コード例 #1
        private void ProcessMessage() // called from read
                MessageValidation.ValidateHeader(txtMessageHeader.Text); // Validate Header
                Message m = ParseMessage();                              // parsing messege = as this is in a try statement, should it fail, it will returh the exception and the message to this try's catch

                if (m is null)
                    throw new Exception("No Message"); // if parsing message was unsuccessful go no further
                m.ToJson();                            // writing message to jsonfile
                os.Add(m);                             // adding message to main list
                UpdateGlobalMessageList();             // adding message to message list box

                if (m is EmailMessage)
                    EmailMessage em = m as EmailMessage;
                    UpdateURLList(em); // if message is email message, cast as such and add it's qurantined links to URL list

                if (m is SIREmail)
                    UpdateSIRList(); // if Message is an incident report, add the details to a SIR list
                if (m is TweetMessage)
                    TweetMessage tm = m as TweetMessage;
                    MasterHashtags = tm.HashTagCount(MasterHashtags);
                    MasterMentions = tm.MentionsCount(MasterMentions);
                    Refresh(); // if message is tweet = add its hashtags/mentions to master list(if they exist increase count) refresh trending and mentions list

                MessageBox.Show("Message Added");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Message Not Added");