAME);
                group = new MgLayerGroup(GROUP_NAME);

            var provider = _viewer.GetProvider();
            var newLayer = provider.CreateLayer(ldfId);

            newLayer.SetName("_" + ldfId.Name);

            layers.Insert(0, newLayer);
コード例 #2
        private void btnListLayerGroups_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MgMapBase              map    = _viewer.GetMap();
            MgResourceIdentifier   resId  = map.MapDefinition;
            MgLayerGroupCollection groups = map.GetLayerGroups();

            List <string> results = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < groups.GetCount(); i++)
                MgLayerGroup group = groups.GetItem(i);
                results.Add(group.Name + " (" + group.LegendLabel + ")");

            MessageBox.Show("Map (" + resId.ToString() + ") has " + groups.GetCount() + " layers: " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, results.ToArray()));
コード例 #3
ファイル: MgMapViewer.cs プロジェクト: kanbang/Colt
        private void OnMapSetOnProvider(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _hasTiledLayers = null;
            _map = _provider.GetMap();
            _mapCs = _provider.GetMapCoordinateSystem();
            _mapMeasure = _mapCs.GetMeasure();
            var bgColor = _map.GetBackgroundColor();
            if (bgColor.Length == 8 || bgColor.Length == 6)
                _mapBgColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + bgColor); //NOXLATE
                this.BackColor = _mapBgColor;
            _provider.SetDisplaySize(this.Width, this.Height);
            _selection = _provider.CreateSelectionForMap();

            var env = _map.GetMapExtent();
            var ll = env.LowerLeftCoordinate;
            var ur = env.UpperRightCoordinate;

            _extX1 = _orgX1 = ll.X;
            _extY2 = _orgY2 = ll.Y;
            _extX2 = _orgX2 = ur.X;
            _extY1 = _orgY1 = ur.Y;

            if ((_orgX1 - _orgX2) == 0 || (_orgY1 - _orgY2) == 0)
                _extX1 = _orgX1 = -.1;
                _extY2 = _orgX2 = .1;
                _extX2 = _orgY1 = -.1;
                _extY1 = _orgY2 = .1;

            if (this.ConvertTiledGroupsToNonTiled)
                var groups = _map.GetLayerGroups();
                for (int i = 0; i < groups.GetCount(); i++)
                    var group = groups.GetItem(i);


            //Reset history stack
            OnPropertyChanged("ViewHistory"); //NOXLATE
            _viewHistoryIndex = -1;
            OnPropertyChanged("ViewHistoryIndex"); //NOXLATE
            var handler = this.MapLoaded;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

コード例 #4
        private void btnCreatePointsOfInterest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string layerName   = "Points";
            string legendLabel = "Points of Interest";
            string groupName   = "Analysis";

            MgMapViewerProvider provider        = _viewer.GetProvider();
            MgResourceService   resourceService = (MgResourceService)provider.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);
            //We use MgdFeatureService instead of MgFeatureService as this sample demonstrates APIs unique to mg-desktop
            MgdFeatureService featureService = (MgdFeatureService)provider.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService);

            MgMapBase              map    = _viewer.GetMap();
            MgLayerCollection      layers = map.GetLayers();
            MgLayerGroupCollection groups = map.GetLayerGroups();

            //NOTE: mg-desktop has no formal concept of a session repository, but we still
            //support session-based resources as a form of temporary resource (for the duration
            //of the application). Session ids in mg-desktop can be any arbitrary string
            string sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            if (layers.IndexOf(layerName) >= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Layer (" + layerName + ") already created");

            // Create a feature source with point data.
            // (The Sheboygan sample data does not contain such data,
            // so we"ll create it.)

