public static void AddProjectReferencesPathsIntoHost(References references, MetadataReaderHost host) { Contract.Requires(host != null); if (references == null) { return; } for (int i = 1; i <= references.Count; i++) { var tempRef = references.Item(i); if (tempRef == null) { continue; } var refPath = tempRef.Path; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(refPath)) { var refDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(refPath); if (refDir != null) { host.AddLibPath(refDir); var referenceAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(refDir, "CodeContracts"); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(referenceAssemblyPath)) { host.AddLibPath(referenceAssemblyPath); } } } } }
public WholeProgram(IEnumerable <IAssembly> rootAssemblies, MetadataReaderHost host) { this.rootAssemblies = new HashSet <IAssembly>(rootAssemblies); this.allAssemblies = GarbageCollectHelper.CloseAndResolveOverReferencedAssemblies(rootAssemblies); = host; }
public MyLoader(MetadataReaderHost host, string directory) { this.cciHost = host; this.myRuntimeLoader = new RuntimeLoader.RuntimeLoader(host); sourceProviderForAssembly = new Dictionary <IAssembly, ISourceLocationProvider>(); if (PlatformTypes == null) { PlatformTypes = host.PlatformType; } this.failedAssemblies = new HashSet <IAssemblyReference>(); //LoadCoreAssembly(); LoadRuntimeTypes(directory); }
public bool Load(string location) { IModule module = MetadataReaderHost.LoadUnitFrom(location) as IModule; if (module == null || module is Dummy) { return(false); } else { PrimaryModule = module; PrimaryAssembly = module as IAssembly; Environment.Message("Loaded primary assembly {0} with {1} assembly references.", PrimaryAssembly.Name.Value, PrimaryAssembly.AssemblyReferences.Count()); return(true); } }
private static void RewriteBinary( Assembly copy, AssemblyReport assemblyReport, MetadataReaderHost host, string outputPath, MethodRemoval methodRemoval, StubMethodBodyEmitter stubEmitter) { /* This is an attempt to decouple the MethodRemoval commandline options * from the tree shaker, but it doesn't really seem to be working. * Might be better to just pass the method removal directly to * the rewriter. */ bool removeMethods = (methodRemoval == MethodRemoval.Remove); bool fullDebugStubs = (methodRemoval == MethodRemoval.Debug); bool dryRun = (methodRemoval == MethodRemoval.None); PdbReader /*?*/ pdbReader = null; string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(copy.Location, "pdb"); if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) { using (var pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile)) { pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not load the PDB file for '" + copy.Name.Value + "' . Proceeding anyway."); } using (pdbReader) { var localScopeProvider = pdbReader == null ? null : new ILGenerator.LocalScopeProvider(pdbReader); var pdbPath = Path.ChangeExtension(outputPath, ".pdb"); var outputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputPath); using (var peStream = File.Create(outputPath)) { using (var pdbWriter = new PdbWriter(pdbPath, pdbReader)) { var rewriter = new TreeShakingRewriter(host, assemblyReport, dryRun, removeMethods, fullDebugStubs, stubEmitter); IAssembly rewrittenCopy = rewriter.Rewrite(copy); PeWriter.WritePeToStream(rewrittenCopy, host, peStream, pdbReader, localScopeProvider, pdbWriter); } } } }
public PdbReader LoadPdb(string file, MetadataReaderHost host) { PdbReader symbol = null; try { string symbolFile = Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".pdb"); if (File.Exists(symbolFile)) { symbol = new PdbReader(File.Open(symbolFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), host); } } catch (Exception) { // yum yum, i feel dirty writing this. symbol = null; } return(symbol); }
public PhoneNavigationCodeTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host, IEnumerable <IAssemblyReference> assemblies) : base() { = host; List <IAssembly> assembliesTraversed = new List <IAssembly>(); foreach (IAssemblyReference asmRef in assemblies) { assembliesTraversed.Add(asmRef.ResolvedAssembly); } Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platform = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType; // TODO obtain version, culture and signature data dynamically IAssemblyReference assembly = PhoneTypeHelper.getPhoneAssemblyReference(host); // TODO determine the needed types dynamically navigationSvcType = platform.CreateReference(assembly, "System", "Windows", "Navigation", "NavigationService"); assembly = PhoneTypeHelper.getSystemAssemblyReference(host); cancelEventArgsType = platform.CreateReference(assembly, "System", "ComponentModel", "CancelEventArgs"); navigationCallers = new HashSet <IMethodReference>(); }
