protected void ProductNavigator_Clicked(object sender, MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.NotifyClickControl.ClickedEventArgs e) { if (!this.Save()) { e.ErrorOccurred = true; } }
public void Process(List<ITemplateAction> actions, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { this.App = app; this.Url = new System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper(app.CurrentRequestContext.RoutingContext); CurrentCategory = app.CurrentRequestContext.CurrentCategory; if (CurrentCategory == null) { CurrentCategory = new Category(); CurrentCategory.Bvin = "0"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class=\"categorymenu\">"); sb.Append("<div class=\"decoratedblock\">"); string title = tag.GetSafeAttribute("title"); if (title.Trim().Length > 0) { sb.Append("<h4>" + title + "</h4>"); } sb.Append("<ul>"); int maxDepth = 5; string mode = tag.GetSafeAttribute("mode"); switch (mode.Trim().ToUpperInvariant()) { case "ROOT": case "ROOTS": // Root Categories Only LoadRoots(sb); break; case "ALL": // All Categories LoadAllCategories(sb, maxDepth); break; case "": case "PEERS": // Peers, Children and Parents LoadPeersAndChildren(sb); break; case "ROOTPLUS": // Show root and expanded children LoadRootPlusExpandedChildren(sb); break; default: // All Categories LoadPeersAndChildren(sb); break; } sb.Append("</ul>"); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append("</div>"); actions.Add(new Actions.LiteralText(sb.ToString())); }
public void Process(List<ITemplateAction> actions, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<" + _tagName); string pathToTemplate = app.ThemeManager().ThemeFileUrl("",app) + "templates/"; foreach (var att in tag.Attributes) { string name = att.Key; string val = att.Value; if (_attributesToFix.Contains(att.Key.ToLowerInvariant())) { val = FixUpValue(val, pathToTemplate); } sb.Append(" " + name + "=\"" + val + "\""); } if (tag.IsSelfClosed) { sb.Append("/>"); } else { sb.Append(">" + innerContents + "</" + _tagName + ">"); } actions.Add(new Actions.LiteralText(sb.ToString())); }
private static void RenderNode(StringBuilder sb, MerchantTribe.Web.SiteMapNode node) { sb.Append("<li>"); if (node.Url.Trim().Length > 0) { sb.Append("<a href=\"" + node.Url + "\">" + node.DisplayName + "</a>"); } else { sb.Append("<strong>" + node.DisplayName + "</strong>"); } if (node.Children.Count > 0) { sb.Append(System.Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine); foreach (MerchantTribe.Web.SiteMapNode child in node.Children) { RenderNode(sb, child); } sb.Append("</ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("</li>" + System.Environment.NewLine); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { bool isSecureRequest = app.IsCurrentRequestSecure(); bool textOnly = !app.CurrentStore.Settings.UseLogoImage; string textOnlyTag = tag.GetSafeAttribute("textonly").Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); if (textOnlyTag == "1" || textOnlyTag == "y" || textOnlyTag == "yes" || textOnlyTag == "true") textOnly = true; string storeRootUrl = app.CurrentStore.RootUrl(); string storeName = app.CurrentStore.Settings.FriendlyName; string logoImage = app.CurrentStore.Settings.LogoImageFullUrl(app, isSecureRequest); string logoText = app.CurrentStore.Settings.LogoText; LogoViewModel model = new LogoViewModel(); model.InnerContent = innerContents.Trim(); model.LinkUrl = storeRootUrl; model.LogoImageUrl = logoImage; model.LogoText = logoText; model.StoreName = storeName; model.UseTextOnly = textOnly; Render(output, model); }
public DomesticProvider(USPostalServiceGlobalSettings globalSettings, MerchantTribe.Web.Logging.ILogger logger) { _Logger = logger; this.GlobalSettings = globalSettings; Settings = new USPostalServiceSettings(); InitializeCodes(); }
