コード例 #1
ファイル: BSPMap.cs プロジェクト: oxters168/UnitySourceEngine
        //public SourceTexture texture;

        public FaceMesh()
            relativePosition = Vector3.zero;
            relativeRotation = Vector3.zero;
            meshData         = new MeshHelpers.MeshData();
            textureFlag      = texflags.SURF_NODRAW;
コード例 #2
        private void ReadFaceMeshes(MDLParser mdl, VVDParser vvd, VTXParser vtx, BSPParser bspParser, VPKParser vpkParser)
            int textureIndex = 0;

            if (mdl.bodyParts.Length == vtx.bodyParts.Length)
                for (int bodyPartIndex = 0; bodyPartIndex < mdl.bodyParts.Length; bodyPartIndex++)
                    for (int modelIndex = 0; modelIndex < mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models.Length; modelIndex++)
                        //int currentPosition = 0;
                        for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes.Length; meshIndex++)
                            int rootLodIndex = mdl.header1.rootLod;
                            //int rootLodIndex = 0;
                            //int rootLodCount = 1;
                            //if (mdl.header1.numAllowedRootLods == 0)
                            //    rootLodCount = vtx.header.numLODs;

                            FaceMesh currentFace = new FaceMesh();

                            int verticesStartIndex = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexIndexStart;
                            int vertexCount        = 0;
                            //int vertexCount = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexCount;
                            //int vertexCount = mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexData.lodVertexCount[rootLodIndex];
                            //int vertexCount = 0;
                            //for (int i = 0; i <= rootLodIndex; i++)
                            //    vertexCount += mdl.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].models[modelIndex].theMeshes[meshIndex].vertexData.lodVertexCount[i];

                            int trianglesCount = 0;
                            for (int stripGroupIndex = 0; stripGroupIndex < vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].stripGroupCount; stripGroupIndex++)
                                var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[stripGroupIndex];
                                for (int stripIndex = 0; stripIndex < currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips.Length; stripIndex++)
                                    var currentStrip = currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips[stripIndex];
                                    if (((StripHeaderFlags_t)currentStrip.flags & StripHeaderFlags_t.STRIP_IS_TRILIST) > 0)
                                        trianglesCount += currentStrip.indexCount;

                            //List<int> triangles = new List<int>();
                            int[] triangles      = new int[trianglesCount];
                            int   trianglesIndex = 0;
                            //for (int countUpLodIndex = 0; countUpLodIndex <= rootLodIndex; countUpLodIndex++)
                            for (int stripGroupIndex = 0; stripGroupIndex < vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].stripGroupCount; stripGroupIndex++)
                                //var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[0];
                                var currentStripGroup = vtx.bodyParts[bodyPartIndex].theVtxModels[modelIndex].theVtxModelLods[rootLodIndex].theVtxMeshes[meshIndex].theVtxStripGroups[stripGroupIndex];
                                //int trianglesCount = currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices.Length;
                                //int[] triangles = new int[trianglesCount];

                                for (int stripIndex = 0; stripIndex < currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips.Length; stripIndex++)
                                    var currentStrip = currentStripGroup.theVtxStrips[stripIndex];

                                    if (((StripHeaderFlags_t)currentStrip.flags & StripHeaderFlags_t.STRIP_IS_TRILIST) > 0)
                                        for (int indexIndex = 0; indexIndex < currentStrip.indexCount; indexIndex += 3)
                                            int vertexIndexA = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex]].originalMeshVertexIndex;
                                            int vertexIndexB = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex + 2]].originalMeshVertexIndex;
                                            int vertexIndexC = verticesStartIndex + currentStripGroup.theVtxVertices[currentStripGroup.theVtxIndices[indexIndex + currentStrip.indexMeshIndex + 1]].originalMeshVertexIndex;

                                            vertexCount = Mathf.Max(vertexCount, vertexIndexA, vertexIndexB, vertexIndexC);
                                            //if (vertexIndexA < vertices.Length && vertexIndexB < vertices.Length && vertexIndexC < vertices.Length)
                                            triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexA;
                                            triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexB;
                                            triangles[trianglesIndex++] = vertexIndexC;

                            vertexCount += 1;
                            //vertexCount = vvd.vertices.Length;
                            //vertexCount = vvd.header.numLODVertices[rootLodIndex];

                            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
                            Vector3[] normals  = new Vector3[vertexCount];
                            Vector2[] uv       = new Vector2[vertexCount];

