public string UpdApproved(string LineGroupNo, string NewApproved) { try { string status = LineGroupNo; string SessionID; //Update the table in the session variable with the new target. DataTable tempDt = (DataTable)Session["CPSMData"]; //tempDt.DefaultView.RowFilter = hidRowFilter.Value; //DataRow[] DtRow = tempDt.DefaultView.ToTable().Select("GroupNo = " + LineGroupNo); DataRow[] DtRow = tempDt.Select("GroupNo = '" + LineGroupNo + "'"); status += " now " + NewApproved; if (bool.Parse(NewApproved)) { DtRow[0]["Approved"] = 'Y'; } else { DtRow[0]["Approved"] = 'N'; } Session["CPSMData"] = tempDt; return(status); } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = e2.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); return(e2.ToString()); } }
protected void FTP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; lblSuccessMessage.Text = ""; if (txtFTPSite.Text.ToString().Trim().Length == 0) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "An FTP Site Address required."; } else { try { SendFile(txtFTPSite.Text.ToString().Trim(), hidXMLName.Value.ToString().Trim(), txtFTPUser.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtFTPPassword.Text.ToString().Trim(), hidXMLFilePath.Value.ToString().Trim()); lblSuccessMessage.Text = hidXMLName.Value.ToString().Trim() + " has been sent to " + txtFTPSite.Text.ToString().Trim() + "."; FTPUpdatePanel.Visible = false; } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "FTP_Click Error " + e3.ToString(); } } MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); }
public void SortDetailGrid(Object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { try { // Create a DataView if (Session["FilteredRcptData"] == null) { dv = new DataView((DataTable)Session["LPNRcptData"]); } else { dv = new DataView((DataTable)Session["FilteredRcptData"]); } SortHidden.Value = e.SortExpression; dv.Sort = e.SortExpression; dt = dv.ToTable(); RePage(dt); if (Session["FilteredRcptData"] == null) { Session["LPNRcptData"] = dt; } else { Session["FilteredRcptData"] = dt; } BindPageDetails(); } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Sort Error " + e2.Message + ", " + e2.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
//回复留言 protected void btnRply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["VideoID"]); if (Session["UserName"] != null) { if (Page.IsValid) { LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)sender; int userid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); ReplyLeavewords Replywords = new ReplyLeavewords(); Replywords.LeaveID = Int32.Parse((btn.Parent.FindControl("HiddenFieldComID") as HiddenField).Value); Replywords.UserID = userid; Replywords.ReplyLeaContent = ((TextBox)btn.Parent.FindControl("txtReplyContent")).Text; Replywords.ReplyLeaTime = DateTime.Now; int result = ReplyLeavewordsService.InsertReplyLeavewords(Replywords); if (result >= 1) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(ReplyUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('回复成功')", true); visibleflag = true; BindMessage(); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(ReplyUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('回复失败')", true); } } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(ReplyUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('您必须先登录才能发表评论');", true); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(ReplyUpdatePanel, MessageUpdatePanel.GetType(), "updateScript", "window.location.href='Login.aspx'", true); } }
protected void Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; CheckData(); if (lblErrorMessage.Text.ToString().Trim().Length == 0) { dt = CheckError(PIData.FixCatData( txtVendor.Text.ToString().Trim() , txtBegCat.Text.ToString().Trim() , txtEndCat.Text.ToString().Trim() , txtFileName.Text.ToString().Trim() , hidRecID.Value.ToString() , Session["UserName"].ToString() )); ShowData(); ClearData(); } MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Update_Click Error " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void btnMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["VideoID"]); if (Session["UserName"] != null) { if (Page.IsValid) { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); int videoid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["VideoID"]); Leavewords leavewords = new Leavewords(); leavewords.UserID = userid; leavewords.VideoID = videoid; leavewords.LeaveContent = txtMessage.Text.Trim(); leavewords.LeaveTime = DateTime.Now; int result = LeavewordsService.InsertLeavewords(leavewords); if (result >= 1) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(MessageUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('留言成功')", true); BindMessage(); txtMessage.Text = ""; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(MessageUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('留言失败')", true); } } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(MessageUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('您必须先登录才能发表评论');", true); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(MessageUpdatePanel, MessageUpdatePanel.GetType(), "updateScript", "window.location.href='Login.aspx'", true); } }
