/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Configuration" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="positiveButton">The positive button text</param> /// <param name="positiveResult">The positive result</param> /// <param name="negativeButton">The negative button text</param> /// <param name="negativeResult">The negative result</param> public Configuration(string positiveButton, MessageResult positiveResult, string negativeButton, MessageResult negativeResult) { PositiveButton = positiveButton; PositiveResult = positiveResult; NegativeButton = negativeButton; NegativeResult = negativeResult; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of MessageResult /// </summary> /// <param name="result">Result</param> /// <param name="callId">CallId</param> /// <returns>returns a new instance of MessageResult</returns> public static MessageResult CreateInstance(MethodResult result, string callId) { MessageResult msg = new MessageResult(); msg.result = result; msg.callId = callId; return msg; }
public string GetButtonText(MessageResult forWhichResponse) { string buttonText = String.Empty; switch (forWhichResponse) { case MessageResult.Abort: buttonText = _buttonAbortText; break; case MessageResult.Cancel: buttonText = _buttonCancelText; break; case MessageResult.Close: buttonText = _buttonCloseText; break; case MessageResult.Ignore: buttonText = _buttonIgnoreText; break; case MessageResult.No: buttonText = _buttonNoText; break; case MessageResult.Ok: buttonText = _buttonOkText; break; case MessageResult.Retry: buttonText = _buttonRetryText; break; case MessageResult.Yes: buttonText = _buttonYesText; break; default: break; } return buttonText; }
private MessageResult ShowMessage(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageImage icon, MessageResult defaultResult) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, ConvertButtons(button), ConvertImage(icon), ConvertDefaultResult(button, defaultResult)); return ConvertResult(result); }
MessageResult IMessageBoxService.Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageIcon icon, MessageResult defaultResult) { var owner = AssociatedObject.With(x => Window.GetWindow(x)); if(owner == null) return MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button.ToMessageBoxButton(), icon.ToMessageBoxImage(), defaultResult.ToMessageBoxResult()).ToMessageResult(); else return MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button.ToMessageBoxButton(), icon.ToMessageBoxImage(), defaultResult.ToMessageBoxResult()).ToMessageResult(); }
bool DoExecute(MessageResult ctx, IObserverHandler<IMessage> handler, AtomicInteger barrier) { var e = new MessageReceivingEventArgs (ctx, handler.Target); try { ListnerManager.OnReceiving(e); if (!e.Ignored) ctx.results.Add(DelegateInvoker.Invoke<IMessage>(handler, ctx.Request.Sender, ctx.Request.ToMessage())); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { var re = new MessageExceptionEventArgs (ctx,ex); ListnerManager.OnReceivingException(re); ctx.InnerExceptions.Add(ex); return !re.Canceled; } finally { barrier--; if (barrier == 0) { ListnerManager.OnReceived(new MessageEventArgs(ctx)); ListnerManager.OnSent(e); OnCompleted(ctx); } else ListnerManager.OnReceived(new MessageEventArgs(ctx)); e = null; } }
public MessageResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageResult defaultResult) { MessageBoxTest = messageBoxText; Caption = caption; Button = button; DefaultResult = defaultResult; ShowCount++; return Result; }
public Task<MessageResult> ShowAsync(string messageBoxText, string caption = "", MessageButton button = MessageButton.Ok, MessageImage icon = MessageImage.None, MessageResult defaultResult = MessageResult.None, IDataContext context = null) { if (_threadManager.IsUiThread) return ToolkitExtensions.FromResult(ShowMessage(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult)); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MessageResult>(); _threadManager.InvokeOnUiThreadAsync( () => tcs.SetResult(ShowMessage(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult))); return tcs.Task; }
public Task<MessageResult> ShowAsync(string message, string caption = "", MessageButton button = MessageButton.Ok, MessageImage icon = MessageImage.None, MessageResult defaultResult = MessageResult.None, IDataContext context = null) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MessageResult>(); if (_threadManager.IsUiThread) ShowMessage(message, caption, button, tcs); else _threadManager.InvokeOnUiThreadAsync(() => ShowMessage(message, caption, button, tcs)); return tcs.Task; }
public IMessageResponse Publish(IMessageRequest req) { CheckNotDisposed(); var ctx = new MessageResult(req); Queue.Enqueue(ctx); if (req.IsAsync) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s => Executor.Execute()); return ctx; } return Executor.Execute(); }
public void Setup_ShowWarning(MessageResult result,Action callback=null) { Mock.Setup( p => p.ShowWarning(It.IsAny<IntPtr>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<MessageButtons>())) .Callback(() => { MessagesCount++; if (callback != null) callback(); }) .Returns(result); }
private void DoSmth() { Thread.Sleep(1000); var bld = new StringBuilder(1000); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { bld.Append(i); bld.Append(@"\n"); } var result = new MessageResult(); result.Message = bld.ToString(); _beginGetInventoryItems(result); }
