private bool saveMessage(Int32 iUserId, Int32 iPrivateLabelId) { Int32 iShopId; Boolean bFound = false; Boolean bHasShop = checkUserPrefferedShop(iUserId, out iShopId); List <MessageBL> lstMessage = MessageBL.getDataByUserIdAndType(iUserId, Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE); if (lstMessage != null && lstMessage.Count > 0) { foreach (MessageBL objMessage in lstMessage) { if (objMessage.iShopID == null) { objMessage.bIsRead = false; objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; objMessage.strMessage = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGE; if (iPrivateLabelId != 0) { objMessage.iPrivateLabelID = iPrivateLabelId; } bFound = true; } else { objMessage.bIsRead = (bHasShop && iShopId == objMessage.iShopID) ? true : objMessage.bIsRead; objMessage.strMessage = Constants.PREFFEREDSHOPMESSAGE; bFound = true; } objMessage.Save(); } } if (!bFound) { MessageBL objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.iPhoneUserID = iUserId; objMessage.iType = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE; objMessage.strMessage = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGE; objMessage.bIsRead = false; objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; if (iPrivateLabelId != 0) { objMessage.iPrivateLabelID = iPrivateLabelId; } objMessage.Save(); if (bHasShop) { MessageBL _objMessage = new MessageBL(); _objMessage.iShopID = iShopId; _objMessage.iPhoneUserID = iUserId; _objMessage.iType = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE; _objMessage.strMessage = Constants.PREFFEREDSHOPMESSAGE; _objMessage.bIsRead = true; _objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; _objMessage.Save(); } } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean bResult = false; AccidentReportBL objAccidentReport = new AccidentReportBL(); string strZipFilePath = String.Empty; try { String strPhoneId = String.Empty; String strPhoneId1 = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ShopID"])) { //get the phone user id if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Headers["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.Headers["User_ID"]; } if (!Int32.TryParse(Security.DecodeNumbers(Request.QueryString["ShopID"]), out iShopID)) { return; } } else { //get the phone user id if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Headers["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.Headers["User_ID"]; } } //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPhoneId)) //{ //if fphone user id is found UserBL objUser = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPhoneId1)) { objUser = UserBL.getDataByPhoneId(strPhoneId); } else { MyCustomerBL objMyCustomer = MyCustomerBL.getDataByShopIdNPhone(iShopID, strPhoneId1); if (objMyCustomer != null) { objUser = UserBL.getByActivityId(objMyCustomer.iUserId.Value); } } if (objUser != null) { //if user of previous phone user id is found fill his accident report information String strUserName = String.Empty; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objUser.strUserName)) { if (Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { strUserName = Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } else if (Request.Headers["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { strUserName = Request.Headers["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserName) && objUser.strFirstName != strUserName) { //if user's first name is changed objUser.strFirstName = strUserName; objUser.Save(); } objAccidentReport.iUserId = objUser.ID; if (Request.QueryString["Street_Name"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strStreet = Request.QueryString["Street_Name"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Street_Name"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strStreet = Request.Headers["Street_Name"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["City_State"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strCity = Request.QueryString["City_State"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["City_State"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strCity = Request.Headers["City_State"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Accident_Description"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDescription = Request.QueryString["Accident_Description"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Accident_Description"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDescription = Request.Headers["Accident_Description"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Name"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverName = Request.QueryString["Name"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Name"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverName = Request.Headers["Name"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Phone"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverPhone = Request.QueryString["Phone"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Phone"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverPhone = Request.Headers["Phone"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["License_State_and_Plate"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverLicenseStatePlate = Request.QueryString["License_State_and_Plate"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["License_State_and_Plate"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverLicenseStatePlate = Request.Headers["License_State_and_Plate"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Driver_License"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverLicenseNo = Request.QueryString["Driver_License"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Driver_License"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverLicenseNo = Request.Headers["Driver_License"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Vehicle_Type"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverVehicleType = Request.QueryString["Vehicle_Type"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Vehicle_Type"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strDriverVehicleType = Request.Headers["Vehicle_Type"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Their_Insurance_Company"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strInsuranceCompanyName = Request.QueryString["Their_Insurance_Company"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Their_Insurance_Company"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strInsuranceCompanyName = Request.Headers["Their_Insurance_Company"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Their_Insurance_Policy"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strInsurancePolicyNo = Request.QueryString["Their_Insurance_Policy"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Their_Insurance_Policy"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strInsurancePolicyNo = Request.Headers["Their_Insurance_Policy"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Police_Office_and_Badge"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strPoliceOffice = Request.QueryString["Police_Office_and_Badge"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Police_Office_and_Badge"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strPoliceOffice = Request.Headers["Police_Office_and_Badge"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Police_Report"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strPoliceReportNo = Request.QueryString["Police_Report"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Police_Report"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strPoliceReportNo = Request.Headers["Police_Report"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Witness"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strWitnesses = Request.QueryString["Witness"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Witness"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strWitnesses = Request.Headers["Witness"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Witness_Comment"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strWitnessComments = Request.QueryString["Witness_Comment"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Witness_Comment"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strWitnessComments = Request.Headers["Witness_Comment"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["Misc_Notes"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strMiscNotes = Request.QueryString["Misc_Notes"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["Misc_Notes"] != null) { objAccidentReport.strMiscNotes = Request.Headers["Misc_Notes"].ToString(); } byte[] photo; UserPreferredShopBL objUserPreferredShop = UserPreferredShopBL.getShopByUserId(objUser.ID); MessageBL objMessage = null; if (objUserPreferredShop != null || iShopID > 0) { //add one message against his preferred shop objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.strMessage = "Accident Report"; objMessage.iPhoneUserID = objUser.ID; if (objUserPreferredShop != null) { objMessage.iShopID = objUserPreferredShop.iShopId; } else { objMessage.iShopID = iShopID; } objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; objMessage.iType = Constants.AccidentReport; if (objMessage.Save()) { if (Request.ContentType.Contains("image")) { if (Request.ContentLength > 1) { photo = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength); //int cnt = Request.TotalBytes; //photo = Request.BinaryRead(cnt); MemoryStream bipimag = new MemoryStream(photo); System.Drawing.Image imag = new Bitmap(bipimag); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Server.MapPath(Constants.ACIIDENTREPORTIMAGE))) { String filePath = Server.MapPath(Constants.ACIIDENTREPORTIMAGE) + "\\" + objMessage.ID + ".jpeg"; imag.Save(Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES + "\\" + objMessage.ID + ".jpeg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); objMessage.strAttachment = objMessage.ID + ".jpeg"; } } } else if (Request.ContentType.Contains("multipart")) { if (Request.Files.Count > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES)) { // Zip the file if more than one photo if (Request.Files.Count > 1) { strZipFilePath = Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES + "\\" + objMessage.ID + ".zip"; ZipOutputStream objZipFile = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(strZipFilePath)); //0-9, 9 being the highest level of compression objZipFile.SetLevel(3); // To permit the zip to be unpacked by built-in extractor in WinXP and Server2003, WinZip 8, Java, and other older code, // you need to do one of the following: Specify UseZip64.Off, or set the Size. // If the file may be bigger than 4GB, or you do not need WinXP built-in compatibility, you do not need either, // but the zip will be in Zip64 format which not all utilities can understand. objZipFile.