コード例 #1
        public void Test_S2_Metrics()
            var angle_span  = new MetricBundle(S2.kMinAngleSpan, S2.kMaxAngleSpan, S2.kAvgAngleSpan);
            var widthBundle = new MetricBundle(S2.kMinWidth, S2.kMaxWidth, S2.kAvgWidth);
            var edge        = new MetricBundle(S2.kMinEdge, S2.kMaxEdge, S2.kAvgEdge);
            var diag        = new MetricBundle(S2.kMinDiag, S2.kMaxDiag, S2.kAvgDiag);
            var areaBundle  = new MetricBundle(S2.kMinArea, S2.kMaxArea, S2.kAvgArea);

            // First, check that min <= avg <= max for each metric.

            // Check that the maximum aspect ratio of an individual cell is consistent
            // with the global minimums and maximums.
            Assert.True(S2.kMaxEdgeAspect >= 1);
            Assert.True(S2.kMaxEdgeAspect <=
                        S2.kMaxEdge.Deriv / S2.kMinEdge.Deriv);
            Assert.True(S2.kMaxDiagAspect >= 1);
            Assert.True(S2.kMaxDiagAspect <=
                        S2.kMaxDiag.Deriv / S2.kMinDiag.Deriv);

            // Check various conditions that are provable mathematically.
            CheckLessOrEqual(widthBundle, angle_span);
            CheckLessOrEqual(widthBundle, edge);
            CheckLessOrEqual(edge, diag);

            Assert.True(S2.kMinArea.Deriv >=
                        S2.kMinWidth.Deriv * S2.kMinEdge.Deriv - S2.DoubleError);
            Assert.True(S2.kMaxArea.Deriv <=
                        S2.kMaxWidth.Deriv * S2.kMaxEdge.Deriv + S2.DoubleError);

            // The minimum level for which the minimum or maximum width of a cell is at
            // most 0 is kMaxCellLevel, because no cell at any level has width less than
            // or equal to zero.
            Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetLevelForMaxValue(0), S2.kMaxCellLevel);
            Assert.Equal(S2.kMaxWidth.GetLevelForMaxValue(0), S2.kMaxCellLevel);

            // The maximum level for which the minimum or maximum width of a cell is at
            // least 4 is 0, because no cell at any level has width greater than 4.
            Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetLevelForMinValue(4), 0);
            Assert.Equal(S2.kMaxWidth.GetLevelForMinValue(4), 0);

            // GetLevelForMaxValue() and friends have built-in assertions, we just need
            // to call these functions to test them.
            // We don't actually check that the metrics are correct here, e.g. that
            // GetLevelForMaxValue(1) is a lower bound on the level of cells with width 1.
            // It is easier to check these properties in s2cell_test, since S2Cell has
            // methods to compute the cell vertices, etc.

            for (int level = -2; level <= S2.kMaxCellLevel + 3; ++level)
                var width = S2.kMinWidth.Deriv * Math.Pow(2, -level);
                if (level >= S2.kMaxCellLevel + 3)
                    width = 0;

                // Check boundary cases (exactly equal to a threshold value).
                int expected_level = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(S2.kMaxCellLevel, level));
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetLevelForMaxValue(width), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetLevelForMinValue(width), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetClosestLevel(width), expected_level);

                // Also check non-boundary cases.
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetLevelForMaxValue(1.2 * width), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetLevelForMinValue(0.8 * width), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetClosestLevel(1.2 * width), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinWidth.GetClosestLevel(0.8 * width), expected_level);