            // Create a feature class definition for the new feature source
            MgClassDefinition classDefinition = new MgClassDefinition();

            classDefinition.SetDescription("Feature class with point data.");

            MgPropertyDefinitionCollection idProps  = classDefinition.GetIdentityProperties();
            MgPropertyDefinitionCollection clsProps = classDefinition.GetProperties();

            // Create an identify property
            MgDataPropertyDefinition identityProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("KEY");

            // Add the identity property to the class definition

            // Create a name property
            MgDataPropertyDefinition nameProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("NAME");

            // Add the name property to the class definition

            // Create a geometry property
            MgGeometricPropertyDefinition geometryProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition("GEOM");

            // Add the geometry property to the class definition

            // Create a feature schema
            MgFeatureSchema             featureSchema = new MgFeatureSchema("PointSchema", "Point schema");
            MgClassDefinitionCollection classes       = featureSchema.GetClasses();

            // Add the feature schema to the class definition

            // Create the feature source
            String featureSourceName = "Library://Samples/DevGuide/Data/points.FeatureSource";
            MgResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier = new MgResourceIdentifier(featureSourceName);
            //wkt = "LOCALCS[\"*XY-MT*\",LOCAL_DATUM[\"*X-Y*\",10000],UNIT[\"Meter\", 1],AXIS[\"X\",EAST],AXIS[\"Y\",NORTH]]";
            String wkt = "GEOGCS[\"LL84\",DATUM[\"WGS84\",SPHEROID[\"WGS84\",6378137.000,298.25722293]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.01745329251994]]";
            MgFileFeatureSourceParams sdfParams = new MgFileFeatureSourceParams("OSGeo.SDF", "LatLong", wkt, featureSchema);

            featureService.CreateFeatureSource(resourceIdentifier, sdfParams);

            // We need to add some data to the sdf before using it.  The spatial context
            // reader must have an extent.
            MgBatchPropertyCollection batchPropertyCollection = new MgBatchPropertyCollection();
            MgWktReaderWriter         wktReaderWriter         = new MgWktReaderWriter();
            MgAgfReaderWriter         agfReaderWriter         = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
            MgGeometryFactory         geometryFactory         = new MgGeometryFactory();

            // Make four points
            batchPropertyCollection.Add(MakePoint("Point A", -87.727, 43.748, wktReaderWriter, agfReaderWriter));

            batchPropertyCollection.Add(MakePoint("Point B", -87.728, 43.730, wktReaderWriter, agfReaderWriter));

            batchPropertyCollection.Add(MakePoint("Point C", -87.726, 43.750, wktReaderWriter, agfReaderWriter));

            batchPropertyCollection.Add(MakePoint("Point D", -87.728, 43.750, wktReaderWriter, agfReaderWriter));

            // Old way commented out

             * // Add the batch property collection to the feature source
             * MgInsertFeatures cmd = new MgInsertFeatures("Points", batchPropertyCollection);
             * MgFeatureCommandCollection featureCommandCollection = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
             * featureCommandCollection.Add(cmd);
             * // Execute the "add" commands
             * featureService.UpdateFeatures(resourceIdentifier, featureCommandCollection, false);

            // Here's the mg-desktop way
            MgFeatureReader insertResult = featureService.InsertFeatures(resourceIdentifier, "Points", batchPropertyCollection);


            // ...
            // Create a new layer

            LayerDefinitionFactory factory = new LayerDefinitionFactory();

            // Create a mark symbol
            String resourceId = "Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Symbols/BasicSymbols.SymbolLibrary";
            String symbolName = "PushPin";
            String width      = "24"; // unit = points
            String height     = "24"; // unit = points
            String color      = "FFFF0000";
            String markSymbol = factory.CreateMarkSymbol(resourceId, symbolName, width, height, color);

            // Create a text symbol
            String text            = "ID";
            String fontHeight      = "12";
            String foregroundColor = "FF000000";
            String textSymbol      = factory.CreateTextSymbol(text, fontHeight, foregroundColor);

            // Create a point rule.
            String ruleLegendLabel = "trees";
            String filter          = "";
            String pointRule       = factory.CreatePointRule(ruleLegendLabel, filter, textSymbol, markSymbol);

            // Create a point type style.
            String pointTypeStyle = factory.CreatePointTypeStyle(pointRule);

            // Create a scale range.
            String minScale        = "0";
            String maxScale        = "1000000000000";
            String pointScaleRange = factory.CreateScaleRange(minScale, maxScale, pointTypeStyle);

            // Create the layer definiton.
            String featureName     = "PointSchema:Points";
            String geometry        = "GEOM";
            String layerDefinition = factory.CreateLayerDefinition(featureSourceName, featureName, geometry, pointScaleRange);
            // ...