public static AssemblyIdentity GetAssemblyIdentity(EnvDTE.Project project, MetadataReaderHost host) { Contract.Requires(project != null); Contract.Requires(host != null); if (!ProjectIsAvailable(project)) { return(null); } VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Getting the assembly identity for project: " + project.Name); string location_RootDir = null; string location_RelativeAssemblyDir = null; string location_FileName = null; string location = null; IName iName = null; string culture = "";//TODO: Find out where to get culture information. Version version = new Version(); AssemblyIdentity result = null; try { var activePropCount = project.ConfigurationManager != null && project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration != null && project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties != null ? project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Count : 0; for (int i = activePropCount; 1 <= i; i--) { var prop = project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Item(i); if (prop == null) { continue; } if (prop.Name == "OutputPath") { location_RelativeAssemblyDir = prop.Value as string; break; } } var propCount = project.Properties != null ? project.Properties.Count : 0; for (int i = propCount; 1 <= i; i--) { var prop = project.Properties.Item(i); if (prop == null) { continue; } switch (prop.Name) { case "AssemblyName": iName = host.NameTable.GetNameFor(prop.Value as string); break; case "AssemblyVersion": var stringVersion = prop.Value as string; if (!Version.TryParse(stringVersion, out version)) { version = new Version(); } Contract.Assume(version != null); break; case "FullPath": location_RootDir = prop.Value as string; break; case "OutputFileName": location_FileName = prop.Value as string; break; default: break; } } } catch (COMException comEx) { VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("COM Exception while trying to access project's properties."); VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Message: " + comEx.Message); if (comEx.Message.Contains(COMExceptionMessage_ProjectUnavailable)) { VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Returning null."); return(null); } else if (((uint)comEx.ErrorCode) == 0x80020009) { VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Returning null."); return(null); } else { throw comEx; } } //Check if we got enough information from VS to build the location if (location_FileName == null || location_RelativeAssemblyDir == null || location_RootDir == null) { VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Couldn't find path to the project's output assembly."); return(null); } //Set the location of the output assembly location = Path.Combine(location_RootDir, location_RelativeAssemblyDir, location_FileName); //Check that the output assembly exists if (!File.Exists(location)) { VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Project output assembly could not be found at the location given by Visual Studio: " + location); } //Check our other information from VS if (iName == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Couldn't gather sufficient information from the project to construct an assembly identity."); return(null); } //Success Contract.Assert(version != null); Contract.Assert(culture != null); result = new AssemblyIdentity(iName, culture, version, Enumerable <byte> .Empty, location); host.AddLibPath(Path.Combine(location_RootDir, location_RelativeAssemblyDir, "CodeContracts")); host.AddLibPath(Path.Combine(location_RootDir, location_RelativeAssemblyDir, @"..\Debug\CodeContracts")); return(result); }
// this function applies analysis-net analyses on the method defined in our assembly (methodDefinition) // the result is a typed stackless three address code representation of the orignal method definition body // you can 'out' the control flow graph because it can be reused for another analysis public static MethodBody ThreeAddressCode(IMethodDefinition methodDefinition, MetadataReaderHost host, out ControlFlowGraph cfg) { if (methodDefinition.IsAbstract || methodDefinition.IsExternal) { cfg = null; return(null); } var disassembler = new Disassembler(host, methodDefinition, null); var methodBody = disassembler.Execute(); var cfAnalysis = new ControlFlowAnalysis(methodBody); //var cfg = cfAnalysis.GenerateNormalControlFlow(); cfg = cfAnalysis.GenerateExceptionalControlFlow(); var splitter = new WebAnalysis(cfg, methodDefinition); splitter.Analyze(); splitter.Transform(); methodBody.UpdateVariables(); var typeAnalysis = new TypeInferenceAnalysis(cfg, methodDefinition.Type); typeAnalysis.Analyze(); methodBody.UpdateVariables(); return(methodBody); }
public void Dispose() { _mutableAssembly = null; _host.Dispose(); _host = null; }
public override bool Execute() { ReswFileList = null; UnprocessedAssemblyList = null; List <ITaskItem> unprocessedAssemblyList = new List <ITaskItem>(); List <ITaskItem> reswList = new List <ITaskItem>(); _state = ReadStateFile(StateFile); if (_state == null) { _state = new ResourceHandlingState(); } _state.SetLogger(Log); using (_host = new PeReader.DefaultHost()) { try { // Separate main assemblies and satellite assemblies so main assemblies get processed first _mainAssemblies = new List <ITaskItem>(); _satelliteAssemblies = new List <ITaskItem>(); _processedAssemblies = new HashSet <String>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (ITaskItem item in AssemblyList) { if (_processedAssemblies.Contains(item.ItemSpec)) { continue; } _processedAssemblies.Add(item.ItemSpec); if (item.ItemSpec.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (item.ItemSpec.EndsWith(".resources.