public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; IntPtr ptr; int x__size; //trajectory if (trajectory == null) { trajectory = new Messages.trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectory(); } pieces.Add(trajectory.Serialize(true)); //check_collision thischunk = new byte[1]; thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)check_collision ? 1 : 0); pieces.Add(thischunk); // combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; IntPtr ptr; int x__size; //solution if (solution == null) { solution = new Messages.trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectory(); } pieces.Add(solution.Serialize(true)); //error_code if (error_code == null) { error_code = new Messages.moveit_msgs.MoveItErrorCodes(); } pieces.Add(error_code.Serialize(true)); //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; //model_name if (model_name == null) { model_name = ""; } scratch1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((string)model_name); thischunk = new byte[scratch1.Length + 4]; scratch2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch1, 0, thischunk, 4, scratch1.Length); Array.Copy(scratch2, thischunk, 4); pieces.Add(thischunk); //joint_trajectory if (joint_trajectory == null) { joint_trajectory = new Messages.trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectory(); } pieces.Add(joint_trajectory.Serialize(true)); //model_pose if (model_pose == null) { model_pose = new Pose(); } pieces.Add(model_pose.Serialize(true)); //set_model_pose thischunk = new byte[1]; thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)set_model_pose ? 1 : 0); pieces.Add(thischunk); //disable_physics_updates thischunk = new byte[1]; thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)disable_physics_updates ? 1 : 0); pieces.Add(thischunk); //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; IntPtr ptr; int x__size; //trajectory if (trajectory == null) { trajectory = new Messages.trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectory(); } pieces.Add(trajectory.Serialize(true)); //check_collision thischunk = new byte[1]; thischunk[0] = (byte)((bool)check_collision ? 1 : 0); pieces.Add(thischunk); //veloctiy_scaling scratch1 = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double))]; h = GCHandle.Alloc(scratch1, GCHandleType.Pinned); Marshal.StructureToPtr(veloctiy_scaling, h.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false); h.Free(); pieces.Add(scratch1); // combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }
public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse) { int currentIndex = 0, length = 0; bool hasmetacomponents = false; byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2; List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>(); GCHandle h; //trajectory if (trajectory == null) { trajectory = new Messages.trajectory_msgs.JointTrajectory(); } pieces.Add(trajectory.Serialize(true)); //path_tolerance hasmetacomponents |= true; if (path_tolerance == null) { path_tolerance = new Messages.control_msgs.JointTolerance[0]; } pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(path_tolerance.Length)); for (int i = 0; i < path_tolerance.Length; i++) { //path_tolerance[i] if (path_tolerance[i] == null) { path_tolerance[i] = new Messages.control_msgs.JointTolerance(); } pieces.Add(path_tolerance[i].Serialize(true)); } //goal_tolerance hasmetacomponents |= true; if (goal_tolerance == null) { goal_tolerance = new Messages.control_msgs.JointTolerance[0]; } pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(goal_tolerance.Length)); for (int i = 0; i < goal_tolerance.Length; i++) { //goal_tolerance[i] if (goal_tolerance[i] == null) { goal_tolerance[i] = new Messages.control_msgs.JointTolerance(); } pieces.Add(goal_tolerance[i].Serialize(true)); } //goal_time_tolerance pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(; pieces.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(; //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length); int __a_b__e = 0; byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f]; foreach (var __p__ in pieces) { Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length); __a_b__e += __p__.Length; } return(__a_b__d); }