private static LauncherErrorCode RunSingleInstance(bool shouldStartHidden) { try { // Only needed for Stride up to 2.x (and possibly 3.0): setup the StrideDir to make sure that it is passed to the underlying process (msbuild...etc.) Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SiliconStudioStrideDir", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("StrideDir", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); // We need to do that before starting recording metrics // TODO: we do not display Privacy Policy anymore from launcher, because it's either accepted from installer or shown again when a new version of GS with new Privacy Policy starts. Might want to reconsider that after the 2.0 free period PrivacyPolicyHelper.RestartApplication = SelfUpdater.RestartApplication; PrivacyPolicyHelper.EnsurePrivacyPolicyStride40(); // Install Metrics for the launcher using (Metrics = new MetricsClient(CommonApps.StrideLauncherAppId)) { // HACK: force resolve the presentation assembly prior to initializing the app. This is to fix an issue with XAML themes. // see issue PDX-2899 var txt = new Core.Presentation.Controls.TextBox(); GC.KeepAlive(txt); // prevent aggressive optimization from removing the line where we create the dummy TextBox. var instance = new LauncherInstance(); return(instance.Run(shouldStartHidden)); } } catch (Exception exception) { CrashReportHelper.HandleException(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher, exception); return(LauncherErrorCode.ErrorWhileRunningServer); } }
public async Task Can_Send_A_Metric_With_No_Filter2() { var metric = GenerateTestMetric(); metric.SetFilter2(null); await MetricsClient.SendAsync(metric).ConfigureAwait(false); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { _subscriptionId = args[0]; _thumbprint = args[1]; _alertEmailAddress = args[2]; _cloudServiceName = args[3]; _deploymentName = args[4]; SubscriptionCloudCredentials credentials = new CertificateCloudCredentials(_subscriptionId, GetStoreCertificate(_thumbprint)); var metricsClient = new MetricsClient(credentials); var resourceId = ResourceIdBuilder.BuildCloudServiceResourceId(_cloudServiceName, _deploymentName); Console.WriteLine("Resource Id: {0}", resourceId); GetMetricDefinitions(metricsClient, resourceId); var alertsClient = new AlertsClient(credentials); DisplayAzureAlertRules(alertsClient); var response = CreateAzureAlert(resourceId, alertsClient); Console.WriteLine("Create alert rule response: " + response.Result.StatusCode); Console.ReadLine(); }
public async Task QueryMetrics() { #region Snippet:QueryMetrics #if SNIPPET Uri endpoint = new Uri(""); string resourceId = "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<workspace_name>"; #else Uri endpoint = TestEnvironment.LogsEndpoint; string resourceId = TestEnvironment.MetricsResource; #endif var metricsClient = new MetricsClient(endpoint, new DefaultAzureCredential()); Response <MetricQueryResult> results = await metricsClient.QueryAsync( resourceId, new[] { "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces" } ); foreach (var metric in results.Value.Metrics) { Console.WriteLine(metric.Name); foreach (var element in metric.TimeSeries) { Console.WriteLine("Dimensions: " + string.Join(",", element.Metadata)); foreach (var metricValue in element.Data) { Console.WriteLine(metricValue); } } } #endregion }
public void Cannot_Create_A_Metrics_Client_With_A_Blank_App_Key() { var ex = Assert.Throws <SematextValidationException>(() => { var client = new MetricsClient(" "); }); Assert.Equal("You must provide a valid app token.", ex.Message); }
public async Task Can_Send_More_Than_100_Metrics_At_A_Time() { var metrics = new List <Metric>(); for (var i = 0; i < 150; i++) { metrics.Add(GenerateTestMetric()); } await MetricsClient.SendAsync(metrics.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task Can_Send_A_Group_Of_Metrics() { var metrics = new[] { GenerateTestMetric(), GenerateTestMetric(), GenerateTestMetric() }; await MetricsClient.SendAsync(metrics).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task StartStudio(string argument) { if (argument == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(argument)); } if (ActiveVersion == null) { return; } if (AutoCloseLauncher) { argument = $"/LauncherWindowHandle {WindowHandle} {argument}"; } MetricsClient metricsForEditorBefore120 = null; try { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => StartStudioCommand.IsEnabled = false); var packagePath = ActiveVersion.InstallPath; var mainExecutable = store.LocateMainExecutable(packagePath); // If version is older than 1.2.0, than we need to log the usage of older version var activeStoreVersion = ActiveVersion as XenkoStoreVersionViewModel; if (activeStoreVersion != null && activeStoreVersion.Version.Version < new