public MetaMetadataOneLevelNestingEnumerator(MetaMetadataField firstObject, MetadataNS.Metadata firstMetadata) : base(firstObject, CreateMixinCollectionIterator(firstMetadata.Mixins))
     _currentMetadata = firstMetadata;
     if (firstMetadata.Mixins != null)
         _nextMetadatas = firstMetadata.Mixins.GetEnumerator();
コード例 #2
         * For the root, compare the meta-metadata from the binding with the one we started with. Down the
         * hierarchy, try to perform similar bindings.
        public void DeserializationPreHook(MetadataNS.Metadata deserializedMetadata, MetadataFieldDescriptor mfd)
            if (deserializingRoot)
                deserializingRoot = false;
                Document document = GetDocument();
                MetaMetadataCompositeField preMM = document.MetaMetadata;
                MetadataClassDescriptor    mcd   = (MetadataClassDescriptor)ClassDescriptor.GetClassDescriptor(deserializedMetadata);;
                MetaMetadataCompositeField metaMetadata;
                String tagName = mcd.TagName;
                if (preMM.GetTagForTranslationScope().Equals(tagName))
                    metaMetadata = preMM;
                {               // just match in translation scope
                    //TODO use local TranslationScope if there is one
                    metaMetadata = SemanticsSessionScope.MetaMetadataRepository.GetMMByName(tagName);
                deserializedMetadata.MetaMetadata = metaMetadata;

                String mmName = mfd.MmName;
                MetaMetadataNestedField currentMM     = currentMMstack.Peek();
                MetaMetadataNestedField childMMNested = (MetaMetadataNestedField)currentMM.LookupChild(mmName);              // this fails for collections :-(
                if (childMMNested == null)
                    throw new Exception("Can't find composite child meta-metadata for " + mmName + " amidst " + mfd +
                                        "\n\tThis probably means there is a conflict between the meta-metadata repository and the runtime." +
                                        "\n\tProgrammer: Have you Changed the fields in built-in Metadata subclasses without updating primitives.xml???!");
                MetaMetadataCompositeField childMMComposite = null;
                if (childMMNested.IsPolymorphicInherently)
                    String tagName = ClassDescriptor.GetClassDescriptor(deserializedMetadata).TagName;
                    childMMComposite = SemanticsSessionScope.MetaMetadataRepository.GetMMByName(tagName);
                    childMMComposite = childMMNested.GetMetaMetadataCompositeField();
                deserializedMetadata.MetaMetadata = childMMComposite;
        public override bool MoveNext()
            bool result = false;

            bool newMetadata = (_currentIterator == null && _firstIterator.Current == null) || (_currentIterator != null && _currentIterator.Current == null);

            if (newMetadata && _nextMetadatas != null)
                _currentMetadata = _nextMetadatas.Current;

            result = base.MoveNext();

コード例 #4
        public MetadataNS.Metadata ConstructMetadata(SimplTypesScope metadataTScope = null)
            if (metadataTScope == null)
                metadataTScope = Repository.MetadataTScope;

            MetadataNS.Metadata result = null;
            Type metadataClass         = GetMetadataClass(metadataTScope);

            if (metadataClass != null)
                Type[]   argClasses = new Type[] { typeof(MetaMetadataCompositeField) };
                object[] argObjects = new object[] { this };
                //result = metadataClass.GetConstructor(argClasses).Invoke(argObjects) as Metadata.Metadata;

                //result = SemanticsPlatformSpecifics.Get().InvokeInstance(metadataClass, argClasses, argObjects) as MetadataNS.Metadata;
                result = ReflectionTools.GetInstance <Metadata>(metadataClass, argObjects);
                // TODO handle mixins.
コード例 #5
        public override Object Perform(Object obj)
            if (obj != null && obj is MetadataNS.Metadata)
                MetadataNS.Metadata metadata = (MetadataNS.Metadata)obj;
                String name = GetReturnObjectName();

/*			    Metadata linkedMetadata = metadata.GetLinkedMetadata(name);
 *                          if (linkedMetadata == null)
 *                          {
 *                                  if (metadata.MetaMetadata is MetaMetadata)
 *                                  {
 *                                          MetaMetadata thisMmd = (MetaMetadata) metadata.MetaMetadata;
 *                                          LinkWith linkWith = thisMmd.LinkWiths.Get(name);
 *                                          MetaMetadata linkedMmd = sessionScope.getMetaMetadataRepository().getMMByName(name);
 *                                          if (linkedMmd != null)
 *                                          {
 *                                                  String id = linkWith.getById();
 *                                                  ParsedURL purl = linkedMmd.generateUrl(id, metadata.getNaturalIdValue(id));
 *                                                  // the generated purl may not be associated with linkedMmd! e.g. linkedMmd is a
 *                                                  // citeseerx_summary, while generated purl is a citeseerx search.
 *                                                  Document linkedDocument	= (Document) sessionScope.getOrConstructDocument(purl);
 *                                                  linkedDocument.setSemanticsSessionScope(sessionScope);
 *                                                  if (linkedDocument != null)
 *                                                  {
 *                                                          linkedDocument.queueDownload();
 *                                                          metadata.pendingSemanticActionHandler = semanticActionHandler;
 *                                                          semanticActionHandler.requestWaiting = true;
 *                                                  }
 *                                          }
 *                                  }
 *                          }
 *                          return linkedMetadata;*/
コード例 #6
        public void TakeSemanticOperations(MetaMetadata metaMetadata, Metadata metadata, List <SemanticOperation> semanticActions)
            if (semanticActions == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("warning: no semantic actions exist");

            if (requestWaiting)
                requestWaiting = false;
                this.metaMetadata = metaMetadata;
                this.metadata     = metadata;