            XmlDocument domDocument = new XmlDocument();


            //Add the layer to the map
            // TODO: Should probably validate this XML content
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0L;
                //Note we do this to ensure our XML content is free of any BOM characters
                byte[]   ldfBytes    = ms.ToArray();
                Encoding utf8        = Encoding.UTF8;
                String   layerDefStr = new String(utf8.GetChars(ldfBytes));
                ldfBytes = new byte[layerDefStr.Length - 1];
                int byteCount = utf8.GetBytes(layerDefStr, 1, layerDefStr.Length - 1, ldfBytes, 0);
                // Save the new layer definition to the session repository
                MgByteSource         byteSource = new MgByteSource(ldfBytes, ldfBytes.Length);
                MgResourceIdentifier resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + sessionId + "//" + layerName + ".LayerDefinition");
                resourceService.SetResource(resourceID, byteSource.GetReader(), null);

                //Insert this layer to our map
                MgdLayer newLayer = new MgdLayer(resourceID, resourceService);
                newLayer.Name            = layerName;
                newLayer.LegendLabel     = legendLabel;
                newLayer.DisplayInLegend = true;
                layers.Insert(0, newLayer);

                //Create analysis group if not already created
                if (groups.IndexOf(groupName) < 0)
                    MgLayerGroup group = new MgLayerGroup(groupName);
                    group.LegendLabel     = groupName;
                    group.DisplayInLegend = true;
                    newLayer.Group = group;

                MessageBox.Show("Layer (" + layerName + ") created");
                IMapLegend legend = Shell.Instance.Legend;
                if (legend != null)
コード例 #5
        private void btnShowBuildings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MgMapViewerProvider provider        = _viewer.GetProvider();
            MgResourceService   resourceService = (MgResourceService)provider.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);

            string layerName   = "RecentlyBuilt";
            string legendLabel = "Built after 1980";
            string groupName   = "Analysis";

            MgMapBase              map    = _viewer.GetMap();
            MgLayerCollection      layers = map.GetLayers();
            MgLayerGroupCollection groups = map.GetLayerGroups();

            if (layers.IndexOf(layerName) >= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Layer (" + layerName + ") already created");

            //NOTE: mg-desktop has no formal concept of a session repository, but we still
            //support session-based resources as a form of temporary resource (for the duration
            //of the application). Session ids in mg-desktop can be any arbitrary string
            string sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            XmlDocument domDocument = new XmlDocument();


            // Get a list of all the <AreaRule><Filter> elements in
            // the XML.
            XmlNodeList nodes = domDocument.SelectNodes("//AreaRule/Filter");

            // Find the correct node and change it
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                if (node.InnerText == "YRBUILT > 1950")
                    node.InnerText = "YRBUILT > 1980";

            // Get a list of all the <LegendLabel> elements in the
            // XML.
            nodes = domDocument.SelectNodes("//LegendLabel");
            // Find the correct node and change it
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                if (node.InnerText == "Built after 1950")
                    node.InnerText = "Built after 1980";

            //Add the layer to the map
            // TODO: Should probably validate this XML content
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0L;
                //Note we do this to ensure our XML content is free of any BOM characters
                byte[]   layerDefinition = ms.ToArray();
                Encoding utf8            = Encoding.UTF8;
                String   layerDefStr     = new String(utf8.GetChars(layerDefinition));
                layerDefinition = new byte[layerDefStr.Length - 1];
                int byteCount = utf8.GetBytes(layerDefStr, 1, layerDefStr.Length - 1, layerDefinition, 0);
                // Save the new layer definition to the session repository
                MgByteSource         byteSource = new MgByteSource(layerDefinition, layerDefinition.Length);
                MgResourceIdentifier resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + sessionId + "//" + layerName + ".LayerDefinition");
                resourceService.SetResource(resourceID, byteSource.GetReader(), null);