private void ShowMessage(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageResult defaultResult, TaskCompletionSource<MessageResult> tcs) { var messageDialog = new MessageDialog(messageBoxText, caption); switch (button) { case MessageButton.Ok: messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Ok, tcs)); break; case MessageButton.OkCancel: messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Ok, tcs)); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Cancel, tcs)); break; case MessageButton.YesNo: messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Yes, tcs)); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.No, tcs)); break; case MessageButton.YesNoCancel: messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Yes, tcs)); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.No, tcs)); if (MvvmApplication.Current.Platform.Platform != PlatformType.WinPhone) messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Cancel, tcs)); break; case MessageButton.AbortRetryIgnore: if (MvvmApplication.Current.Platform.Platform == PlatformType.WinPhone) throw ExceptionManager.EnumOutOfRange("button", button); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Abort, tcs)); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Retry, tcs)); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Ignore, tcs)); break; case MessageButton.RetryCancel: messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Retry, tcs)); messageDialog.Commands.Add(CreateUiCommand(MessageResult.Cancel, tcs)); break; default: tcs.SetResult(MessageResult.None); return; } for (int i = 0; i < messageDialog.Commands.Count; i++) { if (defaultResult == (MessageResult)messageDialog.Commands[i].Id) { messageDialog.DefaultCommandIndex = (uint)i; break; } } messageDialog.ShowAsync(); }
void Dispatch(MessageResult ctx) { var handlers = Subject.Subscriber.Observers; var syncHandlers = handlers.Where(i => i.Value == SubscribeMode.Sync).Select(i => i.Key).ToArray(); var asyncHandlers = handlers.Where(i => i.Value == SubscribeMode.Async).Select(i => i.Key).ToArray(); var handlerCount = syncHandlers.Length + asyncHandlers.Length; var barrier = new AtomicInteger(handlerCount); foreach (var item in syncHandlers) { if (!DoExecute(ctx, item, barrier)) break; } Paraller.ForEach(asyncHandlers, handler => DoExecute(ctx, handler, barrier)); }
private Task<bool> HandleServerCommands(MessageResult result) { for (int i = 0; i < result.Messages.Count; i++) { for (int j = result.Messages[i].Offset; j < result.Messages[i].Offset + result.Messages[i].Count; j++) { Message message = result.Messages[i].Array[j]; // Only handle server commands if (ServerSignal.Equals(message.Key)) { // Uwrap the command and raise the event var command = _serializer.Parse<ServerCommand>(message.Value); OnCommand(command); } } } return TaskAsyncHelper.True; }
private void OnMessageReceived(MessageResult msgResult) { MatchmakingMessageEventHandler handler = null; switch (msgResult) { case MessageResult.GameFound: handler = GameFoundEvent; break; case MessageResult.GameNotFound: handler = GameNotFoundEvent; break; } if (handler != null) { handler(this); } }
public Task<MessageResult> ShowAsync(string messageBoxText, string caption = "", MessageButton button = MessageButton.Ok, MessageImage icon = MessageImage.None, MessageResult defaultResult = MessageResult.None, IDataContext context = null) { bool success; MessageBoxButton buttons = ConvertMessageBoxButtons(button, out success); Should.BeSupported(success, "The MessageBoxAdapter doesn't support {0} value", button); if (_threadManager.IsUiThread) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, buttons); return ToolkitExtensions.FromResult(ConvertMessageBoxResult(result, button)); } var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MessageResult>(); _threadManager.InvokeOnUiThreadAsync(() => { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, buttons); tcs.SetResult(ConvertMessageBoxResult(result, button)); }); return tcs.Task; }
public string Localize(MessageResult button) { switch(button) { case MessageResult.OK: return "OK"; case MessageResult.Cancel: return "Cancel"; case MessageResult.Yes: return "Yes"; case MessageResult.No: return "No"; #if NETFX_CORE case MessageResult.Close: return "Close"; case MessageResult.Ignore: return "Ignore"; case MessageResult.Retry: return "Retry"; case MessageResult.Abort: return "Abort"; #endif } return string.Empty; }
public virtual async Task <bool> OpenChannel(MessageResult e) { return(false); }
public override async Task Render(MessageResult result) { ButtonForm bf = new ButtonForm(); switch (this.PickerMode) { case eMonthPickerMode.day: var month = this.VisibleMonth; string[] dayNamesNormal = this.Culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortestDayNames; string[] dayNamesShifted = Shift(dayNamesNormal, (int)this.FirstDayOfWeek); bf.AddButtonRow(new ButtonBase("<<", "prev"), new ButtonBase(this.Culture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames[month.Month - 1] + " " + month.Year.ToString(), "monthtitle"), new ButtonBase(">>", "next")); bf.AddButtonRow(dayNamesShifted.Select(a => new ButtonBase(a, a)).ToList()); //First Day of month var firstDay = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, 1); //Last Day of month var lastDay = firstDay.LastDayOfMonth(); //Start of Week where first day of month is (left border) var start = firstDay.StartOfWeek(this.FirstDayOfWeek); //End of week where last day of month is (right border) var end = lastDay.EndOfWeek(this.FirstDayOfWeek); for (int i = 0; i <= ((end - start).Days / 7); i++) { var lst = new List <ButtonBase>(); for (int id = 0; id < 7; id++) { var d = start.AddDays((i * 7) + id); if (d <firstDay | d> lastDay) { lst.Add(new ButtonBase("-", "m-" + d.Day.ToString())); continue; } var day = d.Day.ToString(); if (d == DateTime.Today) { day = "(" + day + ")"; } lst.Add(new ButtonBase((this.SelectedDate == d ? "[" + day + "]" : day), "d-" + d.Day.ToString())); } bf.AddButtonRow(lst); } break; case eMonthPickerMode.month: bf.AddButtonRow(new ButtonBase("<<", "prev"), new ButtonBase(this.VisibleMonth.Year.ToString("0000"), "yeartitle"), new ButtonBase(">>", "next")); var months = this.Culture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames; var buttons = months.Select((a, b) => new ButtonBase((b == this.SelectedDate.Month - 1 && this.SelectedDate.Year == this.VisibleMonth.Year ? "[ " + a + " ]" : a), "m-" + (b + 1).ToString())); bf.AddSplitted(buttons, 2); break; case eMonthPickerMode.year: bf.AddButtonRow(new ButtonBase("<<", "prev"), new ButtonBase("Year", "yearstitle"), new ButtonBase(">>", "next")); var starti = Math.Floor(this.VisibleMonth.Year / 10f) * 10; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var m = starti + (i * 2); bf.AddButtonRow(new ButtonBase((this.SelectedDate.Year == m ? "[ " + m.ToString() + " ]" : m.ToString()), "y-" + m.ToString()), new ButtonBase((this.SelectedDate.Year == (m + 1) ? "[ " + (m + 1).ToString() + " ]" : (m + 1).ToString()), "y-" + (m + 1).ToString())); } break; } if (this.MessageId != null) { var m = await this.Device.Edit(this.MessageId.Value, this.Title, bf); } else { var m = await this.Device.Send(this.Title, bf); this.MessageId = m.MessageId; } }