//发布评论 protected void btnMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Session["UserID"] = 1; if (Session["UserName"] != null) { if (Page.IsValid) { int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]); int ActID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); Comments Comments = new Comments(); Comments.UserID = UserID; Comments.ActID = ActID; Comments.ComContent = txtMessage.Text.Trim(); Comments.ComTime = DateTime.Now; int result = CommentsService.InsertComments(Comments); if (result >= 1) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(MessageUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('留言成功')", true); BindMessage(); txtMessage.Text = ""; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(MessageUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('留言失败')", true); } } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(MessageUpdatePanel, this.GetType(), "click", "alert('您必须先登录才能发表评论');", true); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(MessageUpdatePanel, MessageUpdatePanel.GetType(), "updateScript", "window.location.href='Login.aspx'", true); } }
public void SortDetailGrid(Object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { try { // Create a DataView if (Session["FilteredXDocData"] == null) { dv = new DataView((DataTable)Session["XDocData"]); } else { dv = new DataView((DataTable)Session["FilteredXDocData"]); } SortHidden.Value = e.SortExpression; dv.Sort = e.SortExpression; dt = dv.ToTable(); RePage(dt); if (Session["FilteredXDocData"] == null) { Session["XDocData"] = dt; } else { Session["FilteredXDocData"] = dt; } BindPageDetails(); //DetailGridPanel.Height = new Unit(double.Parse(DetailGridHeightHidden.Value), UnitType.Pixel); //DetailGridPanel.Width = new Unit(double.Parse(DetailGridWidthHidden.Value), UnitType.Pixel); } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Sort Error " + e2.Message + ", " + e2.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void DetailRowBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { // set the detail link DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" row = e.Row; if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ContainerLink = (LinkButton)row.Cells[0].Controls[1]; // line formatting if ((row.Cells[6].Text.ToString().Trim() != " ") && (row.Cells[6].Text.ToString().Trim() != Session["UserName"].ToString().Trim())) { ContainerLink.Enabled = false; } else { string LinkCommand = ""; LinkCommand = "return OpenDetail('"; LinkCommand += ContainerLink.Text + "');"; ContainerLink.OnClientClick = LinkCommand; } } } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "DetailRowBound Error " + e2.Message + ", " + e2.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void ClearItemData(bool NewItem) { // if NewItem is true, we are clearing after an item is entered SSGridView.DataBind(); DetailUpdatePanel.Update(); ItemDescLabel.Text = ""; Wgt100Label.Text = ""; QtyUOMLabel.Text = ""; StdCostLabel.Text = ""; UPCLabel.Text = ""; WebLabel.Text = ""; CategoryLabel.Text = ""; NetWghtLabel.Text = ""; SuperEqLabel.Text = ""; ListLabel.Text = ""; HarmCodeLabel.Text = ""; PackGroupLabel.Text = ""; PlatingLabel.Text = ""; GrossWghtLabel.Text = ""; PriceUMLabel.Text = ""; CFVLabel.Text = ""; PPILabel.Text = ""; ParentLabel.Text = ""; StockLabel.Text = ""; CostUMLabel.Text = ""; CatVelLabel.Text = ""; PkgVelLabel.Text = ""; CreatedLabel.Text = ""; HeaderUpdatePanel.Update(); CategorySpecLabel.Text = ""; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); HeadImageUpdatePanel.Visible = false; BodyImageUpdatePanel.Visible = false; }
protected void PrintLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string LabelLoc = "file:" + lblFormat.Text.ToString(); //btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open(@"\\pfcdev\ftp\EDIPallet.btw", false, ""); ////btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open(lblFormat.Text.ToString(), true, ""); //btBases = btFormat.Databases; //btQueryPrompts = btBases.QueryPrompts; //btPrompt = btQueryPrompts.GetQueryPrompt("WarehouseOrderNumber"); //btPrompt.Value = hidOrderNo.Value.ToString(); //btFormat.PrintOut(true, true); //btFormat.Close(BarTender.BtSaveOptions.btDoNotSaveChanges); lblSuccessMessage.Text = "Printing Complete."; updpnlSelector.Visible = true; SearchSubmit.Visible = true; updpnlSelector.Update(); updpnlOrder.Visible = false; PrintLabel.Visible = false; PrintCancel.Visible = false; updpnlOrder.Update(); //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(PrintLabel, PrintLabel.GetType(), "ShowLabel", "OpenLabel('" + LabelLoc + "');", true); // Response.Redirect(LabelLoc, true); } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void GetItemHistory(string ItemNo, string CustNo) { // get the history data. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, "pSOEGetItemHist", new SqlParameter("@SearchItemNo", ItemNo), new SqlParameter("@Organization", CustNo), new SqlParameter("@HistoryType", "Summary"), new SqlParameter("@operateMode", "")); if (ds.Tables.Count >= 1) { if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { // We only go one table back, something is wrong dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "History problem " + ItemNo.ToString() + CustNo.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } else { dt = ds.Tables[1]; HistoryGridView.DataSource = dt; HistoryGridView.DataBind(); HistoryUpdatePanel.Update(); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { lblSuccessMessage.Text = "No History Found."; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } } }
