public virtual async Task CompetitionInfo() { using (var db = new Database()) { var comp = db.GetOrCreateCompetition(Context.Guild.Id); var embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Blue }; embed.AddField("Roles", $"**Register Role:** {(comp.RegisteredRankId == null ? "N/A" : MentionUtils.MentionRole(comp.RegisteredRankId.Value))}\n" + $"**Admin Role:** {(comp.AdminRole == null ? "N/A" : MentionUtils.MentionRole(comp.AdminRole.Value))}\n" + $"**Moderator Role:** {(comp.ModeratorRole == null ? "N/A" : MentionUtils.MentionRole(comp.ModeratorRole.Value))}"); embed.AddField("Options", $"**Allow Multi-Queuing:** {comp.AllowMultiQueueing}\n" + $"**Allow Negative Score:** {comp.AllowNegativeScore}\n" + $"**Update Nicknames:** {comp.UpdateNames}\n" + $"**Display Error Messages:** {comp.DisplayErrors}\n" + $"**Allow Self Rename:** {comp.AllowSelfRename}\n" + $"**Allow Re-registering:** {comp.AllowReRegister}\n" + $"**Requeue Delay:** {(comp.RequeueDelay.HasValue ? comp.RequeueDelay.Value.GetReadableLength() : "None")}"); //embed.AddField("Stats", // $"**Registered User Count:** {comp.RegistrationCount}\n" + // $"**Manual Game Count:** {comp.ManualGameCounter}"); embed.AddField("Formatting", $"**Nickname Format:** {comp.NameFormat}\n" + $"**Registration Message:** {comp.RegisterMessageTemplate}"); embed.AddField("Rank Info", $"**Default Win Amount:** +{comp.DefaultWinModifier}\n" + $"**Default Loss Amount:** -{comp.DefaultLossModifier}\n" + $"**Default Points On Register:** {comp.DefaultRegisterScore}\n" + $"For rank info use the `ranks` command"); await ReplyAsync(embed); } }
public async Task RemindSelfFeedbackAll() { //var channels = this.Context.Guild.GetFeedbackCategory().Channels.Select(x => x as ITextChannel); //foreach (var channel in channels) //{ var channel = this.Context.Guild.GetChannel(OnlyRaidersId) as ITextChannel; var message = $"{MentionUtils.MentionRole(FeedbackCommon.MainRaiderRoleId)} {MentionUtils.MentionRole(FeedbackCommon.TrialRoleId)} With raid complete for the week please take this opportunity to review logs and evaluate your performance. \n" + $"Some things to look for while reviewing your performance: \n" + $"- Things you did well and want to continue doing\n" + $"- Causes of early deaths, and how they can be prevented.\n" + $"- Rotational/CD optimizations.\n" + $"Feel free to submit these items via the feedback tool to show your thought process.\n" + $"Additionally, to help the team get better please: \n" + $"- Post any strategy changes or adjustments that you think would be beneficial for bosses either to the boss channel or directly to an officer.\n" + $"- Post any feedback for others in {MentionUtils.MentionChannel(FeedbackCommon.TeamFeedbackChannelId)}. Remember to @mention the feedback target!\n\n" + $"Remember the goal of this exercise is to improve performance over time, and fix issues, not create excuses or lay blame."; var options = new RequestOptions() { RetryMode = RetryMode.RetryRatelimit }; await channel.SendMessageAsync(message, options : options); }
public async Task <RuntimeResult> Default ( IRole discordRole, string permissionName, [OverrideTypeReader(typeof(HumanizerEnumTypeReader <PermissionTarget>))] PermissionTarget revokedTarget = PermissionTarget.Self ) { var getPermissionResult = _permissionRegistry.GetPermission(permissionName); if (!getPermissionResult.IsSuccess) { return(getPermissionResult.ToRuntimeResult()); } var permission = getPermissionResult.Entity; var revokePermissionResult = await _permissions.RevokePermissionAsync ( discordRole, permission, revokedTarget ); if (!revokePermissionResult.IsSuccess) { return(revokePermissionResult.ToRuntimeResult()); } return(RuntimeCommandResult.FromSuccess ( $"{permission.FriendlyName} revoked from {MentionUtils.MentionRole(discordRole.Id)}." )); }
private EmbedBuilder AddGuildUserInfo(EmbedBuilder embed, SocketGuildUser user) { // add nickname if present if (user.Nickname != null) { embed.AddField("Guild nickname", user.Nickname, true) .WithAuthor($"Intel on {user.Nickname}", _client.CurrentUser.GetSafeAvatarUrl()); } // get roles, respecting hierarchy IOrderedEnumerable <SocketRole> roles = user.Roles.Where(r => r.Id != user.Guild.EveryoneRole.Id).OrderByDescending(r => r.Position); if (roles.Any()) { embed.AddField("Roles", string.Join(", ", roles.Select(r => MentionUtils.MentionRole(r.Id))), true); } else { embed.AddField("Roles", "-"); } embed.Color = roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Color != Color.Default)?.Color; // add joined time if (user.JoinedAt != null) { embed.AddField("Time in this guild", (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - user.JoinedAt.Value).ToLongFriendlyString(), true); } return(embed); }