public static List<UICommand> GenerateFromMessageButton(MessageButton dialogButtons, IMessageButtonLocalizer buttonLocalizer, MessageResult? defaultButton = null, MessageResult? cancelButton = null) { return GenerateFromMessageButton(dialogButtons, false, buttonLocalizer, defaultButton, cancelButton); }
private IUICommand CreateUiCommand(MessageResult result, TaskCompletionSource<MessageResult> tcs) { string text = GetButtonText(result); return new UICommand(text, command => tcs.SetResult((MessageResult)command.Id)) { Id = result }; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the result and closes the message /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private static void CButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CButton button = (CButton)sender; if (button.Content == "OK") { Result = MessageResult.OK; } else if (button.Content == "Yes") { Result = MessageResult.Yes; } else if (button.Content == "No") { Result = MessageResult.No; } else if (button.Content == "Cancel") { Result = MessageResult.Cancel; } else if (button.Content == "Ignore") { Result = MessageResult.Ignore; } else if (button.Content == "Retry") { Result = MessageResult.Retry; } emptyWindow.Close(); }
public async override Task Render(MessageResult result) { if (!this.RenderNecessary) { return; } //Check for rows and column limits CheckGrid(); this.RenderNecessary = false; Message m = null; ButtonForm form = this.ButtonsForm; if (this.EnableSearch && this.SearchQuery != null && this.SearchQuery != "") { form = form.FilterDuplicate(this.SearchQuery, true); } else { form = form.Duplicate(); } if (this.EnablePaging) { form = GeneratePagingView(form); } if (this.HeadLayoutButtonRow != null && HeadLayoutButtonRow.Count > 0) { form.InsertButtonRow(0, this.HeadLayoutButtonRow); } if (this.SubHeadLayoutButtonRow != null && SubHeadLayoutButtonRow.Count > 0) { if (this.IsNavigationBarVisible) { form.InsertButtonRow(2, this.SubHeadLayoutButtonRow); } else { form.InsertButtonRow(1, this.SubHeadLayoutButtonRow); } } switch (this.KeyboardType) { //Reply Keyboard could only be updated with a new keyboard. case eKeyboardType.ReplyKeyboard: if (this.MessageId != null) { if (form.Count == 0) { await this.Device.HideReplyKeyboard(); this.MessageId = null; return; } if (this.DeletePreviousMessage) { await this.Device.DeleteMessage(this.MessageId.Value); } } if (form.Count == 0) { return; } var rkm = (ReplyKeyboardMarkup)form; rkm.ResizeKeyboard = this.ResizeKeyboard; rkm.OneTimeKeyboard = this.OneTimeKeyboard; m = await this.Device.Send(this.Title, rkm, disableNotification : true, parseMode : MessageParseMode, MarkdownV2AutoEscape : false); break; case eKeyboardType.InlineKeyBoard: if (this.MessageId != null) { m = await this.Device.Edit(this.MessageId.Value, this.Title, (InlineKeyboardMarkup)form); } else { m = await this.Device.Send(this.Title, (InlineKeyboardMarkup)form, disableNotification : true, parseMode : MessageParseMode, MarkdownV2AutoEscape : false); } break; } if (m != null) { this.MessageId = m.MessageId; } }
public JsonResult CreateExam([FromBody] ExamForCreationDto exam) { string functionName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; try { //Check value enter from the form if (exam == null) { Log4Net.log.Error(className + "." + functionName + " - " + Log4Net.AddErrorLog(Constants.notInformationExam)); return(Json(MessageResult.GetMessage(MessageType.NOT_INFORMATION_EXAM))); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { Log4Net.log.Error(className + "." + functionName + " - " + Log4Net.AddErrorLog(Constants.notFound)); return(Json(MessageResult.GetMessage(MessageType.NOT_FOUND))); } GroupOwnerEntity groupOwner = _groupOwnerRepository.GetGroupOwnerByGroupId(exam.GroupId); //Map data enter from the form to exam entity var finalExam = Mapper.Map <PPT.Database.Entities.ExamEntity>(exam); //This is query insert exam _examRepository.CreateExam(finalExam); if (!_examRepository.Save()) { Log4Net.log.Error(className + "." + functionName + " - " + Log4Net.AddErrorLog(Constants.badRequest)); return(Json(MessageResult.GetMessage(MessageType.BAD_REQUEST))); } GroupEntity groupEntity = _groupRepository.GetGroupByExam(finalExam); List <GroupMemberEntity> listGroupMembers = _groupMemberRepository.GetGroupMemberByGroupId(groupEntity.GroupId); if (listGroupMembers.Count() > 0) { AccountExamEntity accountExamEntity1 = new AccountExamEntity(); accountExamEntity1.Exam = finalExam; accountExamEntity1.AccountId = groupOwner.AccountId; accountExamEntity1.ExamId = finalExam.ExamId; accountExamEntity1.IsStatus = "Empty"; _accountExamRepository.CreateAccountExam(accountExamEntity1); _accountExamRepository.Save(); foreach (var item in listGroupMembers) { AccountExamEntity accountExamEntity = new AccountExamEntity(); accountExamEntity.Exam = finalExam; accountExamEntity.AccountId = item.AccountId; accountExamEntity.Account = item.Account; accountExamEntity.ExamId = finalExam.ExamId; accountExamEntity.IsStatus = "Empty"; _accountExamRepository.CreateAccountExam(accountExamEntity); _accountExamRepository.Save(); } } else { AccountExamEntity accountExamEntity = new AccountExamEntity(); accountExamEntity.Exam = finalExam; accountExamEntity.AccountId = groupOwner.AccountId; accountExamEntity.ExamId = finalExam.ExamId; accountExamEntity.IsStatus = "Empty"; _accountExamRepository.CreateAccountExam(accountExamEntity); _accountExamRepository.Save(); } Log4Net.log.Error(className + "." + functionName + " - " + Log4Net.AddErrorLog(Constants.createdExam)); return(Json(MessageResult.GetMessage(MessageType.CREATED_EXAM))); } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net.log.Error(className + "." + functionName + " - " + Log4Net.AddErrorLog(ex.Message)); return(Json(MessageResult.ShowServerError(ex.Message))); } }
