コード例 #1
ファイル: TypeInfo.cs プロジェクト: m4dc4p/ironruby
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a resolution for __repr__
        /// </summary>
        private static MemberGroup/*!*/ ReprResolver(MemberBinder/*!*/ binder, Type/*!*/ type) {
            // __repr__ for normal .NET types is special, if we're a Python type then
            // we'll use one of the built-in reprs (from object or from the type)
            if (!PythonBinder.IsPythonType(type) &&
                (!type.IsSealed || !type.IsAbstract)) {     // static types don't get __repr__
                // check and see if __repr__ has been overridden by the base type.
                foreach (Type t in binder.GetContributingTypes(type)) {
                    if (t == typeof(ObjectOps) && type != typeof(object)) {

                    if (t.GetMember("__repr__").Length > 0) {
                        // type has a specific __repr__ overload, pick it up normally later
                        return MemberGroup.EmptyGroup;

                // no override, pick up the default fancy .NET __repr__
                return binder.GetBaseInstanceMethod(type, "FancyRepr");

            return MemberGroup.EmptyGroup;