コード例 #1
        private List <MeterDataSet> LoadMeterDataSets(AdoDataConnection connection, FileGroup fileGroup)
            List <MeterDataSet> meterDataSets = new List <MeterDataSet>();
            IEnumerable <Event> eventTable    = (new TableOperations <Event>(connection)).QueryRecordsWhere("FileGroupID = {0}", fileGroup.ID);

            MeterDataSet meterDataSet;
            DataGroup    dataGroup;

            foreach (IGrouping <int, Event> eventGroup in eventTable.GroupBy(evt => evt.MeterID))
                meterDataSet       = new MeterDataSet();
                meterDataSet.Meter = (new TableOperations <Meter>(connection)).QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", eventGroup.Key);
                meterDataSet.Meter.ConnectionFactory = () => new AdoDataConnection(connection.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false);

                foreach (Event evt in eventGroup)
                    dataGroup = new DataGroup();
                    dataGroup.FromData(meterDataSet.Meter, (new TableOperations <EventData>(connection)).QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", evt.EventDataID).TimeDomainData);

                    foreach (DataSeries dataSeries in dataGroup.DataSeries)


コード例 #2
        private List <MeterDataSet> LoadMeterDataSets(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, FileGroup fileGroup)
            List <MeterDataSet> meterDataSets = new List <MeterDataSet>();

            MeterInfoDataContext  meterInfo        = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <MeterInfoDataContext>();
            EventTableAdapter     eventAdapter     = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <EventTableAdapter>();
            EventDataTableAdapter eventDataAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <EventDataTableAdapter>();

            MeterData.EventDataTable eventTable = eventAdapter.GetDataByFileGroup(fileGroup.ID);

            MeterDataSet meterDataSet;
            DataGroup    dataGroup;

            foreach (IGrouping <int, MeterData.EventRow> eventGroup in eventTable.GroupBy(evt => evt.MeterID))
                meterDataSet       = new MeterDataSet();
                meterDataSet.Meter = meterInfo.Meters.SingleOrDefault(meter => meter.ID == eventGroup.Key);

                foreach (MeterData.EventRow evt in eventGroup)
                    dataGroup = new DataGroup();
                    dataGroup.FromData(meterDataSet.Meter, eventDataAdapter.GetTimeDomainData(evt.EventDataID));

                    foreach (DataSeries dataSeries in dataGroup.DataSeries)


コード例 #3
ファイル: XMLWriter.cs プロジェクト: delkyd/SystemCenter
        private void WriteResults(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DataGroup dataGroup, VICycleDataGroup viCycleDataGroup, List <Fault> faults, string resultsFilePath)
            XDocument resultsDocument;
            XElement  results;
            string    lineName;

            lineName = meterDataSet.Meter.MeterLines
                       .Where(ml => ml.LineID == dataGroup.Line.ID)
                       .Select(ml => ml.LineName)
                       .FirstOrDefault() ?? dataGroup.Line.AssetKey;

            results =
                new XElement("results",
                             new XElement("meter", meterDataSet.Meter.Name),
                             new XElement("disturbanceFiles", GetPathElements(meterDataSet.FileGroup)),
                             new XElement("line",
                                          new XElement("name", lineName),
                                          new XElement("length", dataGroup.Line.Length.ToString(DoubleFormat))
                             new XElement("prefault",
                                          new XElement("time", dataGroup.StartTime.ToString(DateTimeFormat)),
                                          GetCycleElements(viCycleDataGroup, 0)

            // Create the XML document
            resultsDocument =
                new XDocument(
                    new XElement("openFLE", results)

コード例 #4
        public void Parse(string meterKey, string filePath)
            string text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

            MeterDataSet      = new MeterDataSet(meterKey, "systemSettings", filePath, text);
            MeterDataSet.Type = DataSetType.Config;
コード例 #5
        private void ExecuteDataOperation(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
            IDataOperation dataOperation = null;

                // Create the data operation
                dataOperation = new openEASSandBoxOperation();

                // Provide system settings to the data operation
                ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataOperation);

                // Prepare for execution of the data operation

                // Execute the data operation

                // Load data from all data operations in a single transaction
                using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, GetTransactionOptions()))
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                if ((object)dataOperation != null)
                    TryDispose(dataOperation as IDisposable);
コード例 #6
ファイル: XMLWriter.cs プロジェクト: delkyd/SystemCenter
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource;

            DataGroup        dataGroup;
            VICycleDataGroup viCycleDataGroup;
            FaultGroup       faultGroup;

            string rootFileName;
            string fileName;

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer));
            faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => new FaultDataResource(dbAdapterContainer));

            if (!Directory.Exists(m_resultsPath))

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];

                if (faultDataResource.FaultLookup.TryGetValue(dataGroup, out faultGroup))
                    rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                    fileName     = string.Format("{0},{1:000},Line{2}.xml", rootFileName, i, dataGroup.Line.AssetKey);

                    viCycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i];
                    WriteResults(meterDataSet, dataGroup, viCycleDataGroup, faultGroup.Faults, Path.Combine(m_resultsPath, fileName));
コード例 #7
        public Dictionary <string, string> ParseFields(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.Config)
                return(new Dictionary <string, string>());

            Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            List <string> lines = meterDataSet.Text.Split('\n').ToList();
            int           i     = 1;

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (line.Contains('='))
                    List <string> parts = line.Split('=').ToList();
                    if (result.ContainsKey(parts[0]))
                        result.Add(parts[0] + "-" + i, string.Join("=", parts.Skip(1)));
                        result.Add(parts[0], string.Join("=", parts.Skip(1)));

コード例 #8
 private bool HasComplianceMeter(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
     using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
         TableOperations <ComplianceMeter> meterTbl = new TableOperations <ComplianceMeter>(connection);
         return(meterTbl.QueryRecordCountWhere("MeterId = {0}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID) > 0);
コード例 #9
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)

            foreach (EventRow evt in dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <EventTableAdapter>().GetDataByFileGroup(meterDataSet.FileGroup.ID))
                if (GetEmailCount(dbAdapterContainer, evt.ID) == 0)
コード例 #10
ファイル: COMTRADEWriter.cs プロジェクト: lulzzz/openXDA
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource;

            DataGroup    dataGroup;
            FaultGroup   faultGroup;
            List <int>   seriesIDs;
            EventDataSet eventDataSet;

            string rootFileName;
            string fileName;

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer));
            faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => new FaultDataResource(dbAdapterContainer));

            if (!Directory.Exists(m_resultsPath))

