コード例 #1
        private static void FilteringThread(object threadParams)
            filterThreadParams theseParams = (filterThreadParams)threadParams;
            int filterNumber = theseParams.threadNumber;                // which healing thread is this one?

            StreamReader[] readsFiles    = theseParams.readsFiles;      // the (shared) read files to be processed
            StreamWriter[] filteredReads = theseParams.filteredReads;   // corresponding (shared) streams for filtered reads

            int noReadFNs = readsFiles.Length;

            bool[] fileActive = new bool[noReadFNs];                    // have not yet reached EOF on this reads file
            bool[,] readValid = new bool[batchSize, noReadFNs];         // did the last read from this file produce a read?
            int filesStillActive = 0;                                   // how many active reads files are still around

            string[,] readHeaderSet = new string[batchSize, noReadFNs]; // a batch of sets of read headers
            string[,] readSet       = new string[batchSize, noReadFNs]; // a batch of sets of reads, possibly one from each file
            string[,] qualHeaderSet = new string[batchSize, noReadFNs]; //
            string[,] qualsSet      = new string[batchSize, noReadFNs]; // text form of the quals
            int[] merDepths = new int[maxReadLength];

            int[]  depths          = new int[noReadFNs];                        // depths for each read in the set
            bool[] rightDepth      = new bool[noReadFNs];                       // are depths within the requested bounds?
            bool[] keepThisReadSet = new bool[batchSize];                       // at least one of the set is of the desired depth, so keep the lot

            Dictionary <int, int> readDepths = new Dictionary <int, int>(1000); // depth histogram for this thread

            for (int f = 0; f < noReadFNs; f++)
                if (readsFiles[f] != null)
                    fileActive[f] = true;                               // stays true until EOF

            // get the next set of reads and check their depths
            while (filesStillActive > 0)
                lock (readsFiles)
                    // try getting the next batch of reads
                    for (int b = 0; b < batchSize; b++)
                        for (int f = 0; f < noReadFNs; f++)
                            if (fileActive[f])                              // only if we haven't already reached EOF on this file
                                readSet[b, f] = MerStrings.ReadRead(readsFiles[f], null, readsFormat, out readHeaderSet[b, f], out qualHeaderSet[b, f], out qualsSet[b, f]);
                                if (readSet[b, f] == null)                            // this read failed - now at EOF for the file
                                    fileActive[f]   = false;
                                    readValid[b, f] = false;
                                    readValid[b, f] = true;
                                    Interlocked.Increment(ref totalReads);
                                readValid[b, f] = false;
                } // lock to ensure synchronised reading from all reads files

                // now have a set of reads (the n'th read from each file, if they exist. So filter each one in turn.

                for (int b = 0; b < batchSize; b++)
                    keepThisReadSet[b] = true;
                    for (int f = 0; f < noReadFNs; f++)
                        if (readValid[b, f])
                            depths[f] = CalculateReadDepth(readSet[b, f], merDepths);

                            //if (depths[f] > 100000)
                            //    Debugger.Break();

                            if (reducingReads && !histoOnly)
                                if (depths[f] >= minDepth)                                  // possibly in the allowable range
                                    if (depths[f] >= maxDepth)                              // above the max level, so a candidate for thinning
                                        // extract and test all the long read keys
                                        int keyReps = 0;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < readSet[b, f].Length - 40; i++)
                                            string readKey = readSet[b, f].Substring(i, 40);

                                            // ignore them if they contain an N
                                            if (readKey.Contains('N'))

                                            // look the next seq in the table
                                            if (highRepSeqs.ContainsKey(readKey))
                                                keyReps = highRepSeqs[readKey];

                                            // and break if we found it
                                            if (keyReps > 0)

                                        if (keyReps > reducedDepth)
                                            rightDepth[f] = false;                      // we already have enough of these reads, so mark it to be discarded
                                            Interlocked.Increment(ref reducedReads);