                //FIXME -- should not have SemanticOperationsKeyWords && SemanticOperationsNamedArguments as separate sets !!!
                semanticOperationVariableMap.Put(DocumentType, documentParser);
                semanticOperationVariableMap.Put(SemanticOperationKeyWords.Metadata, metadata);
//edit			    semanticOperationVariableMap.Add(TRUE_PURL, documentParser.getTruePURL());

            for (int i = 0; i < semanticActions.Count; i++)
                SemanticOperation action = semanticActions[i];
                HandleSemanticOperation(action, documentParser, semanticsScope);
                if (requestWaiting)

コード例 #7
        public Document GetOrCreateDocument(DocumentParser documentParser /*, LinkType linkType*/)
            Document result = (Document)GetArgumentObject(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.Document);
            // get the ancestor container
            Document sourceDocument = ResolveSourceDocument();

            // get the seed. Non null only for search types .
            //Seed seed = documentParser.getSeed();

            if (result == null)
                Object outlinkPurlObject = GetArgumentObject(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.Location);

                if (outlinkPurlObject != null)
                    ParsedUri outlinkPurl = ((MetadataParsedURL)outlinkPurlObject).Value;
                    //result = sessionScope.GetOrConstructDocument(outlinkPurl);

            if (result == null)
                result = sourceDocument;        //direct binding?!
            if (result != null /*&& !result.IsRecycled()*/ && (result.Location != null))
                result.SemanticsSessionScope = (SemanticsSessionScope)sessionScope;

                MetadataNS.Metadata mixin = (MetadataNS.Metadata)GetArgumentObject(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.Mixin);
                if (mixin != null)

                /*			    if (seed != null)
                 *              {
                 *                  seed.bindToDocument(result);
                 *              }
                MetadataString anchorText = (MetadataString)GetArgumentObject(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.AnchorText);
                // create anchor text from Document title if there is none passed in directly, and we won't
                // be setting metadata
                // if (anchorText == null)
                //    anchorText = result.Title;

                // work to avoid honey pots!
                MetadataString anchorContextString  = (MetadataString)GetArgumentObject(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.AnchorContext);
                bool           citationSignificance = GetArgumentBoolean(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.CitationSignificance, false);
                float          significanceVal      = GetArgumentFloat(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.SignificanceValue, 1);
                bool           traversable          = GetArgumentBoolean(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.Traversable, true);
                bool           ignoreContextForTv   = GetArgumentBoolean(SemanticOperationNamedArguments.IgnoreContextForTv, false);

                ParsedUri location = result.Location.Value;

                /*			    if (traversable)
                 *              {
                 *                  Seeding seeding = sessionScope.getSeeding();
                 *                  if (seeding != null)
                 *                      seeding.traversable(location);
                 *              }
                 *              bool anchorIsInSource = false;
                 *              if (sourceDocument != null)
                 *              {
                 *                  // Chain the significance from the ancestor
                 *                  SemanticInLinks sourceInLinks = sourceDocument.getSemanticInlinks();
                 *                  if (sourceInLinks != null)
                 *                  {
                 *                      significanceVal *= sourceInLinks.meanSignificance();
                 *                      anchorIsInSource = sourceInLinks.containsKey(location);
                 *                  }
                 *              }
                 *              if(! anchorIsInSource)
                 *              {
                 *                  //By default use the boost, unless explicitly stated in this site's MMD
                 *                  SemanticsSite site = result.GetSite;
                 *                  boolean useSemanticBoost = !site.ignoreSemanticBoost();
                 *                  if (citationSignificance)
                 *                      linkType	= LinkType.CITATION_SEMANTIC_ACTION;
                 *                  else if (useSemanticBoost && linkType == LinkType.OTHER_SEMANTIC_ACTION)
                 *                      linkType	= LinkType.SITE_BOOSTED_SEMANTIC_ACTION;
                 *                  SemanticAnchor semanticAnchor = new SemanticAnchor(linkType, location, null,
                 *                          sourceDocument.getLocation(), significanceVal);// this is not fromContentBody,
                 *                  // but is fromSemanticActions
                 *                  if(ignoreContextForTv)
                 *                      semanticAnchor.addAnchorContextToTV(anchorText, null);
                 *                  else
                 *                      semanticAnchor.addAnchorContextToTV(anchorText, anchorContextString);
                 *                  result.addSemanticInlink(semanticAnchor, sourceDocument);
                 *              }
                 *              else
                 *              {
                 *                  Console.WriteLine("Ignoring inlink, because ancestor contains the same, we don't want cycles in the graph just yet: sourceContainer -- outlinkPurl :: " + sourceDocument + " -- " + location);
                 *              }*/
            // adding the return value to map
            Scope <Object> semanticActionVariableMap = SemanticOperationHandler.SemanticOperationVariableMap;

            if (semanticActionVariableMap != null)
                if (GetReturnObjectName() != null)
                    semanticActionVariableMap.Put(GetReturnObjectName(), result);
                Debug.WriteLine("semanticActionVariableMap is null !! Not frequently reproducible either. Place a breakpoint here to try fixing it next time.");
            // set flags if any
            // setFlagIfAny(action, localContainer);

            // return the value. Right now no need for it. Later it might be used.
コード例 #8
 public void deserializationPostHook(MetadataNS.Metadata deserializedMetadata, MetadataFieldDescriptor mfd)
コード例 #9
 public void PostSemanticOperationsHook(MetadataNS.Metadata metadata)