public async override Task Action(MessageResult result, string value = null) { if (result.Handled) { return; } if (!result.IsFirstHandler) { return; } await result.ConfirmAction(this.ConfirmationText ?? ""); //Find clicked button depending on Text or Value (depending on markup type) switch (this.KeyboardType) { case eKeyboardType.InlineKeyBoard: var button = HeadLayoutButtonRow?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == result.RawData) ?? SubHeadLayoutButtonRow?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == result.RawData) ?? ButtonsForm.ToList().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == result.RawData); if (button == null) { switch (result.RawData) { case "$previous$": if (this.CurrentPageIndex > 0) { this.CurrentPageIndex--; } this.Updated(); break; case "$next$": if (this.CurrentPageIndex < this.PageCount - 1) { this.CurrentPageIndex++; } this.Updated(); break; } return; } await OnButtonClicked(new ButtonClickedEventArgs(button)); result.Handled = true; break; } }
MessageResult IMessageBoxService.Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageIcon icon, MessageResult defaultResult) { MessageBoxText = messageBoxText; Caption = caption; Button = button; Icon = icon; DefaultResult = defaultResult; return(Result); }
public OnAddMessage(MessageResult message) : base("onAddMessage", message) { }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("************"); Console.WriteLine("*****开始发送******"); //String result; String app_key = "_"; String master_secret = "_"; //int sendno = 9; HashSet <DeviceEnum> set = new HashSet <DeviceEnum>(); set.Add(DeviceEnum.Android); set.Add(DeviceEnum.IOS); JPushClient client = new JPushClient(app_key, master_secret, 0, set, true); MessageResult result = null; NotificationParams notifyParams = new NotificationParams(); CustomMessageParams customParams = new CustomMessageParams(); //notifyParams. //传入json字符串 String extras = null; extras = "{\"ios\":{\"badge\":88, \"sound\":\"happy\"}}"; //extras中有中文请用HttpUtility.UrlEncode编码 //System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(notificationContent, Encoding.UTF8); Console.WriteLine("*****发送带tag通知******"); /** *发送类型 * APP_KEY 通知 * TAG TAG * ALIAS ALIAS * REGISTRATION_ID REGISTRATION_ID */ notifyParams.ReceiverType = ReceiverTypeEnum.APP_KEY; notifyParams.SendNo = 256; //notifyParams.OverrideMsgId = "1"; result = client.sendNotification("酷派tag111111", notifyParams, extras); Console.WriteLine("sendNotification by tag:**返回状态:" + result.getErrorCode().ToString() + " **返回信息:" + result.getErrorMessage() + " **Send No.:" + result.getSendNo() + " msg_id:" + result.getMessageId() + " 频率次数:" + result.getRateLimitQuota() + " 可用频率:" + result.getRateLimitRemaining() + " 重置时间:" + result.getRateLimitReset()); Console.WriteLine("*****发送带tag消息******"); //customParams.addPlatform(DeviceEnum.Android); customParams.ReceiverType = ReceiverTypeEnum.TAG; customParams.ReceiverValue = "tag_api"; customParams.SendNo = 256; result = client.sendCustomMessage("send custom mess by tag", "tag notify content", customParams, extras); Console.WriteLine("sendCustomMessage:**返回状态:" + result.getErrorCode().ToString() + " **返回信息:" + result.getErrorMessage() + " **Send No.:" + result.getSendNo() + " msg_id:" + result.getMessageId() + " 频率次数:" + result.getRateLimitQuota() + " 可用频率:" + result.getRateLimitRemaining() + " 重置时间:" + result.getRateLimitReset()); Console.WriteLine(); String msg_ids = "1613113584,1229760629,1174658841,1174658641"; ReceivedResult receivedResult = client.getReceivedApi(msg_ids); Console.WriteLine("Report Result:"); foreach (ReceivedResult.Received re in receivedResult.ReceivedList) { Console.WriteLine("getReceivedApi************msgid=" + re.msg_id + " ***andriod received=" + re.android_received + " ***ios received=" + re.ios_apns_sent); } Console.WriteLine(); }
private async Task <dynamic> UploadAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromUri] UploadFileDto model) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("model"); } try { var mr = new MessageResult(); var fileUrls = new List <string>(); var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; foreach (string httpFile in httpRequest.Files) { var postedFile = httpRequest.Files[httpFile]; if (postedFile != null && postedFile.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = postedFile.FileName; string extension = GetFileExtension(fileName); bool isAllowed = CheckAllowedExtensions(extension); if (!isAllowed) { mr.Message = "不支持的文件格式:" + extension; mr.Success = false; return(await Task.FromResult(mr)); } int maxM = 10; int MaxContentLength = 1024 * 1024 * maxM; //Size = 10 MB //todo if (postedFile.ContentLength > MaxContentLength) { mr.Message = string.Format("超出上传最大限制:{0}M", maxM); mr.Success = false; return(await Task.FromResult(mr)); } var server = HttpContext.Current.Server; var saveFolder = server.MapPath(model.VirtualFolder.TrimEnd('/')); var theFileName = fileName; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.FileName)) { theFileName = model.FileName; } var savePath = Path.Combine(saveFolder, theFileName); //Deletion exists file if (File.Exists(savePath)) { File.Delete(savePath); } MakeSureFolderExist(saveFolder); postedFile.SaveAs(savePath); var fileUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}", model.VirtualFolder.TrimEnd('/'), theFileName); fileUrls.Add(fileUrl); } else { fileUrls.Add(null); } } mr.Message = "上传完成"; mr.Success = true; mr.Data = fileUrls; return(await Task.FromResult(mr)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex)); } }