public async Task FreeGameNotificationTestAnnounceAsync([Remainder][Summary("Message to announce.")] string message) { var clientId = Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id.ToString(); var guildId = Context.Guild.Id.ToString(); var freeGameNotificationModel = await SQLiteService.SQLiteAsyncConnection.Table <FreeGameNotificationModel>().Where(a => a.ClientId == clientId && a.GuildId == guildId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (freeGameNotificationModel == null) { return; } if (!Context.Guild.GetUser(Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id).GuildPermissions.SendMessages) { return; } var textChannel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(Convert.ToUInt64(freeGameNotificationModel.ChannelId)); if (freeGameNotificationModel.RoleId == Context.Guild.Id.ToString()) { await textChannel.SendMessageAsync($"@everyone {message}"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(freeGameNotificationModel.RoleId)) { await textChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{MentionUtils.MentionRole(Convert.ToUInt64(freeGameNotificationModel.RoleId))} {message}"); } else { await textChannel.SendMessageAsync(message); } }
private async Task <Embed> FormatPromotionNotification(long promotionActionId, PromotionActionCreationData data) { var promotionAction = await PromotionsService.GetPromotionActionSummaryAsync(promotionActionId); var targetCampaign = promotionAction.Campaign ?? promotionAction.NewComment.Campaign; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); if (promotionAction.Type != PromotionActionType.CampaignClosed) { return(null); } if (targetCampaign.Outcome != PromotionCampaignOutcome.Accepted) { return(null); } var boldName = $"**{targetCampaign.Subject.Username}#{targetCampaign.Subject.Discriminator}**"; var boldRole = $"**{MentionUtils.MentionRole(targetCampaign.TargetRole.Id)}**"; var subject = await UserService.GetUserInformationAsync(data.GuildId, targetCampaign.Subject.Id); embed = embed .WithTitle("The campaign is over!") .WithDescription($"Staff accepted the campaign, and {boldName} was promoted to {boldRole}! 🎉") .WithAuthor(subject) .WithFooter("See more at"); return(embed.Build()); }
public async Task List() { var roles = await DesignatedRoleService.GetDesignatedRolesAsync(Context.Guild.Id); var builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Assigned Role Designations", Url = "", Color = Color.Gold, Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }; foreach (var type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DesignatedRoleType)).Cast <DesignatedRoleType>()) { var designatedRoles = roles .Where(x => x.Type == type) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Role.Position) .ThenBy(x => x.Role.Id) .ToArray(); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = Format.Bold(_designatedRoleTypeRenderings[type]), Value = (designatedRoles.Length == 0) ? Format.Italics("No roles assigned") : designatedRoles .Select(x => MentionUtils.MentionRole(x.Role.Id)) .Aggregate(string.Empty, (x, y) => $"{x}\n{y}"), IsInline = false }); } await ReplyAsync(string.Empty, false, builder.Build()); }
/// <summary> /// Formats a notification string with the necessary parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetNotificationMessage(ILiveBotStream stream, StreamSubscription subscription, ILiveBotUser user = null, ILiveBotGame game = null) { string RoleMention = ""; if (subscription.DiscordRole != null) { if (subscription.DiscordRole.Name == "@everyone") { RoleMention = "@everyone"; } else { RoleMention = MentionUtils.MentionRole(subscription.DiscordRole.DiscordId); } } var tempUser = user ?? stream.User; var tempGame = game ?? stream.Game; return(subscription.Message .Replace("{Name}", EscapeSpecialDiscordCharacters(tempUser.DisplayName), ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) .Replace("{Username}", EscapeSpecialDiscordCharacters(tempUser.DisplayName), ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) .Replace("{Game}", EscapeSpecialDiscordCharacters(tempGame.Name), ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) .Replace("{Title}", EscapeSpecialDiscordCharacters(stream.Title), ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) .Replace("{URL}", stream.StreamURL ?? "", ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) .Replace("{Role}", RoleMention, ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) .Trim()); }
