コード例 #1
        // subscribes on server and receives a message
        public async Task SendMessageToClient()
            var pipeName             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var clientConnectedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            var @event    = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            int recvCount = 0;

            Task Handler(MyMessage x)
                if (++recvCount == 10)

            // creating remote hub
            var t = Task.Run(async() =>
                var hub = new MetaPubSub();

                // wait for the subscriber

                // publishing a message at the remote hub
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    await hub.Publish(new MyMessage());

            // local hub creation
            var hub = new MetaPubSub();
            await hub.ConnectToServer(pipeName);

            await hub.SubscribeOnServer <MyMessage>(Handler);

            // delay allowing the server to process the subscription request
            await Task.Delay(100);



            // unsubscribing
            await hub.Unsubscribe <MyMessage>(Handler);

            Assert.IsTrue(@event.IsSet && recvCount == 10);
コード例 #2
        static async void RunClient()
                // local hub creation
                hub = new MetaPubSub();

                // connecting the remote server
                await hub.ConnectToServer("Meta");

                // subscribing
                await hub.SubscribeOnServer <PingCommand>(OnPingCommand);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        async Task BasicExample()
            int count = 0;

            Task Handler(MyMessage x)

            // Creating the server hub.
            // The server and the client hubs should be created in separate processes,
            // this example is for demo only.
            var serverHub = new MetaPubSub();

            // Starting the hub as a server named 'Meta'.

            // Client hub creation. There are can be several hubs connected to the same server.
            var clientHub = new MetaPubSub();

            // Connecting to the remote server.
            await clientHub.ConnectToServer("Meta");

            // Subscribing to MyMessage on the server and locally at the same time.
            await clientHub.SubscribeOnServer <MyMessage>(Handler);

            // The server publishes a message.
            await serverHub.Publish(new MyMessage());

            // Client hub publishes a message and it will be received locally without being sent to the server.
            await clientHub.Publish(new MyMessage());

            // Client hub sends a message to the server where it will be published and sent back.
            await clientHub.PublishOnServer(new MyMessage());

            // All three messages should be received.
            Debug.Assert(count == 3);

            // Unsubscribing both on the server-side and locally.
            await clientHub.Unsubscribe <MyMessage>(Handler);