protected void CheckZItemBranch(string BranchToCheck) { // This retrieves whether ZItem should be process using field ItemPromptInd DataTable dtLoc = new DataTable(); DataSet dsLoc = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, "pSOEGetLocMaster", new SqlParameter("@LocNo", BranchToCheck)); if (dsLoc.Tables.Count >= 1) { if (dsLoc.Tables.Count == 1) { // We only go one table back, something is wrong dtLoc = dsLoc.Tables[0]; if (dtLoc.Rows.Count > 0) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "ZItem Problem with Branch " + BranchToCheck.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } else { dtLoc = dsLoc.Tables[1]; if (dtLoc.Rows.Count > 0) { ItemPromptInd.Value = dtLoc.Rows[0]["ItemPromptInd"].ToString(); } } } }
protected void DetailRowBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { // show availability link if QOH less than requested row = e.Row; if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { LineSelected = (CheckBox)row.Cells[0].Controls[1]; LineSelected.Enabled = false; } if ((row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) || (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)) { // line formatting if (Prog.Value == "BinRec") { row.Cells[4].Visible = false; } else { row.Cells[5].Visible = false; } } } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "FillGrid Error " + e2.Message + ", " + e2.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
public void SortDetailGrid(Object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { try { if (hidSort.Attributes["sortType"] != null) { if (hidSort.Attributes["sortType"].ToString() == "ASC") { hidSort.Attributes["sortType"] = "DESC"; } else { hidSort.Attributes["sortType"] = "ASC"; } } else { hidSort.Attributes.Add("sortType", "DESC"); } hidSort.Value = e.SortExpression + " " + hidSort.Attributes["sortType"].ToString(); dt = (DataTable)Session["BSSData"]; DataView dv = new DataView(dt, hidRowFilter.Value.ToString(), hidSort.Value.ToString(), DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); BSSGridView.DataSource = dv; BSSGridView.DataBind(); DetailGridPanel.Height = new Unit(double.Parse(DetailGridHeightHidden.Value), UnitType.Pixel); DetailGridPanel.Width = new Unit(double.Parse(DetailGridWidthHidden.Value), UnitType.Pixel); } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Sort Error " + e2.Message + ", " + e2.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void DetailRowBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { // show availability link on Branch 40 row = e.Row; if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // line formatting if (row.Cells[0].Text == "40") { row.Cells[0].Text = "<span class='QOHLink' onClick='OpenVirtualAvailability(40);' style='cursor: hand;'>" + row.Cells[0].Text + "</span>"; row.Cells[1].Text = "<span class='QOHLink' onClick='OpenVirtualAvailability(40);' style='cursor: hand;'>" + row.Cells[1].Text + "</span>"; } else if (row.Cells[0].Text.ToUpper() == "V") { row.Font.Bold = true; TextBox txtReqQty = row.FindControl("BranchQtyTextBox") as TextBox; txtReqQty.Visible = false; } } } catch (Exception e2) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "DetailRowBound Error " + e2.Message; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
public void BindPageDetails() { try { lblCurrentPageRecCount.Text = " " + (ddlPages.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(); lblTotalNoOfRec.Text = " " + ddlPages.Items.Count.ToString(); lblCurrentPage.Text = " " + (ddlPages.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(); lblTotalPage.Text = " " + ddlPages.Items.Count.ToString(); lblCurrentTotalRec.Text = " " + (ddlPages.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(); pnlPager.Update(); // see if page has been filtered if (Session["FilteredRcptData"] == null) { dv = new DataView((DataTable)Session["LPNRcptData"], "PageNo = " + (ddlPages.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(), SortHidden.Value, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); } else { dv = new DataView((DataTable)Session["FilteredRcptData"], "PageNo = " + (ddlPages.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(), SortHidden.Value, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); } XDocGridView.DataSource = dv; XDocGridView.DataBind(); } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "BindPageDetails Error " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void GetLPNData(string Loc) { try { // get the data. