コード例 #1
        public static string ChannelYk(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string issuetype)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata = new MemberChannelData();
                var         list    = prodata.ChannelYk(comid, pageindex, pagesize, issuetype, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result  = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        Yknum       = pro.Com_id,         //验卡数量
                        Companyname = pro.Channeltypename //门市名称

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #2
        public static string Upchannl(int id, int comid, decimal channlcard, decimal oldcard, int uptype)
                var pro = "";

                var Channeinfo = new MemberChannelData().GetSelfChannelDetailByCardNo(channlcard.ToString());

                B2bCrmData crmdate  = new B2bCrmData();
                var        Userinfo = crmdate.Readuser(id, comid);

                if (Channeinfo != null && Userinfo != null)
                    pro = new MemberChannelData().UpchannlT(Userinfo.Cardid, Channeinfo.Id, uptype);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = e.Message }));
コード例 #3
        private void GetMenshiDetail(string openid, int comid)
            Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(openid);

            if (channel == null)
                errlog = "获得渠道为空";
                if (channel.Issuetype == 0)//会员属于门店
                    channelcompanytype = channel.Issuetype.ToString();

                    Member_Channel_company menshi = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByJumpId(openid, comid);
                    if (menshi != null)
                        if (menshi.Whetherdepartment == 0)
                            channelcompanyid = menshi.Id;
                            //Response.Redirect("StoreDefault.aspx?menshiid=" + channelcompanyid);
                    channelcompanytype = Request["issuetype"].ConvertTo <string>("0,3,4");
                    channelcompanyid   = 0;
コード例 #4
        //当客户的渠道为0时,随机自动分配一个渠道编号(优先未锁定用户的),sendtype= 当为1的时候 有渠道也发送,一般是点击我的顾问时候发送,0=则是留言的时候变更渠道发送
        public static int GetFenpeiChannel(int comid, string openid, int sendtype = 1, int companyid = 0, int channleid = 0)
            var            crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
            MemberCardData carddata      = new MemberCardData();
            var            channeldata   = new MemberChannelData();//读取渠道信息
            decimal        idcard        = 0;
            decimal        channelid     = 0;
            var            userinfo_auto = carddata.GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);;//获取微信操作账户

            if (userinfo_auto != null)
                idcard    = userinfo_auto.Cardcode;;
                channelid = userinfo_auto.IssueCard;//获取渠道ID

            //判断对 微信注册,网站注册渠道进行归0
            var channeltype = channeldata.GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(channelid.ToString()));

            if (channeltype != null)
                if (channeltype.Issuetype == 3 || channeltype.Issuetype == 4 || channeltype.Name == "默认渠道")
                    channelid = 0;

コード例 #5
ファイル: store.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        private void GetMenshiDetail(string openid, int comid)
            Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(openid);

            if (channel == null)
                //errlog = "获得渠道为空";
                if (channel.Issuetype == 0 || channel.Issuetype == 1)//会员属于门店
                    Member_Channel_company menshi = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetMenShiByJumpId(openid, comid);
                    if (menshi != null)
                        if (menshi.Whetherdepartment == 0)
                            Response.Redirect("/H5/storedetail.aspx?menshiid=" + menshi.Id);
                    // channelcompanyid = 0;
コード例 #6
        //当客户的渠道为0时,随机自动分配一个渠道编号(优先未锁定用户的),sendtype= 当为1的时候 有渠道也发送,一般是点击我的顾问时候发送,0=则是留言的时候变更渠道发送
        public static int AutoFenpeiChannel(int comid, string openid, int sendtype = 1, int companyid = 0, int channleid = 0)
            var            crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
            MemberCardData carddata      = new MemberCardData();
            var            channeldata   = new MemberChannelData();//读取渠道信息
            decimal        idcard        = 0;
            decimal        channelid     = 0;
            var            userinfo_auto = carddata.GetMemberCardByOpenId(openid);;//获取微信操作账户

            if (userinfo_auto != null)
                idcard    = userinfo_auto.Cardcode;;
                channelid = userinfo_auto.IssueCard;//获取渠道ID

            //判断对 微信注册,网站注册渠道进行归0
            var channeltype = channeldata.GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(channelid.ToString()));

            if (channeltype != null)
                if (channeltype.Issuetype == 3 || channeltype.Issuetype == 4 || channeltype.Name == "默认渠道")
                    channelid = 0;

            if (channelid == 0)
                int totalcount  = 0;                                                                                 //在线数量
                var channellist = channeldata.GetChannelListByComid(comid, companyid, 2, out totalcount, channleid); //先查询渠道列表 锁定客户为空的

                if (channellist != null)
                    if (totalcount > 0)
                        Random rand           = new Random();
                        var    channel_temp   = channellist[rand.Next(0, totalcount - 1)];
                        var    channelid_temp = channel_temp.Id;

                        int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(idcard.ToString(), channelid_temp);
                        channelid = channelid_temp;
                Sendweixinchient(openid, comid);
                if (sendtype == 1)
                    Sendweixinchient(openid, comid);
コード例 #7
ファイル: ProDefault.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                uid = userinfo.Id;
                //Integral = userinfo.Integral.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Integral.ToString();
                //Imprest = userinfo.Imprest.ToString() == "" ? "0" : userinfo.Imprest.ToString();