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];

                if (faultDataResource.FaultLookup.TryGetValue(dataGroup, out faultGroup))
                    rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                    fileName     = string.Format("{0},{1:000},Line{2}.dat", rootFileName, i, dataGroup.Line.AssetKey);

                    seriesIDs = dataGroup.DataSeries
                                .Select(series => series.SeriesInfo.ID)

                    eventDataSet = new EventDataSet()
                        ResultsPath      = Path.Combine(m_resultsPath, fileName),
                        MeterDataSet     = meterDataSet,
                        TimeZoneOffset   = GetTimeZoneOffset(meterDataSet.Meter.TimeZone, dataGroup.StartTime),
                        DataGroup        = dataGroup,
                        VICycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i],
                        Faults           = faultGroup.Faults,
                        OutputChannels   = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <FaultLocationInfoDataContext>().OutputChannels.Where(channel => seriesIDs.Contains(channel.SeriesID)).ToList()

コード例 #11
        public void Initialize(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            DataGroup         dataGroup;
            VICycleDataGroup  viCycleDataGroup;
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;

            ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, this);

            m_disturbances = new Dictionary <DataGroup, List <Disturbance> >();

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource <CycleDataResource>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup        = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];
                viCycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i];
                DetectDisturbances(dataGroup, viCycleDataGroup);
コード例 #12
 private void ProcessMeterData(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
         meterDataSet.ConnectionString = m_connectionString;
     catch (Exception ex)
             // Ignore errors here as they are most likely
             // related to the error we originally caught
コード例 #13
        public void Initialize(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, this);

            m_disturbances = new Dictionary <DataGroup, List <Disturbance> >();

            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource <CycleDataResource>();

            int lineCount = meterDataSet.Meter.MeterLines.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                DataGroup        dataGroup        = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];
                VICycleDataGroup viCycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i];
                Range <DateTime> eventDateRange   = new Range <DateTime>(dataGroup.StartTime, dataGroup.EndTime);

                if (lineCount == 1 && dataGroup.Disturbances.Count > 0)
                    ProcessReportedDisturbances(meterDataSet.Meter, dataGroup);
                    DetectDisturbances(dataGroup, viCycleDataGroup);

            DataGroupsResource dataGroupsResource = meterDataSet.GetResource <DataGroupsResource>();

            foreach (DataGroup dataGroup in dataGroupsResource.DataGroups)
                if (dataGroup.DataSeries.Count > 0)

                if (lineCount == 1 && dataGroup.Disturbances.Count > 0)
                    ProcessReportedDisturbances(meterDataSet.Meter, dataGroup);
コード例 #14
        public void Parse(string filePath)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = CreateDbConnection())
                Func <DateTime, IDbDataParameter> toDateTime2 = dateTime => ToDateTime2(connection, dateTime);
                TableOperations <Event>           eventTable  = new TableOperations <Event>(connection);

                string meterKey = GetMeterKey(filePath, m_filePattern);
                int    meterID  = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT ID FROM Meter WHERE AssetKey = {0}", meterKey);

                Predicate <DataSeries> isDuplicate = dataSeries =>
                    int samples = dataSeries.DataPoints.Count;

                    if (samples == 0)

                    DateTime startTime = dataSeries.DataPoints[0].Time;
                    DateTime endTime   = dataSeries.DataPoints[dataSeries.DataPoints.Count - 1].Time;

                    RecordRestriction recordRestriction =
                        new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0}", meterID) &
                        new RecordRestriction("StartTime = {0}", toDateTime2(startTime)) &
                        new RecordRestriction("EndTime = {0}", toDateTime2(endTime)) &
                        new RecordRestriction("Samples = {0}", samples);

                    int eventCount = eventTable.QueryRecordCount(recordRestriction);

                    return(eventCount > 0);

                MeterDataSet meterDataSet = m_pqdifReader.MeterDataSet;
コード例 #15
 private void ProcessMeterData(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
         meterDataSet.ConnectionString = m_connectionString;
         ExecuteDataOperation(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer);
         ExecuteDataWriters(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer);
     catch (Exception ex)
             meterDataSet.FileGroup.Error = 1;
             dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <FileInfoDataContext>().SubmitChanges();
             // Ignore errors here as they are most likely
             // related to the error we originally caught
コード例 #16
        private void ExecuteDataWriters(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
            IDataWriter dataWriter = null;

                // Create the data writer
                dataWriter = new openEASSandBoxWriter();

                // Provide system settings to the data operation
                ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataWriter);

                // Prepare for execution of the data operation
                dataWriter.WriteResults(dbAdapterContainer, meterDataSet);
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                if ((object)dataWriter != null)
                    TryDispose(dataWriter as IDisposable);
コード例 #17
ファイル: FaultEmailWriter.cs プロジェクト: alirex1/openXDA
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            bool faultValidationResult;


            foreach (var faultGroup in dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <FaultGroupTableAdapter>().GetDataByFileGroup(meterDataSet.FileGroup.ID))
                faultDetectionResult = !faultGroup.IsFaultDetectionLogicResultNull()
                    ? Convert.ToBoolean(faultGroup.FaultDetectionLogicResult)
                    : (bool?)null;

                faultValidationResult = Convert.ToBoolean(faultGroup.FaultValidationLogicResult);

                if (faultDetectionResult == true || (m_faultLocationSettings.UseDefaultFaultDetectionLogic && faultValidationResult))
                    if (dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <EventFaultEmailTableAdapter>().GetFaultEmailCount(faultGroup.EventID) == 0)
コード例 #18
        private void ExecuteDataOperation(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            IDataOperation dataOperation = null;

                // Create the data operation
                dataOperation = new openEASSandBoxOperation();

                // Provide system settings to the data operation
                ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataOperation);

                // Execute the data operation
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                if ((object)dataOperation != null)
                    TryDispose(dataOperation as IDisposable);
コード例 #19
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.AppTrace)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                // get metadata for file
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                // read lines from file
                string[] data = File.ReadAllLines(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                // instantiate records object
                List <AppTraceRecord> records = new List <AppTraceRecord>();

                // retrieve last change for this file
                AppTraceFileChanges lastChanges = new TableOperations <AppTraceFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecord("LastWriteTime DESC", new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, fi.Name));

                // if record doesn't exist, use default
                if (lastChanges == null)
                    lastChanges = new AppTraceFileChanges();

                // parse each line
                foreach (string line in data)
                    if (line == string.Empty)
                    string[]       section   = line.Split(new[] { ". " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    AppTraceRecord newRecord = new AppTraceRecord();

