コード例 #1
        public void TrySaveEventsInMultipleCommits()
            // arrange
            var eventStore = new MemoryEventStore();
            var streamId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var events1    = new[] { new Event {
                                         Id = 1, Value = "One"
                                     } };
            var events2 = new[] { new Event {
                                      Id = 2, Value = "Two"
                                  } };

            string firstCommitState;
            string secondCommitState;
            string actualCommitState;

            // act
            eventStore.CommitStream(streamId, events1, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out firstCommitState);
            eventStore.CommitStream(streamId, events2, Guid.NewGuid(), firstCommitState, out secondCommitState);
            var actualEvents = eventStore.GetStream(streamId, 0, out actualCommitState);

            // assert
            actualEvents.First().Should().BeOfType <Event>();
            actualEvents.Last().Should().BeOfType <Event>();
            actualEvents.Cast <Event>().First().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(events1[0]);
            actualEvents.Cast <Event>().Last().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(events2[0]);
コード例 #2
        public void TrySaveEventsForMultipleStreams()
            // arrange
            var eventStore = new MemoryEventStore();
            var stream1Id  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var stream2Id  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var events1    = new[] { new Event {
                                         Id = 1, Value = "One"
                                     } };
            var events2 = new[] { new Event {
                                      Id = 2, Value = "Two"
                                  } };

            string stream1CommitState;
            string stream2CommitState;
            string actualStream1CommitState;
            string actualStream2CommitState;

            // act
            eventStore.CommitStream(stream1Id, events1, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out stream1CommitState);
            eventStore.CommitStream(stream2Id, events2, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out stream2CommitState);
            var stream1Events = eventStore.GetStream(stream1Id, 0, out actualStream1CommitState);
            var stream2Events = eventStore.GetStream(stream2Id, 0, out actualStream2CommitState);

            // assert
            stream1Events.Single().Should().BeOfType <Event>();
            stream1Events.Cast <Event>().Single().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(events1[0]);
            stream2Events.Single().Should().BeOfType <Event>();
            stream2Events.Cast <Event>().Single().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(events2[0]);
コード例 #3
        public void TrySaveMultipleEvents()
            // arrange
            var eventStore = new MemoryEventStore();
            var streamId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var events     = new[]
                new Event {
                    Id = 1, Value = "One"
                new Event {
                    Id = 2, Value = "Two"

            string commitState;
            string actualCommitState;

            // act
            eventStore.CommitStream(streamId, events, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out commitState);
            var actualEvents = eventStore.GetStream(streamId, 0, out actualCommitState);

            // assert
            actualEvents.First().Should().BeOfType <Event>();
            actualEvents.Last().Should().BeOfType <Event>();
            actualEvents.Cast <Event>().First().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(events[0]);
            actualEvents.Cast <Event>().Last().ShouldBeEquivalentTo(events[1]);
コード例 #4
        public void ExpectClientSideConcurrencyException()
            // arrange
            var eventStore = new MemoryEventStore();
            var streamId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var events1    = new[] { new Event {
                                         Id = 1, Value = "One"
                                     } };
            var events2 = new[] { new Event {
                                      Id = 1, Value = "AnotherOne"
                                  } };

            string commitState;

            eventStore.CommitStream(streamId, events1, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out commitState);

            // act
            Action action = () => eventStore.CommitStream(streamId, events2, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out commitState);

            // assert
            action.ShouldThrow <ConcurrencyException>();
コード例 #5
        public void ExpectServerSideConcurrencyException()
            // arrange
            var eventStore = new MemoryEventStore();
            var streamId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            var events     = new[] { new Event {
                                         Id = 1, Value = "One"
                                     } };

            string commitState;

            var mutex = (Mutex)typeof(MemoryEventStore).GetField("mutex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(eventStore);

            // NOTE (Cameron): This will cause the memory event store to attempt to acquire the same lock as the commit attempt below.
            using (new ExclusiveCodeBlock(mutex))
                // act
                Action action = () => eventStore.CommitStream(streamId, events, Guid.NewGuid(), null, out commitState);

                // assert
                action.ShouldThrow <ConcurrencyException>();