                // Same thing for area.
                double area = S2.kMinArea.Deriv * Math.Pow(4, -level);
                if (level <= -3)
                    area = 0;
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetLevelForMaxValue(area), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetLevelForMinValue(area), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetClosestLevel(area), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetLevelForMaxValue(1.2 * area), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetLevelForMinValue(0.8 * area), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetClosestLevel(1.2 * area), expected_level);
                Assert.Equal(S2.kMinArea.GetClosestLevel(0.8 * area), expected_level);
コード例 #2
 private static void CheckMinMaxAvg(MetricBundle bundle)
     Assert.True(bundle.min_.Deriv <= bundle.avg_.Deriv);
     Assert.True(bundle.avg_.Deriv <= bundle.max_.Deriv);
コード例 #3
 public void testLessOrEqual(MetricBundle a, MetricBundle b)
     assertTrue(a.min_.Deriv() <= b.min_.Deriv());
     assertTrue(a.max_.Deriv() <= b.max_.Deriv());
     assertTrue(a.avg_.Deriv() <= b.avg_.Deriv());
コード例 #4
 private static void CheckLessOrEqual(MetricBundle a, MetricBundle b)
     Assert.True(a.min_.Deriv <= b.min_.Deriv);
     Assert.True(a.max_.Deriv <= b.max_.Deriv);
     Assert.True(a.avg_.Deriv <= b.avg_.Deriv);
コード例 #5
 public void testMinMaxAvg(MetricBundle bundle)
     assertTrue(bundle.min_.Deriv() < bundle.avg_.Deriv());
     assertTrue(bundle.avg_.Deriv() < bundle.max_.Deriv());
コード例 #6
        public void testMetrics()
            var angleSpan = new MetricBundle(
                S2Projections.MinAngleSpan, S2Projections.MaxAngleSpan, S2Projections.AvgAngleSpan);
            var width =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinWidth, S2Projections.MaxWidth, S2Projections.AvgWidth);
            var edge =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinEdge, S2Projections.MaxEdge, S2Projections.AvgEdge);
            var diag =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinDiag, S2Projections.MaxDiag, S2Projections.AvgDiag);
            var area =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinArea, S2Projections.MaxArea, S2Projections.AvgArea);

            // First, check that min <= avg <= max for each metric.

            // Check that the maximum aspect ratio of an individual cell is consistent
            // with the global minimums and maximums.
            assertTrue(S2Projections.MaxEdgeAspect >= 1.0);
                       < S2Projections.MaxEdge.Deriv() / S2Projections.MinEdge.Deriv());
            assertTrue(S2Projections.MaxDiagAspect >= 1);
                       < S2Projections.MaxDiag.Deriv() / S2Projections.MinDiag.Deriv());

            // Check various conditions that are provable mathematically.
            testLessOrEqual(width, angleSpan);
            testLessOrEqual(width, edge);
            testLessOrEqual(edge, diag);

                       >= S2Projections.MinWidth.Deriv() * S2Projections.MinEdge.Deriv() - 1e-15);
                       < S2Projections.MaxWidth.Deriv() * S2Projections.MaxEdge.Deriv() + 1e-15);

            // GetMinLevelForLength() and friends have built-in assertions, we just need
            // to call these functions to test them.
            // We don't actually check that the metrics are correct here, e.g. that
            // GetMinWidth(10) is a lower bound on the width of cells at level 10.
            // It is easier to check these properties in s2cell_unittest, since
            // S2Cell has methods to compute the cell vertices, etc.

            for (var level = -2; level <= S2CellId.MaxLevel + 3; ++level)
                var dWidth = (2 * S2Projections.MinWidth.Deriv()) * Math.Pow(2, -level);
                if (level >= S2CellId.MaxLevel + 3)
                    dWidth = 0;

                // Check boundary cases (exactly equal to a threshold value).
                var expectedLevel = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(S2CellId.MaxLevel, level));
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMinLevel(dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMaxLevel(dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetClosestLevel(dWidth), expectedLevel);

                // Also check non-boundary cases.
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMinLevel(1.2 * dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMaxLevel(0.8 * dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetClosestLevel(1.2 * dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetClosestLevel(0.8 * dWidth), expectedLevel);