                //AccountWeixin = userinfo.Weixin;
                //AccountEmail = userinfo.Email;
                //Accountphone = userinfo.Phone;
                //AccountCard = userinfo.Idcard.ToString();
                //string a = AccountCard.Substring(0, 1);
                //if (a != null)
                //    fcard = int.Parse(a.ToString());

                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
コード例 #8
        public static string SearchActivityList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string key, string ServerName, int userid)
            var  totalcount = 0;
            bool isNum      = Domain_def.RegexValidate("^[0-9]*$", key);

                var list = new List <Member_Activity_Log>();
                B2b_company_manageuser userr = B2bCompanyManagerUserData.GetUser(userid);
                if (userr != null)
                    if (userr.Channelcompanyid == 0)//总公司账户
                        list = new B2bCrmData().SearchActivityList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, ServerName, isNum, out totalcount);
                    else //总公司下面渠道
                        list = new B2bCrmData().SearchActivityList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, key, ServerName, isNum, int.Parse(userr.Channelcompanyid.ToString()), out totalcount);
                    IEnumerable result     = "";
                    var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                    if (list != null)
                        result = from pro in list
                                 select new
                            ID     = pro.ID,
                            CardID = MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode,
                            //CardID =pro.CardID,
                            ACTID               = MemberActivityData.GetActById(pro.ACTID).Title,
                            OrderId             = pro.OrderId,
                            ServerName          = pro.ServerName,
                            Sales_admin         = pro.Sales_admin,
                            Num_people          = pro.Num_people,
                            Usesubdate          = pro.Usesubdate,
                            Per_capita_money    = pro.Per_capita_money * pro.Num_people,
                            Member_return_money = pro.Member_return_money,
                            username            = B2bCrmData.GetCrmCardcode(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode) == null ? "--" : B2bCrmData.GetCrmCardcode(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode).Name.ToString(),
                            channel             = MemberChannelData.GetChannelinfo(int.Parse(MemberCardData.GetCardNumber(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode).IssueCard.ToString())) == null ? "--" : memcompany.GetCompanyById(MemberChannelData.GetChannelinfo(int.Parse(MemberCardData.GetCardNumber(MemberCardData.GetCardId(pro.CardID).Cardcode).IssueCard.ToString())).Companyid).Companyname.ToString()

                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = "" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #9
ファイル: Weixin.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        public string Servermobile = ""; //服务专员手机

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openid     = Request["openid"];
            weixinpass = Request["weixinpass"];

            if (openid != "" && Session["Openid"] != null)
                openid = Session["Openid"].ToString();

            RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower();
            B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);

            if (companyinfo != null)
                comid             = companyinfo.Com_id;
                Session["Com_id"] = comid;

            if (Session["AccountId"] != null)
                AccountId = Int32.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString());
                B2bCrmData dateuser1 = new B2bCrmData();
                B2b_crm    modeluser = dateuser1.Readuser(AccountId, comid);

                if (modeluser != null)
                    AccountWeixin = modeluser.Weixin;
                    AccountEmail  = modeluser.Email;
                    Accountphone  = modeluser.Phone;
                    AccountName   = modeluser.Name;
                    AccountCard   = modeluser.Idcard.ToString();
                    Servercard    = modeluser.Servercard;
                    Integral      = modeluser.Integral;
                    Imprest       = modeluser.Imprest;

                if (Servercard != 0)
                    MemberChannelData channeldate  = new MemberChannelData();
                    Member_Channel    channelmode2 = channeldate.GetChannelDetail(Int32.Parse(Servercard.ToString()));
                    if (channelmode2 != null)
                        Servername   = channelmode2.Name;
                        Servermobile = channelmode2.Mobile;
コード例 #10
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                AccountId = userinfo.Id;
                userid    = userinfo.Id.ToString();                //如果是登陆用户则读取用户的实际ID
                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("temp_userid"); //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                cookie.Value   = userinfo.Id.ToString();
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

                var channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                channelid = channeldata.GetChannelid(userinfo.Com_id, userinfo.Phone);

                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
コード例 #11
 public decimal rebatemoney = 0; //渠道返佣余额
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (UserHelper.ValidateLogin())
         Member_Channel m = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByMasterId(UserHelper.CurrentUserId());
         if (m != null)
             channelid   = m.Id;
             rebatemoney = m.Rebatemoney;
コード例 #12
 public static string GetChannelByCompanyid(string companyid)
         var list = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByCompanyid(companyid);
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list }));
     catch (Exception e)
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = e.Message }));
コード例 #13
 public static string GetChannelDetail(int channelid)
         var channelobj = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetail(channelid);
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = channelobj }));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));
コード例 #14
ファイル: IssueJsonDate.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        /// <summary>
        /// 公用录入单卡号方法 result:录入成功返回cardid,错误返回错误原因
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CommonEnterCardNumber(int issueid, decimal cardnumber, int comid, out string result, Member_Issue issue)
            Member_Card cardinfo = new MemberCardData().GetCardByCardNumber(cardnumber);

            int cardtype      = cardinfo.Crid;
            int issuecardtype = issue.Crid;

            if (cardtype != issuecardtype)
                result = "输入的卡号所属类型和发行需要的卡号类型不相符";

            Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetail(issue.Chid);
            List <Member_Issue_Activity> actlist = new MemberIssueActivityData().GetIssuePromot(issueid);

                var upMemberCardd = new MemberCardData().UPChannelCardCode(channel.Id, cardnumber, issueid);//更改生成卡号表中卡号所属渠道的id和发行id

                foreach (Member_Issue_Activity issueact in actlist)
                    Member_Card_Activity cardactinfo = new MemberCardActivityData().GetCardActInfo(cardinfo.Id, issueact.Acid);
                    if (cardactinfo == null)
                        Member_Card_Activity cardact = new Member_Card_Activity()
                            Id         = 0,
                            ACTID      = issueact.Acid,
                            Actnum     = 1,
                            CardID     = cardinfo.Id,
                            USEstate   = (int)MemberCardUserState.NotUse,
                            USEsubdate = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01")
                        var insertcardact = new MemberCardActivityData().EditMemberCardActivity(cardact);
                result = upMemberCardd.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                new SqlHelper().Dispose();
                result = "意外错误";

コード例 #15
        public static string Channellistbycomid(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var list = new List <Member_Channel>();

                list = new MemberChannelData().Channellistbycomid(comid, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount);

                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        Id        = pro.Id,
                        Com_id    = pro.Com_id,
                        Issuetype = pro.Issuetype,
                        ////CompanyName = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetCompanyById(pro.Companyid).Companyname,
                        CompanyName    = pro.Issuetype == 3 ? "网站渠道" : (pro.Issuetype == 4 ? "微信渠道" : new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetCompanyById(pro.Companyid) == null ? "--" : new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetCompanyById(pro.Companyid).Companyname),
                        Name           = pro.Name,
                        Mobile         = pro.Mobile,
                        ChObjects      = pro.ChObjects,
                        Cardcode       = pro.Cardcode,
                        Chaddress      = pro.Chaddress,
                        RebateOpen     = pro.RebateOpen,
                        RebateConsume  = pro.RebateConsume,
                        RebateConsume2 = pro.RebateConsume2,
                        RebateLevel    = pro.RebateLevel == 0 ? "普通" : "暂时未设",
                        OpenCardNum  = pro.Opencardnum,
                        Firstdealnum = pro.Firstdealnum,
                        Summoney     = pro.Summoney,
                        companyid    = pro.Companyid,

                        EnterCardNum = new MemberCardData().GetEnteredNumberByChannelId(pro.Id)

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #16
        private void Readuser(decimal idcard, int comid)
            //Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData();

            var userinfo = dateuser.GetB2bCrmByCardcode(idcard);

            if (userinfo != null)
                if (Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"] != null)
                    int ZF_ChanneId = 0;
                    ZF_ChanneId = int.Parse(Request.Cookies["ZF_ChanneId"].Value);
                    if (ZF_ChanneId != 0)
                    { //有转发渠道ID
                        //在这判断 用户渠道是否为微信注册过来的
                        Member_Channel channel2 = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelByOpenId(userinfo.Weixin);
                        if (channel2 != null)
                            if (channel2.Issuetype == 4)
                                //如果为微信注册过来的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                                int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);
                            //没有渠道的 ,则修改会员渠道即可
                            int upchannel = new MemberCardData().upCardcodeChannel(userinfo.Idcard.ToString(), ZF_ChanneId);

                        HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");
                        aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);


                var channelcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetChannelCompanyByCrmId(userinfo.Id);
                if (channelcompany != null)
                    tel = channelcompany.Companyphone;

                dateuser.WeixinConPass(userinfo.Weixin, comid);//只要包含SESSION登陆成功,清空微信密码
コード例 #17
ファイル: downcrm.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            comid   = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            md5info = Request["md5info"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            string companyName = new B2bCompanyData().GetCompanyNameById(comid);

            string Returnmd5 = EncryptionHelper.ToMD5(comid.ToString() + "lixh1210", "UTF-8");

            if (Returnmd5 == md5info)//验证MD5
                //               ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select idcard [会员卡号], name [姓名],phone [手机],email [邮件],imprest [预付款],Integral [积分],regidate [注册时间] from b2b_crm where com_id=" + comid),
                //               Context, companyName + "会员信息" + ".xls");

                DataTable crmdt = ExcelSqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select idcard [会员卡号], name [姓名],phone [手机],email [邮件],imprest [预付款],Integral [积分],regidate [注册时间] from b2b_crm where com_id=" + comid);

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                foreach (DataRow rr in crmdt.Rows)
                    dr         = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["会员卡号"] = rr["会员卡号"].ToString();
                    dr["姓名"]   = rr["姓名"].ToString();
                    dr["手机"]   = rr["手机"].ToString();
                    dr["邮件"]   = rr["邮件"].ToString();
                    dr["预付款"]  = rr["预付款"].ToString();
                    dr["积分"]   = rr["积分"].ToString();
                    dr["注册时间"] = rr["注册时间"].ToString();
                    dr["渠道单位"] = new MemberChannelcompanyData().UpCompanyById(rr["会员卡号"].ToString());
                    dr["推荐人"]  = MemberChannelData.SearchNamestring(rr["会员卡号"].ToString());