                    // date has 2 spaces if date is a single digit to keep specific column width
                    string   regex   = @"(\[\d+\/\d+\/\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[AP]M\])";
                    string[] results = Regex.Split(line, regex);
                    string   format  = "[M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt]";

                    if (results.Length <= 1)
                        regex   = @"(\[\d+\/\d+\/\d+\])";
                        results = Regex.Split(line, regex);
                        format  = "[M/d/yyyy]";

                    newRecord.Line = line;
                    newRecord.Time = DateTime.ParseExact(results[1], format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    if (newRecord.Time > TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time")))
                        newRecord.Time  = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time"));
                        newRecord.Line += ". MiMD Parsing Alarm: DFR time set in the future.\n";

                    newRecord.Description = results[2];

                // if no records, or if the last record is same or before record in database, stop.  There was probably an error.
                if (!records.Any() || records.Last().Time <= lastChanges.LastWriteTime)

                // instantiate new changes object
                AppTraceFileChanges fileChanges   = new AppTraceFileChanges();
                List <string>       alarmKeyWords = new List <string> {
                    "unsync<invalid(no signal)>", "[alarmon]", "sync loss", "chassis comm. error", "disk full", "master comm. error", "dsp board temperature", "analog fail", "pc health", "offline", "time in future"
                IEnumerable <AppTraceRecord> newRecords = records.Where(x => x.Time > lastChanges.LastWriteTime);
                // create new record
                fileChanges.MeterID       = meterDataSet.Meter.ID;
                fileChanges.FileName      = fi.Name;
                fileChanges.FileSize      = (int)(fi.Length / 1000);
                fileChanges.LastWriteTime = records.Last().Time;
                fileChanges.Span          = (records.Last().Time - records.First().Time).Days;
                fileChanges.NewRecords    = newRecords.Count();
                fileChanges.Alarms        = newRecords.Where(x => alarmKeyWords.Contains(x.Line.ToLower())).Count();

                if (records.Where(x => x.Line.ToLower().Contains("fault f")).Any())
                    fileChanges.LastFaultTime = records.Where(x => x.Line.ToLower().Contains("fault f")).Last().Time;
                    fileChanges.LastFaultTime = lastChanges.LastFaultTime;

                fileChanges.FaultCount48hr = records.Where(x => x.Line.ToLower().Contains("fault f") && x.Time >= fileChanges.LastWriteTime.AddHours(-48)).Count();

                // get html of new changes
                DiffMatchPatch dmp  = new DiffMatchPatch();
                List <Diff>    diff = dmp.DiffMain("", string.Join("\n", records.Where(x => x.Time > lastChanges.LastWriteTime).Select(x => x.Line)));
                fileChanges.Html = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");

                // write new record to db
                meterDataSet.DiagnosticAlarms = fileChanges.Alarms;
                new TableOperations <AppTraceFileChanges>(connection).AddNewRecord(fileChanges);
コード例 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="PQubeTrendingDataCSVReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public PQubeTrendingDataCSVReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
     Channels       = new Dictionary <string, int>();
コード例 #21
ファイル: COMTRADEReader.cs プロジェクト: delkyd/SystemCenter
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="COMTRADEReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public COMTRADEReader()
     Settings     = new COMTRADESettings();
     MeterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="COMTRADEReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public COMTRADEReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #23
        private void WriteResults(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DataGroup dataGroup, VICycleDataGroup viCycleDataGroup, List<Fault> faults, string resultsFilePath)
            XDocument resultsDocument;
            XElement results;
            string lineName;

            lineName = meterDataSet.Meter.MeterLines
                .Where(ml => ml.LineID == dataGroup.Line.ID)
                .Select(ml => ml.LineName)
                .FirstOrDefault() ?? dataGroup.Line.AssetKey;

            results =
                new XElement("results",
                    new XElement("meter", meterDataSet.Meter.Name),
                    new XElement("disturbanceFiles", GetPathElements(meterDataSet.FileGroup)),
                    new XElement("line",
                        new XElement("name", lineName),
                        new XElement("length", dataGroup.Line.Length.ToString(DoubleFormat))
                    new XElement("prefault",
                        new XElement("time", dataGroup.StartTime.ToString(DateTimeFormat)),
                        GetCycleElements(viCycleDataGroup, 0)

            // Create the XML document
            resultsDocument =
                new XDocument(
                    new XElement("openFLE", results)

        // Determines the start time and end time of the given data and sets the properties on the given file group.
        private static void SetDataTimeRange(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, FileInfoDataContext fileInfo)
            DateTime dataStartTime;
            DateTime dataEndTime;

            dataStartTime = meterDataSet.DataSeries
                .Where(dataSeries => dataSeries.DataPoints.Any())
                .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.DataPoints.First().Time)

            dataEndTime = meterDataSet.DataSeries
                .Where(dataSeries => dataSeries.DataPoints.Any())
                .Select(dataSeries => dataSeries.DataPoints.Last().Time)

            if (dataStartTime != default(DateTime))
                meterDataSet.FileGroup.DataStartTime = dataStartTime;

            if (dataEndTime != default(DateTime))
                meterDataSet.FileGroup.DataEndTime = dataEndTime;

コード例 #25
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.BENConfig)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                DateTime lastWriteTime = DateTime.ParseExact(string.Join(",", fi.Name.Split(',').Take(2)), "yyMMdd,HHmmssfff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // see if there is already a record that matches this file
                ConfigFileChanges configFileChanges = new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1} AND LastWriteTime = {2}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, $"{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}.cfg", lastWriteTime);

                // if a record already exists for this file skip it.  There was probably an error.
                if (configFileChanges != null)
                configFileChanges = new ConfigFileChanges();

                // create new record
                configFileChanges.MeterID       = meterDataSet.Meter.ID;
                configFileChanges.FileName      = $"{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}.cfg";
                configFileChanges.LastWriteTime = lastWriteTime;
                configFileChanges.Text          = meterDataSet.Text.Replace("\r", "");

                string[] data          = File.ReadAllLines(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                int[]    channelCounts = data[1].Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x.Replace("A", "").Replace("D", ""))).ToArray();
                int      totalChannels = channelCounts[0];

                // get portion of cfg file that contains channel mappings
                string relevantPortion = string.Join("\n", data.Take(2 + totalChannels));

                // get the previous record for this file
                ConfigFileChanges lastChanges = new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecord("LastWriteTime DESC", new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1} AND LastWriteTime < {2}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, $"{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}.cfg", lastWriteTime));