                                        if (keyReps == 0)                               // didn't find this read already, so remember it for the future
                                            string readKey = readSet[b, f].Substring(0, 40);
                                            if (!readKey.Contains('N'))
                                                lock (highRepSeqs)
                                                    if (!highRepSeqs.ContainsKey(readKey))
                                                        highRepSeqs.Add(readKey, 1);
                                            rightDepth[f] = true;                       // and let the read through
                                        rightDepth[f] = true;                               // reducing but read between min and max so let it through
                                    rightDepth[f] = false;                                  // reducing, but below the requested min depth
                                rightDepth[f] = depths[f] >= minDepth && depths[f] <= maxDepth; // not reducing, so must be between min and max
                            depths[f]     = 0;
                            rightDepth[f] = false;

                        // keep the read only if all members of the set should be kept (if paired)
                        keepThisReadSet[b] = keepThisReadSet[b] & rightDepth[f];

                        if (readDepths.ContainsKey(depths[f]))
                            readDepths.Add(depths[f], 1);
                } // end of checking a batch

                for (int b = 0; b < batchSize; b++)
                    if (filesStillActive > 0 && !histoOnly)
                        lock (filteredReads)
                            for (int f = 0; f < noReadFNs; f++)
                                if (readValid[b, f])
                                    if (keepThisReadSet[b])
                                        SaveFilteredReadAndQual(filteredReads[f], readHeaderSet[b, f], readSet[b, f], qualsSet[b, f]);
                                        Interlocked.Increment(ref discardedReads);
                        } // writing out a set of healed reads
            } // end of file reading/healing loop

            theseParams.depthHisto = readDepths;
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: GenerateMerPairs [-m min] [-t threads] cbtFN readsPattern or file names (" + version + ")");

            List <string> FNParams    = new List <string>(); // the .cbt name and the set of file names or patterns
            int           noThreads   = 1;                   // no. of healing threads to run in parallel (1 thread is default)
            int           minLoadReps = 3;                   // min rep count needed before mer will be loaded into uniqueMers table or saved as a pair

            for (int p = 0; p < args.Length; p++)
                if (args[p][0] == '-')
                    args[p] = args[p].ToLower();

                    if (args[p] == "-m" || args[p] == "-min")
                        if (!CheckForParamValue(p, args.Length, "minReps number expected after -m|-min"))
                            minLoadReps = Convert.ToInt32(args[p + 1]);
                            Console.WriteLine("expected a number for the -m|-min parameter: " + args[p + 1]);

                    if (args[p] == "-t" || args[p] == "-threads")
                        if (!CheckForParamValue(p, args.Length, "number expected after -t|-threads"))
                            noThreads = Convert.ToInt32(args[p + 1]);
                            Console.WriteLine("expected a number for the -t|-threads parameter: " + args[p + 1]);

                    Console.WriteLine("unrecognised option: " + args[p]);
                    Console.WriteLine("usage: generateMerPairs [-m min] [-t threads] cbtFN readsPattern or file names (" + version + ")");


            if (FNParams.Count < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("expected a cbt file name and at least one reads file name or pattern");

            // take the cbt file name from the start of the non-option list
            string cbtFN = FNParams[0];


            if (FNParams.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("did not find any reads file names or patterns");

            string pairsFN = cbtFN.Replace(".cbt", ".prs");

            List <string> readsFileNames = new List <string>(FNParams.Count);
            List <string> readsFilePaths = new List <string>(FNParams.Count);

            foreach (string readsFNP in FNParams)
                string readsFileName;
                string readsFilePath;
                GetPathFN(readsFNP, out readsFilePath, out readsFileName);

            List <string> expandedReadsFNs = new List <string>();

            for (int f = 0; f < FNParams.Count; f++)
                string[] matchedReadsFNs = Directory.GetFiles(readsFilePaths[f], readsFileNames[f], SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                foreach (string matchedReadsFN in matchedReadsFNs)

            // make sure there aren't any duplicates in the file list (seems to be a bug on the Cherax SGI HPC system and it returns each file name twice)
            List <string> distinctReadsFNs = new List <string>();

            foreach (string fn in expandedReadsFNs)
                if (!distinctReadsFNs.Contains(fn))

            // finally... the set of fully qualified, distinct reads files
            string[] readsFNs;
            readsFNs = distinctReadsFNs.ToArray();

            if (readsFNs.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No matching read files found");

            int noOfReadsFiles = readsFNs.Length;

            readsFiles = new StreamReader[noOfReadsFiles];
            for (int f = 0; f < noOfReadsFiles; f++)
                string readsFN = readsFNs[f];
                readsFiles[f] = new StreamReader(readsFN);