                ExcelRender.RenderToExcel(dt, Context, companyName + "会员信息" + ".xls");
コード例 #18
        public static string MasterpagelistByComId(string employstate, int pageindex, int pagesize, string comid, int userid, string key = "")
            var totalcount = 0;

            var memberdata = new MemberChannelData();
            MemberChannelcompanyData channel = new MemberChannelcompanyData();

                var         list   = new B2bCompanyManagerUserData().Manageuserpagelist(employstate, comid, pageindex, pagesize, out totalcount, userid, key);
                IEnumerable result = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from model in list
                             select new
                        Accounts       = model.Accounts,
                        PassWord       = model.Passwords,
                        MasterId       = model.Id,
                        MasterName     = model.Employeename,
                        CompanyName    = channel.GetCompanyById(Int32.Parse(model.Channelcompanyid.ToString())) != null?channel.GetCompanyById(Int32.Parse(model.Channelcompanyid.ToString())).Companyname : "",
                        Tel            = model.Tel,
                        GroupName      = new Sys_MasterGroupData().GetGroupNameStrByMasterId(model.Id),
                        Employstate    = model.Employeestate,
                        weixinstate    = memberdata.GetChannelListByComidState(int.Parse(comid), model.Id),
                        Peoplelistview = model.Peoplelistview,
                        Workdays       = model.Workdays,
                        Isdefaultkf    = model.Isdefaultkf,

                        Channelid        = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelid(model.Com_id, model.Tel),                        //渠道id
                        rebatenum        = new Member_channel_rebatelogData().Getrebatenum(model.Com_id, model.Tel),             //返佣次数
                        rebateapplytotal = new Member_channel_rebateApplylogData().Getrebateapplytotal(model.Com_id, model.Tel), //返佣申请总额
                        rebatehastixian  = new Member_channel_rebateApplylogData().Getrebatehastixian(model.Com_id, model.Tel),  //返佣申请已提现金额
                        rebatenottixian  = new Member_channel_rebateApplylogData().Getrebatenottixian(model.Com_id, model.Tel),  //返佣申请尚未提现金额
                        restrebate       = new MemberChannelData().Getrestrebate(model.Com_id, model.Tel),                       //剩余可申请返佣金额

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #19
 public static string EditChannel(Member_Channel channel)
         var id = new MemberChannelData().EditChannel(channel);
         return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = id }));
     catch (Exception ex)
             type = 1,
             msg = ex.Message
コード例 #20
        public static string EconfirmCard(int aid, int actid, int cardid, int comid, out Member_Activity actinfo, out string phone, out string name, out decimal idcard, out decimal agcardcode)
                MemberCardData carddate = new MemberCardData();
                var            pro      = carddate.EconfirmCard(aid, actid, cardid, comid, out actinfo, out phone, out name, out idcard, out agcardcode);

                Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetailByCardNo(idcard.ToString());//根据卡号得到所属渠道的详细信息

                if (channel != null)
                    //给渠道表中 开卡数量和总金额赋值
                    channel.Firstdealnum = channel.Firstdealnum + 1;
                    channel.Summoney     = channel.Summoney + channel.RebateConsume;
                    var channeldata = new MemberChannelData().EditChannel(channel);

                    ChannelRebateLog channelrebatelog = new ChannelRebateLog()
                        Id          = 0,
                        Channelid   = channel.Id,
                        Execdate    = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
                        Rebatemoney = channel.RebateConsume,
                        Type        = (int)ChannelRebateType.FirstDeal,
                        Summoney    = channel.Summoney,
                        Remark      = "消费返佣" + channel.RebateConsume + "元"
                    var channelrebatelogret = new ChannelRebateLogData().EditChannelRebateLog(channelrebatelog);

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, actinfo = actinfo, phone = phone, name = name, idcard = idcard, agcardcode = agcardcode, msg = pro }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                actinfo    = null;
                phone      = "";
                name       = "";
                idcard     = 0;
                agcardcode = 0;
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #21
        public static string Readuser(int id, int comid)
                var prodata = new B2bCrmData();
                var list    = prodata.Readuser(id, comid);
                var rename  = MemberChannelData.GetChannelinfo(int.Parse(MemberCardData.GetCardNumber(list.Idcard).IssueCard.ToString()));
                var memcard = MemberChannelData.GetChannelinfo(int.Parse(MemberCardData.GetCardNumber(list.Idcard).ServerCard.ToString()));

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, msg = list, Namechannl = rename, Mem = memcard }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #22
ファイル: qrcodelist.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
 /// <summary>
 /// 获得渠道名称
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="channelunitid"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetChannelNameById(string channelid)
     if (channelid == "0" || channelid == "")
         Member_Channel channel = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetail(int.Parse(channelid));
         if (channel == null)
コード例 #23
ファイル: qrcodelist.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
 /// <summary>
 /// 获得渠道单位名称
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="channelunitid"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetChannelUnitNameById(string channelunitid)
     if (channelunitid == "0" || channelunitid == "")
         Member_Channel_company channelunit = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelCompanyById(int.Parse(channelunitid));
         if (channelunitid == null)
コード例 #24
        public static string fuwuPageList(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, int user)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata    = new B2bCrmData();
                var         list       = prodata.fuwuPageList(comid, pageindex, pagesize, user, out totalcount);
                IEnumerable result     = "";
                var         memcompany = new MemberChannelcompanyData();
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new
                        id           = pro.Id,
                        comid        = pro.Com_id,
                        phone        = pro.Phone,
                        registerdate = pro.Regidate,
                        customername = pro.Name,
                        imprest      = pro.Imprest,
                        integral     = pro.Integral,
                        idcard       = pro.Idcard,
                        email        = pro.Email,
                        serverid     = pro.Servercard,
                        winxin       = pro.Weixin == null || pro.Weixin == "" ? "" : "yes",
                        channel      = memcompany.UpCompanyById(pro.Idcard.ToString()),
                        referrer     = MemberChannelData.Upstring(pro.Idcard.ToString()).Name.ToString()