                // if there were no previous records for this file
                if (lastChanges == null)
                    lastChanges      = new ConfigFileChanges();
                    lastChanges.Text = configFileChanges.Text.Replace("\r", "");
                    // make diffs
                    DiffMatchPatch dmp  = new DiffMatchPatch();
                    List <Diff>    diff = dmp.DiffMain(relevantPortion, relevantPortion);

                    configFileChanges.Html    = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");
                    configFileChanges.Changes = 0;
                    string[] data2          = lastChanges.Text.Split('\n');
                    int[]    channelCounts2 = data2[1].Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x.Replace("A", "").Replace("D", ""))).ToArray();
                    int      totalChannels2 = channelCounts2[0];

                    // get portion of cfg file that contains channel mappings
                    string relevantPortion2 = string.Join("\n", data2.Take(2 + totalChannels2));

                    // make diffs
                    DiffMatchPatch dmp   = new DiffMatchPatch();
                    List <Diff>    diff  = dmp.DiffMain(relevantPortion2, relevantPortion);
                    List <Patch>   patch = dmp.PatchMake(relevantPortion2, relevantPortion);

                    configFileChanges.Html    = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");
                    configFileChanges.Changes = patch.Count;

                    if (patch.Count == 0)

                // write new record to db
                meterDataSet.ConfigChanges = configFileChanges.Changes;

                new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).AddNewRecord(configFileChanges);
コード例 #26
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            // Write results to an external data store

            Log.InfoFormat("Results written to external data store.");
コード例 #27
        //Start this by Only looking at Config Files and Lines that have =
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.Config)

            if (!HasComplianceMeter(meterDataSet))

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                ComplianceMeter meter = new TableOperations <ComplianceMeter>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("MeterId = {0}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID);

                //This means we need to activate the meter
                if (!meter.Active)
                    meter.Active = true;
                    new TableOperations <ComplianceMeter>(connection).UpdateRecord(meter);

                // Get appropriate Base Configurations
                IEnumerable <BaseConfig> baseConfigsMeter = new TableOperations <BaseConfig>(connection).QueryRecordsWhere("MeterId = {0}", meter.ID);

                //Filter by Pattern
                baseConfigsMeter = baseConfigsMeter.Where(item => FilePath.IsFilePatternMatch(item.Pattern, meterDataSet.FilePath, true));

                if (baseConfigsMeter.Count() == 0)

                // Pares File using Compliance Operations
                // Instantiates the given data reader and wraps it in a disposable wrapper object.
                Model.ComplianceOperation parser = new TableOperations <Model.ComplianceOperation>(connection).QueryRecords("LoadOrder")
                                                   .FirstOrDefault(reader => FilePath.IsFilePatternMatch(reader.FilePattern, meterDataSet.FilePath, true));

                ComplianceParserWrapper wrapper;
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(parser.AssemblyName);
                    Type     type     = assembly.GetType(parser.TypeName);
                    wrapper = new ComplianceParserWrapper(parser.ID, type);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = $"Failed to create Compliance File parser of type {parser.TypeName}: {ex.Message}";
                    throw new TypeLoadException(message, ex);

                // Parse ConfigFile into Dictionary of Fields

                Dictionary <string, string> activeConfig = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    activeConfig = wrapper.DataObject.ParseFields(meterDataSet);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = $"Failed to parse Config File for Compliance Fields {parser.TypeName}: {ex.Message}";
                    throw new TypeLoadException(message, ex);

                // If Meter is not Reviewed just keep updating Base Config
                if (!meter.Reviewed)
                    foreach (BaseConfig baseConfig in baseConfigsMeter)
                        UpdateBaseConfig(baseConfig, activeConfig);

                // Get a Bunch of AlarmStates
                TableOperations <ComplianceState> complianceStateTbl = new TableOperations <ComplianceState>(connection);
                ComplianceState resolved     = complianceStateTbl.QueryRecordWhere("Description = 'In Compliance'");
                ComplianceState noCompliance = complianceStateTbl.QueryRecordWhere("Description = 'Compliance Issue'");
                ComplianceState acknowledged = complianceStateTbl.QueryRecordWhere("Description = 'Acknowledged'");
                ComplianceState reviewed     = complianceStateTbl.QueryRecordWhere("Description = 'Reviewed'");

                TableOperations <ComplianceRecord>         complianceRecordTbl         = new TableOperations <ComplianceRecord>(connection);
                TableOperations <ComplianceRecordView>     complianceRecordViewTbl     = new TableOperations <ComplianceRecordView>(connection);
                TableOperations <ComplianceRecordField>    recordFieldTbl              = new TableOperations <ComplianceRecordField>(connection);
                TableOperations <ComplianceField>          complianceFieldTbl          = new TableOperations <ComplianceField>(connection);
                TableOperations <ComplianceAction>         complianceActionTbl         = new TableOperations <ComplianceAction>(connection);
                TableOperations <ComplianceFieldValue>     complianceFieldValueTbl     = new TableOperations <ComplianceFieldValue>(connection);
                TableOperations <ComplianceFieldValueView> complianceFieldValueViewTbl = new TableOperations <ComplianceFieldValueView>(connection);

                //Walk through each BaseConfig separately
                foreach (BaseConfig baseConfig in baseConfigsMeter)
                    // Get relevant Compliance Fields
                    List <ComplianceField> baseConfigfields = complianceFieldTbl.QueryRecordsWhere("BaseConfigId = {0}", baseConfig.ID).ToList();

                    if (baseConfigfields.Count() == 0)

                    List <ComplianceField> changingFields = baseConfigfields.Where(fld => {
                        ComplianceFieldValueView value = complianceFieldValueViewTbl.QueryRecordWhere("FieldId = {0}", fld.ID);
                        if (value == null)
                        return(activeConfig[fld.Name] != value.Value);

                    if (changingFields.Count == 0)

                    //Clear so that -1 if Record is resolved
                    IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, ComplianceField> > recordGroups = changingFields.GroupBy(fld =>
                        ComplianceRecordView record = complianceRecordViewTbl.QueryRecordWhere("BaseConfigId = {0} AND ID IN (SELECT RecordID FROM ComplianceRecordFields WHERE FieldId = {1}) AND Status IN ({2},{3}, {4})", baseConfig.ID, fld.ID, acknowledged.ID, noCompliance.ID, reviewed.ID);
                        if (record == null)
                    }, fld => fld);

                    //Count those that exist and change Status
                    meterDataSet.ComplianceIssues += recordGroups.Count();
                    if (recordGroups.Any(g => g.Key == -1))

                    // Some Records can not be updated with failing Fields they need to be separate
                    List <ComplianceField> newFields = new List <ComplianceField>();

                    // Work Backwards to get associated Record for a Field
                    foreach (IGrouping <int, ComplianceField> group in recordGroups)
                        //we skip those that don't have a record
                        if (group.Key > -1)
                            // grab status
                            ComplianceRecordView view = complianceRecordViewTbl.QueryRecordWhere("Id = {0}", group.Key);