private async Task NotifySubscriber(TuckContext context, Subscription subscription) { var channel = Context.Client.GetChannel(subscription.ChannelId) as ISocketMessageChannel; var message = await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Format( "{0}World buff list has been updated. ({1})", // SubscriberAlert can never be null here either.. So fallback is just to cast to int(64) MentionUtils.MentionRole(subscription.SubscriberAlert ?? 0) + ": ", // CultureInfo param should be refactored to EU/NA/etc when multi-realm support is added. DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR")) )); // If a previous alert exists, delete it. ulong lastAlert = subscription.LastAlert ?? 0; if (lastAlert != 0) { var lastMsg = await channel.GetMessageAsync(lastAlert); if (lastMsg != null) { await lastMsg.DeleteAsync(); } } // Store the new message Id. subscription.LastAlert = message.Id; context.Update(subscription); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
private Embed BuildSetupEmbed() { var setupPayload = new StringBuilder(); setupPayload.AppendLine($"{new Emoji("0️⃣✅")} Command prefix (current: `{_behaviourConfigurationService.GetPrefix()}`)"); var staffRole = _behaviourConfigurationService.GetStaffRoleId(); setupPayload.AppendLine(staffRole is null ? $"{new Emoji("1️⃣🟥")} Staff role" : $"{new Emoji("1️⃣✅")} Staff role ({MentionUtils.MentionRole(staffRole.Value)})"); var categoryId = _behaviourConfigurationService.GetCategoryId(); setupPayload.AppendLine(categoryId is null ? $"{new Emoji("2️⃣🟥")} Category" : $"{new Emoji("2️⃣✅")} Category ({MentionUtils.MentionChannel(categoryId.Value)})"); var logChannelId = _behaviourConfigurationService.GetLogChannelId(); setupPayload.AppendLine(logChannelId is null ? $"{new Emoji("3️⃣🟥")} Log channel" : $"{new Emoji("3️⃣✅")} Log channel ({MentionUtils.MentionChannel(logChannelId.Value)})"); var setupEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("D2M Setup") .WithDescription(setupPayload.ToString()); return(setupEmbed.Build()); }
public async Task Run(DateTime time, [Remainder] string location) { ulong roleId; List <EmbedFieldBuilder> fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>(); fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = "Location", Value = location, IsInline = true }); fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder { Name = "Time", Value = time.ToShortTimeString(), IsInline = true }); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Calling all fat cunts", Description = "Meet at maccas to eat maccas.", Fields = fields, Color = Color.Red, ThumbnailUrl = "" }; roleId = CreateRoleIfRequired(Context).Result.Id; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed.Build()); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{MentionUtils.MentionRole(roleId)} ^^"); }
private async Task SendMessageToDestination(Embed embed, SocketGuildChannel targetChannel, ulong?roleId = null, bool removeIvDetails = true, string pokemonName = "") { var newDescription = embed.Description; if (removeIvDetails) { string[] descriptionLines = newDescription.Split("\n"); if (descriptionLines.Length == 3) { newDescription = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{1}{3}", descriptionLines[2], Environment.NewLine, "For IV and Moveset Info, sign", "up for the Livemap in #livemap" ); } else { newDescription = String.Empty; //something bad happened, or something changed } } else { newDescription = String.Format("{0}", newDescription); } EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(embed.Title) .WithDescription(newDescription) .WithUrl(embed.Url); if (embed.Color.HasValue) { eb.WithColor(embed.Color.Value); } if (embed.Thumbnail.HasValue) { eb.WithThumbnailUrl(embed.Thumbnail.Value.Url); } if (embed.Image.HasValue) { eb.WithImageUrl(embed.Image.Value.Url); } //Mentions if (roleId.HasValue) { var message = MentionUtils.MentionRole(roleId.Value); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pokemonName)) { message += String.Format(" {0}", pokemonName); } await(targetChannel as ISocketMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(message); } //Send Main Message await(targetChannel as ISocketMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(String.Empty, embed: eb); }