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #25
        public static string Channelstatistics2(string comid, int pageindex, int pagesize, string issuetype, string companystate, int channelcompanyid = 0)
            var totalcount = 0;

                var         prodata = new MemberChannelData();
                var         list    = prodata.Channelstatistics2(comid, pageindex, pagesize, issuetype, companystate, out totalcount, channelcompanyid);
                IEnumerable result  = "";
                if (list != null)
                    result = from pro in list
                             select new

                        OpenCardNum  = pro.Opencardnum,  //开卡
                        Firstdealnum = pro.Firstdealnum, //第一次录入量
                        Summoney     = pro.Summoney,     //金额
                        Channelname  = pro.Channeltypename,
                        Companyid    = pro.Companyid,
                        Companynum   = pro.Companynum,
                        Companystate = pro.Companystate
                                       // companyid = pro.Companyid,//
                                       // companyname = pro.Companyid == 0 ? "微信网站注册" : new MemberChannelcompanyData().GetCompanyById(pro.Companyid).Companyname,
                                       //ID = pro.Id

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 100, totalCount = totalcount, msg = result }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { type = 1, msg = ex.Message }));

コード例 #26
        public string userid  = "0";//用户临时 Uid 或 实际Uid

        public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string u  = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
            bool   bo = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);

            uid = Request["uid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            uip = CommonFunc.GetRealIP();

            key = Request["key"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            if (key != "")
                biaoti = key;

            proclass = Request["class"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            price    = Request["price"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            if (Request.Cookies["temp_userid"] != null)
                userid = Request.Cookies["temp_userid"].Value;
                userid = Domain_def.HuoQu_Temp_UserId();

                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("temp_userid");     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                cookie.Value   = userid;
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

            if (proclass != 0)
                var prodata = new B2bComProData();
                var result  = prodata.Proclassbyid(proclass);
                if (result != null)
                    biaoti = result.Classname;

            buyuid  = Request["buyuid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            tocomid = Request["tocomid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl))//如果符合shop101.etown.cn的格式,则从多微信商户基本信息表中获取comid
                comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl).ToString());
            if (comid == 0)//如果非标准格式,查询 是否有绑定的域名
                var domaincomid = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);
                if (domaincomid != null)
                    comid = domaincomid.Com_id;

            if (comid != 0)
                var commodel = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid);

                if (commodel != null)
                    if (commodel.B2bcompanyinfo != null)
                        Wxfocus_url    = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_url;
                        Wxfocus_author = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_author;
                        weixinname     = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Weixinname;
                        Scenic_intro   = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Scenic_intro;

                    title = commodel.Com_name;

                B2b_company_saleset pro = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (pro != null)
                    if (pro.Smalllogo != null && pro.Smalllogo != "")
                        comlogo = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(pro.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));

                string weixincode = Request["code"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                openid = Request["openid"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                string weixinpass = Request["weixinpass"].ConvertTo <string>("");

                GetCrmInfo(weixincode, openid, weixinpass);

            if (comid != 0)
                var imagedata  = new B2bCompanyImageData();
                int totalcount = 0;
                List <B2b_company_image> list = imagedata.PageGetimageList(comid, 2, out totalcount);

                if (list != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalcount; i++)
                        bannerimg   = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(list[i].Imgurl);
                        bannerlink  = list[i].Linkurl;
                        bannertitle = list[i].Title;

                //根据公司id得到 直销设置
                B2b_company_saleset saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (saleset != null)
                    logoimg = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(saleset.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));

                var shopmenudata = new B2bCompanyMenuData();
                menulist = shopmenudata.GetMenuList(comid, 1, 10, out menutotalcount, 1);
                if (menulist != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < menutotalcount; i++)
                        menulist[i].Imgurl_address = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(menulist[i].Imgurl);

            if (uid != 0)//必须记录转发用户信息才能继续统计
                var    crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
                var    pro           = crmdata.Readuser(uid, comid);//读取转发人用户信息
                string zhuanfa_phone = "";
                if (pro != null)
                    zhuanfa_phone = pro.Phone;

                if (zhuanfa_phone != "")
                {                                                                                  //转发人手机存在
                    MemberChannelData channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                    var channeinfo = channeldata.GetPhoneComIdChannelDetail(zhuanfa_phone, comid); //查询渠道
                    if (channeinfo != null)
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                        cookie.Value   = channeinfo.Id.ToString();
                        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(120);
コード例 #27
        internal WxSubscribeSource Getchannelwxqrcodebychannelid(int channelid)
            string sql = "select * from WxSubscribeSource where    channelid=" + channelid;