public string Render(MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.ContentBlock block) { ImageRotatorViewModel model = new ImageRotatorViewModel(); if (block != null) { var imageList = block.Lists.FindList("Images"); foreach (var listItem in imageList) { ImageRotatorImageViewModel img = new ImageRotatorImageViewModel(); img.ImageUrl = ResolveUrl(listItem.Setting1, app); img.Url = listItem.Setting2; if (img.Url.StartsWith("~")) { img.Url = app.CurrentRequestContext.UrlHelper.Content(img.Url); } img.NewWindow = (listItem.Setting3 == "1"); img.Caption = listItem.Setting4; model.Images.Add(img); } string cleanId = MerchantTribe.Web.Text.ForceAlphaNumericOnly(block.Bvin); model.CssId = "rotator" + cleanId; model.CssClass = block.BaseSettings.GetSettingOrEmpty("cssclass"); model.Height = block.BaseSettings.GetIntegerSetting("Height"); model.Width = block.BaseSettings.GetIntegerSetting("Width"); if (block.BaseSettings.GetBoolSetting("ShowInOrder") == false) { RandomizeList(model.Images); } } return RenderModel(model); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { MiniPagerViewModel model = new MiniPagerViewModel(); model.TotalPages = tag.GetSafeAttributeAsInteger("totalpages"); if (model.TotalPages >= 1) { // manual load model.CurrentPage = tag.GetSafeAttributeAsInteger("currentpage"); model.PagerUrlFormat = tag.GetSafeAttribute("urlformat"); model.PagerUrlFormatFirst = tag.GetSafeAttribute("urlformatfirst"); if (model.CurrentPage < 1) model.CurrentPage = GetPageFromRequest(app); } else { // find everything from current category model = FindModelForCurrentCategory(app, viewBag, tag); } Render(output, model); }
public static ShippingRate RatePackage(FedExGlobalServiceSettings globals, MerchantTribe.Web.Logging.ILogger logger, FedExServiceSettings settings, IShipment package) { ShippingRate result = new ShippingRate(); // Get ServiceType ServiceType currentServiceType = ServiceType.FEDEXGROUND; currentServiceType = (ServiceType)settings.ServiceCode; // Get PackageType PackageType currentPackagingType = PackageType.YOURPACKAGING; currentPackagingType = (PackageType)settings.Packaging; // Set max weight by service CarrierCodeType carCode = GetCarrierCode(currentServiceType); result.EstimatedCost = RateSinglePackage(globals, logger, package, currentServiceType, currentPackagingType, carCode); return result; }
public void PopulateFromPaymentTransaction(MerchantTribe.Payment.Transaction t) { if (t != null) { TimeStampUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; Action = t.Action; Amount = t.Amount; if (t.Action == ActionType.CreditCardRefund) { Amount = (t.Amount * -1); } CreditCard = t.Card; Success = t.Result.Succeeded; Voided = false; RefNum1 = t.Result.ReferenceNumber; RefNum2 = t.Result.ReferenceNumber2; Messages = string.Empty; if (t.Result.Messages.Count > 0) { foreach (Message m in t.Result.Messages) { Messages += m.Code + "::" + m.Description; } } } }
public void Render(StringBuilder sb, MerchantTribe.Commerce.Catalog.Product p, MerchantTribeApplication app) { if (p == null) return; if (p.Bvin == string.Empty) return; var model = new SingleProductViewModel(p, app); RenderModel(sb, model, app); }
public void PopulateFromPaymentTransaction(MerchantTribe.Payment.Transaction t) { if (t != null) { TimeStampUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; Action = t.Action; Amount = t.Amount; if (t.IsRefundTransaction) { Amount = (t.Amount * -1); } CreditCard = t.Card; Success = t.Result.Succeeded; Voided = false; RefNum1 = t.Result.ReferenceNumber; RefNum2 = t.Result.ReferenceNumber2; Messages = string.Empty; if (t.Result.Messages.Count > 0) { foreach (Message m in t.Result.Messages) { Messages += ":: " + m.Code + " - " + m.Description + " "; } } this.CheckNumber = t.CheckNumber; this.PurchaseOrderNumber = t.PurchaseOrderNumber; this.GiftCardNumber = t.GiftCardNumber; this.CompanyAccountNumber = t.CompanyAccountNumber; } }
public void ShowMessage(string msg, MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.DisplayMessageType msgType) { this.litMain.Text += "<div class=\""; switch (msgType) { case DisplayMessageType.Error: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-error"; break; case DisplayMessageType.Exception: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-exception"; break; case DisplayMessageType.Information: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-info"; break; case DisplayMessageType.Question: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-question"; break; case DisplayMessageType.Success: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-success"; break; case DisplayMessageType.Warning: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-warning"; break; case DisplayMessageType.Minor: this.litMain.Text += "flash-message-minor"; break; } this.litMain.Text += "\">" + msg + "</div>"; }