private async void SongTimerOnElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (notifierIsInProgress) { return; } notifierIsInProgress = true; try { string song = await GetUriAsync(songInfoUri); SongResponseDto resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SongResponseDto>(song); string title = resp.CurrentSong.Split('/').Last(); if (title.Contains("&title=")) { title = title.Split(new String[] { "&title=" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Last(); } if (lastResponse != title) { await _client.SetGameAsync(title, "", ActivityType.Streaming); lastResponse = title; } string mentionString = ""; triggersList.ForEach(async itm => { if (resp.CurrentSong.ToLower().Contains(itm.ToLower()) || resp.Tags.ToLower().Contains(itm.ToLower())) { var role = _guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(role => role.Name == itm); if (role != null) { mentionString += MentionUtils.MentionRole(role.Id) + " "; } } }); if (mentionString != "") { string msg = $"{mentionString} на канале играет: {title}"; if (msg != lastAnnounceMsg) { lastAnnounceMsg = msg; await _announceChannel.SendMessageAsync(msg); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } notifierIsInProgress = false; }
public static string GetRoleMentions(this IEnumerable <IRole> roles) { var enumerable = roles.ToList(); if (!enumerable.Any()) { return("-"); } return(enumerable.Select(x => MentionUtils.MentionRole(x.Id)).Aggregate((acc, elem) => $"{acc}, {elem}")); }
public void WS_CovidStatsReady(COVID stats) { Task.Run(async() => { DateTime dateTime =; DateTime yesterday = dateTime.AddDays(-1); COVID yesterdayStats = await Data.APIHttpRequest <COVID>($"{yesterday.Year}/{yesterday.Month}/{yesterday.Day}", "GET"); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle($"COVID-19 stats for {dateTime:dd/MM/yyyy}"); embed.WithColor(Constants.IColors.Blurple); embed.WithDescription($"{stats.localCases} new local cases, {stats.deaths} casualties and {stats.recoveries} recoveries."); if (stats.cities.Total() != 0) { embed.AddField("Amman", stats.cities.amman, true); embed.AddField("Irbid", stats.cities.irbid, true); embed.AddField("Zarqa", stats.cities.zarqa, true); embed.AddField("Mafraq", stats.cities.mafraq, true); embed.AddField("Ajloun", stats.cities.ajloun, true); embed.AddField("Jerash", stats.cities.jerash, true); embed.AddField("Madaba", stats.cities.madaba, true); embed.AddField("Balqa", stats.cities.balqa, true); embed.AddField("Karak", stats.cities.karak, true); embed.AddField("Tafileh", stats.cities.tafileh, true); embed.AddField("Ma'an", stats.cities.maan, true); embed.AddField("Aqaba", stats.cities.aqaba, true); } decimal percentage = (decimal)stats.cases / (decimal)stats.tests * 100m; string moreStats = $"Total cases: {stats.totalCases}\n" + $"Total casualties: {stats.totalDeaths}\n" + $"Total recoveries: {stats.totalRecoveries}\n" + $"Foreign cases: {stats.cases - stats.localCases}\n" + $"Hospitalized cases today: {stats.hospitalized}, total: {stats.totalHospitalized}\n" + $"Recovery distribution: {stats.homeRecoveries} at home, {stats.hospitalRecoveries} from hospitals\n" + $"Tests today: {stats.tests}, total: {stats.totalTests}\n" + $"Positive test percentage: {Math.Round(percentage, 2)}%\n" + $"Active cases: {}"; if (yesterdayStats.critical != 0) { moreStats += $"\nYesterday's critical cases: {yesterdayStats.critical}"; } if (stats.vaxRegistered != 0) { moreStats += $"\ registrants: {stats.vaxRegistered}\n" + $"Vaccinated - First dose: {stats.vaxFirstDose}\n" + $"Vaccinated - Second dose: {stats.vaxSecondDose}"; } embed.AddField("More stats", moreStats); SocketTextChannel channel = Constants.IGuilds.Jordan(_client).GetTextChannel(Data.GetChnlId("covid-19-stats")); RestUserMessage msg = await channel.SendMessageAsync(MentionUtils.MentionRole(773576613605933087), false, embed.Build()); await msg.CrosspostAsync(); }); }