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(RBConnectionString, "pWHSLPNSummary", new SqlParameter("@Branch", LocationDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()), new SqlParameter("@ShipMeth", "")); if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { LPNGridView.DataSource = dt; LPNGridView.DataBind(); DetailUpdatePanel.Update(); Session["LPNData"] = dt; } else { //lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error " + ItemNoTextBox.Text + ":" + QuoteFilterValueHidden.Value + ":" + QOHCommandHidden.Value; lblErrorMessage.Text = "No Recipt Bins in Branch " + Loc; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "pWHSLPNSummary Error " + e3.Message + ", " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void FTP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; lblSuccessMessage.Text = ""; if (txtFTPSite.Text.ToString().Trim().Length == 0) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "An FTP Site Address required."; } else { try { int POCtr = 0; dt = (DataTable)Session["PIXmlData"]; foreach (DataRow header in (dt.Rows)) { XmlFileName = @"XML/PFC_Order_" + header["PONum"].ToString().Trim() + ".xml"; fullpath = Request.MapPath(XmlFileName); SendFile(txtFTPSite.Text.ToString().Trim(), @"PFC_Order_" + header["PONum"].ToString().Trim() + ".xml", txtFTPUser.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtFTPPassword.Text.ToString().Trim(), fullpath.Trim()); POCtr++; } lblSuccessMessage.Text = POCtr.ToString() + " files have been sent to " + txtFTPSite.Text.ToString().Trim() + "."; FTPUpdatePanel.Visible = false; } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "FTP_Click Error " + e3.ToString(); } } MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); }
protected void GetData() { try { Print.Visible = false; // get the data. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(ERPConnectionString, "pWHSRcvRprtData", new SqlParameter("@Branch", LocationDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text.Split(new string[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Trim()), new SqlParameter("@Container", ContainerTextBox.Text.Trim()), new SqlParameter("@LPN", LPNTextBox.Text.Trim())); if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblSuccessMessage.Text = "Use the Buttons to the right to Process the Report"; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); BindPrintDialog(); Print.Visible = true; } else { //lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error " + ItemNoTextBox.Text + ":" + QuoteFilterValueHidden.Value + ":" + QOHCommandHidden.Value; lblErrorMessage.Text = "No matchings Bins in Branch " + LocationDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text.Split(new string[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0].Trim(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "pWHSLPNSummary Error " + e3.Message + ", " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void GetLPNData() { try { Session[SessionTableName] = null; // get the data. dt = CheckError(ReceiptData.GetItems(LPNLabel.Text.ToString().Trim(), Session["UserName"].ToString())); if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0)) { LPNGridView.DataSource = dt; LPNGridView.DataBind(); Session[SessionTableName] = dt; lblSuccessMessage.Text = "Cross Dock Orders have been submitted for Printing."; } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "No data for LPN " + LPNLabel.Text; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "GetLPNData Error " + e3.Message + ", " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void GetPackPlateData(string ItemNo, string Loc) { Loc = Loc.PadLeft(2, '0'); // set the z-item on the location CheckZItemBranch(Loc); // get the package and plating data. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, "pSOEGetPackPlate", new SqlParameter("@SearchItemNo", ItemNo), new SqlParameter("@PrimaryBranch", Loc)); if (ds.Tables.Count >= 1) { if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { // We only go one table back, something is wrong dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Package/Plating problem " + ItemNo.ToString() + Loc.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } else { dt = ds.Tables[1]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (WebEnabledHidden.Value == "1") { DataView dvWE = new DataView(dt, "WebEnabled = '" + WebEnabledHidden.Value + "'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); PackPlateGridView.DataSource = dvWE; } else { PackPlateGridView.DataSource = dt; } PackPlateGridView.DataBind(); PackPlateUpdatePanel.Update(); DataView dv = new DataView(dt, "SubItem = '" + ItemNo + "'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); if (dv.Count > 0) { AltAvailLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:#,##0}", dv[0]["AltQOH"]); } else { AltAvailLabel.Text = "0"; } BindPrintDialog(); } else { AltAvailLabel.Text = ""; PackPlateGridView.DataBind(); PackPlateUpdatePanel.Update(); lblErrorMessage.Text = "Nothing on file."; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Print.Visible = false; } lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; lblSuccessMessage.Text = ""; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); }
protected void PackPlateSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); GetPackPlateData(ItemNoTextBox.Text, ReqLocTextBox.Text); ReqQtyLabel.Text = ReqQtyHidden.Value; AltQtyLabel.Text = AltQtyHidden.Value; ReqAvailLabel.Text = ReqAvailHidden.Value; PackPlateScriptManager.SetFocus("ItemNoTextBox"); }