public void Process(List<ITemplateAction> actions, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { string fileUrl = string.Empty; bool secure = app.CurrentRequestContext.RoutingContext.HttpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection; var tm = app.ThemeManager(); string mode = tag.GetSafeAttribute("mode"); if (mode == "legacy") { fileUrl = tm.CurrentStyleSheet(app, secure); } else if (mode == "system") { string cssFile = tag.GetSafeAttribute("file"); fileUrl = app.StoreUrl(secure, false) + cssFile.TrimStart('/'); } else { string fileName = tag.GetSafeAttribute("file"); fileUrl = tm.ThemeFileUrl(fileName, app); } string result = string.Empty; result = "<link href=\"" + fileUrl + "\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"; actions.Add(new Actions.LiteralText(result)); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { output.Append("<" + _tagName); string pathToTemplate = app.ThemeManager().ThemeFileUrl("",app) + "templates/"; if (pathToTemplate.StartsWith("http://")) { pathToTemplate = pathToTemplate.Replace("http://", "//"); } foreach (var att in tag.Attributes) { string name = att.Key; string val = att.Value; if (_attributesToFix.Contains(att.Key.ToLowerInvariant())) { val = FixUpValue(val, pathToTemplate); } output.Append(" " + name + "=\"" + val + "\""); } if (tag.IsSelfClosed) { output.Append("/>"); } else { output.Append(">" + innerContents + "</" + _tagName + ">"); } }
public ShippingRateDisplay(MerchantTribe.Shipping.IShippingRate rate) { this._DisplayName = rate.DisplayName; this._Rate = rate.EstimatedCost; this._ProviderId = rate.ServiceId; this._ProviderServiceCode = rate.ServiceCodes; }
private static void CallTasksOnStore(MerchantTribe.Commerce.Accounts.StoreDomainSnapshot snap) { string storekey = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storekey"]; string rootUrl = snap.RootUrl(); string destination = rootUrl + "scheduledtasks/" + storekey; MerchantTribe.Commerce.Utilities.WebForms.SendRequestByPost(destination, string.Empty); }
public UPSService(UPSServiceGlobalSettings globalSettings, MerchantTribe.Web.Logging.ILogger logger) { _Logger = logger; GlobalSettings = globalSettings; Settings = new UPSServiceSettings(); InitializeCodes(); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { bool secure = app.IsCurrentRequestSecure(); string mode = tag.GetSafeAttribute("mode"); if (mode == "system") { string baseScriptFolder = app.CurrentStore.RootUrl(); if (secure) baseScriptFolder = app.CurrentStore.RootUrlSecure(); if (baseScriptFolder.EndsWith("/") == false) { baseScriptFolder += "/"; } baseScriptFolder += "scripts/"; bool useCDN = false; string cdn = tag.GetSafeAttribute("cdn"); if (cdn == "1" || cdn == "true" || cdn == "y" || cdn == "Y") useCDN = true; if (useCDN) { // CDN JQuery if (secure) { output.Append("<script src='' type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); } else { output.Append("<script src='' type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); } } else { // Local JQuery output.Append("<script src='" + baseScriptFolder + "jquery-1.5.1.min.js' type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); } output.Append(System.Environment.NewLine); output.Append("<script src='" + baseScriptFolder + "jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom.min.js' type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); output.Append("<script src='" + baseScriptFolder + "jquery.form.js' type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); output.Append(System.Environment.NewLine); } else { string src = tag.GetSafeAttribute("src"); string fileName = tag.GetSafeAttribute("file"); if (fileName.Trim().Length > 0) { var tm = app.ThemeManager(); src = tm.ThemeFileUrl(fileName, app); } output.Append("<script src=\"" + src + "\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"); } }