                            //Check if we can resolve everything including some fields that are previously resolved.
                            bool canResolve = complianceFieldValueViewTbl.QueryRecordsWhere("RecordID = {0}", group.Key).All(fld => {
                                string value;
                                if (!activeConfig.TryGetValue(fld.FieldName, out value))
                                    value = fld.Value;
                                return(baseConfigfields.Find(field => field.ID == fld.FieldId).Evaluate(value));

                            if (canResolve)
                                //Create Action
                                complianceActionTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceAction()
                                    Note        = "New File Downloaded",
                                    UserAccount = "MiMD",
                                    RecordId    = group.Key,
                                    StateId     = resolved.ID,
                                    Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow

                                int resolvedId = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@identity");

                                group.ToList().ForEach(item => complianceFieldValueTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceFieldValue()
                                    ActionId = resolvedId,
                                    FieldId  = item.ID,
                                    Value    = activeConfig[item.Name]
                            else if (view.Status == noCompliance.ID)
                                //Create Action
                                complianceActionTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceAction()
                                    Note        = "New File Downloaded",
                                    UserAccount = "MiMD",
                                    RecordId    = group.Key,
                                    StateId     = null,
                                    Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow

                                int resolvedId = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@identity");

                                group.ToList().ForEach(item => complianceFieldValueTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceFieldValue()
                                    ActionId = resolvedId,
                                    FieldId  = item.ID,
                                    Value    = activeConfig[item.Name]
                                List <ComplianceField> nonresolving = group.ToList().Where(fld => {
                                    string old = complianceFieldValueViewTbl.QueryRecordWhere("FieldId = {0}", fld.ID).Value;
                                    return(!fld.Evaluate(activeConfig[fld.Name]) && fld.Evaluate(old));

                                List <ComplianceField> resolving = group.ToList().Where(fld => {
                                    string old = complianceFieldValueViewTbl.QueryRecordWhere("FieldId = {0}", fld.ID).Value;

                                if (resolving.Count > 0)
                                    complianceActionTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceAction()
                                        Note        = "New File Downloaded",
                                        UserAccount = "MiMD",
                                        RecordId    = group.Key,
                                        StateId     = null,
                                        Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow

                                    int resolvedId = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@identity");

                                    resolving.ForEach(item => complianceFieldValueTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceFieldValue()
                                        ActionId = resolvedId,
                                        FieldId  = item.ID,
                                        Value    = activeConfig[item.Name]
                                newFields = newFields.Concat(nonresolving).ToList();
                            newFields = newFields.Concat(group.ToList()).ToList();

                    if (newFields.Count == 0)

                    // Add the new Compliance Issue to count if it is opened

                    complianceRecordTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceRecord()
                        BaseConfigId = baseConfig.ID,
                        MeterId      = meter.ID,
                        TimerOffset  = 0

                    int recordId = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@identity");

                    //Create Action
                    complianceActionTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceAction()
                        Note        = "New File Downloaded",
                        UserAccount = "MiMD",
                        RecordId    = recordId,
                        StateId     = noCompliance.ID,
                        Timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow

                    int actionId = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@identity");

                    newFields.ForEach(item => recordFieldTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceRecordField()
                        FieldId  = item.ID,
                        RecordId = recordId

                    newFields.ForEach(item => complianceFieldValueTbl.AddNewRecord(new ComplianceFieldValue()
                        ActionId = actionId,
                        FieldId  = item.ID,
                        Value    = activeConfig[item.Name]
コード例 #28
        private void ExecuteDataWriters(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
            IDataWriter dataWriter = null;

                // Create the data writer
                dataWriter = new openEASSandBoxWriter();

                // Provide system settings to the data operation
                ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataWriter);

                // Prepare for execution of the data operation
                dataWriter.WriteResults(dbAdapterContainer, meterDataSet);
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                if ((object)dataWriter != null)
                    TryDispose(dataWriter as IDisposable);
コード例 #29
        public void Initialize(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
            DataGroup dataGroup;
            VICycleDataGroup viCycleDataGroup;
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;

            ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, this);

            m_disturbances = new Dictionary<DataGroup, List<Disturbance>>();

            cycleDataResource = CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer);

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];
                viCycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i];
                DetectDisturbances(dataGroup, viCycleDataGroup);
コード例 #30
        private List<MeterDataSet> LoadMeterDataSets(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, FileGroup fileGroup)
            List<MeterDataSet> meterDataSets = new List<MeterDataSet>();

            MeterInfoDataContext meterInfo = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<MeterInfoDataContext>();
            EventTableAdapter eventAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventTableAdapter>();
            EventDataTableAdapter eventDataAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventDataTableAdapter>();

            MeterData.EventDataTable eventTable = eventAdapter.GetDataByFileGroup(fileGroup.ID);

            MeterDataSet meterDataSet;
            DataGroup dataGroup;

            foreach (IGrouping<int, MeterData.EventRow> eventGroup in eventTable.GroupBy(evt => evt.MeterID))
                meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
                meterDataSet.Meter = meterInfo.Meters.SingleOrDefault(meter => meter.ID == eventGroup.Key);

                foreach (MeterData.EventRow evt in eventGroup)
                    dataGroup = new DataGroup();
                    dataGroup.FromData(meterDataSet.Meter, eventDataAdapter.GetTimeDomainData(evt.EventDataID));

                    foreach (DataSeries dataSeries in dataGroup.DataSeries)


            return meterDataSets;
コード例 #31
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource;

            DataGroup dataGroup;
            FaultGroup faultGroup;
            List<int> seriesIDs;
            EventDataSet eventDataSet;

            string rootFileName;
            string fileName;

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer));
            faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => new FaultDataResource(dbAdapterContainer));

            if (!Directory.Exists(m_resultsPath))

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];

                if (faultDataResource.FaultLookup.TryGetValue(dataGroup, out faultGroup))
                    rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                    fileName = string.Format("{0},{1:000},Line{2}.dat", rootFileName, i, dataGroup.Line.AssetKey);

                    seriesIDs = dataGroup.DataSeries
                        .Select(series => series.SeriesInfo.ID)

                    eventDataSet = new EventDataSet()
                        ResultsPath = Path.Combine(m_resultsPath, fileName),
                        MeterDataSet = meterDataSet,
                        TimeZoneOffset = GetTimeZoneOffset(meterDataSet.Meter.TimeZone, dataGroup.StartTime),
                        DataGroup = dataGroup,
                        VICycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i],
                        Faults = faultGroup.Faults,
                        OutputChannels = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FaultLocationInfoDataContext>().OutputChannels.Where(channel => seriesIDs.Contains(channel.SeriesID)).ToList()