                //Insert this layer to our map
                MgdLayer newLayer = new MgdLayer(resourceID, resourceService);
                newLayer.Name            = layerName;
                newLayer.LegendLabel     = legendLabel;
                newLayer.DisplayInLegend = true;
                layers.Insert(0, newLayer);

                //Create analysis group if not already created
                if (groups.IndexOf(groupName) < 0)
                    MgLayerGroup group = new MgLayerGroup(groupName);
                    group.LegendLabel     = groupName;
                    group.DisplayInLegend = true;
                    newLayer.Group = group;

                //Turn off square footage if it exists
                if (layers.IndexOf("SquareFootage") >= 0)
                    MgLayerBase layer = layers.GetItem("SquareFootage");

                MessageBox.Show("Layer (" + layerName + ") created");
                IMapLegend legend = Shell.Instance.Legend;
                if (legend != null)
コード例 #6
        private void btnCreateHydroLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string layerName   = "Hydro";
            string legendLabel = "Hydro";
            string groupName   = "Analysis";

            MgMapViewerProvider provider        = _viewer.GetProvider();
            MgResourceService   resourceService = (MgResourceService)provider.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);

            MgMapBase              map    = _viewer.GetMap();
            MgLayerCollection      layers = map.GetLayers();
            MgLayerGroupCollection groups = map.GetLayerGroups();

            //NOTE: mg-desktop has no formal concept of a session repository, but we still
            //support session-based resources as a form of temporary resource (for the duration
            //of the application). Session ids in mg-desktop can be any arbitrary string
            string sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            if (layers.IndexOf(layerName) >= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Layer (" + layerName + ") already created");

            // Create a new layer

            LayerDefinitionFactory factory = new LayerDefinitionFactory();

            // Create a line rule.
            String ruleLegendLabel = "";
            String filter          = "";
            String color           = "FF0000FF";
            String lineRule        = factory.CreateLineRule(ruleLegendLabel, filter, color);

            // Create a line type style.
            String lineTypeStyle = factory.CreateLineTypeStyle(lineRule);

            // Create a scale range.
            String minScale       = "0";
            String maxScale       = "1000000000000";
            String lineScaleRange = factory.CreateScaleRange(minScale, maxScale, lineTypeStyle);

            // Create the layer definiton.
            String featureClass    = "Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/HydrographicLines.FeatureSource";
            String featureName     = "SHP_Schema:HydrographicLines";
            String geometry        = "SHPGEOM";
            String layerDefinition = factory.CreateLayerDefinition(featureClass, featureName, geometry, lineScaleRange);

            // ...

            XmlDocument domDocument = new XmlDocument();


            //Add the layer to the map
            // TODO: Should probably validate this XML content
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0L;
                //Note we do this to ensure our XML content is free of any BOM characters
                byte[]   ldfBytes    = ms.ToArray();
                Encoding utf8        = Encoding.UTF8;
                String   layerDefStr = new String(utf8.GetChars(ldfBytes));
                ldfBytes = new byte[layerDefStr.Length - 1];
                int byteCount = utf8.GetBytes(layerDefStr, 1, layerDefStr.Length - 1, ldfBytes, 0);
                // Save the new layer definition to the session repository
                MgByteSource         byteSource = new MgByteSource(ldfBytes, ldfBytes.Length);
                MgResourceIdentifier resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + sessionId + "//" + layerName + ".LayerDefinition");
                resourceService.SetResource(resourceID, byteSource.GetReader(), null);

                //Insert this layer to our map
                MgdLayer newLayer = new MgdLayer(resourceID, resourceService);
                newLayer.Name            = layerName;
                newLayer.LegendLabel     = legendLabel;
                newLayer.DisplayInLegend = true;
                layers.Insert(0, newLayer);

                //Create analysis group if not already created
                if (groups.IndexOf(groupName) < 0)
                    MgLayerGroup group = new MgLayerGroup(groupName);
                    group.LegendLabel     = groupName;
                    group.DisplayInLegend = true;
                    newLayer.Group = group;

                MessageBox.Show("Layer (" + layerName + ") created");
                IMapLegend legend = Shell.Instance.Legend;
                if (legend != null)