public string Render(MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.ContentBlock block) { ProductListViewModel model = new ProductListViewModel(); model.Title = SiteTerms.GetTerm(SiteTermIds.RecentlyViewedItems); model.Items = LoadItems(app); return RenderModel(model, app); }
public OrderTransaction(MerchantTribe.Payment.Transaction t) { Id = System.Guid.NewGuid(); StoreId = 0; OrderId = string.Empty; LinkedToTransaction = string.Empty; PopulateFromPaymentTransaction(t); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { int linksPerRow = 9; string tryLinksPerRow = tag.GetSafeAttribute("linksperrow"); int temp1 = -1; if (int.TryParse(tryLinksPerRow, out temp1)) linksPerRow = temp1; if (linksPerRow < 1) linksPerRow = 1; int maxLinks = 9; int temp2 = -1; string tryMaxLinks = tag.GetSafeAttribute("maxlinks"); if (int.TryParse(tryMaxLinks, out temp2)) maxLinks = temp2; if (maxLinks < 1) maxLinks = 1; int tabIndex = 0; string tryTabIndex = tag.GetSafeAttribute("tabindex"); int.TryParse(tryTabIndex, out tabIndex); if (tabIndex < 0) tabIndex = 0; MainMenuViewModel model = new MainMenuViewModel(); model.LinksPerRow = linksPerRow; model.MaxLinks = maxLinks; //Find Categories to Display in Menu List<MerchantTribe.Commerce.Catalog.CategorySnapshot> categories = app.CatalogServices.Categories.FindForMainMenu(); int tempTabIndex = 0; foreach (var c in categories) { var l = new MainMenuViewModelLink(); l.AltText = c.MetaTitle; l.DisplayName = c.Name; l.TabIndex = tempTabIndex; l.Target = string.Empty; l.IsActive = false; l.Url = MerchantTribe.Commerce.Utilities.UrlRewriter.BuildUrlForCategory(c, app.CurrentRequestContext.RoutingContext); if (c.Bvin == SessionManager.CategoryLastId) l.IsActive = true; if (c.SourceType == MerchantTribe.Commerce.Catalog.CategorySourceType.CustomLink || c.SourceType == MerchantTribe.Commerce.Catalog.CategorySourceType.CustomPage) { if (c.CustomPageOpenInNewWindow) l.Target = "_blank"; } model.Links.Add(l); tempTabIndex += 1; } Render(output, model); }
public void Process(List<ITemplateAction> actions, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in app.CurrentRequestContext.TempMessages) { sb.Append(s); } actions.Add(new Actions.LiteralText(sb.ToString())); }
public string Render(MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.ContentBlock block) { this.MTApp = app; this.ViewBag = viewBag; CategoryMenuViewModel model = new CategoryMenuViewModel(); LoadMenu(model, block); return Render(model); }
public Transaction(MerchantTribe.Payment.Transaction t) { Id = 0; AccountId = 0; InvoiceReference = string.Empty; ExternalOrderNumber = string.Empty; LinkedToTransaction = 0; PopulateFromPaymentTransaction(t); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { output.Append(MerchantTribe.Commerce.Utilities.HtmlRendering.PromoTag()); }
public void Process(List<ITemplateAction> actions, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { SearchFormViewModel model = new SearchFormViewModel(); string rootUrl = app.StoreUrl(false, true); model.SearchFormUrl = rootUrl + "search"; model.ButtonImageUrl = app.ThemeManager().ButtonUrl("Go", app.CurrentRequestContext.RoutingContext.HttpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection); actions.Add(new Actions.PartialView("~/views/shared/_SearchForm.cshtml", model)); }
public void Process(List<ITemplateAction> actions, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { string byParam = tag.GetSafeAttribute("by"); dynamic model = new ExpandoObject(); model.By = byParam; actions.Add(new Actions.PartialView("~/views/shared/_copyright.cshtml", model)); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { output.Append((string)viewBag.analyticsbottom); }
public void Process(StringBuilder output, MerchantTribe.Commerce.MerchantTribeApplication app, dynamic viewBag, ITagProvider tagProvider, ParsedTag tag, string innerContents) { output.Append(Render(app, viewBag)); }