public async Task DisplayRaidboss() { ulong id = 794883940111351808; // 3 var chnl = _client.GetChannel(id) as IMessageChannel; // 4 var eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithTitle(currentraidboss.Name + "\n Stats:"); eb.WithDescription(currentraidboss.Description + "\n" + DisplayCurrentRaidBossStats()); eb.WithThumbnailUrl(currentraidboss.ImageURL); eb.Color = Color.Magenta; await chnl.SendMessageAsync(MentionUtils.MentionRole(794883416498634763), false, eb.Build()); }
public override async Task <PreconditionResult> CheckPermissionsAsync(ICommandContext context, ParameterInfo parameter, object value, IServiceProvider services) { var guild = await context.Client.GetGuildAsync(DiscordSettings.GuildId); var guildUser = await guild.GetUserAsync(((IUser)value).Id); if (guildUser.RoleIds.Contains(RoleId)) { return(PreconditionResult.FromSuccess()); } return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"This command can only target a {MentionUtils.MentionRole(RoleId)}.")); }
private async Task ProcessRaidMessage(SocketUserMessage msg) { var disableMessages = false; if (Convert.ToBoolean(_config["debug:DisableRaid"])) { disableMessages = true; } var embed = (msg.Embeds as IReadOnlyList <Embed>)[0]; var descriptionLines = embed.Description.Split("\n"); var pattern = @"\*\*Level:\*\*\s(?<Level>\d+)"; Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection matches = rgx.Matches(descriptionLines[0]); if (matches.Count != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Regex Failed for Raid: " + descriptionLines[0]); return;// Task.CompletedTask; //Regex failed } var raidLevel = Convert.ToInt32(matches[0].Groups["Level"].Value); var raidChannelId = _raidMap[raidLevel]; var targetChannel = (msg.Channel as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.GetChannel(raidChannelId); if (targetChannel == null) { return; } var pokemonName = embed.Title.Substring(0, embed.Title.IndexOf(" ")); var roleName = String.Format("{0}-r", pokemonName); var raidRoleId = GetRole((msg.Channel as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.Roles, roleName); if (raidRoleId.HasValue && !disableMessages) { await(targetChannel as ISocketMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(MentionUtils.MentionRole(raidRoleId.Value)); } if (!disableMessages) { await(targetChannel as ISocketMessageChannel).SendMessageAsync(String.Empty, embed: embed); } //range await _rangeRouter.RoutePokemon(msg, embed, pokemonName); }
// Override the CheckPermissions method public override async Task <PreconditionResult> CheckPermissionsAsync(ICommandContext context, CommandInfo command, IServiceProvider services) { var guild = await context.Client.GetGuildAsync(DiscordSettings.GuildId); var guildUser = await guild.GetUserAsync(context.User.Id); if (guildUser.RoleIds.Contains(RoleId)) { return(PreconditionResult.FromSuccess()); } return(PreconditionResult.FromError( $"This command can only be run by a {MentionUtils.MentionRole(RoleId)}.")); }
private void AddPromotionsToEmbed(StringBuilder builder, IReadOnlyCollection <PromotionCampaignSummary> promotions) { if (promotions.Count == 0) { return; } builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendLine(Format.Bold("\u276F Promotion History")); foreach (var promotion in promotions.OrderByDescending(x => x.CloseAction.Id).Take(5)) { builder.AppendLine($"• {MentionUtils.MentionRole(promotion.TargetRole.Id)} {FormatUtilities.FormatTimeAgo(_utcNow, promotion.CloseAction.Created)}"); } }
public async Task ShowRanksAsync() { var comp = Service.GetOrCreateCompetition(Context.Guild.Id); if (!comp.Ranks.Any()) { await SimpleEmbedAsync("There are currently no ranks set up.", Color.Blue); return; } var msg = comp.Ranks.OrderByDescending(x => x.Points).Select(x => $"{MentionUtils.MentionRole(x.RoleId)} - ({x.Points}) W: (+{x.WinModifier ?? comp.DefaultWinModifier}) L: (-{x.LossModifier ?? comp.DefaultLossModifier})").ToArray(); await SimpleEmbedAsync(string.Join("\n", msg), Color.Blue); }
