/// <summary> /// Test case which exposed the AutoScale bug, this was submitted by Harry Stein /// </summary> private void Test3() { // as an experiment, I moved these from class members to local members // to see if it helps -- it didn't -- but it helps show you nothing else // is going on! MessageBoxEx m_msgBoxSummary1 = null; MessageBoxExButton m_btnYes = null; // Tahoma 8.25 in Ex originally m_msgBoxSummary1 = MessageBoxExManager.CreateMessageBox("Summary1"); m_btnYes = new MessageBoxExButton(); string m_sPROGRAM_NAME = "Possrv.Debug Merchant Parser"; string m_sVersion = "1.00A";; m_msgBoxSummary1.Caption = m_sPROGRAM_NAME + " " + m_sVersion; // fyi: m_sPROGRAM_NAME = "Possrv.Debug Merchant Parser"; // and m_sVersion = "1.00A"; m_msgBoxSummary1.Icon = MessageBoxExIcon.Information; m_btnYes.Text = "Okay"; m_btnYes.Value = "OK"; m_msgBoxSummary1.AddButton(m_btnYes); String sResultM = "Hello this is a reasonably long message with 1234 56789"; m_msgBoxSummary1.Font = new Font("Lucida Console", 8); m_msgBoxSummary1.Text = sResultM; String sResult3 = m_msgBoxSummary1.Show(); // first call sResult3 = m_msgBoxSummary1.Show(); // second call if (sResult3 == "" || (1 + 1 == 2)) { return; // quiet the compiler } }
private void Encrypt() { foreach (string file in SelectedItemPaths) { byte[] key = new byte[16]; new RNGCryptoServiceProvider().GetBytes(key); byte[] enc = Program.EncryptBytes(File.ReadAllBytes(file), key, out byte[] iv); File.WriteAllBytes(file, enc); if (enc.Length != 0) { string strKey = Program.GetByteArrayAsIs(key); MessageBoxEx bx = MessageBoxExManager.CreateMessageBox("success"); MessageBoxExButton btnClipbd = new MessageBoxExButton { Text = "Copy to clipboard", Value = "cpyclip", IsCancelButton = false, Click = () => { Clipboard.SetText(strKey); } }; bx.AddButton("OK", "OK"); bx.AddButton(btnClipbd); bx.AllowSaveResponse = false; bx.Text = "Key:\n" + strKey; bx.Caption = $"Success: {file}!"; bx.Icon = MessageBoxExIcon.Information; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error while encrypting :(", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private MessageBoxEx CreateMessageBox(string name) { MessageBoxEx mbox = MessageBoxExManager.CreateMessageBox(name); mbox.Caption = txtCaption.Text; mbox.Text = txtMessage.Text; mbox.AllowSaveResponse = chbAllowSaveResponse.Checked; mbox.SaveResponseText = txtSaveResponse.Text; foreach (MessageBoxExButton button in GetButtons()) { mbox.AddButton(button); } mbox.Icon = GetIcon(); return(mbox); }
private bool makeDefaultEditor() { try { RegistryKey keyExt = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".kms"); keyExt.SetValue("", "KEYMAGIC.KMS"); RegistryKey keyKMS = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("KEYMAGIC.KMS"); keyKMS.SetValue("", "KeyMagic keyboard layout script file"); RegistryKey openCommand = keyKMS.CreateSubKey("shell\\Open\\command"); string command = string.Format("\"{0}\" \"%1\"", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); openCommand.SetValue("", command, RegistryValueKind.ExpandString); string icon = string.Format("\"{0}\",0", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]); RegistryKey defaultIcon = keyKMS.CreateSubKey("DefaultIcon"); defaultIcon.SetValue("", icon, RegistryValueKind.ExpandString); openCommand.Close(); keyKMS.Close(); SHChangeNotify(0x08000000, 0, UIntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero); keyExt.Close(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uax) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.DoNotAskForAdmin == true) { return(false); } MessageBoxEx msgBox = MessageBoxExManager.GetMessageBox("access denied"); if (msgBox == null) { msgBox = MessageBoxExManager.CreateMessageBox("access denied"); msgBox.Caption = "Access denied"; msgBox.Text = string.Format("{0}\n{1}", uax.Message, "Do you want to run the KMS Editor as administrator."); msgBox.Icon = MessageBoxExIcon.Exclamation; msgBox.AddButton("OK", "OK"); msgBox.AddButton("Not Now", "NN"); msgBox.AddButton("Don't ask again", "DONT"); } switch (msgBox.Show(this)) { case "DONT": Properties.Settings.Default.ForceDefaultEditor = false; break; case "OK": RunAsAdmin(string.Empty); break; } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return(false); } return(true); }