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off; for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { HttpPostedFile file = Request.Files[i]; if (!Directory.Exists(Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES + "\\TempZipFiles")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES + "\\TempZipFiles"); } String strFilePath = Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES + "\\TempZipFiles\\" + file.FileName; if (File.Exists(strFilePath)) { File.Delete(strFilePath); } file.SaveAs(strFilePath); string strEntryName = Path.GetFileName(strFilePath); // Removes drive from name and fixes slash direction ZipEntry objZipEntry = new ZipEntry(strEntryName); objZipEntry.DateTime = DateTime.Now; objZipFile.PutNextEntry(objZipEntry); // Zip the file in buffered chunks // the "using" will close the stream even if an exception occurs byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; using (FileStream streamReader = File.OpenRead(strFilePath)) { StreamUtils.Copy(streamReader, objZipFile, buffer); } objZipFile.CloseEntry(); File.Delete(strFilePath); } objZipFile.IsStreamOwner = true; // Makes the Close also Close the underlying stream objZipFile.Close(); objMessage.strAttachment = objMessage.ID + ".zip"; } else { // String filePath = Server.MapPath(Constants.ACIIDENTREPORTIMAGE) + "\\" + objMessage.ID + Path.GetExtension(Request.Files[0].FileName); Request.Files[0].SaveAs(Constants.SHOPAPP_PATH_IMAGES + "\\" + objMessage.ID + Path.GetExtension(Request.Files[0].FileName)); objMessage.strAttachment = objMessage.ID + Path.GetExtension(Request.Files[0].FileName); } } } objMessage.Save(); objAccidentReport.iMessageId = objMessage.ID; //save the accident report if saved return true else false if (objAccidentReport.Save()) { bResult = true; if (Request.QueryString["Contact_Email_ID"] != null) { SendAccidentReport(objMessage, objAccidentReport, Request.QueryString["Contact_Email_ID"], Request.Headers["Customer_Email_ID"], Request.Headers["Accident_Report_Date"]); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Headers["Contact_Email_ID"])) { SendAccidentReport(objMessage, objAccidentReport, Request.Headers["Contact_Email_ID"], Request.Headers["Customer_Email_ID"], Request.Headers["Accident_Report_Date"]); } } } } } //} } catch (Exception ex) { bResult = false; } XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); //XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("AccidentReport"); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Status", bResult ? "Success" : "Fail"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Flush(); byte[] byteArray = stream.ToArray(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=MyExportedFile.xml"); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", byteArray.Length.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(byteArray); }
private bool saveMessage(Int32 iUserId) { Int32 iShopId; Boolean hasGroupOfPrivateShops; Boolean bPerformOperation; Boolean bHasShop = setUserPrefferedShop(iUserId, out iShopId, out hasGroupOfPrivateShops, out bPerformOperation); if (hasGroupOfPrivateShops || !(bPerformOperation)) { return(false); } if (bHasShop) { DeletedUsersFromRepairProspectBL objDeletedUsersFromRepairProspectBL = DeletedUsersFromRepairProspectBL.getDataByShopId(iShopId, iUserId); if (objDeletedUsersFromRepairProspectBL != null) { objDeletedUsersFromRepairProspectBL.Delete(); } UnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL OldPrefferedShop = UnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL.getDataByUserId(iUserId); if (OldPrefferedShop != null) { if (OldPrefferedShop.ShopID != iShopId) { OldPrefferedShop.Delete(); } } UnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL objOldEntry = UnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL.getDataByShopId(iShopId, iUserId); if (objOldEntry == null) { UnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL objUnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL = new UnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL(); objUnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL.User_id = iUserId; objUnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL.ShopID = iShopId; objUnreadUsersFromRepairProspectBL.Save(); } } try { Int32 iPrivateLabelId = 0; if (Request.QueryString[Constants.QUERYSTRING_PRIVATELABELSHOPID] != null) { Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString[Constants.QUERYSTRING_PRIVATELABELSHOPID], out iPrivateLabelId); } else if (Request.Form[Constants.QUERYSTRING_PRIVATELABELSHOPID] != null) { Int32.TryParse(Request.Form[Constants.QUERYSTRING_PRIVATELABELSHOPID], out iPrivateLabelId); } if (iPrivateLabelId == 0) { return(false); } List <BodyShopPrivateLabelBL> lstBodyShopPrivateLabel = BodyShopPrivateLabelBL.GetShopListByPrivateLabelId(iPrivateLabelId); if (lstBodyShopPrivateLabel == null || lstBodyShopPrivateLabel.Count == 0) { return(false); } List <MessageBL> lstMessage = MessageBL.getDataByUserIdAndType(iUserId, Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE); Boolean bFound = false; if (lstMessage != null && lstMessage.Count > 0) { foreach (MessageBL objMessage in lstMessage) { if (objMessage.iShopID == null) { objMessage.bIsRead = true; objMessage.strMessage = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGE; if (iPrivateLabelId != 0) { objMessage.iPrivateLabelID = iPrivateLabelId; } } else { objMessage.bIsRead = false; objMessage.iShopID = iShopId; objMessage.strMessage = Constants.PREFFEREDSHOPMESSAGE; bFound = true; } objMessage.Save(); } } else { MessageBL objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.iPhoneUserID = iUserId; objMessage.iType = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE; objMessage.strMessage = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGE; objMessage.bIsRead = false; objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; if (iPrivateLabelId != 0) { objMessage.iPrivateLabelID = iPrivateLabelId; } objMessage.Save(); MessageBL _objMessage = new MessageBL(); _objMessage.iShopID = iShopId; _objMessage.iPhoneUserID = iUserId; _objMessage.iType = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE; _objMessage.strMessage = Constants.PREFFEREDSHOPMESSAGE; _objMessage.bIsRead = false; _objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; _objMessage.Save(); bFound = true; } if (!bFound) { MessageBL _objMessage = new MessageBL(); _objMessage.iShopID = iShopId; _objMessage.iPhoneUserID = iUserId; _objMessage.iType = Constants.REGISTRATIONMESSAGTYPE; _objMessage.strMessage = Constants.PREFFEREDSHOPMESSAGE; _objMessage.bIsRead = false; _objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; _objMessage.