コード例 #1
ファイル: Searcher.cs プロジェクト: scottcarr/ccbot
    public static SyntaxDictionary GetSyntaxNodeToAnnotationDict(Compilation compilation, IEnumerable<BaseAnnotation> annotations)
      #region CodeContracts
      Contract.Requires(compilation != null);
      Contract.Requires(annotations != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<SyntaxDictionary>() != null);
      #endregion CodeContracts

      Output.WriteLine("Creating the SyntaxNode to annotations dictionary");

      var annotations_by_node = new SyntaxDictionary();
      foreach (var st in compilation.SyntaxTrees) 
        var fp = st.FilePath;
        var curr_anns = annotations.Where(x => x.FileName.Equals(fp, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
        var fields = curr_anns.OfType<ReadonlyField>();
        curr_anns = curr_anns.Except(fields);
        //Dictionary<MethodNameId, List<BaseAnnotation>> curr_anns;
        //if (annotations.TryGetValue(fp, out curr_anns)) // does the syntax tree have any annotations?
        if (curr_anns.Any())
          annotations_by_node.Add(fp, new Dictionary<SyntaxNode, List<BaseAnnotation>>());
          var sm = compilation.GetSemanticModel(st);
          var mf = new MethodsFinder(curr_anns, sm);
          var before = curr_anns.Count();
          var after = mf.methods_to_annotate.Count;
          if (before != after) {
            Output.WriteWarning("Didn't match all methods for " + fp + " There were " + before + " but now " + after, "ERROR");
            Output.WriteLine("Next the list of those we failed to match");
            foreach (var orig in curr_anns.Select(x => x.MethodName))
              var matched = false;
              foreach (var newguy in mf.methods_to_annotate.Keys)
                if (newguy is FieldDeclarationSyntax) { continue; } // this way of finding missing annotations doesn't really work for readonly fields
                var sym = sm.GetDeclaredSymbol(newguy) as ISymbol;
                var dci = sym.GetDocumentationCommentId();
                if (dci.Equals(orig))
                  matched = true;
              if (!matched)
                Output.WriteLine("Failed to find {0}", orig);
            Output.WriteLine("Matched all methods in {0}", fp);
          //before = DictionaryHelpers.CountTotalItems(curr_anns);
          before = curr_anns.Count();
          after = DictionaryHelpers.CountTotalItems(mf.methods_to_annotate);
          if (before != after)
            Output.WriteWarning("Lost some annotations for " + fp + " There were " + before + " but now " + after, "ERROR");
            Output.WriteLine("Matched all annotations in {0}", fp);
          foreach (var key in mf.methods_to_annotate.Keys) 
            annotations_by_node[fp].Add(key, mf.methods_to_annotate[key]); 
      int total = 0;
      foreach (var dict in annotations_by_node.Values)
        total += DictionaryHelpers.CountTotalItems(dict);

      Output.WriteLine("I started with {0} annotations and I found {1}", annotations.Count().ToString(), total.ToString());
      if (annotations.Count() != total)
        var interfaces = annotations.OfType<ResolvedInterfaceAnnotation>();
        var fields = annotations.OfType<ReadonlyField>();
        var invariants = annotations.OfType<ResolvedObjectInvariant>();
        var other = annotations.OfType<Precondition>();
        var found = new List<BaseAnnotation>();
        foreach (var file in annotations_by_node)
          foreach (var sugs in file.Value.Values)
            found = found.Concat(sugs).ToList();
        var interfacesFound = found.OfType<ResolvedInterfaceAnnotation>();
        var fieldsFound = found.OfType<ReadonlyField>();
        var invariantsFound = found.OfType<ResolvedObjectInvariant>();
        var otherFound = found.OfType<Precondition>();
        RBLogger.Info("Interfaces found {0} of {1}", interfacesFound.Count(), interfaces.Count());
        RBLogger.Info("fields found {0} of {1}", fieldsFound.Count(), fields.Count());
        RBLogger.Info("invariants found {0} of {1}", invariantsFound.Count(), invariants.Count());
        RBLogger.Info("other found {0} of {1}", otherFound.Count(), other.Count());
        var lost = other.Except(otherFound);
        RBLogger.Info("Missing annotations:");
        foreach (var group in lost.GroupBy(x => x.MethodName))
          foreach (var ann in group)
        //RBLogger.Info("Found annotations {0}", found.Count());
        //RBLogger.Info("Unmatched annotations:");
        //foreach (var annotation in other)
        //  RBLogger.Info(annotation.MethodName);
        //  RBLogger.Indent();
        //  RBLogger.Info(annotation);
        //  RBLogger.Unindent();
      return annotations_by_node;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Searcher.cs プロジェクト: scottcarr/ccbot
        public static SyntaxDictionary GetSyntaxNodeToAnnotationDict(Compilation compilation, IEnumerable <BaseAnnotation> annotations)
            #region CodeContracts
            Contract.Requires(compilation != null);
            Contract.Requires(annotations != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <SyntaxDictionary>() != null);
            #endregion CodeContracts