コード例 #32
 private void ProcessMeterData(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
         meterDataSet.ConnectionString = m_connectionString;
         ExecuteDataOperation(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer);
         ExecuteDataWriters(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer);
     catch (Exception ex)
             meterDataSet.FileGroup.Error = 1;
             // Ignore errors here as they are most likely
             // related to the error we originally caught
コード例 #33
ファイル: EMAXReader.cs プロジェクト: tllaughn/openXDA
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="EMAXReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public EMAXReader()
     m_emaxSettings = new EMAXSettings();
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="IGridPQDIFReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public IGridPQDIFReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #35
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)

            foreach (EventRow evt in dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventTableAdapter>().GetDataByFileGroup(meterDataSet.FileGroup.ID))
                if (GetEmailCount(dbAdapterContainer, evt.ID) == 0)
        // Instantiates and executes data operations and data writers to process the meter data set.
        private void ProcessMeterDataSet(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, SystemSettings systemSettings, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
            SystemInfoDataContext systemInfo;
            List<DataOperationWrapper> dataOperations = null;
            List<DataWriterWrapper> dataWriters = null;

            // Get the SystemInfoDataContext from the dbAdapterContainer
            systemInfo = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<SystemInfoDataContext>();

            // Load the data operations from the database,
            // in descending order so we can remove records while we iterate
            dataOperations = systemInfo.DataOperations
                .OrderByDescending(dataOperation => dataOperation.LoadOrder)
                .Where(wrapper => (object)wrapper != null)

            for (int i = dataOperations.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Log.Debug($"Preparing data operation '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().Name}' for execution...");

                    // Load configuration parameters from the connection string into the data operation
                    ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataOperations[i].DataObject);

                    // Call the prepare method to allow the data operation to prepare any data it needs from the database

                    Log.Debug($"Finished preparing data operation '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().Name}' for execution.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log the error and remove the data operation from the list
                    string message = $"An error occurred while preparing data from meter '{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}' for data operation of type '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().FullName}': {ex.Message}";
                    OnProcessException(new Exception(message, ex));

            for (int i = dataOperations.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Log.Debug($"Executing data operation '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().Name}'...");

                    // Call the execute method on the data operation to perform in-memory data transformations

                    Log.Debug($"Finished execurting data operation '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().Name}'.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log the error and skip to the next data operation
                    string message = $"An error occurred while executing data operation of type '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().FullName}' on data from meter '{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}': {ex.Message}";
                    OnProcessException(new Exception(message, ex));

                    Log.Debug($"Loading data from data operation '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().Name}' into database...");

                    // Call the load method inside a transaction to load data into from the data operation into the database
                    using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, GetTransactionOptions()))

                    Log.Debug($"Finished loading data from data operation '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().Name}' into database.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log the error and move on to the next data operation
                    string message = $"An error occurred while loading data from data operation of type '{dataOperations[i].DataObject.GetType().FullName}' for data from meter '{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}': {ex.Message}";
                    OnProcessException(new Exception(message, ex));

            // All data operations are complete, but we still need to clean up
            for (int i = dataOperations.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

            // Load the data writers from the database
            dataWriters = systemInfo.DataWriters
                .OrderBy(dataWriter => dataWriter.LoadOrder)
                .Where(wrapper => (object)wrapper != null)

            foreach (DataWriterWrapper dataWriter in dataWriters)
                    Log.Debug($"Writing results to external location with data writer '{dataWriter.DataObject.GetType().Name}'...");

                    // Load configuration parameters from the connection string into the data writer
                    ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataWriter.DataObject);

                    // Write the results to the data writer's destination by calling the WriteResults method
                    dataWriter.DataObject.WriteResults(dbAdapterContainer, meterDataSet);

                    Log.Debug($"Finished writing results with data writer '{dataWriter.DataObject.GetType().Name}'.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Log the error and move on to the next data writer
                    string message = $"An error occurred while writing data from meter '{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}' using data writer of type '{dataWriter.DataObject.GetType().FullName}': {ex.Message}";
                    OnProcessException(new Exception(message, ex));

            // All data writers are complete, but we still need to clean up
            foreach (DataWriterWrapper dataWriter in dataWriters)
コード例 #37
        private void ExecuteDataOperation(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer)
            IDataOperation dataOperation = null;

                // Create the data operation
                dataOperation = new openEASSandBoxOperation();

                // Provide system settings to the data operation
                ConnectionStringParser.ParseConnectionString(meterDataSet.ConnectionString, dataOperation);

                // Prepare for execution of the data operation

                // Execute the data operation

                // Load data from all data operations in a single transaction
                using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, GetTransactionOptions()))
                // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                if ((object)dataOperation != null)
                    TryDispose(dataOperation as IDisposable);
        // Adjusts the timestamps in the given data sets to the time zone of XDA.
        private static void ShiftTime(MeterDataSet meterDataSet, TimeZoneInfo meterTimeZone, TimeZoneInfo xdaTimeZone)
            foreach (DataSeries dataSeries in meterDataSet.DataSeries)
                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataSeries.DataPoints)
                    if (dataPoint.Time.Kind != DateTimeKind.Unspecified)
                        dataPoint.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dataPoint.Time);
                        dataPoint.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dataPoint.Time, meterTimeZone);

                    dataPoint.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dataPoint.Time, xdaTimeZone);

            foreach (DataSeries dataSeries in meterDataSet.Digitals)
                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataSeries.DataPoints)
                    if (dataPoint.Time.Kind != DateTimeKind.Unspecified)
                        dataPoint.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dataPoint.Time);
                        dataPoint.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dataPoint.Time, meterTimeZone);

                    dataPoint.Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dataPoint.Time, xdaTimeZone);
コード例 #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="EMAXReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public EMAXReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #40
        public void WriteResults(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            CycleDataResource cycleDataResource;
            FaultDataResource faultDataResource;