static MessageResult() { Empty = new MessageResult(); }
string IMessageButtonLocalizer.Localize(MessageResult button) { return(localizer.Localize(button.ToMessageBoxResult())); }
public virtual async Task <bool> OpenGroup(MessageResult e) { return(false); }
public override Task Action(MessageResult message) { return(base.Action(message)); }
protected override MessageResultException GetException() { return(new MessageResultException(ProductId, Message, MessageResult.Error(ResultMessage))); }
public override Task PreLoad(MessageResult message) { return(base.PreLoad(message)); }
private MessageResult AppendLogsAndResult(bool success, string message, object data = null) { AppendLogs(message); return(MessageResult.Create(success, message, data)); }
public override Task Render(MessageResult message) { return(base.Render(message)); }
public Task <MessageResult> ShowDialog(string Title, string Message, bool SetCancelable = false, bool SetInverseBackgroundForced = false, MessageResult PositiveButton = MessageResult.OK, MessageResult NegativeButton = MessageResult.NONE, MessageResult NeutralButton = MessageResult.NONE, int IconAttribute = Android.Resource.Attribute.AlertDialogIcon) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <MessageResult>(); var builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mcontext); builder.SetIconAttribute(IconAttribute); builder.SetTitle(Title); builder.SetMessage(Message); builder.SetInverseBackgroundForced(SetInverseBackgroundForced); builder.SetCancelable(SetCancelable); builder.SetPositiveButton((PositiveButton != MessageResult.NONE) ? PositiveButton.ToString() : string.Empty, (senderAlert, args) => { tcs.SetResult(PositiveButton); }); builder.SetNegativeButton((NegativeButton != MessageResult.NONE) ? NegativeButton.ToString() : string.Empty, delegate { tcs.SetResult(NegativeButton); }); builder.SetNeutralButton((NeutralButton != MessageResult.NONE) ? NeutralButton.ToString() : string.Empty, delegate { tcs.SetResult(NeutralButton); }); mcontext.RunOnUiThread(() => builder.Show()); return(tcs.Task); }
public IEnumerable <IResult> Save() { UpdateMarkups(); UpdatePriceTags(); var error = Settings.Value.Validate(validateMarkups: HaveAddresses); if (error?.Count > 0) { if (Session != null) { Session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Never; } GoToErrorTab(error.First()[0]); yield return(MessageResult.Warn(error.First()[1])); yield break; } if (passwordUpdated) { Settings.Value.Password = password; } if (diadokPasswordUpdated) { Settings.Value.DiadokPassword = diadokPassword; } if (sbisPasswordUpdated) { Settings.Value.SbisPassword = sbisPassword; } if (App.Current != null) { StyleHelper.BuildStyles(App.Current.Resources, Styles); } if (Session != null) { IsCredentialsChanged = Session.IsChanged(Settings.Value, s => s.Password) || Session.IsChanged(Settings.Value, s => s.UserName); if (Session.IsChanged(Settings.Value, s => s.GroupWaybillsBySupplier) && Settings.Value.GroupWaybillsBySupplier) { foreach (var dirMap in DirMaps) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirMap.Dir); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Не удалось создать директорию {dirMap.Dir}", e); } } } if (Session.IsChanged(Settings.Value, x => x.JunkPeriod)) { yield return(new Models.Results.TaskResult(Query(s => DbMaintain.CalcJunk(s, Settings.Value)))); } Session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Auto; Settings.Value.ApplyChanges(Session); SynchronizeSpecialMarkUps(); } TryClose(); }
public override async Task Action(MessageResult result, String value = null) { await result.ConfirmAction(); switch (result.RawData) { case "next": switch (this.PickerMode) { case eMonthPickerMode.day: this.VisibleMonth = this.VisibleMonth.AddMonths(1); break; case eMonthPickerMode.month: this.VisibleMonth = this.VisibleMonth.AddYears(1); break; case eMonthPickerMode.year: this.VisibleMonth = this.VisibleMonth.AddYears(10); break; } break; case "prev": switch (this.PickerMode) { case eMonthPickerMode.day: this.VisibleMonth = this.VisibleMonth.AddMonths(-1); break; case eMonthPickerMode.month: this.VisibleMonth = this.VisibleMonth.AddYears(-1); break; case eMonthPickerMode.year: this.VisibleMonth = this.VisibleMonth.AddYears(-10); break; } break; case "monthtitle": if (this.EnableMonthView) { this.PickerMode = eMonthPickerMode.month; } break; case "yeartitle": if (this.EnableYearView) { this.PickerMode = eMonthPickerMode.year; } break; case "yearstitle": if (this.EnableMonthView) { this.PickerMode = eMonthPickerMode.month; } this.VisibleMonth = this.SelectedDate; break; default: int day = 0; if (result.RawData.StartsWith("d-") && int.TryParse(result.RawData.Split('-')[1], out day)) { this.SelectedDate = new DateTime(this.VisibleMonth.Year, this.VisibleMonth.Month, day); } int month = 0; if (result.RawData.StartsWith("m-") && int.TryParse(result.RawData.Split('-')[1], out month)) { this.SelectedDate = new DateTime(this.VisibleMonth.Year, month, 1); this.VisibleMonth = this.SelectedDate; if (this.EnableDayView) { this.PickerMode = eMonthPickerMode.day; } } int year = 0; if (result.RawData.StartsWith("y-") && int.TryParse(result.RawData.Split('-')[1], out year)) { this.SelectedDate = new DateTime(year, SelectedDate.Month, SelectedDate.Day); this.VisibleMonth = this.SelectedDate; if (this.EnableMonthView) { this.PickerMode = eMonthPickerMode.month; } } break; } }
protected virtual string GetButtonText(MessageResult button) { return button.ToString(); }
MessageResult IMessageBoxService.Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageResult defaultResult) { return MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button.ToMessageBoxButton()).ToMessageResult(); }
