コード例 #1
        protected override void on_curve_validated()
            if (previewGO != null)

            if (EnableRegionOverlay)
                if (TargetModelSO == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("EnclosedPatchSO.on_curve_validated: curve is not connected to a Target");
                if (TransformMode != OutputCurveTransform.ToTargetSO)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("EnclosedPatchSO.on_curve_validated: curve is not transformed to TargetSO");

                DCurve3           target_curve = RequestCurveCopyFromMainThread();
                MeshFacesFromLoop loop         = new MeshFacesFromLoop(TargetModel.SourceMesh,
                                                                       target_curve, TargetModel.SourceSpatial);
                MeshFaceSelection face_selection = loop.ToSelection();

                DSubmesh3 submesh = new DSubmesh3(TargetModel.SourceMesh, face_selection, face_selection.Count);

                MeshNormals normals = new MeshNormals(submesh.SubMesh);
                foreach (int vid in submesh.SubMesh.VertexIndices())
                    Vector3d n = normals.Normals[vid];
                    Vector3d v = submesh.SubMesh.GetVertex(vid);
                    v += 0.1 * n;
                    v  = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(v, TargetModelSO, this);
                    submesh.SubMesh.SetVertex(vid, v);

                previewGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateMeshGO("patch",
                                                           new fMesh(submesh.SubMesh), false, true);
                previewGO.SetMaterial(previewMaterial, true);
                AppendNewGO(previewGO, root, false);
コード例 #2
        public virtual void Update()
            if (MeshSource == null)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: must set valid MeshSource to compute!");
            if (MeshSource.HasSpatial == false)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: MeshSource must have spatial data structure!");

            IMesh imesh = MeshSource.GetIMesh();

            if (imesh.HasVertexNormals == false)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: input mesh does not have surface normals...");
            if (imesh is DMesh3 == false)
                throw new Exception("RegionOffsetOp: in current implementation, input mesh must be a DMesh3. Ugh.");
            DMesh3   mesh    = imesh as DMesh3;
            ISpatial spatial = MeshSource.GetSpatial();

            DCurve3           curve = new DCurve3(CurveSource.GetICurve());
            MeshFacesFromLoop loop  = new MeshFacesFromLoop(mesh, curve, spatial);

            // extract submesh
            RegionOperator op      = new RegionOperator(mesh, loop.InteriorTriangles);
            DMesh3         submesh = op.Region.SubMesh;

            // find boundary verts and nbr ring
            HashSet <int> boundaryV    = new HashSet <int>(MeshIterators.BoundaryEdgeVertices(submesh));
            HashSet <int> boundaryNbrs = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (int vid in boundaryV)
                foreach (int nbrvid in submesh.VtxVerticesItr(vid))
                    if (boundaryV.Contains(nbrvid) == false)

            // [TODO] maybe should be not using vertex normal here?
            // use an averaged normal, or a constant for patch?

            // offset mesh if requested
            if (Math.Abs(offset_distance) > 0.0001)
                foreach (int vid in submesh.VertexIndices())
                    if (boundaryV.Contains(vid))
                    // if inner ring is non-zero, then it gets preserved below, and
                    // creates a crease...
                    //double dist = boundaryNbrs.Contains(vid) ? (offset_distance / 2) : offset_distance;
                    double dist = boundaryNbrs.Contains(vid) ? 0 : offset_distance;
                                      submesh.GetVertex(vid) + (float)dist * submesh.GetVertexNormal(vid));

            //double t = MathUtil.Clamp(1.0 - SmoothAlpha, 0.1, 1.0);
            double t = 1.0 - SmoothAlpha;

            t = t * t;
            double boundary_t = 5.0;
            double ring_t     = 1.0;

            // smooth submesh, with boundary-ring constraints
            LaplacianMeshSmoother smoother = new LaplacianMeshSmoother(submesh);

            foreach (int vid in submesh.VertexIndices())
                if (boundaryV.Contains(vid))
                    smoother.SetConstraint(vid, submesh.GetVertex(vid), boundary_t, true);
                else if (boundaryNbrs.Contains(vid))
                    smoother.SetConstraint(vid, submesh.GetVertex(vid), ring_t);
                    smoother.SetConstraint(vid, submesh.GetVertex(vid), t);

            // turn into displacement vectors
            foreach (int subvid in op.Region.SubMesh.VertexIndices())
                Vector3d subv    = op.Region.SubMesh.GetVertex(subvid);
                int      basevid = op.Region.SubToBaseV[subvid];
                Vector3d basev   = op.Region.BaseMesh.GetVertex(basevid);
                Displacement[basevid] = subv - basev;

            result_valid = true;
コード例 #3
        protected override void Update_GenerateMap()

            if (MeshSource == null)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: must set valid MeshSource to compute!");
            if (MeshSource.HasSpatial == false)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: MeshSource must have spatial data structure!");

            IMesh imesh = MeshSource.GetIMesh();

            if (imesh.HasVertexNormals == false)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: input mesh does not have surface normals...");
            if (imesh is DMesh3 == false)
                throw new Exception("EnclosedRegionOffsetOp: in current implementation, input mesh must be a DMesh3. Ugh.");
            DMesh3   mesh    = imesh as DMesh3;
            ISpatial spatial = MeshSource.GetSpatial();

            DCurve3           curve = new DCurve3(CurveSource.GetICurve());
            MeshFacesFromLoop loop  = new MeshFacesFromLoop(mesh, curve, spatial);

            // [RMS] this is all f'n ugly!

            MeshVertexSelection selection = new MeshVertexSelection(mesh);


            // [TODO] do this inline w/ loop below? but then no maxdist!
            Dictionary <int, double> dists = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            double max_dist = 0;

            foreach (int vid in selection)
                Vector3d v = mesh.GetVertex(vid);
                int      inearseg; double nearsegt;
                double   min_dist_sqr = curve.DistanceSquared(v, out inearseg, out nearsegt);
                min_dist_sqr = Math.Sqrt(min_dist_sqr);
                max_dist     = Math.Max(min_dist_sqr, max_dist);
                dists[vid]   = min_dist_sqr;

            lock (Displacement) {

                // todo: can do this in parallel...
                foreach (int vid in selection)
                    //Vector3d v = mesh.GetVertex(vid);

                    // [TODO]...
                    double dist    = max_dist - dists[vid];
                    double falloff = Falloff.FalloffT(dist / max_dist);

                    Vector3d n = mesh.GetVertexNormal(vid);
                    n = n - n.Dot(normal) * normal;

                    Displacement[vid] = falloff * offset_distance * n;

            // smooth it?