                // Same thing for area1.
                var area1 = (4 * S2Projections.MinArea.Deriv()) * Math.Pow(4, -level);
                if (level <= -3)
                    area1 = 0;
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMinLevel(area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMaxLevel(area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetClosestLevel(area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMinLevel(1.2 * area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMaxLevel(0.8 * area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetClosestLevel(1.2 * area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetClosestLevel(0.8 * area1), expectedLevel);
コード例 #7
 public void testLessOrEqual(MetricBundle a, MetricBundle b)
     assertTrue(a.min_.Deriv() <= b.min_.Deriv());
     assertTrue(a.max_.Deriv() <= b.max_.Deriv());
     assertTrue(a.avg_.Deriv() <= b.avg_.Deriv());
コード例 #8
 public void testMinMaxAvg(MetricBundle bundle)
     assertTrue(bundle.min_.Deriv() < bundle.avg_.Deriv());
     assertTrue(bundle.avg_.Deriv() < bundle.max_.Deriv());
コード例 #9
        public void testMetrics()
            var angleSpan = new MetricBundle(
                S2Projections.MinAngleSpan, S2Projections.MaxAngleSpan, S2Projections.AvgAngleSpan);
            var width =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinWidth, S2Projections.MaxWidth, S2Projections.AvgWidth);
            var edge =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinEdge, S2Projections.MaxEdge, S2Projections.AvgEdge);
            var diag =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinDiag, S2Projections.MaxDiag, S2Projections.AvgDiag);
            var area =
                new MetricBundle(S2Projections.MinArea, S2Projections.MaxArea, S2Projections.AvgArea);

            // First, check that min <= avg <= max for each metric.

            // Check that the maximum aspect ratio of an individual cell is consistent
            // with the global minimums and maximums.
            assertTrue(S2Projections.MaxEdgeAspect >= 1.0);
                       < S2Projections.MaxEdge.Deriv()/S2Projections.MinEdge.Deriv());
            assertTrue(S2Projections.MaxDiagAspect >= 1);
                       < S2Projections.MaxDiag.Deriv()/S2Projections.MinDiag.Deriv());

            // Check various conditions that are provable mathematically.
            testLessOrEqual(width, angleSpan);
            testLessOrEqual(width, edge);
            testLessOrEqual(edge, diag);

                       >= S2Projections.MinWidth.Deriv()*S2Projections.MinEdge.Deriv() - 1e-15);
                       < S2Projections.MaxWidth.Deriv()*S2Projections.MaxEdge.Deriv() + 1e-15);

            // GetMinLevelForLength() and friends have built-in assertions, we just need
            // to call these functions to test them.
            // We don't actually check that the metrics are correct here, e.g. that
            // GetMinWidth(10) is a lower bound on the width of cells at level 10.
            // It is easier to check these properties in s2cell_unittest, since
            // S2Cell has methods to compute the cell vertices, etc.

            for (var level = -2; level <= S2CellId.MaxLevel + 3; ++level)
                var dWidth = (2*S2Projections.MinWidth.Deriv())*Math.Pow(2, -level);
                if (level >= S2CellId.MaxLevel + 3)
                    dWidth = 0;

                // Check boundary cases (exactly equal to a threshold value).
                var expectedLevel = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(S2CellId.MaxLevel, level));
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMinLevel(dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMaxLevel(dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetClosestLevel(dWidth), expectedLevel);

                // Also check non-boundary cases.
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMinLevel(1.2*dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetMaxLevel(0.8*dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetClosestLevel(1.2*dWidth), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinWidth.GetClosestLevel(0.8*dWidth), expectedLevel);

                // Same thing for area1.
                var area1 = (4*S2Projections.MinArea.Deriv())*Math.Pow(4, -level);
                if (level <= -3)
                    area1 = 0;
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMinLevel(area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMaxLevel(area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetClosestLevel(area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMinLevel(1.2*area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetMaxLevel(0.8*area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetClosestLevel(1.2*area1), expectedLevel);
                assertEquals(S2Projections.MinArea.GetClosestLevel(0.8*area1), expectedLevel);