            DataGroup dataGroup;
            VICycleDataGroup viCycleDataGroup;
            FaultGroup faultGroup;

            string rootFileName;
            string fileName;

            cycleDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => CycleDataResource.GetResource(meterDataSet, dbAdapterContainer));
            faultDataResource = meterDataSet.GetResource(() => new FaultDataResource(dbAdapterContainer));

            if (!Directory.Exists(m_resultsPath))

            for (int i = 0; i < cycleDataResource.DataGroups.Count; i++)
                dataGroup = cycleDataResource.DataGroups[i];

                if (faultDataResource.FaultLookup.TryGetValue(dataGroup, out faultGroup))
                    rootFileName = FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                    fileName = string.Format("{0},{1:000},Line{2}.xml", rootFileName, i, dataGroup.Line.AssetKey);

                    viCycleDataGroup = cycleDataResource.VICycleDataGroups[i];
                    WriteResults(meterDataSet, dataGroup, viCycleDataGroup, faultGroup.Faults, Path.Combine(m_resultsPath, fileName));
コード例 #41
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.EmaxEventHis)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                // get metadata for file
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                // read lines from file
                string[] data = File.ReadAllLines(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                // instantiate records object
                List <EMAXEventHisRecord> records = new List <EMAXEventHisRecord>();

                // retrieve last change for this file
                EmaxDiagnosticFileChanges lastChanges = new TableOperations <EmaxDiagnosticFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecord("LastWriteTime DESC", new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, fi.Name));

                // if record doesn't exist, use default
                if (lastChanges == null)
                    lastChanges = new EmaxDiagnosticFileChanges();

                // parse each line
                foreach (string line in data)
                    if (line == string.Empty)
                    string[]           section   = line.Split(new[] { ". " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    EMAXEventHisRecord newRecord = new EMAXEventHisRecord();

                    // date has 2 spaces if date is a single digit to keep specific column width
                    string format = "ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy";
                    if (section[0].Contains("  "))
                        format = "ddd MMM  d HH:mm:ss yyyy";

                    newRecord.Line = line;
                    newRecord.Time = DateTime.ParseExact(section[0], format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (newRecord.Time > TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time")))
                        newRecord.Time  = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time"));
                        newRecord.Line += ". MiMD Parsing Alarm: DFR time set in the future.\n";

                    newRecord.Version = section[1];

                // if no records, or if the last record is same or before record in database, stop.  There was probably an error.
                if (!records.Any() || records.Last().Time <= lastChanges.LastWriteTime)

                List <EMAXEventHisRecord> newRecords = records.Where(x => x.Time > lastChanges.LastWriteTime).ToList();
                // instantiate new changes object
                EmaxDiagnosticFileChanges fileChanges = new EmaxDiagnosticFileChanges();

                // create new record
                fileChanges.MeterID       = meterDataSet.Meter.ID;
                fileChanges.FileName      = fi.Name;
                fileChanges.FileSize      = (int)(fi.Length / 1000);
                fileChanges.LastWriteTime = newRecords.Last().Time;
                fileChanges.Span          = (newRecords.Last().Time - newRecords.First().Time).Days;
                fileChanges.NewRecords    = newRecords.Count();
                fileChanges.Alarms        = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < newRecords.Count; ++i)
                    if (newRecords[i].Line.ToLower().Contains("operation alarm"))
                    else if (newRecords[i].Line.ToLower().Contains("offline. system offline"))
                    else if (newRecords[i].Line.ToLower().Contains("buffer full"))
                    else if (newRecords[i].Line.ToLower().Contains("error"))
                    else if (newRecords[i].Line.ToLower().Contains("alarm"))
                        if (newRecords[i].Line.ToLower().Contains("time sync failed"))
                            if (newRecords.Where(x => x.Line.ToLower().Contains("system started") && newRecords[i].Time.Subtract(x.Time).TotalSeconds <= 60).Any())

                // get html of new changes
                DiffMatchPatch dmp  = new DiffMatchPatch();
                List <Diff>    diff = dmp.DiffMain("", string.Join("\n", records.Where(x => x.Time > lastChanges.LastWriteTime).Select(x => x.Line)));
                fileChanges.Html = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");

                // write new record to db
                meterDataSet.DiagnosticAlarms = fileChanges.Alarms;

                new TableOperations <EmaxDiagnosticFileChanges>(connection).AddNewRecord(fileChanges);
コード例 #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="SELEVEReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public SELEVEReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #43
ファイル: COMTRADEReader.cs プロジェクト: delkyd/SystemCenter
        public void Parse(string filePath)
            Schema schema = Parser.Schema;

            Meter meter = new Meter();

            meter.MeterLocation = new MeterLocation();
            meter.Channels      = new List <Channel>();
            meter.AssetKey      = schema.DeviceID;
            meter.Name          = schema.DeviceID;
            meter.ShortName     = schema.DeviceID.Substring(0, Math.Min(schema.DeviceID.Length, 50));

            MeterLocation meterLocation = meter.MeterLocation;

            meterLocation.Meters = new List <Meter>()
            meterLocation.AssetKey    = schema.StationName;
            meterLocation.Name        = schema.StationName;
            meterLocation.ShortName   = schema.StationName.Substring(0, Math.Min(schema.StationName.Length, 50));
            meterLocation.Description = schema.StationName;

            foreach (AnalogChannel analogChannel in schema.AnalogChannels)
                Channel channel = ParseSeries(analogChannel);
                channel.Meter = meter;

                DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries();
                dataSeries.SeriesInfo = channel.Series[0];


                while (MeterDataSet.DataSeries.Count <= analogChannel.Index)
                    MeterDataSet.DataSeries.Add(new DataSeries());

                MeterDataSet.DataSeries[analogChannel.Index] = dataSeries;

            foreach (DigitalChannel digitalChannel in schema.DigitalChannels)
                Channel channel = ParseSeries(digitalChannel);
                channel.Meter = meter;

                DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries();
                dataSeries.SeriesInfo = channel.Series[0];


                while (MeterDataSet.Digitals.Count <= digitalChannel.Index)
                    MeterDataSet.Digitals.Add(new DataSeries());

                MeterDataSet.Digitals[digitalChannel.Index] = dataSeries;

                while (Parser.ReadNext())
                    for (int i = 0; i < schema.AnalogChannels.Length; i++)
                        int    seriesIndex = schema.AnalogChannels[i].Index;
                        string units       = schema.AnalogChannels[i].Units.ToUpper();
                        double multiplier  = (units.Contains("KA") || units.Contains("KV")) ? 1000.0D : 1.0D;
                        MeterDataSet.DataSeries[seriesIndex].DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint()
                            Time = Parser.Timestamp, Value = multiplier * Parser.PrimaryValues[i]

                    for (int i = 0; i < schema.DigitalChannels.Length; i++)
                        int valuesIndex = schema.TotalAnalogChannels + i;
                        int seriesIndex = schema.DigitalChannels[i].Index;
                        MeterDataSet.Digitals[seriesIndex].DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint()
                            Time = Parser.Timestamp, Value = Parser.Values[valuesIndex]
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                Log.Warn(ex.Message, ex);