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean bResult = false; try { String strPhoneId = String.Empty; String strPhoneId1 = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ShopID"])) { if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.Form["User_ID"]; } if (!Int32.TryParse(Security.DecodeNumbers(Request.QueryString["ShopID"]), out iShopID)) { return; } } else { if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.Form["User_ID"]; } } UserBL objUser = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPhoneId)) { //if phone user id is found objUser = UserBL.getDataByPhoneId(strPhoneId); } else { MyCustomerBL objMyCustomer = MyCustomerBL.getDataByShopIdNPhone(iShopID, strPhoneId1); if (objMyCustomer != null) { objUser = UserBL.getByActivityId(objMyCustomer.iUserId.Value); } } if (objUser != null) { String strUserName = String.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objUser.strUserName)) { if (Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { objUser.strUserName = Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } else if (Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"].ToString())) { objUser.strUserName = Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } } objUser.Save(); UserPreferredShopBL objUserPreferredShop = UserPreferredShopBL.getShopByUserId(objUser.ID); MessageBL objMessage = null; if (objUserPreferredShop != null || iShopID > 0) { objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.iPhoneUserID = objUser.ID; if (objUserPreferredShop != null) { objMessage.iShopID = objUserPreferredShop.iShopId; } else { objMessage.iShopID = iShopID; } objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; if (Request.QueryString["Message"] != null) { objMessage.strMessage = Request.QueryString["Message"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Form["Message"] != null) { objMessage.strMessage = Request.Form["Message"].ToString(); } String strType = String.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["MessageType"] != null) { strType = Request.QueryString["MessageType"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Form["MessageType"] != null) { strType = Request.Form["MessageType"].ToString(); } String[] strPhoneNumbers = null; if (Request.QueryString["smsTo"] != null) { strPhoneNumbers = Request.QueryString["smsTo"].ToString().Split(','); } if (strType.ToLower() == "predefinedsms" && Request.QueryString["Message"] != null) { String strMSG = Request.QueryString["Message"].ToString(); if (strPhoneNumbers != null) { SMS objSMS = new SMS(); foreach (String item in strPhoneNumbers) { objSMS.SendSMS(item, objMessage.strMessage, objUser.strPhone, objUser.ID); } } } try { if (Request.QueryString["Latitude"] != null) { objMessage.fLatitude = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["Latitude"]); } else if (Request.Form["Latitude"] != null) { objMessage.fLatitude = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["Latitude"]); } } catch (Exception ex) { objMessage.fLatitude = 0.0; } try { if (Request.QueryString["Longitude"] != null) { objMessage.fLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString["Longitude"]); } else if (Request.Form["Longitude"] != null) { objMessage.fLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["Longitude"]); } } catch (Exception ex) { objMessage.fLongitude = 0.0; } objMessage.iType = Constants.PredefinedSMS; objMessage.Save(); BodyShopBL objBodyShop = null; if (objUserPreferredShop != null) { objBodyShop = BodyShopBL.getShopById(Convert.ToInt32(objUserPreferredShop.iShopId)); } else { objBodyShop = BodyShopBL.getShopById(iShopID); } if (objBodyShop != null) { objBodyShop.iNoHelpSelection = (objBodyShop.iNoHelpSelection == null) ? 1 : (objBodyShop.iNoHelpSelection + 1); if (objBodyShop.Save()) { if (Cache["CommunicationList"] != null) { Cache.Remove("CommunicationList"); } if (Cache["OpportunityList"] != null) { Cache.Remove("OpportunityList"); } if (Cache["RepairProspect"] != null) { Cache.Remove("RepairProspect"); } if (Cache["EmailMarketing"] != null) { Cache.Remove("EmailMarketing"); } if (Cache["TextMarketing"] != null) { Cache.Remove("TextMarketing"); } bResult = true; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { bResult = false; } XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); //XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("EditCountReport"); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Status", bResult ? "Success" : "Fail"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Flush(); byte[] byteArray = stream.ToArray(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=MyExportedFile.xml"); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", byteArray.Length.