public override void HandleInput(InputHelper inputHelper) { base.HandleInput(inputHelper); this.Position = inputHelper.MousePosition + GameWorld.Camera.Pos; Point position = new Point((int)(inputHelper.MousePosition.X + tileForOrigin.Sprite.Center.X + GameWorld.Camera.Pos.X), (int)(inputHelper.MousePosition.Y + tileForOrigin.Sprite.Center.Y + GameWorld.Camera.Pos.Y)); if (!hasClickedTile) { currentTile = GameData.LevelGrid.GetTile(position); if (currentTile != null) { GameData.selectedTile.Position = currentTile.Position; } } for (int i = 0; i < GameData.Units.Objects.Count; i++) { // make return property that returns the right value instead } //stop hovering tiles if (inputHelper.LeftButtonPressed() && currentTile != null && !hasClickedTile && !HoveringOverUnit(inputHelper)) { hasClickedTile = true; } if (spell != null) { if (inputHelper.RightButtonPressed()) { spell.Position = GameData.Cursor.Position - new Vector2(GameData.LevelGrid.cellWidth / 2, GameData.LevelGrid.cellHeight / 2); GameData.LevelObjects.Add(spell); this.actionString = "$spel:" + spell.ID + "$type:" + spell.GetType() + "$posi:" + spell.Position.X + "," + spell.Position.Y; Spell = null; } } bool mouseEnabled = true; if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.K)) { MeteorStorm s = new MeteorStorm(); s.Position = this.Position + GameWorld.Camera.Pos; GameData.LevelObjects.Add(s); } if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || (mouseEnabled && inputHelper.MousePosition.X > GameSettings.GameWidth - borderWidth)) { GameWorld.Camera.Move(new Vector2(15, 0)); } else if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || (mouseEnabled && inputHelper.MousePosition.X < borderWidth)) { GameWorld.Camera.Move(new Vector2(-15, 0)); } else if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) || (mouseEnabled && inputHelper.MousePosition.Y < borderWidth)) { GameWorld.Camera.Move(new Vector2(0, -15)); } else if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || (mouseEnabled && inputHelper.MousePosition.Y > GameSettings.GameHeight - borderWidth)) { GameWorld.Camera.Move(new Vector2(0, 15)); } }
private void updateTick(object sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs e) { if (!Context.IsWorldReady) { return; } // Make Death Events not as bad if (Game1.killScreen && markedForDeath == false) { markedForDeath = true; } if (Game1.killScreen == false && markedForDeath && !Game1.eventUp && ("Hospital") ||"Mine") || Game1.player.currentLocation is IslandLocation)) { BuffManager.buffPlayer(new BuffOption("rush", "Adrenaline", true, 100).add_attack(6).addShortDesc("Buff Attack +6").setGlow(Color.OrangeRed)); BuffManager.buffPlayer(new BuffOption("pain", "Pain Medicine", true, 100).add_defense(3).addShortDesc("Buff Defense +3")); BuffManager.buffPlayer(new BuffOption("speed", "Fight or Flight", true, 100).add_speed(4).addShortDesc("Buff Speed +4").setGlow(Color.LightBlue)); markedForDeath = false; } // End of Death Event if (e.IsMultipleOf(15)) { BuffManager.UpdateTick(); Spawner.UpdateTick(); actionManager.Update(); if (!"Hospital")) { if (!IsBusyDoingSomething()) { BombEvent.UpdateTick(); } } } if (e.IsOneSecond) { //MineBuffManager.UpdateTick(); augmentManager.UpdateTick(); BuffManager.Update(); if (!"Hospital") || Game1.player.currentLocation.Name.Equals("FarmHouse")) { if (!IsBusyDoingSomething() && !Game1.paused && !Game1.menuUp && !Game1.isTimePaused && Game1.shouldTimePass()) { MeteorStorm.UpdateTick(); FireballEvent.UpdateTick(); } } } }
private void InputEvents_ButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { this.Monitor.Log(e.Button.ToString()); if (!Game1.IsMasterGame) { return; } if (e.Button.Equals(SButton.J)) { Gift gift = new Gift(); gift.item = 421; gift.cnt = 1; gift.Handle(); } if (e.Button.Equals(SButton.N)) { //Game1.game1.parseDebugInput("minelevel 1"); MeteorStorm storm = new MeteorStorm(); storm.from = "test"; storm.stormtype = "apocalyptic"; storm.Handle(); } if (e.Button.Equals(SButton.B)) { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { //Game1.player.currentLocation.temporarySprites.Add(new CosmeticDebris(new Fence().fenceTexture.Value, new Vector2(Game1.player.getTileX() * 64f + 32f, Game1.player.getTileY() * 64f + 32f), (float)Game1.random.Next(-5, 5) / 100f, (float)Game1.random.Next(-64, 64) / 30f, (float)Game1.random.Next(-800, -100) / 100f, (int)((Game1.player.getTileY() + 1f) * 64f), new Rectangle(32 + Game1.random.Next(2) * 16 / 2, 96 + Game1.random.Next(2) * 16 / 2, 8, 8), Color.White, (Game1.soundBank != null) ? Game1.soundBank.GetCue("shiny4") : null, null, 0, 200)); //Meteor projectile = new Meteor(getRangeFromPlayer(1000)); //Meteor projectile = new Meteor(getRangeFromViewPort(700), Game1.random.Next(100, 600), Game1.player.currentLocation); //projectile.height.Value = 24f; //projectile.ignoreMeleeAttacks.Value = true; //projectile.hostTimeUntilAttackable = 0.1f; //Game1.player.currentLocation.projectiles.Add(projectile); FireballEvent storm = new FireballEvent(); storm.from = "test"; storm.stormtype = "insane"; actionManager._actionQueue.Enqueue(storm); } //SpawnCat.tryMoveCats(); } }