Version(1, 2, 0, 0)) { metricsForEditorBefore120 = new MetricsClient(CommonApps.XenkoEditorAppId, versionOverride: activeStoreVersion.Version.ToString()); } Process.Start(mainExecutable, argument); } catch (Exception e) { var message = string.Format(Strings.ErrorStartingProcess, e.FormatSummary(true)); await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(message, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } finally { metricsForEditorBefore120?.Dispose(); } await Task.Delay(5000); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { StartStudioCommand.IsEnabled = ActiveVersion != null; //Save settings because launcher maybe have not been closed LauncherSettings.ActiveVersion = ActiveVersion != null ? ActiveVersion.Name : ""; LauncherSettings.Save(); }); }
private async Task OnExecuteAsync(CancellationToken ct) { MetricsConfiguration config = null; try { config = new MetricsConfiguration() { InfluxDbUri = InfluxDbUri, Network = Network, LndRestApiUri = LndRestApiUri, MacaroonHex = MacaroonHex, CertThumbprintHex = CertThumbprintHex, IntervalSeconds = IntervalSeconds, InfluxDbName = InfluxDbName, MetricPrefix = MetricPrefix, UseMempoolBackend = UseMempoolBackend, MempoolApiUri = MempoolApiUri }; config.Validate(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } try { var client = new MetricsClient(config); if (this.TestInfluxDb) { client.TestInfluxDb(); } else if (this.TestLndApi) { client.TestLndApi(); } else { var version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion; await client.Start(version, ct).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public async Task InitializeAsync() { if (_testEnvironment.Mode == RecordedTestMode.Playback || _initialized) { return; } _initialized = true; var metricClient = new MetricsClient(_testEnvironment.MetricsEndpoint, _testEnvironment.Credential); while (!await MetricsPropagated(metricClient)) { await SendData(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } }
public CloudServiceAutoscalerHelper() { // Read configuration settings. var subscriptionId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SubscriptionId"]; var certThumbprint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CertThumbprint"]; this.cloudServiceName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CloudServiceName"]; this.roleName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RoleName"]; this.deploymentName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DeploymentName"]; this.isProduction = bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsProduction"]); // Get the certificate from the local store. var cert = CertificateHelper.GetCertificate(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, certThumbprint); // Create the autoscale client. this.autoscaleClient = new AutoscaleClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, cert)); // Create the metrics client. this.metricsClient = new MetricsClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, cert)); }
public List <TweetMetricModel> GetTweetMetrics(List <string> tweetIds) { MetricsClient metricsClient = new MetricsClient(_oAuthInfo); List <TweetMetricModel> metricModels = new List <TweetMetricModel>(); string response = metricsClient.GetTweetMetrics(tweetIds); TweetMetricDTO tweetMetrics = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TweetMetricDTO>(response); foreach (Data metricData in { metricModels.Add(new TweetMetricModel { tweet_id = metricData.tweet_id, impression_count = metricData.tweet.impression_count, like_count = metricData.tweet.like_count, quote_count = metricData.tweet.quote_count, reply_count = metricData.tweet.reply_count, retweet_count = metricData.tweet.retweet_count }); } return(metricModels); }
private static void GetMetricDefinitions(MetricsClient metricsClient, string resourceId) { //Get the metric definitions. var retrieveMetricsTask = metricsClient.MetricDefinitions.List(resourceId, null, ""); var metricListResponse = retrieveMetricsTask; var metricDefinitions = metricListResponse.MetricDefinitionCollection.Value; // Display the metric definitions. var count = 0; foreach (var metricDefinition in metricDefinitions) { Console.WriteLine("MetricDefinitio: " + count++); Console.WriteLine("Display Name: " + metricDefinition.DisplayName); Console.WriteLine("Metric Name: " + metricDefinition.Name); Console.WriteLine("Metric ResourceId Suffix: " + metricDefinition.ResourceIdSuffix); Console.WriteLine("Metric Namespace: " + metricDefinition.Namespace); Console.WriteLine("Is Altertable: " + metricDefinition.IsAlertable); Console.WriteLine("Min. Altertable Time Window: " + metricDefinition.MinimumAlertableTimeWindow); Console.WriteLine(); } }
public async Task Can_Send_A_Single_Metric() { await MetricsClient.SendAsync(GenerateTestMetric()).ConfigureAwait(false); }