            // look at the first file to determine the file format and possible read length
            StreamReader testReader = new StreamReader(readsFNs[0]);
            char         headerChar = (char)testReader.Peek();

            if (headerChar == '>')
                readsFormat = MerStrings.formatFNA;
            if (headerChar == '@')
                readsFormat = MerStrings.formatFASTQ;
            int readLength = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                string nextRead = MerStrings.ReadRead(testReader, readsFormat);
                if (nextRead == null)
                int nextLength = nextRead.Length;
                if (nextLength > readLength)
                    readLength = nextLength;

            // have to able to fit at least two full mers into the read (no overlaps)
            if (readLength < 2 * merSize)
                Console.WriteLine("reads too short to generate pairs: " + readLength);

            if (!File.Exists(cbtFN))
                Console.WriteLine(".cbt file not found: " + cbtFN);

            //string knownPairsFN = "C.sporogenesRaw_25_Copy_1.prs";
            //BinaryReader knownPairs = new BinaryReader(File.Open(knownPairsFN, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));


            //while (true)
            //    ulong mer = 0;
            //    int count = 0;

            //    try
            //    {
            //        mer = knownPairs.ReadUInt64();
            //        count = knownPairs.ReadInt32();

            //        goodPairs.Add(mer, count);
            //    }
            //    catch
            //    {
            //        break;
            //    }

            //Console.WriteLine("loaded " + goodPairs.Count + " good mers from " + knownPairsFN);

            long loadedUniqueMers = 0;
            long loadedTotalMers  = 0;

            // load the .cbt file into a merTable (either a hash table (small) or a sorted array (large))
            MerStrings.LoadCBTFile(cbtFN, minLoadReps, 0, 0, minLoadReps,
                                   out uniqueMers, out merSize, out averageDepth, out loadedUniqueMers, out loadedTotalMers);

            if (merSize < merStubSize)
                Console.WriteLine("mers in .cbt file are shorter than merStub size: " + merSize + " < " + merStubSize);

            uniquePairs = new MerCollections.MerTables(loadedUniqueMers, noThreads);

            // calculate a gap size based on the first read
            gap = (readLength - endGuard) / 2 - (merStubSize * 2);
            if (gap < minGap)
                gap = minGap;
            if (gap > maxGap)
                gap = maxGap;

            pairStride = merStubSize + gap + merStubSize;

            // start the monitor/synchronising thread
            Thread monitorProgress = new Thread(RateReporter);

            monitorProgress.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

            DateTime pairingStart = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (string readsFN in readsFNs)
                Console.WriteLine("Generating pairs from " + readsFN);
                StreamReader   reads         = new StreamReader(readsFN, Encoding.ASCII, false, 1000000);
                BufferedReader bufferedReads = new BufferedReader(readsFormat, reads, null);

                threadFinished = new EventWaitHandle[noThreads];
                int threadNo = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < noThreads; i++)
                    threadFinished[i] = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);

                for (int t = 0; t < noThreads; t++)
                    threadParams workerParam = new threadParams();
                    workerParam.threadNo          = threadNo;
                    workerParam.bufferedReadsFile = bufferedReads;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(PairWorker), workerParam);
                //  and wait for them all to finish
                for (int t = 0; t < noThreads; t++)

            BinaryWriter pairsFile = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(pairsFN, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));


            for (int pi = 0; pi < uniquePairs.noOfPartitions; pi++)
                totalPairsGenerated += uniquePairs.repeatedMers[pi].Sort();

            for (int ti = 0; ti < noThreads; ti++)
                if (uniquePairs.overflowMers[ti] != null)
                    totalPairsGenerated += uniquePairs.overflowMers[ti].Sort();

            MergeAndWrite(pairsFile, uniquePairs.repeatedMers, uniquePairs.overflowMers);



            //Console.WriteLine(totalDeepUnbalancedReads + " deep unbalanced reads");
            //Console.WriteLine(totalReadsProcessed + " reads processed");
            Console.WriteLine("wrote " + totalPairsWritten + " pairs from " + totalReadsRead + " reads in " + (DateTime.Now - pairingStart).TotalSeconds.ToString("#.0") + "s");