private void help_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MetroTabItem tab = new MetroTabItem(); tab.Header = "welcome"; CreateHelpContent(tab); Tabs.Items.Add(tab); tab.Focus(); }
private void addPage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MetroTabItem tab = new MetroTabItem(); tab.Header = "new page"; CreatePageContent(tab); Tabs.Items.Add(tab); tab.Focus(); // make sure the new tab has a context menu CreateTabContextMenus(); }
private void BtnFilterClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MetroTabItem item = new MetroTabItem { Header = "Filter", CloseButtonEnabled = true, }; Views.Filter view = new Views.Filter(); item.Content = view; MainTabControl.Items.Add(item); item.Focus(); }
private void BtnCreateClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MetroTabItem item = new MetroTabItem { Header = "Create new PC", CloseButtonEnabled = true, }; Views.CreateForm view = new Views.CreateForm(); item.Content = view; MainTabControl.Items.Add(item); item.Focus(); }
private void AbrirTabItem(string titulo, UserControl janela) { var novaTab = new MetroTabItem { Header = titulo, Content = janela, CloseButtonEnabled = true }; foreach (var tabItem in TabControl.Items.Cast <TabItem>().Where(tabItem => tabItem.Header == novaTab.Header)) { tabItem.Focus(); return; } TabControl.Items.Add(novaTab); novaTab.Focus(); }
private async void ImportExcel(string filePath, string fileName) { var controller = await this.ShowProgressAsync("Importing", "Please wait..."); controller.SetIndeterminate(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(filePath); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Sheets[1]; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range = worksheet.UsedRange; int rowCount = range.Rows.Count; int columnCount = range.Columns.Count; var pcList = new List <Pc>(); await Task.Run(() => { for (int i = 2; i <= rowCount; i++) { var listResultString = new List <string>(); for (int j = 1; j <= columnCount; j++) { if (range.Cells[i, j] != null && range.Cells[i, j].Value != null) { listResultString.Add(range.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString()); } else { listResultString.Add(""); } } pcList.Add(new Pc { PC_Name = listResultString[0] == "" ? null : listResultString[0], Type = listResultString[1] == "" ? null : listResultString[1], HDD = listResultString[2] == "" ? null : listResultString[2], CPU = listResultString[3] == "" ? null : listResultString[3], RAM = listResultString[4] == "" ? null : listResultString[4], OS = listResultString[5] == "" ? null : listResultString[5], IP = listResultString[6] == "" ? null : listResultString[6], MAC = listResultString[7] == "" ? null : listResultString[7], MAC2 = listResultString[8] == "" ? null : listResultString[8], NV = listResultString[9] == "" ? null : listResultString[9], NVCode = listResultString[10] == "" ? null : listResultString[10], PB = listResultString[11] == "" ? null : listResultString[11], Office_Located = listResultString[12] == "" ? null : listResultString[12], ServiceTag = listResultString[13] == "" ? null : listResultString[13], Model = listResultString[14] == "" ? null : listResultString[14], Mouse = listResultString[15] == "" ? null : listResultString[15], KeyBoard = listResultString[16] == "" ? null : listResultString[16], Notes = listResultString[17] == "" ? null : listResultString[17], }); } //cleanup GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); //release com objects to fully kill excel process from running in the background Marshal.ReleaseComObject(range); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(worksheet); //close and release workbook.Close(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbook); //quit and release application.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(application); }); MetroTabItem item = new MetroTabItem { Header = fileName, CloseButtonEnabled = true, }; ImportExcel view = new Views.ImportExcel(pcList); item.Content = view; await controller.CloseAsync(); MainTabControl.Items.Add(item); item.Focus(); }