protected virtual string GetButtonText(MessageResult button) { return(button.ToString()); }
static UICommand CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult result, bool usePlatformSpecificTag, Func<MessageResult, string> getButtonCaption) { #if !NETFX_CORE object tag = usePlatformSpecificTag ? result.ToMessageBoxResult() : (object)result; #else object tag = result; #endif return new UICommand() { Id = tag, Caption = getButtonCaption(result), Command = null, Tag = tag, }; }
MessageResult IMessageBoxService.Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageIcon icon, MessageResult defaultResult) { return XtraMessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button.ToMessageBoxButtons(), icon.ToMessageBoxIcon(), defaultResult.ToMessageBoxDefaultButton(button)).ToMessageResult(); }
static List<UICommand> GenerateFromMessageButton(MessageButton dialogButtons, bool usePlatformSpecificTag, IMessageButtonLocalizer buttonLocalizer, MessageResult? defaultButton, MessageResult? cancelButton) { List<UICommand> commands = new List<UICommand>(); if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.OK) { UICommand okCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.OK, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); okCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.OK; okCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.OK; commands.Add(okCommand); return commands; } if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.OKCancel) { UICommand okCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.OK, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand cancelCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Cancel, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); okCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.OK; cancelCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.Cancel; okCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.OK; cancelCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.Cancel; commands.Add(okCommand); commands.Add(cancelCommand); return commands; } if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.YesNo) { UICommand yesCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Yes, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand noCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.No, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); yesCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.Yes; noCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.No; yesCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.Yes; noCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.No; commands.Add(yesCommand); commands.Add(noCommand); return commands; } if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.YesNoCancel) { UICommand yesCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Yes, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand noCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.No, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand cancelCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Cancel, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); yesCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.Yes; noCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.No; cancelCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.Cancel; yesCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.Yes; noCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.No; cancelCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.Cancel; commands.Add(yesCommand); commands.Add(noCommand); commands.Add(cancelCommand); return commands; } #if NETFX_CORE if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.AbortRetryIgnore) { UICommand abortCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Abort, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand retryCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Retry, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand ignoreCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Ignore, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); abortCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.Abort; retryCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.Retry; ignoreCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.Ignore; abortCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.Abort; retryCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.Retry; ignoreCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.Ignore; commands.Add(abortCommand); commands.Add(retryCommand); commands.Add(ignoreCommand); return commands; } if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.Close) { UICommand closeCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Close, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); closeCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.Close; closeCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.Close; commands.Add(closeCommand); return commands; } if(dialogButtons == MessageButton.RetryCancel) { UICommand retryCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Retry, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); UICommand cancelCommand = CreateDefaultButonCommand(MessageResult.Cancel, usePlatformSpecificTag, buttonLocalizer.Localize); retryCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == null || defaultButton == MessageResult.Retry; cancelCommand.IsDefault = defaultButton == MessageResult.Cancel; retryCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == MessageResult.Retry; cancelCommand.IsCancel = cancelButton == null || cancelButton == MessageResult.Cancel; commands.Add(retryCommand); commands.Add(cancelCommand); return commands; } #endif return commands; }