                            for (int verticesIndex = 0; verticesIndex < vertices.Length; verticesIndex++)
                                vertices[verticesIndex] = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecPosition;
                                normals[verticesIndex]  = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecNormal;
                                uv[verticesIndex]       = vvd.vertices[verticesIndex].m_vecTexCoord;

                            Debug.Assert(triangles.Length % 3 == 0, "SourceModel: Triangles not a multiple of three for " + modelPath);
                            if (mdl.header1.includemodel_count > 0)
                                Debug.LogWarning("SourceModel: Include model count greater than zero (" + mdl.header1.includemodel_count + ", " + mdl.header1.includemodel_index + ") for " + modelPath);
                            if (vvd.header.numFixups > 0)
                                Debug.LogWarning("SourceModel: " + vvd.header.numFixups + " fixups found for " + modelPath);

                            MeshHelpers.MeshData meshData;

                            //var outcome = MeshHelpers.GenerateConvexHull(vertices, out meshData, 0.2);
                            //if (outcome != MIConvexHull.ConvexHullCreationResultOutcome.Success)
                            //    Debug.LogError("SourceModel: Convex hull error " + outcome + " for " + modelPath);

                            if (decimationPercent > 0)
                                meshData    = MeshHelpers.DecimateByTriangleCount(vertices, triangles, normals, 1 - decimationPercent);
                                meshData.uv = new Vector2[meshData.vertices.Length];
                                System.Array.Copy(uv, meshData.uv, meshData.vertices.Length);
                                meshData           = new MeshHelpers.MeshData();
                                meshData.vertices  = vertices;
                                meshData.triangles = triangles;
                                meshData.normals   = normals;
                                meshData.uv        = uv;

                            currentFace.meshData = meshData;

                            string textureName = "";
                            string texturePath = mdl.texturePaths[0].Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
                            if (textureIndex < mdl.textures.Length)
                                textureName = mdl.textures[textureIndex].name.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
                            //textureName = mdl.textures[textureIndex].name.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
                            if (textureName.IndexOf(texturePath) > -1)
                                texturePath = "";
                            string textureLocation = texturePath + textureName;
                            //if (modelTextures != null && textureIndex < modelTextures.Length) //Should not have this line
                            //    textureLocation = modelTextures[textureIndex]?.location;

                            currentFace.faceName = textureLocation;
                            currentFace.material = VMTData.GrabVMT(bspParser, vpkParser, textureLocation);
                            //if (!excludeTextures)
                            //    currentFace.texture = SourceTexture.GrabTexture(bspParser, vpkParser, textureLocation);

                Debug.LogError("SourceModel: MDL and VTX body part count doesn't match (" + modelPath + ")");
コード例 #3
ファイル: BSPMap.cs プロジェクト: oxters168/UnitySourceEngine
        public MeshHelpers.MeshData MakeFace(BSPParser bspParser, dface_t face)
            #region Get all vertices of face
            List <Vector3> surfaceVertices  = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> originalVertices = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> normals          = new List <Vector3>();
            for (int i = 0; i < face.numedges; i++)
                ushort[] currentEdge = bspParser.edges[Mathf.Abs(bspParser.surfedges[face.firstedge + i])].v;
                Vector3  point1 = bspParser.vertices[currentEdge[0]], point2 = bspParser.vertices[currentEdge[1]];
                Vector3  planeNormal = bspParser.planes[face.planenum].normal;

                point1 = new Vector3(point1.x, point1.y, point1.z);
                point2 = new Vector3(point2.x, point2.y, point2.z);

                if (bspParser.surfedges[face.firstedge + i] >= 0)
                    if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0)

                    if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0)
                    if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0)

                    if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0)

            #region Apply Displacement
            if (face.dispinfo > -1)
                ddispinfo_t disp  = bspParser.dispInfo[face.dispinfo];
                int         power = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Pow(2, disp.power));

                List <Vector3> dispVertices = new List <Vector3>();
                Vector3        startingPosition = surfaceVertices[0];
                Vector3        topCorner = surfaceVertices[1], topRightCorner = surfaceVertices[2], rightCorner = surfaceVertices[3];