            Output.WriteLine("Creating the SyntaxNode to annotations dictionary");

            var annotations_by_node = new SyntaxDictionary();
            foreach (var st in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var fp        = st.FilePath;
                var curr_anns = annotations.Where(x => x.FileName.Equals(fp, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                var fields    = curr_anns.OfType <ReadonlyField>();
                curr_anns = curr_anns.Except(fields);
                //Dictionary<MethodNameId, List<BaseAnnotation>> curr_anns;
                //if (annotations.TryGetValue(fp, out curr_anns)) // does the syntax tree have any annotations?
                if (curr_anns.Any())
                    annotations_by_node.Add(fp, new Dictionary <SyntaxNode, List <BaseAnnotation> >());
                    var sm     = compilation.GetSemanticModel(st);
                    var mf     = new MethodsFinder(curr_anns, sm);
                    var before = curr_anns.Count();
                    var after  = mf.methods_to_annotate.Count;
                    if (before != after)
                        Output.WriteWarning("Didn't match all methods for " + fp + " There were " + before + " but now " + after, "ERROR");
                        Output.WriteLine("Next the list of those we failed to match");
                        foreach (var orig in curr_anns.Select(x => x.MethodName))
                            var matched = false;
                            foreach (var newguy in mf.methods_to_annotate.Keys)
                                if (newguy is FieldDeclarationSyntax)
                                }                                   // this way of finding missing annotations doesn't really work for readonly fields
                                var sym = sm.GetDeclaredSymbol(newguy) as ISymbol;
                                var dci = sym.GetDocumentationCommentId();
                                if (dci.Equals(orig))
                                    matched = true;
                            if (!matched)
                                Output.WriteLine("Failed to find {0}", orig);
                        Output.WriteLine("Matched all methods in {0}", fp);
                    //before = DictionaryHelpers.CountTotalItems(curr_anns);
                    before = curr_anns.Count();
                    after  = DictionaryHelpers.CountTotalItems(mf.methods_to_annotate);
                    if (before != after)
                        Output.WriteWarning("Lost some annotations for " + fp + " There were " + before + " but now " + after, "ERROR");
                        Output.WriteLine("Matched all annotations in {0}", fp);
                    foreach (var key in mf.methods_to_annotate.Keys)
                        annotations_by_node[fp].Add(key, mf.methods_to_annotate[key]);
            int total = 0;
            foreach (var dict in annotations_by_node.Values)
                total += DictionaryHelpers.CountTotalItems(dict);

            Output.WriteLine("I started with {0} annotations and I found {1}", annotations.Count().ToString(), total.ToString());
            if (annotations.Count() != total)
                var interfaces = annotations.OfType <ResolvedInterfaceAnnotation>();
                var fields     = annotations.OfType <ReadonlyField>();
                var invariants = annotations.OfType <ResolvedObjectInvariant>();
                var other      = annotations.OfType <Precondition>();
                var found      = new List <BaseAnnotation>();
                foreach (var file in annotations_by_node)
                    foreach (var sugs in file.Value.Values)
                        found = found.Concat(sugs).ToList();
                var interfacesFound = found.OfType <ResolvedInterfaceAnnotation>();
                var fieldsFound     = found.OfType <ReadonlyField>();
                var invariantsFound = found.OfType <ResolvedObjectInvariant>();
                var otherFound      = found.OfType <Precondition>();
                RBLogger.Info("Interfaces found {0} of {1}", interfacesFound.Count(), interfaces.Count());
                RBLogger.Info("fields found {0} of {1}", fieldsFound.Count(), fields.Count());
                RBLogger.Info("invariants found {0} of {1}", invariantsFound.Count(), invariants.Count());
                RBLogger.Info("other found {0} of {1}", otherFound.Count(), other.Count());
                var lost = other.Except(otherFound);
                RBLogger.Info("Missing annotations:");
                foreach (var group in lost.GroupBy(x => x.MethodName))
                    foreach (var ann in group)
                //RBLogger.Info("Found annotations {0}", found.Count());
                //RBLogger.Info("Unmatched annotations:");
                //foreach (var annotation in other)
                //  RBLogger.Info(annotation.MethodName);
                //  RBLogger.Indent();
                //  RBLogger.Info(annotation);
                //  RBLogger.Unindent();