private void parseAction(string s) { string[] pairs = s.Split('$'); if (pairs.Length > 1) { string sig = pairs[1].Substring(0, 4); if (sig.Equals("unit")) { string id = pairs[1].Substring(5, pairs[1].Length - 5); for (int i = 2; i < pairs.Length; i++) { switch (pairs[i].Substring(0, 4)) { case "move": try { string[] coords = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); Unit u = ((Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id))); u.TargetPosition = new Vector2(float.Parse(coords[0]), float.Parse(coords[1])); u.TargetUnit = null; } catch (NullReferenceException e) { string[] coords = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); Unit u = ((Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id))); if (u != null) { u.TargetPosition = new Vector2(float.Parse(coords[0]), float.Parse(coords[1])); //u.TargetUnit = null; } Console.WriteLine("null"); } break; case "targ": try { string targID = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5); Unit theUnit = ((Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id))); Unit targetU = (Unit)GameData.LevelObjects.Find(targID); theUnit.SetTargetUnit(targID); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { } break; case "tgbd": string bdtgID = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5); ((Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id))).targetBuilding = (Building)GameData.Buildings.Find(bdtgID); break; case "buil": //build break; case "damg": try { string[] parameters = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); string attackerID = parameters[1]; Unit attacker = (Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(attackerID)); ((Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id))).DealDamage(int.Parse(parameters[0]), attacker); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } break; case "dead": try { GameData.Units.Remove(((Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id)))); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } break; } } } else if (sig.Equals("bdng")) { Building b = null; bool polytile = false; string id = pairs[1].Substring(5, pairs[1].Length - 5); for (int i = 2; i < pairs.Length; i++) { switch (pairs[i].Substring(0, 4)) { case "type": string type = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5); switch (type) { case "NatureBarracks": b = new NatureBarracks(); break; case "HumanityBarrack": b = new HumanityBarrack(); polytile = true; break; case "SunlightTree": b = new SunlightTree(); break; case "NatureBase": b = new NatureBase(); polytile = true; break; case "HumanityBase": b = new HumanityBase(); polytile = true; break; case "Mine": b = new Mine(); break; case "WaterTree": b = new WaterTree(); break; } break; case "posi": string[] coords = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); b.gridPosition = new Point(int.Parse(coords[0]), int.Parse(coords[1])); break; case "fnsh": GameData.LevelGrid.replaceTile((Tile)GameData.LevelGrid.Objects[b.gridPosition.X, b.gridPosition.Y], b, false); if (polytile) { ((PolyTileBuilding)b).AddQuadCoTiles(); } GameData.Buildings.Add(b); break; case "damg": try { string[] parameters = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); string attackerID = parameters[1]; Unit attacker = (Unit)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(attackerID)); ((Building)(GameData.Buildings.Find(id))).DealDamage(int.Parse(parameters[0]), attacker); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } break; case "dead": try { GameData.Buildings.Remove(((Building)(GameData.LevelObjects.Find(id)))); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } break; } } } else if (sig.Equals("spel")) { Spell spell = null; string id = pairs[1].Substring(5, pairs[1].Length - 5); for (int i = 2; i < pairs.Length; i++) { switch (pairs[i].Substring(0, 4)) { case "type": switch (pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5)) { case "MeteorStorm": spell = new MeteorStorm(); break; case "SnowStorm": spell = new SnowStorm(); break; case "Spell": spell = new Spell(); break; } break; case "posi": string[] coords = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); spell.Position = new Vector2(float.Parse(coords[0]), float.Parse(coords[1])); break; } } spell.ID = id; GameData.LevelObjects.Add(spell); } else if (sig.Equals("addu")) { Unit u;//$addu:10$type:HumanityWorker$posi:1080,420 u = null; string id = pairs[1].Substring(5, pairs[1].Length - 5); for (int i = 2; i < pairs.Length; i++) { switch (pairs[i].Substring(0, 4)) { case "type": switch (pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5)) { case "HumanityWorker": u = new HumanityWorker(); break; case "NatureWorker": u = new NatureWorker(); break; case "Melee1": string asset = ""; asset = "natureWolf"; if (GameData.player.OppositeFaction == Player.Faction.humanity) { asset = "chainsaw"; } u = new Melee1(GameData.player.OppositeFaction, asset, id); break; case "Ranged": asset = "natureWolf"; if (GameData.player.OppositeFaction == Player.Faction.humanity) { asset = "flamethrower"; } u = new Ranged(GameData.player.OppositeFaction, asset, id); break; case "Melee2": asset = "treeUnit"; if (GameData.player.OppositeFaction == Player.Faction.humanity) { asset = "flamethrower"; } u = new Melee2(GameData.player.OppositeFaction, asset, id); break; case "FlameThrower": u = new FlameThrower(); break; case "Unicorn": asset = "unicorn"; if (GameData.player.OppositeFaction == Player.Faction.humanity) { asset = "quad"; } u = new Unicorn(GameData.player.OppositeFaction, asset, id); break; case "WoodCutter": u = new WoodCutter(); break; case "Unit": u = new Unit(); break; } break; case "posi": string[] coords = pairs[i].Substring(5, pairs[i].Length - 5).Split(','); u.Position = new Vector2(int.Parse(coords[0]), int.Parse(coords[1])); break; } } u.ID = id; GameData.Units.Add(u); GameData.unitIdIndex++; } } }