                #region Setting Orientation
                Vector3 dispStartingVertex = disp.startPosition;
                if (Vector3.Distance(dispStartingVertex, topCorner) < 0.01f)
                    Vector3 tempCorner = startingPosition;

                    startingPosition = topCorner;
                    topCorner        = topRightCorner;
                    topRightCorner   = rightCorner;
                    rightCorner      = tempCorner;
                else if (Vector3.Distance(dispStartingVertex, rightCorner) < 0.01f)
                    Vector3 tempCorner = startingPosition;

                    startingPosition = rightCorner;
                    rightCorner      = topRightCorner;
                    topRightCorner   = topCorner;
                    topCorner        = tempCorner;
                else if (Vector3.Distance(dispStartingVertex, topRightCorner) < 0.01f)
                    Vector3 tempCorner = startingPosition;

                    startingPosition = topRightCorner;
                    topRightCorner   = tempCorner;
                    tempCorner       = rightCorner;
                    rightCorner      = topCorner;
                    topCorner        = tempCorner;

                int orderNum = 0;
                #region Method 13 (The one and only two)
                Vector3 leftSide = (topCorner - startingPosition), rightSide = (topRightCorner - rightCorner);
                float   leftSideLineSegmentationDistance = leftSide.magnitude / power, rightSideLineSegmentationDistance = rightSide.magnitude / power;
                for (int line = 0; line < (power + 1); line++)
                    for (int point = 0; point < (power + 1); point++)
                        Vector3 leftPoint      = (leftSide.normalized * line * leftSideLineSegmentationDistance) + startingPosition;
                        Vector3 rightPoint     = (rightSide.normalized * line * rightSideLineSegmentationDistance) + rightCorner;
                        Vector3 currentLine    = rightPoint - leftPoint;
                        Vector3 pointDirection = currentLine.normalized;
                        float   pointSideSegmentationDistance = currentLine.magnitude / power;

                        Vector3 pointA = leftPoint + (pointDirection * pointSideSegmentationDistance * point);

                        Vector3 dispDirectionA = bspParser.dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart + orderNum].vec;
                        dispVertices.Add(pointA + (dispDirectionA * bspParser.dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart + orderNum].dist));

                surfaceVertices = dispVertices;

            #region Triangulate
            List <int> triangleIndices = new List <int>();

            if (face.dispinfo > -1)
                ddispinfo_t disp  = bspParser.dispInfo[face.dispinfo];
                int         power = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Pow(2, disp.power));

                #region Method 12 Triangulation
                for (int row = 0; row < power; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < power; col++)
                        int currentLine   = row * (power + 1);
                        int nextLineStart = (row + 1) * (power + 1);

                        triangleIndices.Add(currentLine + col);
                        triangleIndices.Add(currentLine + col + 1);
                        triangleIndices.Add(nextLineStart + col);

                        triangleIndices.Add(currentLine + col + 1);
                        triangleIndices.Add(nextLineStart + col + 1);
                        triangleIndices.Add(nextLineStart + col);
                for (int i = 0; i < (originalVertices.Count / 2) - 0; i++)
                    int firstOrigIndex = i * 2, secondOrigIndex = (i * 2) + 1, thirdOrigIndex = 0;
                    int firstIndex  = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[firstOrigIndex]);
                    int secondIndex = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[secondOrigIndex]);
                    int thirdIndex  = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[thirdOrigIndex]);


            #region Map UV Points
            Vector3 s = Vector3.zero, t = Vector3.zero;
            float   xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;

                s       = new Vector3(bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][0], bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][1], bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][2]);
                t       = new Vector3(bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][0], bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][1], bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][2]);
                xOffset = bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][3];
                yOffset = bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][3];
            catch (Exception e)

            Vector2[] uvPoints = new Vector2[surfaceVertices.Count];
            int       textureWidth = 0, textureHeight = 0;

                textureWidth  = bspParser.texData[bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].width;
                textureHeight = bspParser.texData[bspParser.texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].height;
            catch (Exception e)

            for (int i = 0; i < uvPoints.Length; i++)
                uvPoints[i] = new Vector2((Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], s) + xOffset) / textureWidth, (textureHeight - (Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], t) + yOffset)) / textureHeight);

            #region Organize Mesh Data
            MeshHelpers.MeshData meshData = new MeshHelpers.MeshData();
            meshData.vertices  = surfaceVertices.ToArray();
            meshData.triangles = triangleIndices.ToArray();
            meshData.normals   = normals.ToArray();
            meshData.uv        = uvPoints;

            #region Clear References
            surfaceVertices = null;
            originalVertices = null;
            normals = null;
            triangleIndices = null;
            uvPoints        = null;