            int num = Getqrcodenumbychannelid(channelid);

            if (num == 0)
                int isdefaultchannel = 0;
                int channelcompanyid = 0;
                Member_Channel mcompany = new MemberChannelData().GetChannelDetail(channelid);
                if (mcompany != null)
                    if (mcompany.Whetherdefaultchannel == 1)
                        isdefaultchannel = 1;
                        channelcompanyid = mcompany.Companyid;

                if (isdefaultchannel == 1)
                    sql = "select * from WxSubscribeSource where channelcompanyid=" + channelcompanyid + " and channelid=0 and channelcompanyid>0";

            var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql);

            using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                WxSubscribeSource m = null;
                if (reader.Read())
                    m = new WxSubscribeSource
                        Id                   = reader.GetValue <int>("id"),
                        Sourcetype           = reader.GetValue <int>("sourcetype"),
                        Activityid           = reader.GetValue <int>("activityid"),
                        Channelcompanyid     = reader.GetValue <int>("channelcompanyid"),
                        viewchannelcompanyid = reader.GetValue <int>("viewchannelcompanyid"),
                        Comid                = reader.GetValue <int>("comid"),
                        Ticket               = reader.GetValue <string>("ticket"),
                        Title                = reader.GetValue <string>("title"),
                        Qrcodeurl            = reader.GetValue <string>("qrcodeurl"),
                        Createtime           = reader.GetValue <DateTime>("createtime"),
                        Onlinestatus         = Convert.IsDBNull(reader.GetValue(9)) == true ? true : reader.GetValue <bool>("onlinestatus"),
                        Channelid            = reader.GetValue <int>("channelid"),
                        Productid            = reader.GetValue <int>("productid"),

                        qrcodeviewtype   = reader.GetValue <int>("qrcodeviewtype"),
                        projectid        = reader.GetValue <int>("projectid"),
                        wxmaterialtypeid = reader.GetValue <int>("wxmaterialtypeid"),
                        Wxmaterialid     = reader.GetValue <int>("Wxmaterialid"),

                        choujiangactid = reader.GetValue <int>("choujiangactid"),
コード例 #28
        public int isrightwxset = 1;  //微信接口设置信息是否正确
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            materialid = Request["materialid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            uid        = Request["uid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            uip = CommonFunc.GetRealIP();

            WxMaterial wxmaterial = new WxMaterialData().GetWxMaterial(materialid);

            string weixincode = Request["code"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            openid = Request["openid"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            #region  材信息
            if (wxmaterial != null)
                authorpayurl = wxmaterial.Authorpayurl;
                Author       = wxmaterial.Author;
                datetime     = wxmaterial.Operatime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                comid = wxmaterial.Comid;

                id         = wxmaterial.MaterialId;
                title      = wxmaterial.Title;
                thisday    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                article    = wxmaterial.Article;
                phone_tel  = wxmaterial.Phone;
                Articleurl = wxmaterial.Articleurl;
                phone      = "客服电话:";
                price      = wxmaterial.Price.ToString();

                if (price == "0.00" || price == "0")
                    price = "";
                    price = price.IndexOf(".") != -1 ? price.Substring(0, price.IndexOf(".")) : price;
                    price = "¥" + price + "元-";

                summary = wxmaterial.Summary;
                var identityFileUpload = new FileUploadData().GetFileById(wxmaterial.Imgpath.ToString().ConvertTo <int>(0));
                if (identityFileUpload != null)
                    if (identityFileUpload.Relativepath != "")
                        headPortraitImgSrc = fileUrl + identityFileUpload.Relativepath;
                        headPortraitImgSrc = "";

            #region 微信转发访问统计
            if (uid != 0)//必须记录转发用户信息才能继续统计
                if (Request.Cookies["wxact" + materialid.ToString()] == null)
                    var forward = new MemberForwardingData().Forwardingcount(uid, materialid, uip, comid);
                    if (forward > 0)
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("wxact" + materialid.ToString());     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                        cookie.Value   = "yes";
                        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

                var    crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
                var    pro           = crmdata.Readuser(uid, comid);//读取转发人用户信息
                string zhuanfa_phone = "";
                if (pro != null)
                    zhuanfa_phone = pro.Phone;

                if (zhuanfa_phone != "")
                {                                                                                  //转发人手机存在
                    MemberChannelData channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                    var channeinfo = channeldata.GetPhoneComIdChannelDetail(zhuanfa_phone, comid); //查询渠道
                    if (channeinfo != null)
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                        cookie.Value   = channeinfo.Id.ToString();
                        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(120);

                        cookie         = new HttpCookie("ZF_WxmaterialId"); //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                        cookie.Value   = materialid.ToString();
                        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(120);

            if (comid != 0)
                #region  微信语音播放接口会用到
                string url = Request.Url.ToString();

                //根据传入参数openid、comid 得到 access_token、jsapi_ticket、noncestr、timestamp、 url(当前网页的URL,不包含#及其后面部分)
                WeiXinBasic basic = new WeiXinBasicData().GetWxBasicByComId(comid);
                if (basic != null)
                    appId     = basic.AppId;
                    timestamp = new WeixinVoiceUtil().CreatenTimestamp();
                    nonceStr  = new WeixinVoiceUtil().CreatenNonce_str();