            MeterDataSet.Meter = meter;

            string infFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(filePath, "inf");

            if (File.Exists(infFilePath))
                IniFile    infFile    = new IniFile(infFilePath);
                INFDataSet infDataSet = new INFDataSet(infFile);
                MeterDataSet.GetResource(() => new BreakerRestrikeResource(infDataSet));
コード例 #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="COMTRADEReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public COMTRADEReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #45
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.AppStatus)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                // get metadata for file
                FileInfo fi            = new FileInfo(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                DateTime lastWriteTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(fi.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime(), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time"));
                // read lines from file
                string[] data = File.ReadAllLines(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                // instantiate records object
                AppStatusFileChanges newRecord = new AppStatusFileChanges();

                // retrieve last change for this file
                AppStatusFileChanges lastChanges = new TableOperations <AppStatusFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecord("LastWriteTime DESC", new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, fi.Name));

                // if record doesn't exist, use default
                if (lastChanges == null)
                    lastChanges = new AppStatusFileChanges();

                // if lastChanges LastWriteTime equals new LastWriteTime return
                if (lastChanges.LastWriteTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") == lastWriteTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"))

                newRecord.MeterID       = meterDataSet.Meter.ID;
                newRecord.FileName      = fi.Name;
                newRecord.LastWriteTime = lastWriteTime;
                newRecord.FileSize      = (int)(fi.Length / 1000);
                newRecord.Text          = meterDataSet.Text;
                newRecord.Alarms        = 0;

                if (lastChanges.LastWriteTime > TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time")))
                    newRecord.LastWriteTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time"));
                    newRecord.Alarms       += 1;
                    newRecord.Text         += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: DFR time set in the future.\n";
                // parse each line
                foreach (string line in data)
                    // if line is empty go to the next line
                    if (line == string.Empty)

                    string[] section = line.Split(new[] { "=" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (section[0].ToLower() == "recorder")
                        newRecord.Version = section[1];
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "dfr")
                        newRecord.DFR = section[1];
                        if (newRecord.DFR.ToLower() != "online")
                            newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                            newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: DFR not set to ONLINE.\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "pc_time")
                            newRecord.PCTime = DateTime.ParseExact(section[1], "MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            newRecord.PCTime  = DateTime.MinValue;
                            newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                            newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: Incorrect date format for PC_Time.\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "time_mark_source")
                        newRecord.TimeMarkSource = section[1];
                        if (newRecord.TimeMarkSource.ToLower() == "irig-b")
                        else if (newRecord.TimeMarkSource.ToLower() == "pc")
                            newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                            newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: TIME_MARK_SOURCE not set to IRIG-B.\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "time_mark_time")
                            newRecord.TimeMarkTime = DateTime.ParseExact(section[1], "MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm:ss.ffffff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            if (newRecord.TimeMarkTime.Subtract(newRecord.PCTime).TotalSeconds > 2)
                                newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                                newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: Time_Mark_Time and PC_Time difference greater than 2 seconds.";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            newRecord.TimeMarkTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                            newRecord.Alarms      += 1;
                            newRecord.Text        += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: Incorrect date format for Time_Mark_Time.";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "clock")
                        if (section[1].ToLower() == "sync(lock)")
                        else if (section[1].ToLower() == "unsync(unknown)" && newRecord.TimeMarkSource.ToLower() == "pc")
                            int count = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>(@"
                                with cte as 
                                (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM AppStatusFileChanges 
                                where meterid = {0} 
                                order by LastWriteTime desc)
                                SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cte WHERE Text LIKE '%TIME_MARK_SOURCE=PC%' AND Text LIKE '%Clock=UNSYNC(unknown)%'
                            ", meterDataSet.Meter.ID);

                            if (count > 0)
                                newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                                newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: Time_Mark_Source Set to PC and Clock set to UNSYNC(unknown) in consecutive files.\n";
                            newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                            newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: Clock not set to SYNC(lock).\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "data_drive")
                            string[] values = section[1].Replace("GB", "").Split('/');
                            newRecord.DataDriveUsage = double.Parse(values[0]) / double.Parse(values[1]);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            newRecord.DataDriveUsage = 0;
                            newRecord.Alarms        += 1;
                            newRecord.Text          += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: Incorrect format for Data_Drive.\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "chassis_not_comm")
                        newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                        newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: CHASSIS_NOT_COMM field present.\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "timemark")
                        // sometimes this lines ends in a comma, remove it
                        string timeString = section[1];

                        IEnumerable <string> times = timeString.Split(',').Where(x => !Regex.IsMatch(x, "\\s*") && x != string.Empty);
                        bool flag = times.Distinct().Count() > 1;

                        if (flag)
                            int count = connection.RetrieveData(@"
                                with cte as 
                                (SELECT TOP 14 * FROM AppStatusFileChanges 
                                where meterid = {0} 
                                order by LastWriteTime desc)
                                SELECT * FROM cte WHERE Text LIKE '%TimeMark values not equal%'
                            ", meterDataSet.Meter.ID).Rows.Count;

                            newRecord.Text += "\nMiMD Parsing Warning: TimeMark values not equal.\n";

                            if (count == 14)
                                newRecord.Alarms += 1;
                                newRecord.Text   += "\nMiMD Parsing Alarm: TimeMark values not equal in 15 consecutive files.\n";
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "dsp_board")
                        newRecord.DSPBoard = section[1];
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "dsp_revision")
                        newRecord.DSPRevision = section[1];
                    else if (section[0].ToLower().Contains("packet"))
                        newRecord.Packet = section[1];
                    else if (section[0].ToLower().Contains("recovery"))
                        newRecord.Recovery = section[1];
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "(>65c,c)")
                        newRecord.BoardTemp = section[1];
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "speedfan")
                        newRecord.SpeedFan = section[1].Replace("\"", "").Replace(" ", "");
                    else if (section[0].ToLower() == "alarmon" || section[0].ToLower() == "anfail")
                        newRecord.Alarms += 1;

                // get html of new changes
                DiffMatchPatch dmp  = new DiffMatchPatch();
                List <Diff>    diff = dmp.DiffMain(lastChanges.Text ?? "", newRecord.Text);
                newRecord.Html = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");

                // write new record to db
                meterDataSet.DiagnosticAlarms = newRecord.Alarms;
                new TableOperations <AppStatusFileChanges>(connection).AddNewRecord(newRecord);
コード例 #46
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="PQDIFReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public PQDIFReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();
コード例 #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="SELEVEReader"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public SELEVEReader()
     m_meterDataSet = new MeterDataSet();