public async Task InfoAsync(SocketGuildUser user = null) { if (user == null) { user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; } var player = Service.GetPlayer(Context.Guild.Id, user.Id); if (player == null) { if (user.Id == Context.User.Id) { await SimpleEmbedAsync("You are not registered.", Color.DarkBlue); } else { await SimpleEmbedAsync("That user is not registered.", Color.Red); } return; } var competition = Service.GetOrCreateCompetition(Context.Guild.Id); var rank = competition.MaxRank(player.Points); string rankStr = null; if (rank != null) { rankStr = $"Rank: {MentionUtils.MentionRole(rank.RoleId)} ({rank.Points})\n"; } var response = $"{player.GetDisplayNameSafe()} Stats\n" + // Use Title? $"Points: {player.Points}\n" + rankStr + $"Wins: {player.Wins}\n" + $"Losses: {player.Losses}\n" + $"Draws: {player.Draws}\n" + $"Games: {player.Games}\n" + $"Registered At: {player.RegistrationDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")} {player.RegistrationDate.ToShortTimeString()}\n" + $"{string.Join("\n", player.AdditionalProperties.Select(x => $"{x.Key}: {x.Value}"))}"; //TODO: Add game history (last 5) to this response //+ if they were on the winning team? //maybe only games with a decided result should be shown? await SimpleEmbedAsync(response, Color.Blue); }
public async Task BeginSignups([Remainder] int Players) { if (Context.Channel.Name != "mafia") // Ignore command if not typed in mafia channel { return; } bool gameRunning = false; foreach (Mafia.Game game in Startup.Games) // Make sure a game is not running on this server { if (game.Server == Context.Guild as SocketGuild) { await ReplyAsync("A game is currently running!"); gameRunning = true; } if ((game.Mod.Username + game.Mod.Discriminator.ToString()) == (Context.User.Username + Context.User.Discriminator.ToString())) // For now, only allow a user to start a game on one server at a time { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync($"You have already started a mafia game on {Context.Guild.Name}!"); return; } } if (!gameRunning) { // Only mafia mods should be able to start games if (CheckRole(Context.User as SocketGuildUser, "Mafia Mod")) { Startup.Games.Add(new Game(Context.Guild, Context.User, Players)); // Instantiate a new game object for this server string Mention = string.Empty; if (GetRoleID(Context.Guild, "Mafia Player") != 0) { Mention = $"{MentionUtils.MentionRole(GetRoleID(Context.Guild, "Mafia Player"))} "; } await ReplyAsync($"{Mention}__**Signups have begun for a new mafia game hosted by {Context.User.Username}! Number of players: {Players}**__"); await ReplyAsync("Please use the ##sign command to sign up for this game!"); } else { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("You need to have the Mafia Mod role in order to use this command!"); } } }
public virtual async Task ShowRanksAsync() { using (var db = new Database()) { var comp = db.GetOrCreateCompetition(Context.Guild.Id); var ranks = db.Ranks.Where(x => x.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id).ToList(); if (ranks.Count == 0) { await SimpleEmbedAsync("There are currently no ranks set up.", Color.Blue); return; } var msg = ranks.OrderByDescending(x => x.Points).Select(x => $"{MentionUtils.MentionRole(x.RoleId)} - ({x.Points}) W: (+{x.WinModifier ?? comp.DefaultWinModifier}) L: (-{x.LossModifier ?? comp.DefaultLossModifier})").ToArray(); await SimpleEmbedAsync(string.Join("\n", msg), Color.Blue); } }
private async Task AddPromotionsToEmbedAsync(ulong userId, StringBuilder builder) { var promotions = await PromotionsService.GetPromotionsForUserAsync(Context.Guild.Id, userId); if (promotions.Count == 0) { return; } builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendLine(Format.Bold("\u276F Promotion History")); foreach (var promotion in promotions.OrderByDescending(x => x.CloseAction.Id).Take(5)) { builder.AppendLine($"• {MentionUtils.MentionRole(promotion.TargetRole.Id)} {FormatUtilities.FormatTimeAgo(_utcNow, promotion.CloseAction.Created)}"); } }