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _satelliteAssemblies.Add(item); } else { _mainAssemblies.Add(item); } } } foreach (ITaskItem assemblyFilePath in _mainAssemblies.Concat(_satelliteAssemblies)) { List <ResWInfo> resWInfoList = null; bool containsFrameworkResources = false; if (!_state.IsUpToDate(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec, out containsFrameworkResources, out resWInfoList)) { resWInfoList = ExtractAssemblyResWList(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec, out containsFrameworkResources); if (resWInfoList != null) { FileInfo fiAssembly = new FileInfo(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec); _state.Save(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec, fiAssembly.LastWriteTimeUtc, containsFrameworkResources, resWInfoList); } } if (resWInfoList != null) { foreach (ResWInfo reswInfo in resWInfoList) { TaskItem newTaskItem = new TaskItem(reswInfo.ResWPath); newTaskItem.SetMetadata("ResourceIndexName", reswInfo.ResourceIndexName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reswInfo.NeutralResourceLanguage)) { newTaskItem.SetMetadata("NeutralResourceLanguage", reswInfo.NeutralResourceLanguage); } if (!containsFrameworkResources) { newTaskItem.SetMetadata("OriginalItemSpec", reswInfo.ResWPath); // Original GenerateResource behavior creates this additional metadata item on processed non-framework assemblies reswList.Add(newTaskItem); } else if (!SkipFrameworkResources) { reswList.Add(newTaskItem); } } } } UnprocessedAssemblyList = unprocessedAssemblyList.ToArray(); // For now this list will always be empty ReswFileList = reswList.ToArray(); WriteStateFile(StateFile, _state); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError(Resources.Error_ResourceExtractionFailed, e.Message); return(false); } } return(true); }
public PhoneInitializationMetadataTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host) : base() { = host; }
public void Dispose() { this.cciHost.Dispose(); this.cciHost = null; GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }
public CciModuleSource(MetadataReaderHost host, List <ModuleInfo> moduleInfoList) : this(host) { _moduleInfoList = moduleInfoList; }
public CciModuleSource(MetadataReaderHost host = null) { pdbReaders = new Dictionary <string, PdbReader>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); _host = host ?? new PeReader.DefaultHost(); _moduleInfoList = new List <ModuleInfo>(); }
public override bool Execute() { ReswFileList = null; UnprocessedAssemblyList = null; List <ITaskItem> unprocessedAssemblyList = new List <ITaskItem>(); List <ITaskItem> reswList = new List <ITaskItem>(); _state = ReadStateFile(StateFile); if (_state == null) { _state = new ResourceHandlingState(); } _state.SetLogger(Log); using (_host = new PeReader.DefaultHost()) { try { ITaskItem firstNonFrameworkAssembly = null; foreach (ITaskItem assemblyFilePath in AssemblyList) { string reswPath = null; bool containsResources = false; if (!_state.IsUpToDate(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec, out reswPath) || !IsAtOutputFolder(reswPath)) { reswPath = ExtractFrameworkAssemblyResW(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec, out containsResources); if (reswPath != null) { FileInfo fiAssembly = new FileInfo(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec); FileInfo fiResW = new FileInfo(reswPath); _state.Save(assemblyFilePath.ItemSpec, reswPath, fiAssembly.LastWriteTimeUtc, fiResW.LastWriteTimeUtc); } } if (reswPath == null) { if (containsResources) { unprocessedAssemblyList.Add(assemblyFilePath); } if (unprocessedAssemblyList.Count == 0) { firstNonFrameworkAssembly = assemblyFilePath; } } else { TaskItem newTaskItem = new TaskItem(reswPath); newTaskItem.SetMetadata("NeutralResourceLanguage", "en-US"); newTaskItem.SetMetadata("ResourceIndexName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(reswPath)); reswList.Add(newTaskItem); } } UnprocessedAssemblyList = unprocessedAssemblyList.ToArray(); if (!SkipFrameworkResources) { ReswFileList = reswList.ToArray(); } // we make sure unprocessedAssemblyList has at least one item if ReswFileList is empty to avoid having _GeneratePrisForPortableLibraries // repopulate the assembly list and reprocess them if ((ReswFileList == null || ReswFileList.Length == 0) && UnprocessedAssemblyList.Length == 0 && firstNonFrameworkAssembly != null) { UnprocessedAssemblyList = new ITaskItem[1] { firstNonFrameworkAssembly }; } WriteStateFile(StateFile, _state); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError(Resources.Error_ResourceExtractionFailed, e.Message); return(false); } } return(true); }
public PhoneNavigationMetadataTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host) : base() { = host; }
static Inspector() { host = new PeReader.DefaultHost(); }
private CciModuleSource(MetadataReaderHost host, IAssembly module) : this(host) { _moduleInfoList.Add(new ModuleInfo(module)); }
public PhoneInitializationCodeTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host, IMethodDefinition traversedMethod) : base() { this.methodBeingTraversed = traversedMethod; = host; InitializeTraverser(); }