public void MemoryList_has2ItemsAfter2AddsCaseSensitve() { MemoryList <string> l = new MemoryList <string>("MyListName", false, false); l.StoreValue("Giraffe"); l.StoreValue("giraffe"); Assert.That(l.UnconsumedCount() == 2); }
public void MemoryList_has1ItemAfter2AddsCaseInsensitve() { MemoryList <string> l = new MemoryList <string>("MyListName", true, true); l.StoreValue("Giraffe"); l.StoreValue("giraffe"); Assert.True(l.UnconsumedCount() == 1); }
public void MemoryList_has1ItemAfterStoreRecallStoreCaseInsensitve() { // this test uses the default settings for the class: unique = false,ignoreCase = true MemoryList <string> l = new MemoryList <string>(); l.StoreValue("Giraffe"); l.RecallValue(); l.StoreValue("giraffe"); Assert.That(l.UnconsumedCount() == 1); }