protected void GetLPNData() { try { // get the data. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(ERPConnectionString, "pWHSLPNDetail", new SqlParameter("@Branch", LocLabel.Text.Substring(0, 2)), new SqlParameter("@LPN", LPNLabel.Text.Trim())); if (ds.Tables.Count == 1) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(); column.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Boolean"); column.ColumnName = "Adjust"; column.Caption = "Select"; column.ReadOnly = false; column.Unique = false; column.DefaultValue = false; dt.Columns.Add(column); DataColumn column2 = new DataColumn(); column2.DataType = Type.GetType("System.String"); column2.ColumnName = "AdjustDesc"; //column.Caption = "Select"; column2.ReadOnly = false; column2.Unique = false; column2.DefaultValue = "None"; dt.Columns.Add(column2); DataColumn column3 = new DataColumn(); column3.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Int16"); column3.ColumnName = "AdjustQty"; column3.Caption = "AdjustQty"; column3.ReadOnly = false; column3.Unique = false; column3.DefaultValue = 0; dt.Columns.Add(column3); LPNGridView.DataSource = dt; LPNGridView.DataBind(); Session[SessionTableName] = dt; } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "No data for LPN " + LPNLabel.Text; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } } } catch (Exception e3) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "pWHSLPNDetail Error " + e3.Message + ", " + e3.ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((ContainerTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) && (LPNTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0)) { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Please enter a Container or LPN number."; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } else { GetData(); } }
protected void GetQuoteData() { int AltQtyReq = 0; // get the matching quote data. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionString, "pSOEGetQuotes", new SqlParameter("@Organization", ""), new SqlParameter("@QuoteFilterField", ItemNoTextBox.Text), new SqlParameter("@QuoteFilterValue", QuoteFilterValueHidden.Value), new SqlParameter("@FreshQOH", QOHCommandHidden.Value)); if (ds.Tables.Count <= 1) { // We only go one table back, something is wrong lblErrorMessage.Text = "Quote Recall Quote Lines problem " + QuoteNumber.Value; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); return; } dt = ds.Tables[1]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { SellStkQty.Value = dt.Rows[0]["SellStkUMQty"].ToString(); SellStkUOM.Value = dt.Rows[0]["SellStkUM"].ToString(); object sumObjectRemote; sumObjectRemote = dt.Compute("Sum(RemoteQty)", "1 = 1"); // if there is more than one line for the same item, override the requested qtys if (int.Parse(sumObjectRemote.ToString()) > int.Parse(ReqQtyHidden.Value)) { ReqQtyHidden.Value = string.Format("{0:#########0}", sumObjectRemote); AltQtyReq = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["SellStkUMQty"].ToString()); AltQtyReq = AltQtyReq * int.Parse(sumObjectRemote.ToString()); AltQtyHidden.Value = AltQtyReq.ToString(); ReqQtyLabel.Text = ReqQtyHidden.Value; AltQtyLabel.Text = AltQtyHidden.Value; } AltQtyHidden.Value = String.Format(Num0Format, int.Parse(ReqQtyHidden.Value) * int.Parse(SellStkQty.Value)); AltQtyLabel.Text = AltQtyHidden.Value; object sumObjectAvail; sumObjectAvail = dt.Compute("Sum(QOH)", "1 = 1"); ReqAvailHidden.Value = string.Format("{0:#########0}", sumObjectAvail); ReqAvailLabel.Text = ReqAvailHidden.Value; AltAvailLabel.Text = String.Format(Num0Format, int.Parse(ReqAvailHidden.Value) * int.Parse(SellStkQty.Value)); } else { //lblErrorMessage.Text = "Error " + ItemNoTextBox.Text + ":" + QuoteFilterValueHidden.Value + ":" + QOHCommandHidden.Value; lblErrorMessage.Text = "No Availability at any Branch"; MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } BranchQOHGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; BranchQOHGrid.DataBind(); BranchUpdatePanel.Update(); }
protected void Search(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InvoiceNoTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0 && SONumberTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { ShowPageMessage("You must enter either an Invoice or Sales Order number. ", 2); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } else { // get the document GetDocument(InvoiceNoTextBox.Text, SONumberTextBox.Text); } }
protected void Search(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SONumberTextBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { ShowPageMessage("You must enter a Released Order number. ", 2); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); } else { // get the document GetDocument(SONumberTextBox.Text); } }
public DataTable CheckError(DataTable NewData) { if ((NewData != null) && (NewData.Columns.Contains("ErrorType"))) { lblErrorMessage.Text = NewData.Rows[0]["ErrorText"].ToString(); MessageUpdatePanel.Update(); return(null); } else { return(NewData); } }