private static MessageBoxDefaultButton ConvertDefaultResult(MessageButton buttons, MessageResult results) { switch (results) { case MessageResult.Ok: return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; case MessageResult.Cancel: if (buttons == MessageButton.YesNoCancel) return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3; return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; case MessageResult.No: return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; case MessageResult.Yes: return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; case MessageResult.Abort: return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; case MessageResult.Retry: if (buttons == MessageButton.AbortRetryIgnore) return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; case MessageResult.Ignore: return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3; default: return MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; } }
string IMessageButtonLocalizer.Localize(MessageResult button) { return localizer.Localize(button.ToMessageBoxResult()); }
public async override Task Load(MessageResult result) { if (this.KeyboardType != eKeyboardType.ReplyKeyboard) { return; } if (!result.IsFirstHandler) { return; } var button = HeadLayoutButtonRow?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Text.Trim() == result.MessageText) ?? SubHeadLayoutButtonRow?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Text.Trim() == result.MessageText) ?? ButtonsForm.ToList().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Text.Trim() == result.MessageText); if (button == null) { if (result.MessageText == null) { return; } if (result.MessageText == PreviousPageLabel) { if (this.CurrentPageIndex > 0) { this.CurrentPageIndex--; } this.Updated(); } else if (result.MessageText == NextPageLabel) { if (this.CurrentPageIndex < this.PageCount - 1) { this.CurrentPageIndex++; } this.Updated(); } else if (this.EnableSearch) { if (result.MessageText.StartsWith("🔍")) { //Sent note about searching if (this.SearchQuery == null) { await this.Device.Send(this.SearchLabel); } this.SearchQuery = null; this.Updated(); return; } this.SearchQuery = result.MessageText; if (this.SearchQuery != null && this.SearchQuery != "") { this.CurrentPageIndex = 0; this.Updated(); } } return; } await OnButtonClicked(new ButtonClickedEventArgs(button)); //Remove button click message if (this.DeletePreviousMessage) { await Device.DeleteMessage(result.MessageId); } result.Handled = true; }
private void SetResult(MessageResult result) { this.Result = result; TryClose(); }
public static int InvokeCustomAction(int sessionHandle, string entryPoint, IntPtr remotingDelegatePtr) { Session session = null; string assemblyName, className, methodName; MethodInfo method; try { MsiRemoteInvoke remotingDelegate = (MsiRemoteInvoke) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( remotingDelegatePtr, typeof(MsiRemoteInvoke)); RemotableNativeMethods.RemotingDelegate = remotingDelegate; sessionHandle = RemotableNativeMethods.MakeRemoteHandle(sessionHandle); session = new Session((IntPtr)sessionHandle, false); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(entryPoint)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entryPoint"); } if (!CustomActionProxy.FindEntryPoint( session, entryPoint, out assemblyName, out className, out methodName)) { return((int)ActionResult.Failure); } session.Log("Calling custom action {0}!{1}.{2}", assemblyName, className, methodName); method = CustomActionProxy.GetCustomActionMethod( session, assemblyName, className, methodName); if (method == null) { return((int)ActionResult.Failure); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (session != null) { try { session.Log("Exception while loading custom action:"); session.Log(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } } return((int)ActionResult.Failure); } try { // Set the current directory to the location of the extracted files. Environment.CurrentDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; object[] args = new object[] { session }; if (DebugBreakEnabled(new string[] { entryPoint, methodName })) { string message = String.Format( "To debug your custom action, attach to process ID {0} (0x{0:x}) and click OK; otherwise, click Cancel to fail the custom action.", System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id ); MessageResult button = NativeMethods.MessageBox( IntPtr.Zero, message, "Custom Action Breakpoint", (int)MessageButtons.OKCancel | (int)MessageIcon.Asterisk | (int)(MessageBoxStyles.TopMost | MessageBoxStyles.ServiceNotification) ); if (MessageResult.Cancel == button) { return((int)ActionResult.UserExit); } } ActionResult result = (ActionResult)method.Invoke(null, args); session.Close(); return((int)result); } catch (InstallCanceledException) { return((int)ActionResult.UserExit); } catch (Exception ex) { session.Log("Exception thrown by custom action:"); session.Log(ex.ToString()); return((int)ActionResult.Failure); } }
public MessageResultAdapter(global::MessageVault.MessageResult result) { _result = result; }
string IMessageButtonLocalizer.Localize(MessageResult button) { return(new DefaultMessageButtonLocalizer().Localize(button)); }
private void ShowMessage(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageButton button, MessageImage icon, MessageResult defaultResult, TaskCompletionSource<MessageResult> tcs) { #if XAMARIN_FORMS var activity = global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context; #else var activity = PlatformExtensions.CurrentActivity as IActivityView; #endif Should.BeSupported(activity != null, "The current top activity is null."); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder((Context)activity) .SetTitle(caption) .SetMessage(messageBoxText) .SetCancelable(false); switch (button) { case MessageButton.Ok: builder.SetPositiveButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Ok), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Ok)); break; case MessageButton.OkCancel: builder.SetPositiveButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Ok), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Ok)); builder.SetNegativeButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Cancel), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Cancel)); break; case MessageButton.YesNo: builder.SetPositiveButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Yes), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Yes)); builder.SetNegativeButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.No), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.No)); break; case MessageButton.YesNoCancel: builder.SetPositiveButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Yes), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Yes)); if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.Lollipop) { builder.SetNegativeButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.No), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.No)); builder.SetNeutralButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Cancel), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Cancel)); } else { builder.SetNeutralButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.No), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.No)); builder.SetNegativeButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Cancel), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Cancel)); } break; case MessageButton.AbortRetryIgnore: builder.SetPositiveButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Abort), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Abort)); builder.SetNeutralButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Retry), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Retry)); builder.SetNegativeButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Ignore), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Ignore)); break; case MessageButton.RetryCancel: builder.SetPositiveButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Retry), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Retry)); builder.SetNegativeButton(GetButtonText(MessageResult.Cancel), (sender, args) => tcs.TrySetResult(MessageResult.Cancel)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("button"); } int? drawable = GetIconResource(icon); if (drawable != null) builder.SetIcon(drawable.Value); AlertDialog dialog = builder.Create(); #if !XAMARIN_FORMS EventHandler<Activity, EventArgs> handler = null; handler = (sender, args) => { ((IActivityView)sender).Mediator.Destroyed -= handler; tcs.TrySetResult(defaultResult); }; activity.Mediator.Destroyed += handler; #endif dialog.Show(); }
public InputMessageResult(string input, MessageResult messageResult) { Input = input; MessageResult = messageResult; }
private async Task Client_TryMessage(object sender, MessageResult e) { DeviceSession ds = e.Device; if (ds == null) { ds = await this.Sessions.StartSession <T>(e.DeviceId); e.Device = ds; ds.LastMessage = e.Message; OnSessionBegins(new SessionBeginEventArgs(e.DeviceId, ds)); } ds.LastAction = DateTime.Now; ds.LastMessage = e.Message; //Is this a bot command ? if (e.IsBotCommand && this.BotCommands.Count(a => "/" + a.Command == e.BotCommand) > 0) { var sce = new BotCommandEventArgs(e.BotCommand, e.BotCommandParameters, e.Message, ds.DeviceId, ds); await OnBotCommand(sce); if (sce.Handled) { return; } } FormBase activeForm = null; int i = 0; //Should formulars get navigated (allow maximum of 10, to dont get loops) do { i++; //Reset navigation ds.FormSwitched = false; activeForm = ds.ActiveForm; //Pre Loading Event await activeForm.PreLoad(e); //Send Load event to controls await activeForm.LoadControls(e); //Loading Event await activeForm.Load(e); //Is Attachment ? (Photo, Audio, Video, Contact, Location, Document) if (e.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Contact | e.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Document | e.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Location | e.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Photo | e.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Video | e.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.Audio) { await activeForm.SentData(new DataResult(e)); } //Render Event if (!ds.FormSwitched) { await activeForm.RenderControls(e); await activeForm.Render(e); } e.IsFirstHandler = false; } while (ds.FormSwitched && i < this.GetSetting(eSettings.NavigationMaximum, 10)); }
public MessageResult Validate(SimpleProcessInfo info) { var success = SimpleProcessInfo.Validate(info, out var message); return(MessageResult.Create(success, message, info)); }
private Task<bool> HandleServerCommands(MessageResult result) { result.Messages.Enumerate(m => ServerSignal.Equals(m.Key), m => { var command = _serializer.Parse<ServerCommand>(m.Value); OnCommand(command); }); return TaskAsyncHelper.True; }
private async void Client_TryAction(object sender, MessageResult e) { DeviceSession ds = e.Device; if (ds == null) { ds = await this.Sessions.StartSession <T>(e.DeviceId); e.Device = ds; } ds.LastAction = DateTime.Now; ds.LastMessage = e.Message; FormBase activeForm = null; int i = 0; //Should formulars get navigated (allow maximum of 10, to dont get loops) do { i++; //Reset navigation ds.FormSwitched = false; activeForm = ds.ActiveForm; //Pre Loading Event await activeForm.PreLoad(e); //Send Load event to controls await activeForm.LoadControls(e); //Loading Event await activeForm.Load(e); //Action Event if (!ds.FormSwitched) { //Send Action event to controls await activeForm.ActionControls(e); //Send Action event to form itself await activeForm.Action(e); if (!e.Handled) { var uhc = new UnhandledCallEventArgs(e.Message.Text, e.RawData, ds.DeviceId, e.MessageId, e.Message, ds); OnUnhandledCall(uhc); if (uhc.Handled) { e.Handled = true; if (!ds.FormSwitched) { break; } } } } //Render Event if (!ds.FormSwitched) { await activeForm.RenderControls(e); await activeForm.Render(e); } e.IsFirstHandler = false; } while (ds.FormSwitched && i < this.GetSetting(eSettings.NavigationMaximum, 10)); }