public virtual async Task InfoAsync(SocketGuildUser user = null) { if (user == null) { user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; } using (var db = new Database()) { var player = db.Players.Find(Context.Guild.Id, user.Id); if (player == null) { if (user.Id == Context.User.Id) { await SimpleEmbedAsync("You are not registered.", Color.DarkBlue); } else { await SimpleEmbedAsync("That user is not registered.", Color.Red); } return; } var ranks = db.Ranks.Where(x => x.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id).ToList(); var maxRank = ranks.Where(x => x.Points < player.Points).OrderByDescending(x => x.Points).FirstOrDefault(); string rankStr = null; if (maxRank != null) { rankStr = $"Rank: {MentionUtils.MentionRole(maxRank.RoleId)} ({maxRank.Points})\n"; } await SimpleEmbedAsync($"{player.GetDisplayNameSafe()} Stats\n" + // Use Title? $"Points: {player.Points}\n" + rankStr + $"Wins: {player.Wins}\n" + $"Losses: {player.Losses}\n" + $"Draws: {player.Draws}\n" + $"Games: {player.Games}\n" + $"Registered At: {player.RegistrationDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")} {player.RegistrationDate.ToShortTimeString()}", Color.Blue); } //TODO: Add game history (last 5) to this response //+ if they were on the winning team? //maybe only games with a decided result should be shown? }
public async Task PostToLogChannel(IMessage original, IEnumerable <IRole> mentionedRoles, IGuild guild) { ulong moderationLogChannelID = _data.Configuration.ModerationLogChannelID; if (moderationLogChannelID == 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid moderation log channel ID."); } ITextChannel channel = await guild.GetTextChannelAsync(moderationLogChannelID); string roleDisplay = string.Join(", ", mentionedRoles.Select(r => MentionUtils.MentionRole(r.Id).Envelop("**"))); await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Role Mention") .WithColor(Color.Orange) .WithDescription($"{original.Author.Mention} mentioned {roleDisplay} in their [message]({original.GetJumpUrl()}).") .Build()); }
public async Task <RuntimeResult> ShowAutoroleAsync(AutoroleConfiguration autorole) { var paginatedEmbed = new PaginatedEmbed(_feedback, _interactivity, this.Context.User) { Appearance = PaginatedAppearanceOptions.Default }; var baseEmbed = paginatedEmbed.Appearance.CreateEmbedBase() .WithTitle("Autorole Configuration") .WithDescription(MentionUtils.MentionRole((ulong)autorole.DiscordRoleID)) .AddField("Requires confirmation", autorole.RequiresConfirmation, true) .AddField("Is enabled", autorole.IsEnabled, true); if (!autorole.Conditions.Any()) { baseEmbed.AddField("Conditions", "No conditions"); baseEmbed.Footer = null; await _feedback.SendEmbedAsync(this.Context.Channel, baseEmbed.Build()); return(RuntimeCommandResult.FromSuccess()); } var conditionFields = autorole.Conditions.Select ( c => new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName($"Condition #{autorole.Conditions.IndexOf(c)} (ID {c.ID})") .WithValue(c.GetDescriptiveUIText()) ); var pages = PageFactory.FromFields(conditionFields, pageBase: baseEmbed); paginatedEmbed.WithPages(pages); await _interactivity.SendInteractiveMessageAndDeleteAsync ( this.Context.Channel, paginatedEmbed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) ); return(RuntimeCommandResult.FromSuccess()); }
private async Task AddAlert(TuckContext context, Subscription subscription, ulong role) { if (subscription.SubscriberAlert != null) { await ReplyAsync(string.Format( "Replacing alerts for {0} with {1}.", MentionUtils.MentionRole(subscription.SubscriberAlert ?? 0), MentionUtils.MentionRole(role) )); } else { await ReplyAsync(string.Format( "Enabled alerts for {0}.", MentionUtils.MentionRole(role) )); } subscription.SubscriberAlert = role; context.Update(subscription); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task Default ( [NotNull] IRole discordRole, string permissionName, [OverrideTypeReader(typeof(HumanizerEnumTypeReader <PermissionTarget>))] PermissionTarget revokedTarget = PermissionTarget.Self ) { var getPermissionResult = _permissionRegistry.GetPermission(permissionName); if (!getPermissionResult.IsSuccess) { await _feedback.SendErrorAsync(this.Context, getPermissionResult.ErrorReason); return; } var permission = getPermissionResult.Entity; var revokePermissionResult = await _permissions.RevokePermissionAsync ( discordRole, permission, revokedTarget ); if (!revokePermissionResult.IsSuccess) { await _feedback.SendErrorAsync(this.Context, revokePermissionResult.ErrorReason); return; } await _feedback.SendConfirmationAsync ( this.Context, $"{permission.FriendlyName} revoked from {MentionUtils.MentionRole(discordRole.Id)}." ); }