                    WXAccessToken maccesstoken = new WeixinVoiceUtil().GetAccessToken(comid, basic.AppId, basic.AppSecret);
                    if (maccesstoken != null)
                        string jsapi_ticket = new WeixinVoiceUtil().GetTickect(maccesstoken.ACCESS_TOKEN, comid);
                        if (jsapi_ticket == "")
                            isrightwxset = 0;
                            string beforesha1_signature = "";
                            signature = new WeixinVoiceUtil().GetSignature(jsapi_ticket, nonceStr, timestamp, url, out beforesha1_signature);
                        isrightwxset = 0;
                    isrightwxset = 0;

                var commodel = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid);

                if (commodel != null)
                    if (commodel.B2bcompanyinfo != null)
                        Wxfocus_url    = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_url;
                        Wxfocus_author = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_author;
                        weixinname     = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Weixinname;
                        Scenic_intro   = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Scenic_intro;
                    Com_name = commodel.Com_name;

                B2b_company_saleset pro = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (pro != null)
                    if (pro.Smalllogo != null && pro.Smalllogo != "")
                        comlogo = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(pro.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));

                if (weixincode != "")
                    int questtype = 2;//1=微信授权验证
                    DealUserinfo1("", weixincode, comid, questtype);
                else if (openid != "")
                    string weixinpass = Request["weixinpass"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                    int    questtype  = 1;                               //1=一次性密码验证
                    DealUserinfo1(openid, weixinpass, comid, questtype); //判断用户微信号(1,点击的转发链接进来的2,点击微信菜单进来的);使用户处于登录状态(不包括点击转发链接的)
コード例 #29
ファイル: yuyuesuc.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string u  = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
            bool   bo = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);

            id = Request["id"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            string md5 = Request["md5"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            string Returnmd5 = EncryptionHelper.ToMD5(id.ToString() + "lixh1210", "UTF-8");

            var orderdata = new B2bOrderData();
            var orderinfo = orderdata.GetOrderById(id);

            if (orderinfo != null)
                u_name = orderinfo.U_name;

                //if (Session["AccountId"] != null)
                //int AccountId = int.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString());

                if (Returnmd5 == md5)       //必须符合加密的才能打开
                    yuyuetime = orderinfo.U_traveldate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
                    var prodata = new B2bComProData();
                    var proinfo = prodata.GetProById(orderinfo.Pro_id.ToString());
                    if (proinfo != null)
                        Pro_name  = proinfo.Pro_name;
                        bindiname = proinfo.bookpro_bindname;
                        bindphone = proinfo.bookpro_bindphone;

                        var managedata = new B2bCompanyManagerUserData();
                        var manageinfo = managedata.GetCompanyUserByPhone(bindphone, proinfo.Com_id);
                        if (manageinfo != null)
                            bindimg = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(manageinfo.Headimg);

            uid = Request["uid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            uip = CommonFunc.GetRealIP();

            key = Request["key"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            if (key != "")
                biaoti = key;

            proclass = Request["class"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            price    = Request["price"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            if (proclass != 0)
                var prodata = new B2bComProData();
                var result  = prodata.Proclassbyid(proclass);
                if (result != null)
                    biaoti = result.Classname;

            if (Request.Cookies["temp_userid"] != null)
                userid = Request.Cookies["temp_userid"].Value;
                userid = Domain_def.HuoQu_Temp_UserId();

                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("temp_userid");     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                cookie.Value   = userid;
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365);

            buyuid  = Request["buyuid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            tocomid = Request["tocomid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl))//如果符合shop101.etown.cn的格式,则从多微信商户基本信息表中获取comid
                comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl).ToString());
            if (comid == 0)//如果非标准格式,查询 是否有绑定的域名
                var domaincomid = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);
                if (domaincomid != null)
                    comid = domaincomid.Com_id;

            if (comid != 0)
                B2b_finance_paytype model = new B2b_finance_paytypeData().GetFinancePayTypeByComid(comid);
                //TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "b");
                if (model != null)
                    //TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "c");
                    if (model.Wx_appid != "" && model.Wx_appkey != "" && model.Wx_partnerid != "" && model.Wx_paysignkey != "")
                        //appId = model.Wx_appid;
                        //appsecret = model.Wx_appkey;
                        //appkey = model.Wx_paysignkey;
                        //mchid = model.Wx_partnerid;
                        //TxtHelper.WriteFile("D:\\site\\b2betown\\ETS2.WebApp\\Log.txt", "d");
                        issetfinancepaytype = true;

                var commodel = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid);

                if (commodel != null)
                    if (commodel.B2bcompanyinfo != null)
                        Wxfocus_url    = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_url;
                        Wxfocus_author = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_author;;
                        weixinname     = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Weixinname;
                        Scenic_intro   = commodel.B2bcompanyinfo.Scenic_intro;

                    title = commodel.Com_name;

                B2b_company_saleset pro = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (pro != null)
                    if (pro.Smalllogo != null && pro.Smalllogo != "")
                        comlogo = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(pro.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));

                string weixincode = Request["code"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                openid = Request["openid"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                string weixinpass = Request["weixinpass"].ConvertTo <string>("");