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(byteArray); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean bResult = false; try { String strPhoneId = String.Empty; String strPhoneId1 = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ShopID"])) { if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.Form["User_ID"]; } if (!Int32.TryParse(Security.DecodeNumbers(Request.QueryString["ShopID"]), out iShopID)) { return; } } else { if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.Form["User_ID"]; } } UserBL objUser = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPhoneId)) { //if phone user id is found objUser = UserBL.getDataByPhoneId(strPhoneId); } else { MyCustomerBL objMyCustomer = MyCustomerBL.getDataByShopIdNPhone(iShopID, strPhoneId1); if (objMyCustomer != null) { objUser = UserBL.getByActivityId(objMyCustomer.iUserId.Value); } } if (objUser != null) { //if user of that phone user id is found fill message info String strUserName = String.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objUser.strUserName)) { if (Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { objUser.strUserName = Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } else if (Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"].ToString())) { objUser.strUserName = Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } } //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserName) && objUser.strFirstName != strUserName) //{ //if user's first name is changed replace it //objUser.strFirstName = strUserName; objUser.Save(); //} UserPreferredShopBL objUserPreferredShop = UserPreferredShopBL.getShopByUserId(objUser.ID); if (objUserPreferredShop != null || iShopID > 0) { String strMSG = String.Empty; //save the message against his preferred body shop MessageBL objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.iPhoneUserID = objUser.ID; if (objUserPreferredShop != null) { objMessage.iShopID = objUserPreferredShop.iShopId; } else { objMessage.iShopID = iShopID; } objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; if (Request.QueryString["Message"] != null) { objMessage.strMessage = Request.QueryString["Message"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Form["Message"] != null) { objMessage.strMessage = Request.Form["Message"].ToString(); } String strType = String.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["MessageType"] != null) { strType = Request.QueryString["MessageType"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Form["MessageType"] != null) { strType = Request.Form["MessageType"].ToString(); } //Check isSendSMS flag to send SMS via Web Application Boolean bIsSendSMS = false; String strBodyShopPhone = String.Empty; if (Request.QueryString["sendSMS"] != null && Request.QueryString["sendSMS"].ToString() == "1") { bIsSendSMS = true; } BodyShopBL objBodyShop = null; if (objUserPreferredShop != null && objUserPreferredShop.iShopId.HasValue) { objBodyShop = BodyShopBL.getShopById(objUserPreferredShop.iShopId.Value); } else if (iShopID > 0) { objBodyShop = BodyShopBL.getShopById(iShopID); } if (objBodyShop != null && objBodyShop.strPhone != null) { strBodyShopPhone = objBodyShop.strPhone; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strType)) { switch (strType.ToLower()) { //select the message type eg. SMS, Email, Predefined SMS case "sms": objMessage.iType = Constants.SMS; if (bIsSendSMS) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strBodyShopPhone)) { SMS objSMS = new SMS(); objSMS.SendSMS(strBodyShopPhone, objMessage.strMessage, objUser.strPhone, objUser.ID); } } break; case "email": objMessage.iType = Constants.Email; break; case "predefinedsms": objMessage.iType = Constants.PredefinedSMS; break; } } //save the message n if saved return true to phone n remove cache if (objMessage.Save()) { bResult = true; if (objMessage.iType == Constants.PredefinedSMS) { if (Cache["OpportunityList"] != null) { Cache.Remove("OpportunityList"); } } else if (objMessage.iType == Constants.SMS || objMessage.iType == Constants.Email) { if (Cache["CommunicationList"] != null) { Cache.Remove("CommunicationList"); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { bResult = false; } XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); //XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("MessageReport"); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Status", bResult ? "Success" : "Fail"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Flush(); byte[] byteArray = stream.ToArray(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=MyExportedFile.xml"); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", byteArray.Length.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(byteArray); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean bResult = false; try { //String strPhoneId = String.Empty; ////get the phone user id //if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) // strPhoneId = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; //else if (Request.Headers["User_ID"] != null) // strPhoneId = Request.Headers["User_ID"]; //else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) // strPhoneId = Request.Form["User_ID"]; String strPhoneId = String.Empty; String strPhoneId1 = String.Empty; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ShopID"])) { if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Headers["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.Headers["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId1 = Request.Form["User_ID"]; } if (!Int32.TryParse(Security.DecodeNumbers(Request.QueryString["ShopID"]), out iShopID)) { return; } } else { if (Request.QueryString["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.QueryString["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Headers["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.Headers["User_ID"]; } else if (Request.Form["User_ID"] != null) { strPhoneId = Request.Form["User_ID"]; } } UserBL objUser = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strPhoneId)) { string[] strPhones = strPhoneId.Split('_'); //find user using phoneID for private label if (strPhones.Length == 3) { objUser = UserBL.getDataByPhoneId(strPhoneId); } else { objUser = UserBL.GetDataByPhoneNumber(strPhones[0]); } if (objUser != null) { MyCustomerBL objMyCustomer = MyCustomerBL.getDataByUserId(objUser.ID); if (objMyCustomer != null) { iShopID = objMyCustomer.iShopId; } } } else { MyCustomerBL objMyCustomer = MyCustomerBL.getDataByShopIdNPhone(iShopID, strPhoneId1); if (objMyCustomer != null) { objUser = UserBL.getByActivityId(objMyCustomer.iUserId.Value); } } if (objUser != null) { //if user of previous phone user id is found fill his accident report information String strUserName = String.Empty; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objUser.strUserName)) { if (Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { strUserName = Request.QueryString["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } else if (Request.Headers["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { strUserName = Request.Headers["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } else if (Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"] != null) { strUserName = Request.Form["Phone_Owner_Name"]; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserName) && objUser.strFirstName != strUserName) { //if user's first name is changed objUser.strFirstName = strUserName; objUser.Save(); } UserPreferredShopBL objUserPreferredShop = UserPreferredShopBL.getShopByUserId(objUser.ID); MessageBL objMessage = null; if (objUserPreferredShop != null || iShopID > 0) { String strMessage = "Requested Appointment on: "; if (Request.QueryString["datetime"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + String.Format("{0:g}", Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["datetime"].ToString())); } else if (Request.Headers["datetime"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + String.Format("{0:g}", Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Headers["datetime"].ToString())); } else if (Request.Form["datetime"] != null) { DateTime dtAppointmentDate; DateTime.TryParse((Request.Form["datetime"].ToString()), out dtAppointmentDate); strMessage = strMessage + String.Format("{0:g}", dtAppointmentDate.ToString()); } if (Request.QueryString["reason"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + " For: " + Request.QueryString["reason"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["reason"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + " For: " + Request.Headers["reason"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Form["reason"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + " For: " + Request.Form["reason"].ToString(); } //add one message against his preferred shop objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.strMessage = strMessage; objMessage.iPhoneUserID = objUser.ID; if (objUserPreferredShop != null) { objMessage.iShopID = objUserPreferredShop.iShopId; } else { objMessage.iShopID = iShopID; } objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; objMessage.iType = Constants.REQUEST_APPOINTMENT; if (objMessage.Save()) { bResult = true; } } else if (iShopID > 0) { String strMessage = "Requested Appointment on: "; if (Request.QueryString["datetime"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + String.Format("{0:g}", Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["datetime"].ToString())); } else if (Request.Headers["datetime"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + String.Format("{0:g}", Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Headers["datetime"].ToString())); } else if (Request.Form["datetime"] != null) { DateTime dtAppointmentDate; DateTime.TryParse((Request.Form["datetime"].ToString()), out dtAppointmentDate); strMessage = strMessage + String.Format("{0:g}", dtAppointmentDate.ToString()); } if (Request.QueryString["reason"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + " For: " + Request.QueryString["reason"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Headers["reason"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + " For: " + Request.Headers["reason"].ToString(); } else if (Request.Form["reason"] != null) { strMessage = strMessage + " For: " + Request.Form["reason"].ToString(); } //add one message against his preferred shop objMessage = new MessageBL(); objMessage.strMessage = strMessage; objMessage.iPhoneUserID = objUser.ID; objMessage.iShopID = iShopID; objMessage.dtMessageTime = DateTime.Now; objMessage.iType = Constants.REQUEST_APPOINTMENT; if (objMessage.Save()) { bResult = true; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { bResult = false; } XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); //XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("ScheduleRepairAppointment"); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Status", bResult ? "Success" : "Fail"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Flush(); byte[] byteArray = stream.ToArray(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=MyExportedFile.xml"); HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", byteArray.Length.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(byteArray); }