                GetCrmInfo(weixincode, openid, weixinpass);

            if (comid != 0)
                //根据公司id得到 直销设置
                B2b_company_saleset saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (saleset != null)
                    logoimg = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(saleset.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));

            if (uid != 0)//必须记录转发用户信息才能继续统计
                var    crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
                var    pro           = crmdata.Readuser(uid, comid);//读取转发人用户信息
                string zhuanfa_phone = "";
                if (pro != null)
                    zhuanfa_phone = pro.Phone;

                if (zhuanfa_phone != "")
                {                                                                                  //转发人手机存在
                    MemberChannelData channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                    var channeinfo = channeldata.GetPhoneComIdChannelDetail(zhuanfa_phone, comid); //查询渠道
                    if (channeinfo != null)
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                        cookie.Value   = channeinfo.Id.ToString();
                        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(120);
コード例 #30
ファイル: Orderlist.aspx.cs プロジェクト: radtek/etowncode
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string u = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];

            //bool bo = detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(u);
            proclass = Request["proclass"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            uid = Request["uid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            uip = CommonFunc.GetRealIP();

            buyuid    = Request["buyuid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            tocomid   = Request["tocomid"].ConvertTo <int>(0);
            projectid = Request["id"].ConvertTo <int>(0);

            pno = Request["pno"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            string pno1 = EncryptionHelper.EticketPnoDES(pno, 1);//解密

            var B2bEticketdata = new B2bEticketData();
            var eticketinfo    = B2bEticketdata.GetEticketDetail(pno1);

            if (eticketinfo != null)
                comid     = eticketinfo.Com_id;
                usepnonum = eticketinfo.Use_pnum;

            if (comid == 0)
                if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl))//如果符合shop101.etown.cn的格式,则从多微信商户基本信息表中获取comid
                    comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl));
                    B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl);
                    if (companyinfo != null)
                        comid = companyinfo.Com_id;

            if (uid != 0)//必须记录转发用户信息才能继续统计
                var    crmdata       = new B2bCrmData();
                var    pro           = crmdata.Readuser(uid, comid);//读取转发人用户信息
                string zhuanfa_phone = "";
                if (pro != null)
                    zhuanfa_phone = pro.Phone;

                if (zhuanfa_phone != "")
                {                                                                                  //转发人手机存在
                    MemberChannelData channeldata = new MemberChannelData();
                    var channeinfo = channeldata.GetPhoneComIdChannelDetail(zhuanfa_phone, comid); //查询渠道
                    if (channeinfo != null)
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("ZF_ChanneId");     //实例化HttpCookie类并添加值
                        cookie.Value   = channeinfo.Id.ToString();
                        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(120);

            if (projectid != 0)
                B2b_com_project mod = new B2b_com_projectData().GetProject(projectid, comid);
                if (mod != null)
                    projectname   = mod.Projectname;
                    projectimgurl = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(mod.Projectimg);
                    projectbrief  = mod.Briefintroduce;

                B2bComProData prodata1 = new B2bComProData();
                var           prohotel = prodata1.Selectpro_hotel(comid, projectid);
                if (prohotel == 1)
                    // Response.Redirect("hotel/hotelshow.aspx?projectid=" + projectid + "&id=" + comid + "&uid =" + uid + "&buyuid=" + buyuid + "&tocomid=" + tocomid + " ");

            if (comid != 0)
                B2b_company companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetCompany(comid);

                B2bCompanyInfoData info = new B2bCompanyInfoData();
                if (companyinfo != null)
                    comName = companyinfo.Com_name;
                    if (comName.Length >= 9)
                        comName = comName.Substring(0, 9) + "..";

                    remark = info.GetCompanyInfo(comid).Scenic_intro + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a style=\"color:#1a9ed9\" href=\"OrderinfoTitle.aspx?id=" + comid + "\">(查看全部)</a>";
                    if (remark.Length > 42)
                        remark = remark.Substring(0, 42) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a style=\"color:#1a9ed9\" href=\"OrderinfoTitle.aspx?id=" + comid + "\">(查看全部)</a>";

                    if (companyinfo.B2bcompanyinfo != null)
                        Wxfocus_url    = companyinfo.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_url;
                        Wxfocus_author = companyinfo.B2bcompanyinfo.Wxfocus_author;;

                B2b_company_saleset saleset = B2bCompanySaleSetData.GetDirectSellByComid(comid.ToString());
                if (saleset != null)
                    if (saleset.Smalllogo != null && saleset.Smalllogo != "")
                        headPortraitImgSrc = FileSerivce.GetImgUrl(saleset.Smalllogo.ConvertTo <int>(0));


            string weixincode = Request["code"].ConvertTo <string>("");

            if (weixincode == "")//未认证微信
                openid     = Request["openid"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                weixinpass = Request["weixinpass"].ConvertTo <string>("");
                int questtype = 1;                                   //1=一次性密码验证
                DealUserinfo1(openid, weixinpass, comid, questtype); //判断用户微信号(1,点击的转发链接进来的2,点击微信菜单进来的);使用户处于登录状态(不包括点击转发链接的)

                int questtype = 2;                               //1=微信授权验证
                DealUserinfo1("", weixincode, comid, questtype); //获取微信号;使用户处于登录状态